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ware pane Meee ee
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3 1833 01787 284
St. Joseph County, Indiana . Cemetery Records
Volume i!
Hanilton Cemetory
toiany) aasl!
Pe a Y oa / J- Vey) a ,
Banker, Lorinde, wife of John. ae AugelZ, 1642. Ave 25 ¥TBe Barer, Jonnie Died bec.26, L857. Aged 66 ree
Compton, Jonnashan Me Dioa Apr.lé, LUVl apa & Corrton, Jeno ti., wifes of ¢.N. Diec April 2b
compton, Josiah. Died March £4, LOPE. Arad? UYfe Comton, vane, wits of Jo Slate Lied Teo.2%, 1372. Agia GU zY Comaton, Saran b., dau. of Josich ane dane. Lied dur.2h, Luge
AwtelLovr 5 .
Comj;ton, Joseph Aw, con of Josiah and Jere. ? Apred, JdGt4. AZG. 26 UTS Conrton, Infent dau. -f Hugh Veird C. Ded Mov eP0, Lubd.-3 Gers + is s .
Curtiss, Sersn E., Cau. of iim, tnd L. Died hay 1, 1552. hee 44yre.
Dericoc, me. Born lddve-Lied LOOl. A--9-67 yrs. ‘Dereand, bLary L.,wife of wm. Born 1544
Dever, Mergearot, wifo of EH. Diced Aug.2, 13ts. Age-3Y vers
Dodd, Stella Theresa. Born July Zl, 1861. Died bay 13, 1862.
OU AMe-Gb93 RS
Dodd, agness, wife of Isaco . Died Daoent, Ls Dodc, “mils harcissa, dau. OF Isaac.and Agness. Diet Augreto, L&GEL. S ) i < Lse-Le PPS.
Druliner, Garaliel. iiec June 1%, 126¢. Area 6U crs.
Druliner, Abigail, wite of Gamaliel. Died June 7, 14364. £.-e-64 r>s Yroliner,) demes \.) son of Gemabdieléand Abizail. Died sovahig) Lecce.
ees = - dye GG aly = ZSe
Drulinror, Unity, dau. of Geraliel end Abivail. viet VeteL, 0-lLyr a = e e Drulliner, Hebecoa, dau. of Gamaliel as. eidesadl . Bled <&ne2G, Losl
he@ee-l Irs.
» tc s+ Ot Ge
Drulizer, FPrederick--ESVGiMUPTICHARY SULDIUR,. Died eune wig: POEL « Sve »2 Sead aeg3 Hed -;sa ete
Drulincr, Gabriel. Died Deo.29, 1LYEl. Ag “71 = Deniinor, Catherine, wife of Gabriel. Died fsb.
araPiter mush) &y sormtof hind. Lecithedi Jw! trmiine:, Leroy Js, Son Of Vette Bnd Leds U2
Draeinen, Hhoes, dau. of Vein ANG: NeAe Sled Hay. 18, Lé77. ee dah ae Drutiver, “enry f., son “of Dede “ONG Tete Dled Feblus, dee. digs éros , v J
Saucon, saria, "Died Octee, Ldbds Vie Sh apse A Naiegoo SolGicr in lnfentr. Tre 8th Ragt. Ihl.s-in 1664-5. Neton, soann, wife vf clius. Diee 00.10, 1662. Age £3 irs. 2, tn-nw oP : Harding, Karl, son of am. and Ie Died “lay S, 1dsc. :.emeten.
Ce eS ee en oe i a
Pee er an
ee eae Seer rn me Ti Ore Por ee 1D ey OAT DNS TET TL BE 8 Oar hs RTE rR Om Be on
= 76. 7
ae nah SSO Beek dott ondot _ : at . bank «846 os.
- oe 4 gma 2 4 iE seta Bon ath nate iio’ yan fn 0d oe SE 44) A oY of, 12 28 ere = ¢ | otte $0 PTL ve d @an’s Ory errs
- <2 oag $ 4a ars) dota peld dao y ita
- a site “enbatteod aa sala nial A aah : eam
_ > ‘el aa ‘se “4 re Aa '0's ee. | eo tb te al z sts ab ead satut ,gheeal Dell <datees ‘Yo Orte yoo , te Cae tk Omd.t ” cae: 2a ae tual 26 send 43 Hatse , Hos ~~ - . wane ; le | 7 of eet ‘ _ ty a ue Lian : > 7 a: at. wu t ~ faa daa ita taeb Yo ae ‘ . * oA my >a ie g HOE ,. wee oS Oh es Weed Bails 00. 1 boo 0 am i tryed he aes #0 ——
a> ida ott tek yh ak Seb +f and ae Bite yeh stant ate iy
- 7 . i 7 > = aang ha=0", a 5f00d 2 b pita: 7: i it ‘Of: 0. abe 20it 1 pon 7 peSeys - tot oor . ‘ 9 = ue ‘ea has iS aed 7 & ¥ : oat . a ue aM & | ‘pa ts 7 ie ths pa fig ra “a to" 4 iw, ho” cata a a nie ,
i aM rik at wi i posit Moet , 8 qa! tof ‘oaozate “et tore -bpod .
a — | / ot) 0 “0 nh ol du te inet bene” . - @aael : y wtbwe Ce 7 2a q
_ A " . *
yo Bed ge be “sit, 03 i -Se02 ‘ 4 Saa,o Mute a7) aD po riven: } pa 8 > onalty z. &S hoorek =. . - : wh aa bs a :
a : —_ a eett ae aan 4 * ) Cte iy a eur pet ots oi Lenn at =, Nt . a e it aY @ awe oo2e Leb iasat Yo nthe me in. stv, x jel 9 Ad. ton Boge ¢itentd. 2 Led ganic % to Age +i ae? ab ae : A wt, 2 Ona -_ : ys : a
: a an 7 iF = - Pete 7 soa" =e -* +200 ae bs wd f tay ida - 4 he Ht hae ad Yo suad ry on . “ 7 ie @ et td~ ay. 7"
pad - WS “Ns I seb ¥ Ldmy ht A ad for kasiait fo site s ) , BoDEd)
\ of CTL lene. yA —) 7 yy _ 7- =
= =~ fe : nie
« ou. 4% ones bak ioe ox pins awa 18 x ty pt ala Viid=<aol btn hor t* 1 1 ott oidlon r : ; “elEE Olinoga
av ; i a
a ar. ot Pao’ CSL 5 W.oec pent rt BOG otto «Tale? bere edei etsy “to ahaa ah f <k etter , ae Mm eit | het. ‘eile bow oe a on i“ x ei il ' * eaten Secret bpd ore 80a euek 36 Moa Scand ov ets ‘ ‘Tot
_ 7 7 pe ’ 7
at + he hae « 4 a * otyh : as ne Ls t bo2 4 eke fs Sar : wag Ee. ath 1D, me aif, 47 Ton } : . ¥ + + BTS —T *” +’ : See or ; :
4 r ’ - nm oad nO yrth wus PLOAIAD ytOA
6 * =
- a 3 fur «3 wed eth “ 4Ge os wher at sled “0 nce
+ a is, a: [ae rouid gitegOO. 2b alt shee Pita iota
‘ BAAS 42 LT sdges aoe << . near brent ce sinew
8 ee aon onsd agith. * Go ae = adpoky hind
iia am ies ae aoa. ty nena a
Harding, Karl, son of Wm. and I Harding. bied May %, Leos lro.
Runt, Liliie 77-1357. Inseription off Asher thite Nonunent Hant, Rie 382 De 1d65-1065. " n s n 1 *
Johnson, slfread J, LieG Aug.ldo7?. Aged 205 yrsée
Keen, Joghua. Born Kay 10, 17¢0. Diec Augel7, 1366. Xeen, Rachel, wife of Joshua. Bern June 27, 3.75%. Tied June 27,1564.
Keesler, Eliza, wife of Willian. Died Oote21, 1d5do. Age-20 yrs. Matthews, Elias G. - 1542-1567
Fetthevs, Kan =., wife of mae 1644-1664 Matthews, Eva, deu. of Elies end Ran He. 1664-1405
MeRridce, Mery Anr, wife of iim. anc daughter of wm.aneG Aerrouc., Wied: MWUY 2S Peas ASK cE IT'S « Vo8ridae, ‘Mery Ain, Gaue of im. enc Mary Ann. Died Sevt.7, 154%.-l1:n0
epride, Villian l..Son of im. Ena ary Arn. Died Oct«4, 1046. RoBride, Joseph F.,gon of im. anc Mary Ann. DieG Sent.26, 1645.
Koore, “mlyett, dau. of Sana S. Diced Mar.1l5, lddl. Asge-2mose Morris, Mikeah, wite of Jonatian. Died vea.1d44. Age-67 yrs. Xichols, WoSs oc Died Jané, Doe Agie =-47 yfse
Nickerson, John i.,30n’ of Heund Red. ied Fed.ld, LOSS. AZ hiokersorn, Josiah, con of Hand Rede cisd Sept. 2, LGUs beAge-St Wiekerson, Harry, een of lili. and Red. Died 7,20, lov >. Age-4 ¢
Pierce, Reuben, Died 0ct..26, LOST. Afe—o7 Fs. Pieroe, dulia Ue, dau. Of Reand ae Died Janl?7, Lé45.: Ace 14 yrs.
Prouc, willinm I. bied Cy hae Aen TL Proud, abicail, wife of Wn. Died Ped.11, 1lov4. Aage-dé
o es
\ e
Riachardésen, serah-T., ADCOT DaAvCEToD of GeAe Druliner. (Druliner) Died Uct.16, LGdd. ace-ld yrs.
Rush, Jerirns. Corscrt of seonarc Kush. bied Jen.l, lual. Agente Rush, Catharine J., Geu..of J.trd ke Lie Feb.2S, 18c%. Age-2 yrs. Simmons, melon Me, dou. of CoA. ene RF. Died Septell, 1560.-1 Soper, Invent son of Aenné J. Died Tov.ll, léhl. ige-cweexs.
» Ruben, --Died seb
Soper & L8ha. Asce-6li rs. Soper, Serah, wife of Fu
oa on "Yiea UVete4, LOEL. A -e-Edsrse cf
Summeru, bury Ae, Gh -e Beanc C. Vied sarch 26, 1855. =<]]¢c: -
= se
, a
9, dent . daca. or nee, -pbtett prem cage naw we ital’ ota si0t saprtuo 7 J) lw anal 4 = :
tie Ce oe efhetet tse sauce 3 to atiw ooo stele
aes, ‘4 10 mente ea speeinbias > wi iw Prive ae eo anil [ aad dea aaiiz to ae, on awentd;
— Dune to 4 itz stat Sea wc to «8 “tw ath Sot , oot bh ote in. » ha EDL 28 glue dati
re, . edt oad 10's ba al 5e bee gt coer , sasated 7
oe Pry Pron ath {thd age sfin “o AOWod aliied oe ae
7 ie eeak bent aA at ona oie 3 Bye Aqewes ool
ss0niensh oft phere bate & brie” to nabs ttey iat = 7
7 7
= an
or any Wem, wonbts bas t bets a Ass S06 to: etia ee ali? aki amar Saeed a nae pone sae
1 a ase _ =) S20 eo ; Be. 200 © se weds an ma A ah dowd Esme Deis hel: ‘Diet oe ae at mb ick a se ta ; we ff-onk stir we yet aatd ot ap iiily oe: — od
one dem sbonl pe NEES vem « wth “20° otiw of sa,tdh ‘Soue oe
7 eteahtend Ast, ak wr? tap or at ‘eaT date. ae 7 a Ty Pye ee - Seas. ssbc3ah aie 7 (% ot
is oteeuk sabes medians thant DtaTeo to nm aoiod vontsot vi Re j arn, Sant tied es opie 1 Bs iol Me ali seb eittaadgo0 desl Oe ee ak 5 Ged Saa Aad: % om aes asia anomaly - sBanowianSh janie cited se26 shoe Aone a an" “3: ce .)
‘ er pleats » as 7 Fit — insur, canes a Pe 14od “Shs ojala Tew <a
b yun sores bat “2 anna, to i MD gad ety ‘
Sveetland, Grac
Swestiand, Cora
to. Dorn kar.l0, 1860. Died Aug.2d, \ ys Grave, son of kugene ang tato. Die AGO
Bon of J.and H. of the Sth Fert. tic LieG Septeccé, Looe. Ase--1% yvru,
Unruh, Hacnah, wite of John. Died bar.ll, 1&2. Aze-
Vail,Thonas D.
Vail, Vail, Vail,
aadey Wwhits,
Saran Die ry
ASnNCr. Jdanima, doserh,
Died Hov.g0, LEBU. Aroe-45 yrs,
wife of Thoms De Died dJen.b, 1440. Wiecow-of Vhomis Dp. Died sniv'4, 1371. Gau. OF Thomes D.and Rebeoca. Died G
Died 3:40.2),°.1dB7. vised i77 +s. wite of Asher. Died lay 9, lé4do. A5e Bponeof Asnor and Jemima. Diea,
a Tov.lZ, 1c64 -4 YVce
me Infants.
as a4, ore
Auea-27 V2So
“Bab4 Sa le
ct.23, ioodl. ere
OPEL. yee gra oe rd 2006L ,OL,7484 aed polowt bap; : soie4 San mary te nee erat) ByotED oi
{ Wok'l sdyed Ad? Of2 Yo .K baa. Fo 94, Locdortt ye ante siewegd Need , Berijc2. Sold
PRE Gaon A TAL Soelegg Seid cate. Yo atid (dara y 4 Apeee geet Seid ot s2ne4F
Th «Lie ,fredertly’ ie 2 “Theat bela be Se "- aeaeit 40 wabty ronan Bal soo Petey " aleutel nap. TO JU80 .«% DATAE ,
He ev rhe oe es Hh felt ,»toter ,att ; Ok « © gat bot. ster Fu ety ler eee a ey ae ee weil efeianh £28 an eq NO ciate gicecel ,alsd
BAMNTLT ON CE verary Part II
Anderson, Jennie, wife of fr Born Sent.26,
me ine
Claypool, “rnest Vernon 1866-1920 L3E6-1% 1836-1911.
; samuel. Yranecis MM.
(Civil Yar)
1272. Lied
iar oA oLBY S
i son Ioand HS. Died Sept.6, 1868. Aced & yrs. Durkee, Ben, ‘anti: gon of hie Diec FPeb.24, luod. Aged Oo mos. Hapon, waved. Civil war soleier. Diec- Octo, too. Infantry. Sie ree LET vol. L% 1d04-Lubh.
Heihizgelman, dzcot. bec.22, L8bl-sept.l7, 16u6. EHeintzelnan, Eller ,wife of Jacob. Yvec.ll, 1GES. Hobson, Sarak Fie POC C-1GS4 « Lenver, Jcrone. 1d67-190¢ Lauver . uGward. L¥Gdb-Lusy Leuver, erie, 1S f-1s3to Leuver, Mother Gladys Leuver, Attaraa. LET Gel S27 Luther, isidisebeta Born duly G0, lol?7-Lied ber.27, lovle Luther, "amond. Born Ine 40,)1die-ried dan27) T8sc. Luther, deushtars of Ménmona ana “lizabethn;
Elva--Bice S ay) Geco’, sae us ia J ba oe
Mahale--Lied bAFel, AIBNO 7-20 6 moSe MeCollun, da pes. li Died Noweet;“Lees. Aged 82 yrue HeCollum, Mary }., wife of dames. Died Apr.t, Ldt7., Aged,.d7 yrse
Phil 4 ps). ava Bs 1385.3 Wife or Ja@nee 8. [hiiiios
Rezves, Martha A.,wife of J.H. Wied Feb.la2, 1574. Arad ¢ Reaves, Loro =., dau. of JM. and-Martna A. Died, Reyrolcs, Janes. Born “ug.l2, 1df4. viea duy li, Lous Reynobe So-neney’St Howe, wite of dames. “Aprei7, L627=-cul Reynolds, Jonn *., son or Janes’ and faney Ss. Vev.l2,1ldtu- Fevroids, Clare tie» dan, Of James, rice rene. ibfe-_0! HPexshni Ss) Scoflerme- Porn’ dusy 24, 2acu. Ge. Ju
Reypolkas, Sticuel.~« biecd Fob.4, 15546 Aced O7 | rse Peynolcas, Ssnuel, son oF Veanc Rekeynolas. biec duly ac, Resnolcus, Virsil. ‘So. F=-29 Ind. Inf.
2 SYVue
ee oh on eee ane’ FR Ga” 7
It 224 Setd .GTeL ,dhctqet atoh .daeti to Stlw ,eiugel, ,nos OY sleodbl adie? Jesat! loot ge
(aoe Stvth) ..bied-aceL tewnes, i whl thetSbl .:2 wtouwt® ye
sete P Bed .000L ,2.Fph OOM 12.4 GHA 2 Ww aoe ,olaal ,xléheg shed 4 00) sibel ,86ede7 opie ob Gae.d To coe ,cinslack el
reasbl »b.e00 tg. Mg ah tin livgo .plvet ,ae sldol-Renl. sf sia¥ eNOT «SB et saetal
boll She tyoe-idel ,f5.000 . fone) ,nomlesiaae 9361 ,f1,ed! «dosnt Yo ottv, wilie ,saadecde
o eed le 3 TSL o7 tases ye
O2L- TOL sOHgtr > er)
toeleuotit sata eh a , te 7
d2bi-279! aptcat , otaela% fal caine?) te mad ai5as ssAse
04d» growths Selle" Lol Of vogsy HtGk eavedasi le: emsll ,TSench OdlLu-eSibl ,OL on) niet «brent. siWeensil, saa Saend;, De eters) 1)...
etgl 042) 2060 ¢BS.i al sold--n fi 2
ete @ be" soja iets bed, t-og font
oi wi OVA «bbb a Tae FON dels sO Oe Sy fe ows o8t, 7S SugA .P vel , 4.974 bold VebaAnb to stlw ,.f etat ‘ie
etQh L104 om reset To STLii. Lévi-~§46L oa Sr, eget,
ety Gl Oey .APel .kk.dos Delhi to stl, .A atetet ,ae eon bd «Tul yOkedet aoa Py i ANG tat ona dake 1 « te nb ws oror se?
Owed fi g.u% dois «tbl i.e ome overs , 25, pense. vm $hi=~ 1861 TIGA stone) Yo wi lw , soll al sonst «2 358 $261, 7S. oaveGdul, SL. w& gnant Ban Boal te MUG ges AAS , CbLEE 1 ovr. «(8a i a zona > ‘Oo tien a ost at” A hs a“ je Peek .OS 4 UN od elves, , ol tous OO .eteTIoa€e 0 a eaord o@t, Td Del .O00L ybstdot Soi) = .fowz.2 ,wole ty a ePibt (GR CLGR CON oGl Lcd grasa Dla? © fe, heurrod eo
- aaa «bal WE<-7 ac sfinaly 1?
PUL "ie
Reynolcs H--Lionunernte Reynolas, Jossn. BLOG MAPSSL,ULSYO. * teed: 75° yr Reyvnores, Clera, wite of John, Vied hav 12, 1e5o. Aged Ziy Sons of John unc Clara. mes CO. biea Aprik 2h, .1 ein bred Yee 24, “Gh Infert ‘son. Pied Kar.26, 2
e . « Keac TM. 56. heed 14 dais.
Reynolds, Fhorence €., wife of Welter *. Howlend. Died Jane2, L874. Aad 2b yrae
Revnoled, deren dL, Genus of Sele ‘one S.-" Diea Ate.4, lusl.s ave lyr.
HeyvnEopes. Undait son. of Sel. eng Ss Feynolcs, Stuart. Died beo.d, 18¢0. Ared 7% vrs Feynolds, Cynthia A. Yinxher, wite of Stuart. a6f srs, Regnolds, willian. L&6¢2-1$20 Civil war Veteran.
ynolds, Ee nneh. 1341-1¢22, Feyrolds, Sylvester, 1360-1560.
Fernoles, Infant. 1a7A.
Pittencer, Charles =. Rorn Apr.cO, 1066. Died Aw:.21, 1aié
Rittcnecr, serdarine, wile of Charl ts ““.° and Grtt. of Peana MeClinton, Sorn. soees Lo7l-biec bee.ca2, Lousy
Eittenger, Jonny ii. lovi-lt Rittengzer, nna B., wife of 61 oe Louoles Rittenger, tiillte 13od-1SOR. MiGesnoer, Theecore..BOrn Sov~o, Lesc-Dieac vuly ©, 2908. Eittensor, Catharine, wire of TrReocore. Forn Ben.7, Ls
ae Liec Feb.2v, 1895.
Savery, C25ntha As, Geu. of dads Savery. Lies Sentee, Jot Sévery, Rebecce ¢., Gau. 0: dado Died. Kovet, Lobe. Azyac
Peaife>n, Clarn lL. wife of Pieksor 5. dtly Lé, 1560.<duly - Interreé on Bees ~. and Taney GS. Lot.
Elocun, Rerjamir.l. April 22, jdélefus.4, ldie. Slocum, dennic. L344=1SS5.
Wer DOons = !izabeth S., wife of 5. Ried tere@l, 13st. K5e6
Ven Loon, Jtimes Jo, SON O% Welle ENG ceite Lied hareeé, id7e.
Wen Hype>, 4.4. Sorn vulr 20, 1350. Pewee. ary 2. hic wiles Yay 16, ldbs. Died Get.4=2o1L
On Si.m@ monwinwit witn Jimas Naynulss et cle
3e i)
@4 @,4
.ea hausel2, 1387. e
>: -_™~e
wR. «ne
Yer a <S 2082
: - a ear bh 74
5s ¥ oe #\ Pe et!
r] “s
Ly st wi f 7 .
=~ e r © ; « » 4 ‘- of 4 ' ° 4 , - A d , ‘ é
. ‘ e F 4 ‘ : P . i r oe o ' ' ‘ . . : et yA , A, F ‘ { \ - o- e a+ pf ‘ . «ver > : i 7 ) , > ’ =] o.tts ¢@ ost ee | ! \ ‘— . ~ © e . ; sGuali @ TA se od evel - S ote ° ° nd cf t _ - ° ’ ol ~8a : jipo, ti _ > ei . td5)0)9 re ; i @ + eh @ ‘ se _ ‘ 2 : , er a | . J » ' ed — .* ; as tet % oo - ool gE 2! “4 * ” ’ aD . -« e * 44 eo ? -
DART. els
White, Jaccb. Died Sept.27, 1861. sAved 64 yrs. White, Dlaneah. Died Feb.zZ 1065. Aged 74 yr3.
ca, vem tHe Born Now.c, 2614. Died Kay White, Charlotte, wife of iim. A, eee 13 te, Chilcren of tim. EU. @na Charlot HaryoS.0 Born’ Deosl4, ssi. pied POUeles Loeo.s Whe Fs Bied dune 15, 1défu. Agea Lno.
=> a b Q ot & e ’ ree od
te ec SG er
Mion Se Ulect'sb. 13, 1640... Aged lyr. Atneda.. “DiediPsbe22jobes2. Avea.4 irs.
Whitloes, Slizaboth, dau. of AA. and MoT. Died July 15, Lod.
Wy soff-Orgson V., son of F 1384-1536 Wraorf,deries Udwin, son of ? 1860-1917.
Wyxorf, Mary Ae 1844-1916
WeRors, Earw Fe, Aawe, OF Waele, sand Fiske IBied hay 2d, 1665. AgeG, 25ers. Wyxort,, Charles Ae, SOnvel welis and M.A. Died sest.1¢4, lé¥u. Lirses WYcOLS,, Féorse Ni. , Son of: Waki, ind Mw Bled fus.l2, 1866. lines. Killer, “lbizaveth Hear. BOs yHOGO= heptabe, 3.621 «
Fow:c of fleintzelmnn, d= GOD. hOte
shtE 00 DOHA .160L ,S.2qn2 Bel doen , serge 8? besa .cded .f.de1 Sekt decal. .0 stl gl «atet (Boros ot it awe ord «Gueh si ay0-b00) 68, ot 26 “Ye olly ,odeaited .eson - 7 Sede txato wha of ait: 5 avalide isd a oORts ,FL.¢07 dels MGCL gbieast ate? .f grat
ap Fg arr Pane Fe in
. «a! ° «i aos
ett, } fe. enaed ‘22, da bese abhor. oye «PUL 8f GIUL 2020 TY he eAyd Do wad yttodaahl: doodle
ste leSbil % 2o ac2 ,.1! nourG-Tigag : eViildeel Jo aAvé ,Afua! cons), 1ieR
Biil-asbl sh Ytakq US@le Jjel .i gualaw . ROA
Sg Hai “al Dads ehees » ban she SO, oD pct te Veen . gen ene. S928 HAs 7: 09a »a.7 To: 264 eoh sa liads at i3
© glimk bets 4.70 ba te Temes ai stood a ms
- eivii oe hike SNA; -G° ace oO Ls ti! sone - efGt G04, annisas ahull lia sanet *
HA Ki mek Qt
oa tir ta LD Visaieee en ibis
Acans, Jescoh.. pied June 23, 1681 teed 77 yre. Gans rere) ae or : . : oe :> £ o HOLCE 4.) wife of Josaph. Lied Nov.26, 1é35l Aged 75 yIrse Adems,; Did. shie 34 Hug, dyalsol » desea 2.772, Note: Joseph, Marner and ZBli Adsums, Grace L. Deacon, Catherine }i. «nd dohnr L. Carskaddon are all encloseé in ore femily, fenced, lov. Amarman, “lisa Ann, wile of tim. Died Deo.8, 1875. Aged 69 srs iEmerman, Dneodore F, Father eee tags Amerman,.Serah Le Kiother 1&5 Amerman, Abraham W. 1820-1905 Amernan, Hary J., wifs of Abrahanetie L356-1919 Anerman, Schuyler: Cy, son oF Asie and tied. Died lure28, 1363. 2 Pres. Anerman, Liarie,: Gau.) of, AeWin Gnd MeJde Died Apye27?, 1862. Aged 8 yra. Racon, Joanna, dau. of Leand C.L. Vied Oct.ll, 13686. Agze-4mos. Balwws.S hiegaie , idew. Poms if. nd Sé San Frereiseo, Cali.
Baldwin, Baldwin, Baldwin, Bsidwin,
Barnes, &
Bernes,.ohdwin Ae: duly 15, b262-har.18, 1905. Barnes, reliiei.., wits of ponte A onl ORnhnOGsnLGr,. L\eoo., Desert ost eOs. : , -
Mernes., sere, Caw. Of, MohyanG Nols Lied Nove?, Loud. 7aG G MmOSe
Barnes), Ulidans.Septely,7ldZe.. --duly.14,.1502.
Barncsiriiantetis, wiie of Blijehs Uiedacinelé, LU78. Azed 41 yrs.
Barkes iGharl> gh. oF eds%ey 120, -L5B9. Aiea. 4.275
Besees,. terriet.zA. Died June dey gett. Arse So. \TSe
Barnes, firem He Died LBec.27, 1LYOl. Led. So Yrse
wate, Saruch svied*Febat , dsov.p i teé. ory 7Ss
Erte, Parmocy, wife of Samuel. Lisd LBec.d, lu60. Ased to rs.
Pisce, vitiecm He Died Ane ica, Lodo. Asta eo. yrs.
Bate, umria,) Gcuuscof Samuel and Harmoenyse Disa Seot.7, 1350. Ased 13 yrs. ote; Above four ranes all in ones enelosurs.
Benjanmén, pborathya, wife of Felson . Diec iovels, LOTS. Aged G4 yrs.
Cearipbell, Sevarnsah, wire of Norman. Diea hay £5, 1665. Aged 40 pre.
Beach, Tryphena, wifes of Laban. Yied Jdine22, 1dbd. Aged 7o prs.
Auge, 1357. Accorcine to tne resord aice UcteGO, LUES. There is evicerntly a mistake here.
aaa] ry
hidny Bipcdeue of pLeGeand Uo Ae ied Lay. 26,1862. s¢e-6 trs .
Ware ae aCe sied Auge6, ES'S6i. Aysed 60 a Sse
el diecbe py “MbSe Of Vie. Ce Blea yan: pie NSGSeaAsed Dey 7s -
Saran Ann, Gnwe "OL woe C.*end So: Deed Hanelz, Ldsia« Stise corse We, Son.of A.anc djaeDied. July 18, Luss. 2 yren
Wr bbe ee eat se om aes 8 4 ‘old signdol 3 pen i asaal 5 49 ‘ oes 7 ane «Sk i BATS othe eS ovat D gar nabs. fE% aaa “ser nat gona’ e ©O5 achat “ : = wa ehent insdgeeD be Onee vtdleat
= a 9 a. “a eek a) ~~ - ne a Derk -@ att ‘ bt eo a" Is a ie nt ‘in a x aed ha - g ae - ‘ a ja a ee —r = = ;: : ‘aiaaati ae a exeneont on : : : -_— ee wth the ae * «fh : : a - ., eee 4 5 n a” - 7 G e082. 9 ner .- 4 Wo asian. Vers 7
ah aan , eae, CR RARE oan dands 6 Sthe ..b yent coven
a 7 oe | oo ol. 7,7 me zh 4 we ¢ the “s . 5 3 " dae) od OTe Biel o * © Sai SAB we ¥e to. at ee See os avn! ety a be P A bol s te oe" aa oats ae i te ved to «upd At PRT ae - niet >" - rs 7 ; _ : . he -t = » — sBorih- oy, A. aga ett ane ‘Bold » . +e ~e a ‘Baad t to ott » 4 4 eal ie o.
een > os : rt a 7 7 7 wri 7 oh jooato ue 4 mas Hh WOE » is: s Didt-elyh ‘to eth els eh .anteel 7 _ cae ke ity o* - ae ta m2 . oo v1 opr _ Pay ‘¢ Fi os aA - : :
o@t21) ® tagnk - ie os r cdifinn sive alt oa? y. oe) < ate ou i: : sinha . ° oe i — me i ‘ aoa 7 a at sae "eo ne = ; 7 - rs a aia deny «RIL = «ee ‘ens OAL 02 se # baat to ye ot Cred oe iv. se - a= 7 ee > ' ; . pe . a = ‘ ? : ro Sing : 7 ets i daw ota - 3, A hols « mo at
ie Ye hints! th, Lb en f palit 2 om errs Ate os gre * aul. e me tT bese ae & “a ‘ 7 ahi 4 to tad oa AAs 1a oe
> inal > «a 6 2 - a a” + ' [a ’ ' oan G iM t gtd t thet beat nara ‘3a * ot cy o aoe veld oF quae j ao: ; ae Par th, A ee ~ gMOUL gb Le tebe rarer agharl mi wpe was vat, Pei. id al hott ,é ol.3 dat nh et ah ney Yo) ci. Me oi mais aAt9 ane on ar 8 i‘. Tot tant wht Oech. FE to ve 1 ets! _ _ a a a 5s - - y F ae L ppt ciube= etiGbs ,vfvened sinh tlt yp “sh14 a te be RAY ete Ul yi he i's ans amet. 8 8: si: i 30% ath 2 : = > bac - “a 7 ; = : ce! at e o oh 7 a, Si ae < 0H. aod Ze *. 4 ee : : mm) 8 i) 2: ve «ede at t ‘oh et ts “#09 tial. : 4 ’ =
= atti a8 host . smi, ‘(Misoet Sent “a ae “a Tal of .9 a a
a = eats & te J met befte tl yids tet ‘putdey ound sore - eh ots ® apt eQatl . «Be ood bet ? caus te pb tl Grom at vot “et pbs Le . seal &. 7 gen sands beld alt minis f. vee ery:
1% GL de; A rae ¥. e802 aebc a titers nt Dia fet Zz. 30 (Madan - . fo Larisaa, don 7 mo ak J xf eon o “wet erody yore,
° = ae _ i, i. Th - _— 7 - Le res ere re eid . tonial te othe daydtere2 , aang
- i
tie poe. + tdi, , se ‘e 1 nant out to otty etindontid .f Shee ig
BR ss oi too + heals cote stinans e022 anna unt a
Berden, 2lanshe 3. 13857-1349
Boreen,.isaec'S. Diod.Fab.6, Lobb. Azed O2. ¥rse Bor Gen, hary, wife of Isaago.S. Died Apr.l, 1dil. Aged 58 Yrs. Borcen, Marri ets i. LUGG-L$S2 Morten, Thoocore”’L. .30rn. SSnt.24, LOeee, Vicd Lan.€,-1534, Bordon, Bliza A., wite of Bheocore Js. Born June 27, L3u
fs) 4 5
J Died S ° MOPGEM GOALIG Se,Ghlts On ONG Size Ae ps. y . Borden, Chloe C.,dau. of and Hliga A. Died Septeel, li
Bowser, william. Dent. LU, 1BSL --Luge1lb, 1998
Bowker, nari Wits Of Wo. .Jitre 14, Lu4u--ar.7 191%.
Bowker, Lar Oe. SOlLNatupele, Abd GLed .UsCL? oe LO) Da 5
Burcen, clizabetn, wife of MN. biec Nov id, LO7G. Aged ZS yrsae Bush, Richard. Died Feb.l4, Ld7c. Aged £1 rs.
Cempbell, Sevannah, wife of Forman, Died hay 25, 1862. Ased 40;re
Carpenter, Guy Clement oe SON Citiece ° VES0. Bred kar ¥ » US2Si.
P ’ e .
Carpenter Arvailla Asber Gre Vite of Guy CC. duis ¢ 3 L3grl-Feod 2U, ise J ’ ro . .
Curcxacdon, MOPseret, Gate Of JeanG ie) Died Rireds,.kG57. S de;
; is 0 Carskeddon, ister Ann, dau. of Aeaand E. Died Jar..1l2, 1Lé<c. Agcea 4 3
Carsxaddon, Jo2n Be Uied ev 30, LubG... AFG a LP Se Garskacdon; Catherine b., wire of John lL. Liee Dac., LYsé4. Ase 26x Tse above tu70 are burined on the shinAtlams Lot.
Clarx, lien aes Js
(Clee er rammal t gies x
Gbaric, «16aer Fsun ae wlan yale and, deoge Died Aorel2, OSs) VES. OLG. lene Ie? Noe, Walia ULC anda p OC betty eHOuse, ABCD, 2 GA) GCiare Trifant gon On Aedes and wah. Died aug.:
Evid. Diecreune ll, 2este feed 1a rTnSe LEGs fe. Wi te uot Neary sie Died Oot. 14. J8b4. hese Go YTS. £
c fey oO Ol eres (UG Lae LLeG. LeN toe Ed2E. 1 Gay Git.
b =e ’ Giemic, Iriart,, SON-OL Retis GUC Kak. Died Vel.b, L800. Ansa iteys Pies. Goris, Gave of dieil, apdweie Die June &, 1062. 4:20 imo. Chaos tn abt Son G2. egies SnG F.AY WieG Deeci2,. 1655. Ae? Pipe, Lolale, Son O: Hohe SHd ahs POV MRR NSS Clr cehecehal, wife of Shonss..« , Died«Reb.5, 1540. sgce 50 3s.
Clerk, L..D, Died Seps 15, ld4l..22e8 Sa 2TSe Clarx, vonathan. Dicad Jun.l2, 1642. Avea 21 prs. Chars, heytha. Liea Janel, los2. Apsec Ku
Crarsier, Alice, dau. of S.R. unc Hed. Died Sept.6, luou. A.:ed 7 mos
= .
4 : me fs, Aut 12 dod) Dene My & opost of tute Pests Be sonal 96 oti teil (aa
~ - 5 MiNL+Se ol & rate hs 7 a : a 7 ‘ 4 : ; a = ‘ i a _ 7 7 a 7 Pa 4 = 7 ad ted «a yn . a vit se { 7 » Aweqed a al: ae ied ”“ rome ors a ote oS - ai Th ; Rm Ore ats vo * a) Die * we A. ate a ‘ woh - otal | o2 we jo ot - 7 7 7 4 7 - 3
_ + 7 - ae) * Hot Po dcmz 2 aed a ae cs. 4 «Gait ur , ‘te ptr. eo ja <8 oaget: rae he
sagheStdk , 18.912 bold WA aEre oar « opnt lo .2d 52 o¢ Lio at -_ - a - or Ne on s a) : = = : my Le — a 2 a Ti a oven Hee . ee Qe ma Uh Ced . eta £26 oti : othel Youle -tibal 2 i anit A i ibe Poe wk oer: a a At | ethene o 7oe ~ pia? eke ineot iG c= Jl udcual ~ gt st a : - —— ee ae a ; at + , Ze nA ‘ootud: ‘ obs te ‘inde rail bent a te st = ; Kg pea bat ; woh ~ if : — : nl ae a : o% ' el 7 a os - o = 7 +08 +) c Jon. & abtaL ‘ @le aaitor naan areaitOd A ; an 7 ' ¢ = “= > teh? es STP hogs .SOnL a8 at nnnet oooh. to wt be ia mates aaa. ited did as > -? a | a a - 4 ne Ss ea) 44 _ Ai P — | _ - : at _— ait 4 wD 3 < ofr SAL whet ov ies % {HNO fo gun 4 0 ~dne ‘ i “5? 7 et Liesl ee <i ti «9 wet fo etlw .dnd.8 elie, wsaeg
LS ee ee a a any eee sie o 7s @ oT: Pan oats tht én it 7 Hh bee .% al Ad, 44 ots rears : : Beers
a - a a . a ih ys
a i a e eai1 a tL. ant gel .F . ifs to. es, aad ve a’?
PRG 8 Se5A TAGE Aistaly Sl WF Oided T ie SOE. ee 7 os a ee a a ee tae”
* ee st, SA RO™A .OG04 OS O77. Peed 2 aio% pege® €50 .84cl ,%.92 See 42 dios o.wus .. § ards, | sal - _ a >a - - a tine ah ve rr Als ~ a be» 7 a mehge om
. eis Cel noite pay Ra Dod cath on? svoda an? - - 7 we a -— "7 _ 7 i ee a Er ae adit, AY Dome .ObL fl cutiibel® 6 us ae as bh 4 Bi: « > Bes 7 a e a -_. WARS Ge SrA oUSbd paced bot Hh CIRO To Rew ek 13bdS - a aid ; es a = a 7 rs oe, ad 2 : aio $* £ sur , eh: hy S050) ehe'h Sh (eRe te ator ', co¥
oe ss
6 oo
: €. aa . 2 aad a e b40 2a at 306s “gbaes A a mb, he trae 3 Ee yt od Foote ive “
| ia hk 7 qn. t mk aed A treo uA he . ‘ _ 7 7 ' : : »
, “% b baaaes aOdel ri os om f
oJ 7
-y eid eed Ci 4 ra Sid Bonk. Opel ’ as | a7) oid. _ af ile = it -_ : - iy 7 eel + oC: ” a «he coi , at fait. vat tne ee 54) ideale”, ee: v.° ee ie? ‘vee: : Bi . 7 » mel Pu z «oot alu whe! i My en 7 . _ 7 - otsno et : het 1c ti’ oF = = = 7 a te € vi ee = Tt L 4 nae 4 i - ‘ 4 a eon UT Segk ORL 2.dOT DOLE od tS) Te 1O8T...34 3 7 7 = ae < 2 : a oo. Sa : ; oo, & ? a } 77a oe oe : a a. Ty ; * a, es of ts: ae dele alle oe 7 —o hy re: 42h - ; - Tore rey pb md ae Sam Me BOA «uae srt ad waa’ 4 ’ _ : bi nS 7 7 : -6 4.98 Boryh. ead : ee solu sae
£ 7
‘RELA s reve (deiged ont bed
> => 7
ie Set A ea ed MAILS, SY EN
PEYt Lit
Girmy, asia "O., dau. Of Jsand ©. Died »ug.¢, 13866. Ave 2 are, Garry, Csorce Via, son ot, id. egne Olinaheth, “pleé SA Le Leos s Loe
Custis, William 2.4 som oF Say aitiihRY Curtis. Died Kov.5, 18 e ped. © NG. Dairyvmple , Surenag,widie ofs.G., Diet Oct le, LEFS. Aged BS vrs. 34 r
Lelry fe hes nin, Cau. OF G. And Eurema. Nied Uct.2l,. Lota. 2mo.
Pairymple, Arcalbaic bk, Born om Terre Coupes Praifie. Sept.15, 13% Lied Peps, ig ace Meer eis, Liat Ae, Wats of Arehineldc b. Sern June 2, 1842. bpp U(Xee ines) US ee G Seat Lpolsts. kee Soors.
€ & Aoreb.k7> L8%2s ASSC Usri Chilcrean of BAL wean ie Darryvmple s Havic. sled Mar.S5, leso. Ameé 62. 'rs.
», Pauke rahe ee $s e Fe (ine, ee Gr Lealé. Delrvmple, David, son of bavid and Sarah 4. Died gan.17, 1LdEl. OOF ee ES Se
pe oD ret nv <
Deacon, Grace i. ,- dan..0of fal .j aris, PAs L Cn Sli Acaems Lot.
(AG) 1307. Aseal
eee willtoan, BOM Lose ceed! oO res E77 ers. Persia. ari le, wise Os, villian. Born léac. (2na wite) barera: Seranede; Wire Of wibbiew. Lied Dse.77 Looby .Aeed-L¥oyrs Denond, Serebh Ann, deu. of Williem end Sarah. - No dete. geneLG , Frenk, "thei r"sousPorn-2eEc? “Pea USGE. Axed 1d yrs. Pryenk-On carne. Penument+axtValliertaadivers L<ohesenks
Devire, ;Un=x Janey wife of hilton, andodau. oF S.Geland sR. Cur bied Sent.20, Loris Ased cl yrse
Dyer, Odes; VW. , son or’ iyand- So Died? Sent.Llo, Ish4.ezpecid yrs.
i) SACO. Davia. PLed- Cameo Ldogeo nese Se yrse 1h a e solaier Lh IRTa nis Taea= 8 rect. Ili.
unevert,: Cnc rlas.-.. Diad-San.4, 1Uh7. Aped “6 ers.
a a
sebert ,' Lucinda, ceu. of Feul and 5. Diet 0ct.27, ld4cs. Area@ 16
Seri. ctl se 7 COU. Of SretnP and MeeDied Pins 14, Led. AreG lisr
Daves,, maces Go Ne, SOM o> Dr. A. ima “lissbeth. Horn Sent.iG, ises D 7 . ¥Yedo.iu so4é
Z2ecert, Janes, Born fur.e2, Ldvz7-bied, lus.
iwpert, Yelilan, wite of James. Rorn Octet, Lu2o. Lied Dec.#24, Lsl2
lw ” ‘nn’ “] agcert, Yaheli-n, s
£ % ~ £ eleinale Died lot bebo4c.. 0ert, Lycia, sisters
. -"
ese Viec Lu-« OmLocue UN One Stone,
ve £25 ——
sey sea nNOS a Pert
» 7 : 7 ; 7 inte : oud i iy >» De aah 3 ‘65 5 7 7 q ae? la da 7. ~ * BY en i: Bi pa? s ea bi. C 9 . 4 ane win Peta Pra ie ‘to a) ai oe i fS « 00h hh gat Oost giedactt: ste. 30 Bos, > > s - - - 7" 7 _ : - éniasé ar" a oo = oe 7 2p sho — aOBBT S. rot de ahs ater 610 bas ou Is 9 oi orb ARE 1 — AG OS BO a - «Wty oes tht , rw) ny At 58. ten Thi g BAW : Fs cas elias = pet 7 4 _— sete w ia el ‘a oo o bt 3 a out nn,” = ~or ee - - Do i —_ 7 7 » . > : a . aon sth Tg we@rac. ° en 4 re a7 ot ate ‘F pa 3 - be, ad ROTA nctenhts ies nen . roa Vr? 7 7 7 x Ss | pal P ; _ ' ~~ - ‘ hel = S ae i e tS te 7. a. a ae out se” sont a wats ea weet 7 oo aor =~, Oo 7 =. fad May. he wtih an . ea ST. 75% - ‘EM 2 sh Ab Sots oh RATES han » nved te 0c ,bived ,: e - 7 = <7? - ~ wi 7 : ae 4 ote A} PBA. - -— - - 1‘ -_. & A 7 a) . neon «+ >" q p@misn A . tout rt Us a Seld sAeck Dae, eile 70) -BGR- 404 Boned A ar. 7 ar ee = ty Sos nena —_ ; - ele, hale hy £ Lm ay _
= 7 sets v5. a6. 1071 r! Sat. f et int ox ahatiile a8
7 Te Doe > iw a uh ‘s eal | 2 cee S adiOhils,, 26 ‘Bilin; 4 oak ea't 5s) aL ~- gat, 416 a, are et «8sbO? Belt ‘sib Ag ATE o¢% ARTEL , / a Pc AR UT of n¢ we hy es2iit? ro ath, tat ee ol mW alte OL hava’, Ul £ 30h stand WOT gina e Lag Nd. Sarat ot “e Wit Sey tats ys 4 én4(p205 acd 6. 3 a a a7 - ~) _
7 a ids aa 1 ae a in : RID ty. ban sek AH chow Saw ynbrElt te SAL co an
- a = L * FOS ‘ fresh a 7 a at ° eit oe Aig At. - bs t 7 7 a > or OH Sena habit patentee’ vege 1 pray PT 2e how, alt erat + tey
: az — Se LS = kicg whe ut icov wnt re - tr « -4ad - 439% ad ok : «¢tPae Sat | at ‘ted: shen’ ¢ akdne oa 7 »Wetl-Be ot te “ dO¥ 7
a =e =
7 a. a é Pp rr sar 7 > <a - - - 7 —_— a3 ofr yi aTORy, aediabindanl seeits > a _ a i ae ” = Te py : OL sok MOL TheteO Set Noe tant WO sen Brad oan -