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Ss = af. p42 5 EWS 3 £ & 4 S43 oO ae Hi Or 4 ANS a4 ae oO So NR tf? B ZR 8 2 NX i _ = E \ Z FE 4 = > = 5 > Ss ” z 2p) * Zz Ww) . RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILMLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVUSI’ LIBRARIES > MLILSNI_NVINOSHLINS S3/YVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION uVNa@IT LIBRARIES TITUTION NOILNLILSNI TITUTION NOILNLILSNI rYVUGIT LIBRARIES YVYUgi WH Oe riNS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY 1971 IN MEMORIAM EpwINn C. ALLISON 1925-1971 Miss WINIFRED GOLDRING 1888-197] WILLIAM B. HeErRoy, Sr. 1883-1971 FLoyp L. Hopson 1893-1971 MAx J. Kopr 1893-1971 MatcoLtm MAcLEop 1901-1970 NORMAN L. THOMAS 1897-1971 Miss E. C. WILLIAMS 1885-1971 CONTENTS OF VOLUME LX Bulletin No. 264. Jurassic and Cretaceous Hagiastridae from the Blake-Bahama Basin (Site 5A, Joides Leg 1) and the Great Valley Sequence, California Coast Ranges. By Emile A. Pessagno, Jr. 265. A New Species of Coronula (Cirripedia) from the Lower Pliocene of Venezuela. By Norman E. Weisbord 266. Palynology and the Independence Shale of lowa. By James B. Urban 267. Trepostomatous Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) from the Lower Chickamauga Group (Middle Ordo- vician), Wills Valley, Alabama. By Frank K. McKinney Pages 1-84 85-98 99-190 191-337 Plates 20 21-45 46-68 INDEX No separate index is included in the volume, Each mumber is indexed separately, Contents of the volume are listed in the begin- ning of the volume, 1 i BULLETINS OF AMERICAN FAV rBONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 264 JURASSIC AND CRETACEOUS HAGIASTRIDAE FROM THE BLAKE-BAHAMA BASIN (SITE 5A, JOIDES LEG 1) AND THE GREAT VALLEY SEQUENCE, CALIFORNIA COAST RANGES By EMILE A. PESSAGNO, JR. Ee ISON) eo cos MA, 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1970-71 IPRS TUNE NTs ois ee a i SO Re eRe ee EE WILLIAM B. HEROY WIGE =P RESTDEINST): c2.tetscos ese sek sae Fon ee seers nee ase eee ee DANIEL B. SAss SEGRE TARY) (sccm se he toed tee EE ey a ee ee oe Ne eS Be ek an REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTORS “TREASURER ) 2228 e oe eee aseecee ate eae KATHERINE V. W. PALMER OU SET a a D8 Ih Dak SEER ae Oe edo ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE “AAAS ;COUNGCID ce cee ee ge ee Davip NICOL Trustees ReBecca S. Harris (Life) DoNnaALp W. FISHER (1967-1973) AXEL A. OLsson (Life) MERRILL W. HAAs (1970-1973) KATHERINE V.W. PALMER (Life) PuHitie C. WAKELEY (1970-1973) DANIEL B. Sass (1965-1971) WILLIAM B. HERoy (1968-1974) KENNETH E. CASTER (1966-1972) VirGiL D. WINKLER (1969-1975) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. Pater, Editor Mrs. Fay Briccs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MyrA KEEN Jay GLENN Marks AXEL A. OLSSON Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. For reprint, Vols. 1-23, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. For reprint, vol. I, Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint Cor- poration, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $18.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Ameri- cana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are de- ductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S.A. BUEN OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 264 JURASSIC AND CRETACEOUS HAGIASTRIDAE FROM THE BLAKE-BAHAMA BASIN (SITE 5A, JOIDES LEG 1) AND THE GREAT VALLEY SEQUENCE, CALIFORNIA COAST RANGES By EMILE A. PESSAGNO, JR. April.29, 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S. A. Library of Congress Card Number: 75-128176 Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Acknowledgments _ DO TSCUISS TOU eee ea he Method of study Locality descriptions ____ Notations on the integration of radiolarian range zones with planktonic foraminifera] zonation ENTER NTT CN 9 219s ar er Systematic paleontology —................2-... ano fo Eo what A ms er Superfamily Spongodiscacea Haeckel .. Pe 16 Family Hagiastridae Riede] _...-..- a Pe esc 249 Subfamily Amphibrachiinae, n. subfam. 20 Subfamily Patulibracchiinae, n. subfam. . ... See Subfamily Hagisastrinae Riedel 51 RESO aR 1 1 I eee 57 Plates . 61 JURASSIC AND CRETACEOUS HAGIASTRIDAE FROM THE BLAKE-BAHAMA BASIN (SITE 5A, JOIDES LEG I) AND THE GREAT VALLEY SEQUENCE, CALIFORNIA COAST RANGES EMILE A. PESSAGNO, JR. ABSTRACT The Hagiastridae Riedel include Spongodiscacea with two, three, or four- rayed tests comprised of layered spongy meshwork lacking concentric rings or spirals. This family appears to be restricted to the Mesozoic. It has a lengthy geologic history which extends at least as far back as the Jurassic. The ma- jority of hagiastrid species are distinctive and short ranging. Twenty-four new species and four new genera are described herein from the Upper Cretaceous portion of the Great Valley Sequence, California Coast Ranges. Four new species are described from the late Jurassic (Tithonian) strata of the Blake-Bahama Basin (Site 5A, JOIDES Leg I). In this report Spumellariina with spongy meshwork, irregardless of test shape, have been placed in the superfamily Spongodiscacea Haeckel. INTRODUCTION In the thick, monotonous flysch succession comprising most of the Great Valley Sequence, Radiolaria are far more abundant than any other kind of invertebrate fossils. During the course of the investigation a rich, diversified, well-preserved assemblage of Radio- laria was recovered from the Upper Cretaceous portion of the Great Valley Sequence. Samples were collected in this study from measured sections from Contra Costa County in the south to Tehama County in the north. In general, the best preserved Radiolaria occur in limestone nodules and concretions associated with the mudstones, shales, and siltstones of this flysch succession. The mudstones, shales, and siltstones often contain abundant Radiolaria. However, the Radiolaria extracted from these lithotypes are not nearly so well preserved as those occurring in the limestones. This is the third in a series of reports dealing with the Upper Cretaceous Radiolaria of the California Coast Ranges (cf. Pessagno, 1969b, 1970). The present report differs somewhat in content from previous reports (Pessagno, ibid.) in that it also includes some Radiolaria from the Jurassic (Tithonian) strata of the Blake- Bahama Basin (JOIDES Leg I). It is clear that faunal change displayed by the Upper Cretaceous Radiolaria of the California Coast Ranges is sufficiently great to allow establishing a detailed system of zonation. The Hagiastridae Riedel like the Neosciadiocapsidae Pessagno are a key group in fa- Contribution Number 155, Geosciences Division, University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 30365, Dallas, Texas 75230 6 BULLETIN 264 Seats 74 TERTIARY- QUATERNARY fay ex TERTIARY SEDIMENTS VOLCANICS GREAT JURASSIC - FRANCISCAN VALLEY | cates + S| CRETACEOUS SEQUENCE PLUTONICS CJ-UK) NEVADIAN METAMORPHICS TEXT - FIGURE 1: INDEX MAP. After Ojakangas, 1968, p.975 ~I JuRAssic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO cilitating the development of such a system of zonation. The Hagiastridae, in fact, appear to be one of the most important groups for biostratigraphic correlation in the Mesozoic. ‘They have a geo- logic history which extends at least as far back as the Jurassic. Furthermore, the Hagiastridae include a number of short ranging and highly distinctive species. Numerous species assignable to the Hagiastridae were figured by the early workers on Mesozoic Radiolaria. Hagiastrid species were figured by Riist (1885, 1898), Parona, (1890), Squinabol (1903, 1914) , and various other workers who pioneered in the study of European Mesozoic Radiolaria. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation: GA-4043 to the University of California, Davis, GA-1224 to the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, Dallas, Texas, GA-15998 to the University of Texas at Dallas, and by the general NASA grant (NGL - 44 - 004 - 001) to the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies. The writer wishes to thank Verne Harlan for his assistance in the field; to Walter Brown, Allen White, Charles Smith, and Mrs. Sheila Martin for their care in taking the scanning electron micrographs and preparing the illustrations; and to Miss Maria Bilelo for her help in the labora- tory. He particularly wishes to thank William R. Riedel (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) for his helpful comments regarding the manuscript. Numerous megafossils were kindly identified for the writer by David L. Jones, Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. DISCUSSION The inclusion of all Spumellariina with primarily spongy tests in the superfamily Spongodiscacea should lead to a more phylo- genetic classification. Previous workers have relied largely on test shape and symmetry in their classificatory schemes. Hence, Spumel- lariina whose tests are constructed out of the same sort of spongy meshwork were placed in radically different family or superfamily groupings largely dependent on their test shape. For example, Haeckel (1887, pp. 284-286; pp. 339-341) placed Spongoprunum Haeckel in the “Pronoidea’”’ largely on the basis of the ellipsoidal or cylindrical character of its test. Whereas Spongoprunum has (exclusive of polar spines) a completely spongy test, it is placed 8 BULLETIN 264 with other genera such as Ellipsostylus Haeckel and Xiphatractus Haeckel which possess one or more latticed shells. Many such examples can be cited from the literature. It is clear that the present classification at the superfamily level cross-cuts Haeckelian classification. Yet it relates a large group of Spumellariina which build their tests out of spongy mesh- work and hopefully represents a more natural classification. If the shape of the test is to be emphasized, this investigator feels that it should be emphasized at the family or subfamily level. The Spongodiscacea as defined herein have been subdivided into the Spongodiscilae Haeckel and the Pseudoaulophacilae Riedel. The former group includes forms which possess irregular spongy meshwork lacking any semblance of symmetrical arrangement; the latter group includes forms which possess spongy meshwork arranged in a more orderly, symmetrical fashion (i.e., in spirals, concentric rings, layers). The Hagistridae Riedel, the primary sub- ject of this report, are included in the Pseudoaulophacilae Riedel. Criteria for the classification of the Hagiastridae at the family, subfamily, generic, and specific levels are summarized in Text- figure 4. METHOD OF STUDY The dense, spongy meshwork of the hagiastrid test makes it difficult to illustrate effectively with light optics. In this investiga- tion a JEOL JSM-1 scanning electron microscope equipped with a goniometer stage was used as the primary means of illustrating and studying hagiastrid morphology (cf. Honjo and Berggren, 1967, pp. 393-404, pls. 1-4; Hay and Sandberg, 1967, pp. 407-418, pls. 1,2). Gold palladium or gold used in shadow casting can be removed, if desired, with a drop of aqua regia. However, in some cases it was found that shadow casting actually enhances specimen detail for optical observation. Specimens were mounted in caedax or hyrax for optical analysis with transmitted light. The number of air bubbles in the mounting medium can be appreciably reduced by degasing the hyrax or caedax under vacuum. LOCALITY DESCRIPTIONS NSF 32-B. Lower part of the Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member) ; 15 feet above contact between Forbes Formation and the underlying Guinda Formation. Gray calcareous mudstone JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 9 with abundant limestone nodules; sample from limestone nodules. Tributary to Petroleum Creek, Yolo County, California. U.S.G.S. Rumsey Quad. (7.5’). T12N, R3W, Sect. 10; 1.5 miles N43°W of VABM Guinda 1798. This locality occurs at about the same horizon as NSF 134-B. See planktonic foraminiferal and megafossil data presented under NSF 55-B. NSF 55-B. Lower part of the Forbes Formation (upper part of so-called “Dobbins Shale’ Member); 424 feet above contact between Forbes Formation with underlying Guinda Formation. Gray calcareous mudstone with sparse limestone nodules. Tributary to Petroleum Creek, Yolo County, California USGS Rumsey Quad. G5) TZN, RSW, Sect 10; ‘1-5*miles*N 35° W of VABM Guinda 1798. Associated planktonic Foraminifera recorded by the writer from this horizon include Globotruncana arca (Cushman) , Globo- truncana rosetta (Carsey), Globotruncana loeblichi Pessagno, Rugoglobigerina sp. aff. R. rugosa (Plummer), Globotruncana linneiana s. s. (d’Orbigny) , Globotruncana lapparenti s. s. Brotzen, and Ventilabrella ornatissima (Cushman and Church) . The lack of Globotruncana hilli Pessagno and Globotruncana churchi Martin in this assemblage suggests an early Campanian age (see data presented by Douglas, 1969, p. 154 and Pessagno, 1967, 1969a, text-figure 5). “Inoceramus orientalis’ (identified by D. L. Jones, U. S. Geol. Survey, Menlo, Park, California) was collected by the writer at NSF 40-B in the lower Forbes (“Dobbins Shale” Member). According to Jones this species is indicative of an early Campanian age. NSF 40-B is situated 295 feet below NSF 55-B and 128 feet above the Forbes - Guinda contact. NSF 134-B. Lower part of the Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member) ; 60 feet above contact between Forbes Formation and the underlying Guinda Formation. Gray calcareous mudstone with abundant limestone nodules; sample from limestone nodules. Tributary to Petroleum Creek, Yolo County, California. USGS Rumsey Quadrangle (7.5’).T12N, R3W, Sect. 15; 1.1 miles N36°W of VABM Guinda 1798. Planktonic Foraminifera recovered from mudstones (NSF 134-A) at this locality include Globotruncana arca (Cushman) , Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey) s. 1., Globotruncana lapparenti Brotzen. NSF 291-B. Yolo Formation [Upper part of type Yolo at north 10 BULLETIN 264 bank of Cache Creek, Yolo County]. Limestone nodules interbedded with dark gray calcareous mudstones and siltstones; 140 feet below the contact of the Yolo Formation with the overlying Sites Forma- tion. USGS Glascock Mountain Quad. (7.5’) ; T12N, R4W, Sect. 2; 0.15 miles downstream from northwest end of Rt. 16 bridge over Cache Creek. An ammonite collected from this locality by the writer and identified by D. L. Jones (USGS, Menlo Park, Calif.) as “Kossmaticeras atf. K. japonicum” indicates (fide Jones) that NSF 291-B is Coniacian in age. NSF 316-B. Middle part of the Sites Formation at Cache Creek, Yolo County, California. Gray calcareous shales and silt- stones with small limestone nodules. Sample from north side of creek, six feet away from large fault zone. USGS Glascock Mountain Quadrangle (7.5’) ; T12N, R4W, Sect. 2; 0.4 miles downstream from the Rt. 16 bridge over Cache Creek. About 1293 feet above the con- tact between the Sites Formation and the underlying Yolo Forma- tion. See biostratigraphic data presented under NSF 319-B. NSF 319-B. Upper part of the Sites Formation at Cache Creek, Yolo County, California. Sample from limestone nodules occurr- ing in gray siliceous mudstones cropping out along Rt. 16. USGS Glascock Mountain Quad. (7.5’); T12N, R4W, Sect. 2; 0.25 miles due north of Camp Haswell (Boy Scouts of Amer.) ; about 1961.0 feet above the base of the Sites Formation. A Coniacian ammonite, collected by the writer and identified by D. L. Jones (USGS) as “Kossmaticeras aff. K. japonicum” was recovered from the upper part of the underlying Yolo Formation. Coniacian planktonic Fora- minifera (correlative with the Marginotruncana renzi Assemblage Zone of Pessagno, 1967, 1969a) have been recovered by the writer from the lower portion of the overlying Funks Formation at nearby Rumsey Canyon. NSF 327-C. Upper part of the Sites Formation at Cache Creek, Yolo County, California. Sample from limestone nodules occurring in gray siliceous mudstones cropping out along Rt. 16. USGS Glascock Mountain Quad. (7.5’) ; T12N, R4W, Sect. 2; 0.22 miles due north of Camp Haswell (Boy Scouts of Amer.) ; about 2675.0 feet above the base of the Sites. See biostratigraphic data presented for NSF-319-B. NSF 350. Limestone nodule from the lower portion of the “Antelope Shale’ /“Fiske Creek Formation” cropping out along Jurassic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 1] the north bank of Cache Creek, Yolo County, California. USGS Glascock Mountain Quad. (7.5’); T12N, R4W, Sect. 4; 0.13 miles S35°W of Rayhouse Road crossing of Cache Creek at “Low Water Bridge.” NSF 350 occurs 542 feet above a horizon containing common Praeglobotruncana stephani (Gandolfi) and 658 feet be- low beds containing Rotalipora greenhornensis (Morrow) and Rotalipora appenninica (O. Renz). NSF 350 likewise occurs 1,047 feet below beds containing Calycoceras sp. (late Cenomanian form) , Rotalipora cushmani (Morrow), Rotalipora appenninica (O. Renz), and Hedbergella brittonensis Loeblich and Tappan. (Planktonic forminiferal identifications are the writer’s; ammonite identifica- ton by D. L. Jones, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Cali- fornia.) The planktonic foraminiferal data indicate that NSF 350 is definitely of Cenomanian age. In that NSF 350 appears to occur below the R. cushmani (Morrow) datum point (cf. Text-figure 2), it is most likely correlative with the Rotalipora evoluta Sub- zone of Pessagno, 1967, 1969. Data presented by Renz, Luter- bacher, and Schneider (1963, pp. 1073-1116) indicate that R. cushmani makes its first appearance within the upper part of the Mantelliceras mantelli Zone (early Cenomanian) of the Neuen- burger Jura. NSF 405. Limestone nodule from the late Cenomanian por- tion of “Antelope Shale’’/‘“Fiske Creek’? Formation; 0.6 miles southwest of Monticello Dam on Route 128; USGS Monticello Dam Quad. (7.5’). T8N, R2W, Sect. 29. Ammonites identified for the writer from this locality by D. L. Jones (U.S. Geol. Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.) include Acanthoceras sp. and Puzosia sp. A prelim- inary report by Jones indicates that the ammonites are of late Cenomanian age. NSF 440. Yolo Formation. Limestone nodules interbedded with dark gray shales. Monticello Dam Quad. (7.5’); T8N, R2W, Sect. 28. North side of Putah Creek, Yolo County; mouth of Thompson Canyon; 0.35 miles due east of north end of Monticello Dam. NSF 450 — NSF 451. Limestone nodules associated with light eray calcareous mudstones. Upper part of Panoche Group (un- differentiated) . Exploration Adit number 1: 110-270 feet. Califor- nia Dept. of Water Resources. Div. of Design and Construction; 12 BULLETIN 264 Del Valle Dam and Reservoir Damsite Foundation Exploration. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tesla Quad. (15’). Coordinates E1,639,000; N408,250. Associated planktonic Foraminifera at this horizon include Globotruncana churchi Martin, Globotruncana hilli Pessagno, Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny), Globotrun- cana arca (Cushman) , Globotruncana bulloides Vogler, Globotrun- cana rosetta (Carsey) and Ventilabrella ornatissima (Cushman and Church). Data presented by Pessagno (1967, 1969a) demonstrate that Globotruncana hilli Pessagno first appears at the base of the Globotruncana calcarata Zonule. Douglas (1969, p. 154) indicated that G. churchi is restricted to the late Campanian. NSF 482. Forbes Formation; lower part of “Dobbins Shale” Member near contact with underlying Guinda Formation. Abun- dant limestone nodules associated with dark gray mudstones. USGS Brooks Quad. (7.5’); R2W, TION, Sect. 30; 0.22 miles N20°E of Big Spring, Yolo County, California. Associated megafossils col- lected at this locality by the writer and identified by D. L. Jones (USGS, Menlo Park, California) include “Jnoceramus orientalis, Bostrychoceras sp. and Anagaudryceras sp.” Jones indicated that the megafossils are of early Campanian age. NSF 483. Yolo Formation. Horizon of small limestone nodules in a sequence of dark gray mudstones, siltstones, and sandstones. Monticello Dam Quad. (7.5’); T8N, R2W, Sect. 28. Route 128 (Solano County) at southeast side of horseshoe bend in road; Cold Canyon; 0.23 miles southwest of Route 128 highway bridge over Putah Creek. NSF 531. Lower part of the Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member). Gray calcareous mudstones with limestone nod- ules; sample from limestone nodule. Exposure in bluff on west side of Salt Creek, Colusa County, California. USGS Rumsey Quad- rangle (7.5’) > TI3N; R3W, Sect.. 7.. Adjacent ‘to. Dobbins* Raneh: 0.2 miles S60°W from BM 584. Campanian ammonites, chiefly Patagoniosites arbucklensis (Anderson) were collected at this lo- cality by the writer and identified by D. L. Jones (U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park). Matsumoto (1960, p. 83) reported this species together with Gaudryceras sp. cf. G. striatum (Jimbo), and Ino- ceramus schmidti Michael from the same locality. NSF 568-B, 572-B. “Marsh Creek Formation.’ Samples from JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 13 limestone nodules interbedded with dark gray siliceous to cal- careous mudstones. Antioch South Quad. (7.5’); TIN, R2E, Sect. 32. South bank of Marsh Creek, Deer Valley Road crossing of Marsh Creek, Contra Costa County, California. NSF 568-B by bridge; NSF 572-B 0.10 to 0.15 miles downstream from bridge. Associated planktonic Foraminifera present at this horizon in- clude Globotruncana churchi Martin, G. arca (Cushman) and Gublerina ornatissima (Cushman and Church). This data with bio- stratigraphic data from the Putah Creek, Pleasants Valley, and Tesla areas indicate that the radiolarian assemblage present at NSF 568-B, and NSF 572 is assignable to the upper part of the G. calcarata Zonule of Pessagno (1967, 1969a). NSF 584. “Antelope Shale’ /‘‘Fiske Creek Formation.” Lime- stone nodules occurring in rhythmically bedded sandstones and mudstones /shales. USGS Sites Quad. (7.5’); TI7N, R4W, Sect. 8 (northeast corner); Funks Creek, Colusa County. Cenomanian planktonic Foraminifera have been figured from this locality by Kiipper (1956, pp. 40-47, pl. 8) and Douglas (1968, pp. 151-209, pl. 1). The presence of Rotalipora cushmani (Morrow) and Rotali- pora greenhornensits (Morrow) suggests a middle to late Ceno- manian age. Ammonites collected by the writer at this outcrop were identified by D. L. Jones (USGS, Menlo Park, California) as “Calycoceras sp.” Matsumoto (1960, p. 36) recorded middle to late Cenomanian ammonites Calycoceras boulei Collignon and Calyco- ceras cf. stoliczkat Collignon from this same locality and other localities in its vicinity. NSF 591. “Antelope Shale’ /‘‘Fiske Creek Formation.” Lime- stone nodule associated with gray siltstones, mudstones, and sand- stones; 223 feet below the contact with the overlying Venado For- mation. USGS Sites Quadrangle (7.5’); T17N, R4W, Sect. 4 (S.W. corner) ; 1.05 miles west of Patterson Road. 2.9 miles N8°W of BM 261 (Section 20) on Sites-Maxwell Road. The radiolarian as- temblage at this locality is essentially the same as that occurring in the upper part of the “Antelope Shale’ /“Fiske Creek Formation” at Cache Creek. At Cache Creek (NSF 383-B) this assemblage is associated with early TTuronian megafossils, (7.e., Inoceramus labia- tus (Schlotheim) and Kanabiceras (?) sp.; identified by D. L. Jones, USGS, Menlo Park, Calif.) occurring in strata situated about 218 feet below the contact with the overlying Venado Formation. 14 BULLETIN 264 NSF 697. Venado Formation. Thick shale interval interbedded with massive sandstones; sample from limestone nodules in shales. USGS Glascock Mountain Quad. (7.5’) ; T12N, R4W, Sect. 3; south bank of Cache Creek, Yolo County; 0.9 miles due west of BM 527 in southern part of Section 2. Early Turonian megafossils (2.e., Inoceramus labiatus (Schlotheim) and Kanabiceras (?) sp. were collected by the writer from the “Antelope Shale’’/“Fiske Creek Formation” 242 feet below the base of the Venado Formation (megafossils identified by D. L. Jones, USGS, Menlo Park, Calif.) . NSF 705-B. ‘Marsh Creek Formation”; 0.5 miles north of Contra Costa-Alameda County line on Vasco Road (Kellog Creek section). USGS Bryon Hot Springs Quadrangle (7.5’). NOTATIONS ON THE INTEGRATION OF RADIOLARIAN RANGE ZONES WITH PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERAL ZONATION (1) Rotalipora evoluta datum (first appearance). — Corresponds to base of R. evoluta Subzone (Pessagno, 1967, 1969a) which in turn corresponds approximately to the lower part of the Mantelli- ceras mantelli Zone of ammonite workers; earliest Cenomanian. (2) Rotalipora cushmani datum (first appearance). — Corresponds to base of R. cushmani-greenhornensis Subzone (Pessagno, 1967, 1969a) which in turn corresponds to upper part of Mantelliceras mantelli Zone of ammonite workers; late early Cenomanian. See Renz, Luterbacher, and Schneider (1963, pp. 1073-1116, pls. 1-9). (3) Planomalina buxtorfi datum (extinction). — Corresponds to the lower part of R. cushmani-greenhornensis Subzone (Pessagno, ibid.) . Data available appear to indicate that this datum point oc- curs within the Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone (middle Ceno- manian) of ammonite workers. (4) First appearance of double-keeled Globigerinacea. — Corre- sponds to base of M. sigali Subzone (Pessagno, ibid.) and to base of Actinocamax plenus Subzone in the Anglo-Parisian Basin (Jef- feries, 1961, p. 618, pl. 79, figs. 30 a-c). Jefferies considered the A. plenus Subzone early Turonian. (See discussion of Cenomanian- Turonian boundary problem in Pessagno, 1969a). (5) First appearance of double-keeled Marginotruncanidae /Glo- bigerinacea with curved, raised sutures umbilically. — Corresponds Jurassic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 15 to the base of W. archaeocretacea Subzone (Pessagno, ibid.) Impos- sible at present to integrate precisely with ammonite zonation. (6) M. helvetica—M. sigali datum (extinction). — Corresponds to top of M. helvetica Assemblage Zone, W. archaeocretacea Sub- zone (Pessagno, ibid.) . Late Turonian ammonites such as Prionocy- clus, Prionotropis, and Coilposceras occur in the upper part of the W. archaeocretacea Subzone. For more detailed discussion see Pes- sagno (1969a) . (7) Marginotruncanidae datum (extinction). — Corresponds to top of M. concavata Subzone (Pessagno, tbid.); early Santonian. See Pessagno (1969a) for integration of planktonic foraminiferal and megafossil data. (8) Globotruncana arca datum (first appearance). — Corresponds to base of G. fornicata-stuartiformis Assemblage Zone (Pessagno, ibid.); basal Campanian. See Pessagno (1969a) for integration of megafossil and planktonic foraminiferal data and for discussion of Santonian — Campanian boundary problem. (9) Rugoglobigerina datum (first appearance).— Corresponds to the base of the Planoglobulina glabrata Zonule of Pessagno (1969a) ; late early Campanian. Not possible to integrate with megafossil zonation at present. (10) Globotruncana hilli datum (first appearance). — Corresponds to base of G. calcarata Zonule of Pessagno (ibid.) and to base of Bostrychoceras polyplocum Zone of ammonite workers latest Cam- panian. See Pessagno (1969a) for a more detailed discussion. (11) Globotruncana linneiana—bulloides datum (extinction). — Corresponds to the top of the G. fornicata—stuartiformis Assemblage Zone of Pessagno (ibid.); latest early Maestrichtian. No precise data available for the integration of planktonic foraminiferal and mega- fossil zonation. (12) Globotruncana datum (extinction). — Corresponds to top of G. contusa-stuartiformis Assemblage Zone, A. mayaroensis Subzone (Pessagno, ibid.). No precise data available for the integration of planktonic foraminiferal zonation with megafossil zonation. TERMINOLOGY Bar. Rodlike structure forming component part of polygonal pore frame. Pie 2. fie. 1. Bracchiopyle. Cylindrical, porous tube extending in a distal direc- 16 BULLETIN 264 tion from the center of the tip of the primary ray. Only known to date in Halestum, n. gen. and Patulibracchium, n. gen. Pl. 1, figs. Nae Central area. Area situated at juncture of rays. Pl. 1, fig. 1. Central spine. Long spine extending distally from center of ray fp. Pl We hie 25: Lacuna, Cavity occurring in central area of some species of Crucella, n. gen. Pl. 18, fig. 1. Sometimes covered by thin veneer of spongy meshwork. Lateral spines. Short spines flanking central spine, usually one to erther side; Pl. 1, fig: 5. Node. See Pl. 2, fig. 1. Patagium. Delicate spongy meshwork surrounding rays; comprised of polygonal pore frames consisting of bars lacking nodes at pore lrame vertices: Pl: 2, fig. 5. Pore frame. Polygonal structure formed of bars or tabulae and bars usually connected (except with patagium) by nodes at ver- tices. Primary ray. In Halesium, n. gen. and Patulibracchium, n. gen. Ray possessing bracchiopyle. PI. 1, fig. 1, Text-fig. 4. Secondary ray. In Halestum, n. gen. and Patulibracchium, n. gen. Ray to left of primary ray. Pl. 1, fig. 1, Text-fig. 4. Tabula, -ae. Vertical, porous, sheetlike structures occurring with Halestum, n. gen. Pl. 2, figs. 1. Tertiary ray. In Halestum, n. gen. and Patulibracchium, n. gen. Ray to right of primary ray. Pl. 1, fig. 1, Text-fig. 4. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Phylum PROTOZOA Subphylum SARCODINA Class ACTINOPODEA Subclass RADIOLARIA Order POLYCYSTIDA Remarks. — Riedel (1967, p. 291) emended the Polycystida Ehrenberg to include only those Radiolaria having a skeleton com- prised of opaline silica lacking admixed organic compounds. Suborder SPUMELLARIINA Superfamily SPONGODISCACEA Haeckel Definition. — Spumellariina with spongy tests of variable shape (| _— "pD4eyay 449 “sawmDiy e) JO S@I1J49A 4D Sapou ~ @2uaesqD 410 aduasaid ~ < 2 ‘Abs aad sawpiy eK A, aiod jo smoi jo saquiny By *sauids yo yyGue7 < 5 k *sAD4 jo = suBia up HpIMm / Bae en lAaey = eis ba 4tP! 4 i pud sipq jo pastidwo> lad s@wdijy 310d yo aduaseig *sADi uaamjaq sajbu D Asi. tea *supq yo Ajuo pastidwod A Sawniy a4s0d yo a2duasaig ‘Dp 2 ‘DaiD =|D4juad |;DWs jes) “yuaseaid uaym ajAdoiyr204g O :y4OmM woiy yno Buipuayxa sAvdi be Pun seuids jo ainyrniys << ~Yysaut yo aiNnjrNsys pajinyaq ABuods ‘pasaquipyoun ino} = JO ‘93444 ‘OME JO B2UASAIg 4 *Ayppixp pun Ajjouipny: Buoy *sdiy Apa uo — sdf; Apa pup sApi yo adoys sauids jo aduasqn 40 a2uUaseaid ae ae "uolysD = "4834 yo Asjawmwds Meee a 4p3ulj] D Ul paBudniin sawnis 2 ‘DaiD =|D4jua> puDd *ajAdorys aiod jpuoBAjod yyIM 4say 4 sADi UO ysOMYSeawM jo addy -2DIQ 30 adUaSqD 40 adUAaSaIg ‘sAD4 jo Jaquinn ABuods ‘paisAn} D jo aduasaig ~ Ly JOAa] r1y1Dads jaAaq >140Ua6) |9A0q Anwinjqns jaaay Ajrupy NOILVOISISSVID YOd Widdalidd :€ JuaNoOld -1LX3l 18 BULLETIN 264 TEXT-FIG. 4 TEXT-FIGURE 4 X = point at center of central area. P = point at end of primary ray and at center of ray tip. S = point at end of secondary ray and center of ray tip. 2 = point at end of tertiary ray and at center of ray tip. = primary ray. PX = = length of primary ray exclusive of bracchiopyle. 2 = secondary ray. SX = length of secondary ray exclusive of central spine. 3 = tertiary ray. TX = length of tertiary ray exclusive of central spine. Angle PXS = angle formed by lines SX and PX. Angle SXT = angle formed by lines SX and TX. Angle TXP = angle formed by lines TX and PX. JURASsIc-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 19 lacking sieve plates, lattice shells, or chambered rays; with or with- out spines. Pore frames comprising spongy meshwork arranged with or without symmetry. Remarks. —'The Spongodiscacea as defined above include all Spumellariina with spongy tests. The shape of the test and its sym- metry are not regarded as important at the superfamily level. The Spongodiscacea are divided into two subsuperfamilies: the Spongodiscilae Haeckel and the Pseudoaulophacilae Riedel. The Spongodiscilae include all Spongodiscacea showing spongy mesh- work with no semblance of symmetry in the arrangement of their pore frames. The Pseudoaulophacilae include all Spongodiscacea with spongy meshwork arranged in some symmetrical fashion (e.g., in concentric rings, spirals, or parallel layers) . Range. — Paleozoic to Recent. Occurrence. — World-wide. Subsuperfamily SPONGODISCILAE Haeckel Definition. — Spongodiscacea with irregular spongy meshwork with pore frames arranged unsymmetrically. Overall test shape varying with family or subfamily. Range. — Paleozoic to Recent. Occurrence. — World-wide. Subsuperfamily PSEUDOAULOPHACILAE Riedel Definition. — Spongodiscacea with spongy meshwork comprised of pore frames arranged symmetrically in concentric rings, spirals, parallel layers, and so forth. Overall test shape varying with family or subfamily. Range. — Paleozoic? Mesozoic to Recent. Occurrence. — World-wide. Family HAGIASTRIDAE Riedel, emended Type genus. — Hagiastrum Haeckel. Emended definition. — Spongodiscacea with two, three, or four arms or rays. Meshwork arranged in parallel to subparallel layers axially. Individual layers comprised of pore frames arranged linearly or sublinearly. Remarks.— This definition corresponds closely to Riedel’s (1970) original definition of the Hagiastrinae. The Hagiastrinae 20 BULLETIN 264 Riedel are restricted in this report to forms showing four rays arranged at right angles along two axes. The Hagiastridae are divided herein into three subfamilies on the basis of the number and arrangement of rays: (1) the Am- phibrachiinae, n. subfam., (2) the Patulibracchiinae, n. subfam., and (3) the Hagiastrinae Riedel. These subfamilies are character- ized by having two, three, and four rays respectively. Range. — Mesozoic. Occurrence. — World-wide. Subfamily AMPHIBRACHIINAE, new subfamily Type genus. — Amphibrachium Haeckel. Description. — Test as with family. Comprised of two straight, opposing, unchambered rays arranged along one axis and extending outward from small central area. Remarks. — The Amphibrachiinae, n. subfam., differ from the Patulibracchiinae, n. subfam., by possessing two rather than three rays. Range and occurrence. — Jurassic; Early Cretaceous of Europe. Jurassic (Tithonian) of Blake-Bahama Basin. Genus AMPHIBRACHIUM Haeckel emended 1881. Amphibrachium Haeckel, Jenaische Zeitsch. Naturw., vol. 15 (n. ser., vol. 18), No. 3, p. 460. 1954. Amphibrachium Haeckel, Campbell, Treatise on Invert. Paleont., Pt. D, Protista 3, p. D86. [Inadvertently designated A. diminutum Rist, 1885 (p. 296, pl. 7, fig. 5) as type species. ] Type species.—Amphibrachium diminutum Riist, 1885. A. diminutum appears to have been inadvertently designated as the type species by Campbell in 1954. No mention was made by Camp- bell (¢bid.) that this represented a subsequent designation. Emended definition. —‘Test as with subfamily. Comprised of two opposing rays extending out from a minute, often asymmetrical central area. Rays with expanded, somewhat bulbous tips lacking large spines, but sometimes possessing irregularly distributed small spines. With or without patagium. Range and occurrence.— As defined above, Amphibrachium appears to be restricted to strata of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) age. Jurassic — Neocomian of Europe; Late Jurassic (Tithonian) of the Blake-Bahama Basin (JOIDES DSD) Leg 1, site 5A; Core 7, Section 1: 274.3 meters) . JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 21 Amphibrachium petersoni, Pessagno n. sp. Pl. 19, figs. 1,8 Description. — Test as with genus. Rays subequal in length. Shorter ray with expanded triangularly shaped tip; other ray with rounded tip. Both rays terminating in short spines; rays elliptical in cross-section. Meshwork with square to rectangular pore frames arranged in three markedly linear rows. Central area small. Remarks. — Amphibrachium petersoni, n. sp. differs from A. sansalvadorensis, n. sp. (1) by having wider, shorter rays which are subequal in length; (2) by having one ray with a bulbous tip and the other with an expanded triangular tip. - This species is named for Dr. M. N. A. Peterson (Scripps In- stitution of Oceanography), Chief Scientist of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project. Measurements.— Length of rays Width of rays microns microns Holotype (USNM 165578) 370 80 430 Paratype (USNM 165580) 350 60 370 Paratype (USNM 165580) 320 80 380 Paratype (USNM 165579) 390 80 460 Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) 340 70 400 Type locality. — JOIDES (DSD), Leg I, Site 5A, Core 7, Sec- tion 1: 274.3 meters. Blake-Bahama Basin. Deposition of types. — Holotype = USNM 165578. Paratypes = USNM_ 165579 — 165580 and Pessagno Collection, University of Texas at Dallas. Range and occurrence. — Late Jurassic (Tithonian) of Blake- Bahama Basin in so far as known. Amphibrachium sansalvadorensis Pessagno, n. sp. Pl. 19, figs. 9, 10 Description. — Test as with genus. One ray slightly shorter than other; both rays elliptical in axial section. Meshwork with square pores frames arranged in a markedly linear fashion in three rows. Rays with bulbous tips with several irregularly distributed short spines. Central area small. Remarks. — A. sansalvadorensis, n. sp. differs from A. di- minutum Rist (1) by having proportionately longer rays; (2) by 22 BULLETIN 264 having markedly straight rays with square meshwork; and (3) by having short spines on its ray tips. This species is named for the island of San Salvador in the Bahama Islands. Measurements. — Length of rays Width of rays microns microns Hclotype (USNM 165568) 500 40 550 Paratype (USNM 165569) 470 60 560 Paratype (USNM 165570) 450 50 560 Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) 410 50 460 Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) 380 50 480 Type locality.— JOIDES (DSD), Leg I, Site 5A, Core 7, Sec- tion 1 (top) : 274.3 meters. Blake-Bahama Basin. Deposition of types. — Holotype = USNM 165568. Paratypes = USNM_ 165569 — 165570 and Pessagno Collection, University of ‘Texas at Dallas. Range and occurrence.—'Yo date, this species has only been found in strata of Late Jurassic (Tithonian) age at its type locality. Subfamily PATULIBRACCHIINAE, new subfamily Type genus. — Patulibracchium, n. genus. Description. — ‘Test as with family. Comprised of three straight, unchambered rays extending out from a small central area. Remarks. — The Patulibracchiinae, n. subfam., differ from the Amphibrachiinae, n. subfam., by possessing three rather than two rays and from the Hagiastrinae Riedel by possessing three rather than four rays. The majority of the species occurring in this subfamily belong to Patulibracchium, n. gen. This genus together with Halesium, n. gen., is characterized by having a cylindrical tube, the bracchio- pyle, on one of the three rays. The ray possessing the bracchiopyle is termed the primary ray; the ray to the left of the primary ray is termed the secondary ray; and the ray to the right of the primary ray is termed the tertiary ray. Usually all three rays are of different length with different interradial angles. The system of form analysis shown in Text-figure 4 is primarily proposed for measurement of specimens assignable to either Patulibracchium or Halesium. Paron- JURASsIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 23 aella, n. gen., differs from the forementioned genera by lacking a bracchiopyle and having rays of equal length with subequal in- terradial angles. Range. — Jurassic? Cretaceous. Occurrence. — World-wide. Genus HALESIUM, new genus Type species. — Halesium sexangulum Pessagno, n. sp. Description. — Test in horizontal view with rays comprised of triangular to rectangular/square pore frames always arranged in two markedly linear rows. Marked linearity of meshwork due to three prominent vertical parallel tabulae (central and _ lateral tabulae) which merge in central area. Tabulae with massive nodes which intersect with bars to form either triangular or square frames. Meshwork in central area triangular. Meshwork arranged in horizontal, parallel layers. Rays subequal in length. Primary ray al- ways with massive, cylindrical bracchiopyle. Secondary and tertiary rays usually terminating in two prominent lateral spines and one prominent central spine. Remarks. — Halesium, n. gen. differs from Patulibracchium, n. gen. (1) in having pore frames always arranged in two parallel rows on its rays (exclusive of ray tips); (2) by having pore frames comprised of tabulae as well as bars; (3) by the uniform character of its meshwork; and (4) by the arrangement of its meshwork in parallel, horizontal layers. Both genera share bracchiopyles on their primary rays. The triangular meshwork of Halesiuwm differs from that of Pseudoaulophacus Pessagno by being comprised of bars and tabulae instead of just bars and by being arranged in parallel in- stead of concentric layers. This genus is named for Dr. Anton L. Hales, University of Texas at Dallas, in honor of his contributions to deep earth studies. Range. — Early Cenomanian to middle Turonian. Range zone may extend into Early Cretaceous. Early Cretaceous not extensively studied during this project. Occurrence. — Great Valley Sequence, California Coast Ranges. Halesium quadratum Pessagno, n. sp. Pl. 3, figs. 1-6; Pl. 4, figs 1,2 Description. — Test as with genus. Rays exclusive of tips with square pore frames and circular pores; nodes of central and lateral 24 BULLETIN 264 tabulae parallel; interconnected by bars which extend at right angles to axis of rays (Pl. 3, fig. 2; Pl. 4, fig. 2). Central area with triangular pore frames. Meshwork in longitudinal view tetra- gonal/rectangular with circular to elliptical pores; pore frames arranged in parallel layers. Seconday and tertiary rays with short imperforate lateral spines and short somewhat more massive and perforate central spines. Primary ray with cylindrical bracchio- pyle; bracchiopyle perforate proximally and imperforate distally; pores circular to elliptical in shape. Lateral spines of primary ray essentially the same as those of seconday and tertiary rays. Rays rectangular in axial view except for tips which are wedge-shaped. Patagium well developed on most specimens; often tends to obscure primary meshwork. Remarks. — H. quadratum, n. sp. is compared with H. sex- angulum, n. sp. below. Quadratus (Latin) = square. Measurements. — See Text — figure 4 for explanation of desig- nations. Holotype (USNM 165547) < PXS = 120 degrees PX < SXT = 120 degrees SX < TXP = 120 degrees TX Length of central spine at S = 80 microns. Length of central spine at T = 110 microns. Paratype (USNM 165549) 307 microns 332 microns 332 microns Holl II < PXS = 114 degrees PX < SXT = 113 degrees SX < TXP = 133 degrees TX Length of brachiopyle = 56 microns. Length of central spine at S = 56 microns. Length of central spine at T = not measureable; spine broken. 208 microns 237 microns 231 microns Hl Ul Ul Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) <+ PXS = 126 degrees PX < SXKT = 121 degrees SX < TXP = 113 degrees TX Length of central spine at S Length of cental spine at T Bracchiopyle broken. 311 microns 360 microns 336 microns HH tl Tl = §80 microns. = 80 microns. Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) 230 microns 210 microns 210 microns << PXS = 120 degrees Px < SXT = 125 degrees SX << TXP = 115 degrees TX Length of bracchiopyle = 60 microns. Length of central spine at S = 70 microns. Length of central spine at IT = 60 microns. HH Ul Il no Or JuRAssic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO Paratype (Pessagno Coll.) + PXS = 119 degrees PX = 290 microns < SXT = 112 degrees SX = 290 microns < TXP = 129 degrees iC X= 290 microns Central spines and bracchiopyle broken. Type locality. — NSF 350. See Locality. Descriptions and Text- figure 5. Deposition of types. — Holotype = USNM 165547. Paratypes = USNM 165548 — 165549 and Pessagno Collection, University of Texas at Dallas. Range. — Early Cenomanian to middle Turonian. Range zone may extend into Albian. Strata of Early Cretaceous age not exten- sively sampled during this study. Occurrence. — See Text-figure 5 and Locality Descriptions. Halesium sexangulum Pessagno, n. sp. Pl. 1, fi9s45-63: Pl. 2; figs. £6 Description. — Test as with genus. Rays and central area with well-developed triangular meshwork horizontally. Nodes of central tabulae staggered with respect to nodes on lateral tabulae; bars connecting nodes forming equilateral triangular frames between a given lateral tabula and central tabula; forming hexagonal areas comprised of equilateral triangular frames between lateral tabulae (Pl. 2, figs. 1,6). Tips of rays with tetragonal meshwork. Meshwork in longitudinal section comprised of parallel layers of subrectangular pores frames with circular to elliptical pores. Tertiary and secondary rays with short imperforate central spines and massive lateral spines. Primary ray with massive lateral spines and large cylindrical brac- chiopyle (PI. 1, figs. 5,6); bracchiopyle with circular to elliptical pores arranged between six diverging ridges. Rays rectangular in axial view except for tips which become markedly wedge-shaped distally. Patagium often well developed (PI. 2, figs. 4,6) . Remarks. — H. sexangulum, n. sp. differs from H. quadratum, n. sp. (1) by having triangular rather than square pore frames; (2) by having a more highly perforate bracchiopyle; (3) by possess- ing longer, more massive lateral spines; and (4) by having pro- portionately shorter rays. Sexangulum-a-um (Latin) = hexagonal. Measurements. — (For explanation of designations see Text- figure 4) . 26 BULLETIN 264 Holotype (USNM 165544) 200 microns 200 microns 170 microns << PXS = 118 degrees PX wv, ® a ra BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 8 JURASsIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 69 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page 1,4. Patulibracchium ruesti Pessagno, n. Sp. ooo... oes 38 Paratype (USNM 165512). NSF 483. Yolo Formation. Late Tur- onian/Coniacian. Fig. 1. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 4. View of portion of central area of higher magnification. Marker = 10 microns. 2,3. Patulibracchium ruesti Pessagno, N. Sp. ooo ceccceeeeeecccees 38 Paratype (Pessagno Collection). Yolo Formation. Late Turonian/ Coniacin. Fig. 2. View of a ray at high magnification. Marker = 10 microns. Fig. 3. View of bracchiopyle at higher magnifica- tion. Marker = 10 microns. 9. Crucella plana Pessagno, n. sp. Holotype (USNM 165562). NSF 483. Yolo Formation. Late Tur- onian/Coniacian. Marker = 100 microns. 6. Crucella plana Pessagno, n. sp. ............. Paratype (USNM 165563). NSF 483. Yolo ‘Formation. ‘Late Tur- onian/Coniacian. Marker = 100 microns. 56 56 70 BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page i ‘Crucelila cachensis’ Pessagno, 'n.'Sps".0.5.... eee cee Holotype (USNM 165562). NSF 697. Middle Turonian portion of Venado Formation. Note lacuna (L) in position of arrow. Marker = 100 microns. 2:34 Crucellavcachensis Pessacno., M. Sp. carts eee ee Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 697. Middle Turonian por- tion of Venado Formation. In figure 3 note marked raised area around lacuna. Markers in both figures = 100 microns. 4:"\Crucella ifwini-Pessagno, Nn. Sp. «2.025. ee eee Holotype (USNM 165582). NSF 705B. Middle Turonian portion of the ‘Marsh Creek Formation.’ Marker = 100 microns. v'9.6;. Crucellasirwini Pessasnoy n:sps)..:.2.228 ee ee ee Paratype (USNM 165558; 165584. NSF 705B. Middle Turonian portion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.”’ Marker = 100 microns. 53 54 54 PLATE 9 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 . a —s ¥, + ¢ BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 10 OO oe ee. ee sede PPS re JURASsIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. Paratype (USNM 165554). NSF 483. Late Turonian/Coniacian. Yolo Formation. Fig. 5. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 6. View of side of ray showing layering. Marker = 10 microns. 71 Figure Page 1, LRIECTEXSUGTO eS) Og aceacaescbnatennus ea ammeeBe se ceen onene sie Ae laaeNe tovEE: ap feo RPE n Naeem? a 52, NSF 705-B. Middle Turonian portion of “Marsh Creek Forma- tion.” Marker = 100 microns. /2. Paronaella solanoensis PesSagno, Nn. SP... ccceceeeeteeeeees 48 : Holotype (USNM 165550). NSF 483. Late ‘Turonian/Coniacian. Yolo Formation. Marker = 100 microns. _ 3. Paronaella solanoensis Pessagno, n. sp. 48 Paratype (USNM 165551). NSF 483. “Late Turonian/Coniacian. Yolo Formation. Marker = 100 microns. / 4. Paronaella venadoensis Pessagno, n. sp. ........ nee co. ~=49 Holotype (USNM 165553). NSF 483. Late Turonian/Coniacian. Yolo Formation. Marker = 100 microns. 5,6. Paronaella venadoensis Pessagno, n. Sp. cece eccceeeee 49 ~I ho Figure /1. Paronaella venadoensis Pessagno, n. sp. BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 All figures except 3 and 4 are scanning electron micrographs. Paratype (USNM 165555). NSF 483. Late Turonian/Coniacian part of the Yolo Formation. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium petroleumensis Pessagno, nN. Sp. .........cc cece Holtype (USNM 165517). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation “Dob- bins Shale’ Member; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium petroleumensis Pessagno, n. sp... Paratype (USNM 165518). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation ‘“Dob- bins Shale’ Member; early Campanian. Light photomicrograph. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium petroleumensis Pessagno, n. sp. SEED ies Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 32-B. Forbes. ‘Formation “Dobbins Shale” Member; early Campanian Light photomicro- graph. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium petroleumensis Pessagno, n. sp. Topotype (specimen destroyed in SEM work). NSF 32- B. Forbes Formation “Dobbins Shale’) Member; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium californiaensis Pessagno, n. sp. ........ Holotype (USNM 165520). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation. (“Dob- bins Shale” Member; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. PLATE 11 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE2 Figure fi. BSB. JuRAssic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. Patulibracchium californiaensis Pessagno, N. Sp. oo... Paratype (USNM 165521). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (‘Dob- bins Shale” Member) ; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium californiaensis Pessagno, nN. Sp. ............0.....0.00004. Topotype (lost in SEM work). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member). Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium teslaensis Pessagno, n. sp. Holotype (USNM 165526). NSF 451. Panoche | Group (undiffer- entiated) ; late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium teslaensis Pessagno, n. sp. Paratype (USNM 165527). NSF 451. Panoche Group “(undifferen- tiated) ; late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium teslaensis Pessagno, N. Sp. ooo... cece Paratype (USNM 165528). NSF 451. Panoche Group (undifferen- tiated) ; late Campanian. Fig. 5. Primary ray with bracchiopyle at three o’clock. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 6. View of bracchio- pyle. Marker = 10 microns. 73 Page 29 29 41 41 41 Figure i Vv 4,5. BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 13 All figures except figure 1 are scanning electron micrographs Patulibracchium teslaensis Pessagno, nN. Sp. .............ee ees Hypotype. NSF 55-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale’ Mem- ber) ; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium delvallensis Pessagno, n. Sp. ....0000....000.0 cee. Holotype (USNM 165529). NSF 451. Panoche Group (undifferen- tiated) ; late Campanian. Short ray is primary ray. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium delvallensis Pessagno, n. Sp. Paratype (USNM 165530). NSF 451. Panoche Group (undifferen- tiated) ; late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium lawsoni Pessagno, n. Sp. 2.0... Holotype (USNM 165532). NSF 451. Panoche Group (undifferen- tiated; late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Patulibracchium lawsoni Pessagno, n. Sp. ........000oo. occ Paratype (USNM 165534). NSF 451. Panoche Group (undifferen- tiated). Late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. 31 35 35 PLATE TS BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 14 JURASsIC-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 All figures except 2 are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page 1, Patulibracchium lawsoni Pessagno, n. SD. ....................ceeees Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 451. Panoche Group ‘(undif- ferentiated; late Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. 2. Patulibracchium taliaferroi Pessagno, n. Sp. .............0.0.ccccceeeeeeeeeeee Holotype (USNM 165538). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian portion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.” Primary ray at nine o’clock. Marker = 100 microns. 3,4. Patulibracchium taliaferroi Pessagno, n. Sp... eee Paratype (USNM 165539). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian portion of the ‘‘Marsh Creek Formation.” Fig. 3. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 4. View of bracchiopyle at higher magnification. Marker = 50 microns. 5,6. Patulibracchium taliaferroi Pessagno, n. sp. 00s Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian por- tion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.” Fig. 5. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 6. View of central area at higher magnification. Marker = 50 microns. 35 40 40 76 BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 15 All figures except 2 are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page 1. Patulibracchium taliaferroi Pessagno, n. sp... Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian por- tion of “Marsh Creek Formation.” Marker = 100 microns. 2. Patulibracchium marshensis Pessagno, n. sp. .................... Holotype (USNM 165535). Latest Campanian portion of “Marsh Creek Formation.” Primary ray with well-developed bracchio- pyle at eleven o’clock. Marker = 100 microns. 3-5. Patulibracchium marshensis Pessagno, n. sp. ........ Paratype (USNM 165536). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian portion of “Marsh Creek Formation.” Fig. 3. Primary ray at nine o’clock; marker = 100 microns. Fig. 4. View of tip of primary ray and bracchiopyle at higher magnification. Marker = 50 microns. 6. Patulibracchium arbucklensis Pessagno, n. sp. 0... Holotype (USNM 165523). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (‘Dobbins Shale’ Member). Marker = 100 microns. 36 27 PLATE 15 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 16 NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (‘Dobbins Shale’ Member); early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. JuRAssic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO da EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page 1. Patulibracchium arbucklensis Pessagno, n. sp. 000.0... P| Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale’ Member); early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. 2,3. Patulibracchium arbucklensis Pessagno, n. sp. ......00000..0.... 27 Paratype (Pessagno Collection). NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale’ Member); early Campanian. Fig. 2. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 3. View of bracchiopyle at higher magnifica- tion. Marker = 100 microns. / 4. Patulibracchium sp. aff. P. arbucklensis, n. sp. 00... 28 NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member) ; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. 5. Patulibracchium sp. aff. P. petroleumensis, n. sp. ...................... 38 NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member) ; early Campanian. Marker = 100 microns. Saal braccniUin SPie.th-f beet. OOM ede Somstonnenlinl ee. 78 BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17 All figures except 3-5 are scanning electron micrographs. Figure Page I Paronaella: Speech se hates cok caer ee ev eee oe See ae ee 50 NSF 432. Middle Turonian portion of Venado Formation. Marker = 100 microns. 2) (Paronae lal Spy Qi crea Ge eiaicayssesoosacescnelle ante < sete ase easier. ce teen ei ee eee eee 51 NSF 483. Late Turonian/Coniacian portion of Yolo Formation. Marker = 100 microns, 3. Patulibracchium dickinsoni Pessagno, n. sp. 32 Holotype (USNM 165541). NSF 568-B. Latest ‘Campanian ‘portion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.” Marker = 100 microns. 4,5. Patulibracchium dickinsoni Pessagno, n. sp. ...........c ee 32 Paratype (USNM 165542). NSF 568-B. Latest Campanian portion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.” Fig. 4. Primary ray at ten o’clock. Marker = 100 microns. Fig. 5. Tip of primary rav with remnants of bracchiopyle (BR) indicated by arrow. Marker = 100 microns. 6. Patulibracchium dickinsoni Pessagno, n. sp. 00 32 Paratype (USNM 165543). NSF 568-B. Latest ‘Campanian portion of the “Marsh Creek Formation.” Marker = 100 microns. PLATE 17 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 18 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 JurAssic-CRETACEOUS RADIOLARIA: PESSAGNO 79 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 18 All figures are scanning electron micrographs. All specimens from NSF 32-B. Forbes Formation (“Dobbins Shale” Member) ; early Campanian. Figure Page “1/ Crucella espartoensis Pessagno, Nl. Sp. .............2.0-----eeeccerssssecncecceseeeeees 53 Holotype (USNM 165565). Lacuna (L) marked by arrow. Marker = 100 microns. J2. Crucella espartoensis Pessagno, N. SP. cece ceees 53 Paratype (USNM 165566). Marker = 100 microns. 3,4. Crucella espartoensis Pessagno, Nn. SP. .......0...0 ccc ccteee eet 53 Paratype (Pessagno Collection). Marker = 100 microns. 80 BULLETIN 264 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19 All figures are scanning electron micrographs of Jurassic (Tithonian) Radio- laria from Blake-Bahama Basin. JOIDES (DSD) Leg I, Site 5A, Core 7, Section 1: top. Figure Page _1. Amphibracchium petersoni Pessagno, Nn. Sp. 7Ai Paratype (USNM 165579). Marker = 100 microns. 2. ?Paronaella ewingi Pessagno, N. SP. ooo... eects SAT, Holotype (USNM 165559). Marker = 200 microns. 3-5. ?Paronaella ewingi Pessagno, n. SP. oo... cece cece cece eee 47 Paratypes. Fig. 3. (USNM 165560). Fig. 4 (Pessagno Collection). Fig. 5. (Pessagno Collection) ; note small spines on ray tips and linear nature of pore frames suggesting presence of tabulae. Markers = 200 microns. v6. ?Paronaella worzeli Pessagno, n. SP. o....0.....cccecceecccccceeeeesteeeeeeeesrseeees 49 Holotype (USNM 165556). Marker = 200 microns. hs) WGRUCOLTAD ISD csosnsinvoncdeed io veshousnscsenvareaswantaseusse pucuscestccssoventas eos elates eee ee Marker = 200 microns. 8. Amphibracchium petersoni Pessagno, n. Sp. oo... cece 21 Holotype (USNM 165578). Marker = 200 microns. 9. Amphibracchium sansalvadorensis Pessagno, n. sp. ........00...-..0000.. 21 Holotype (USNM 165568). Marker = 200 microns. 10. Amphibracchium sansalvadorensis Pessagno, n. sp. .....0000.....0000... 21 Paratype (USNM 165569). Marker = 200 microns. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 19 INDEX Note — Light face type plates. A Abathomphalus mayaroensis Subzone 15 Acanthoceras .............. lal Acanthoceras rhoto- magense Zone ........ 14 Actinocamax plenus Subzone 14 Amphibrachium _........ 20 “Antelope Shale” ...... 10, 13 appenninica, Rotalipora ............ da arbucklensis, n. sp., Patulibracchium 15, 16 27, 41 arca, Globo- tEUNCANA 2.) sche ee. 9513 attenuatum, ‘“Rho- palastrum” i.2:5..:. 28 B Blake-Bahama BASIN woe ects h ean 5, 47, 48 Bostrychoceras poly- plocum Zone _......... 15 boulei, Calycoceras .. is} brittonensis, Hedbergella .... alte C cachensis, n. sp., Crucella ............ 9 53, 56 californiaensis, n. sp., Patulibracchium 11,12 29, 44 Calycoceras .............. ils} “Chitonastrum” 47 churchi, Globotruncana 9,12 Crucella, n. gen. ........ 51 cushmani, Rotalipora ................ Leas: D davisi, Patuli- bracchium ............. 1 26, 30, 34, 43, 45 delvallensis, n. sp., Patulibracchium 13 31, 32, 40 dickinsoni, n. sp. Patulibracchium 17 32 81 refers to pages. Bold face type refers to diminutum, Aphibracchium 20, 21 “Dobbins Shale” Mem eR 202 estou: 8,9 E Ellipsostylus ............ 8 espartoensis, n. sp., Crucella) .....::.00%.. 18 54 ewingi, n. sp., Paronaella ...... 19 47,50 F “Fiske Creek Formation” ...... 10, 13 Forbes Formation 8,9 G Globotruncana ............ 9,11 Globotruncana arca datum (first appear- INGO) nse es cesnseaice 1053 Globotruncana calearata Zonule .... Ilys Globotruncana contusa- stuartiformis Assem- blage Zone .............. 15 Globotruncana datum (extinction) .............. aL) Globotruncana forni- cata-stuartiformis Assemblage Zone .. 15 Globotruncana linne- iana-bulloides datum (extinction): ....4..-.¢. 15 greenhornensis, Rotalipora ................ 11,13 Guinda Formation . 8,9 H Haeckel, E. ....... if Hagiastrum ............ TOV oI bs Halesium, n. gen. . 16, 22, 23, 27, 47 Hedbergella ............ al hilli, Globo- truncana .......... 9,12 ! inaequalum, Nn. sp., Patulibracchium 4, 5 35" Inoceramus .................. irwini, n. sp., Crucella = 9 “aff. japonicum, Kossmaticeras” ........ Kanabiceras ................ “Kieselkalke von Cittiglio”’ Kossmaticeras labiatus, Inoceramus lapparenti, S.s., Globotruncana .... lawsoni, Nn. Sp., Patulibracchium 13, 14 linneiana, S.s, Globotruncana ....... loeblichi, Globo- truncana .................. Mantelliceras mantelli Zone ..... Marginotruncana con- cavata Subzone ....... Marginotruncana hel- vetica-Margino- truncana sigali datum (extinction) Marginotruncana renzi Assemblage Zone Marginotruncanidae datum ane: tion) ..... eeadaen “Marsh Creek Formation” marshensis, Nn. sp., Patulibracchium _15 messinae, Nn. sp., Crucella ........ eo “orientalis, Inoceramus”’ INDEX 9,13 55 10 35, 43 52, 93, 56 ornatissima, Ventilabrella Panoche Group .......... Parona, C. F. Paronaella, n. gen. .... Patulibracchium, n. gen. petersoni, n. sp., Amphibrachium |19 Petroleum Creek ........ petroleumensis, n. sp., Patulibracchium ..11 plana, n. sp., Crucella Planomalina buxtorfi datum (extinction) Praeglobotruncana .... Prionocyclus ................ Prionotropis ................ “Prunoideay 2.2. Puzosia quadratum, n. sp., Halesium .......... 3,4 ‘“Rhopalastrum” .......... Riedel, W. R. rosetta, Globotruncana Rotalipora Rotalipora cushmani datum (first appearance) Rotalipora cushmani-_ greenhornensis Subzone Rotalipora evoluta datum (first appearance) we Rotalipora evoluta Subzone ruesti, n. sp., Patulibracchium 7, 8 Rugoglobigerina datum (first appearance) .. RUST) Dee San Salvador 9, 13 11 a 22, 23, 46 Jianende ituteereeeeh 16, 22, 23, 27, 28, 47 21 9 28, 36, 37 56 sansalvadorensis, n. sp. Amphibrachium ._19 sexangulum, Nn. sp., Halesium: .:.....-..1,2 Sites Formation solanoensis, n. sp. Paronaella_..........10 Spongoprunum Squinabol, S. .... stephani, Praeglobo- truncana ; stoliczkai cf., Calycoceras ..... taliaferroi, n. sp., Patulibracchium teslaensis, n. Sp., Patulibracchium 12, 13 torvitatis, n. sp., Patulibracchium 6, 7 tricuspidatum, “Chitonastrum” . trixiphus, “Rhopalastrum” tumeniensis, ‘“Hagiastrum” _.. INDEX 21 23, 24, 25 10 46, 48, 51 7 7 11 13 31, 40 27, 31, 41 35, 42, 44 47 50 54 83 U ungulae, n. sp., Patulibracchium .7 Vv Venado Formation .. venadoensis, n. sp., Paronaella ....10, 11 Ventilabrella .............. Whiteinella archaeo- cretacea Subzone ... woodlandensis, n. sp., Patulibracchium | 5 X Xiphotractus Y Yolo Formation 29, 44 13, 14 48, 49, 51 9,13 15 30, 45 9,10 =a a! 1Peroe Suse hl s{f AY 2 a4”) e ' 7 Cf a2 alleanty?. 4 it allegiultitte:! - cf 7 9 v }' Pil abe Tha Tid’ ts 7 - : Rope ' hie : Ze _ i: 4t2 * &} redte ; a! ; f ¥ G7 . i Ru ~ hiMenciot wi di? pu Dri WO in © Pane pf ; XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. XLIX. LII. LHI. LIV. LV. LVI. LVII. LVIII. LIX. Volume I. II. Ill. VI. (ING 8204) eS 64s pipes NOS) 0p Stee seen oe ce, ee een gee ae ect Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods (Nas sec05-211) ne 419M pp vanes Om ips) aces eee etre cena, Leeaateene aceouee Large Foraminifera, Texas Cretaceous crustacean, Antarctic Devonian terebratuloid, Osgood and Paleocene Foramini- fera, Recent molluscan types. CINos ipo 22207) 0 S84 yp psy) O31 DI Be eseeccetee etter es enero cena momenta nee Eocene and Devonian Foraminifera, Venezuelan fossil scaphopods and polychaetes, Alaskan Jurassic ammonites, Neogene mollusks. (INO: 4218) ecLOS Sipps) Sis DI Ss «cae. ctceececnectscesenes cotton eet pcernaseeretere Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the Southern and Eastern United States. (Noss 219-224) 1670) pp 283) pl sieves ecare ewe cee cess cecoe ceectenerececurae Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- poids, South Dakota palynology, Venezuelan Miocene mol- lusks, Voluta. (Noss 225-230), SES) pp, 42 piss aie aac e acc ce seenen recepessoreeeoesnce Venezuela and Florida cirripeds, Antarctic forams, Lin- naean Olives, Camerina, Ordovician conodonts, Niagaran forams. (Nose 231-232) 4200 pps. MOMs) eee wesc eer tec ccerearcerczemcecenes Antarctic bivalves, Bivalvia catalogue. CIN GS252357 250) 50387) PDs pA Sr DIS eee ance sete ncccecetccncncetenecseereercns New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- cene-Pliocene California forams. (ING@s29237-238) > 488. pps 45) Piste ae won acc ae aeeee cco cecectasrastae tease Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. (INOS 39 259-245) 2p SLO ep ping a Om PS eee ee cea eaceretceceeve-nccaereceeccsorecers Dominican ostracodes, Texan pelecypods, Wisconsin mol- lusks, Siphocypraea, Lepidocyclina, Devonian gastropods, Miocene Pectens Guadaloupe. UN G65 240-240 Vo O50 Pa, OO)! PSs erase sc ccc cen ana scescecwentapescaacae Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. (Nos. 248-254).0572 pp, 4) pls, ae American Foraminifera, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Belanski types, Venezuelan Cenozoic Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods. (Nos.255-250)252) Pps. 62) pis. 2 a Alaskan Jurassic ammonites, Pt. II, Jurassic Ammonitina New Guinea. Nos: 257-202) .-505) Pps, 55) Di. ee ee Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cretaceous Foraminifera, Pacific Silicoflagellates, North American Cystoidea, Cincinnatian Cyclonema, new species Vasum. (G20) e514 pis eee ee ee Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. Otel) SASL ji, 27/ ju. ee ee Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Paleozic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Pale- ozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. Oyo UREA) Sse (Gli Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platystrophia and Venericardia. ; Oy PLES Ry i CR Te eA ol Cys ee ae eee Rudist studies Busycon, Dalmanellidae, Byssonychia, De- vonian lycopods, Ordovican eurypterids, Pliocene mollusks. ni AE RA eS ye Ce Tertiary Arcacea, Mississippian pelecypods, Ambonychiidae, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. i BET ES YC OD a, Zo) | See tt en ee ec Lycopsids and sphenopsids of Freeport Coal, Venericardia, Carboniferous crinoids, Trace fossils. (INGig tA 2-44 Vem L SS Pps ZO Mp lasso eee oceans sewer eeen ent oe Torreites Sanchezi, Cancellariid Radula, Ontogeny, sexual dimorphism trilobites. 13.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 28.00 32.00 35.00 15.00 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vols. I-XXIII. See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. N. Y. 10017, U.S.A. (INos:'80-87)).." -334upp.:27epls: 2 Be ee eee Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 88-94B). 306 pp., 30 pls. Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic ehinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls. Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos 101-108) 2 376" pp.5) 56, splst eee ee Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 109-114). 412 pp., 34 pls. Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 115-116). 738 pp., 52 pls. Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (No: LEA) S63ip p05. plssce ts ae ee ree Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos. 118-128). 458 pp., 27 pls. Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Nos. 129-133). 294 pp., 39 pls. Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos. 134-139)5): 448) pps. 51. plsv 2s eee ee Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- graphy paleontology. (Nos. 140-145). 400 pp., 19 pls. Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods and conularid bibliography. (Nos. 146-154) 386 pp., 31 pls. G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Volutidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (INos2:155-160) 5 412" pps 53 pls. 2 ee eee Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian Chazyan Antillean Cretaceous rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos. 165-176). 447 pp., 53 pls. Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Nos. 177-183). 448 pp., 36 pls. Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary forma- tions and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American- European species, Puerto Rico forams. (Nos 184). 99 6 ppis 1 iplss see ee eee Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. (Noss t185-192))5 3S pps 305 pls Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. (No. 193). 673 pp., 48 pls. Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. (Nos. 194-198). 427 pp., 29 pls. Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Missis- sippian forams, Cuban rudists. (Nos./'199=203))-.. 365" pp:,, 68) DlSsuee tee ee Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- clina, Eumalacostraca. pls. Canal Zone Foraminifera, 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 DAS pS B93 6 BORE INS OF AMERICAN Pace ON OLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 265 A NEW SPECIES OF CORONULA (CIRRIPEDIA) FROM THE LOWER PLIOCENE OF VENEZUELA By Norman E. WEIsBorD June 1, 1971 Paleontological Research Institution JA wil \ f Yi4, AUG 18 1971 LIBRARIED Library of Congress Card Number: 77-158088 Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation A NEW SPECIES OF CORONULA (CIRRIPEDIA) FROM THE LOWER PLIOCENE OF VENEZUELA Norman FE. WEIsBorp* Department of Geology The Florida State University ABSTRACT Coronula macsotayi, a new species of whale barnacle from the Mare Formation of Venezuela, is described, compared, and illustrated. Its nearest relative is Coronula bifida Bronn, 1831, which occurs in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Italy. The genus Coronula is reported for the first time from Venezuela. INTRODUCTION On March 10th, 1969 the writer received from Oliver Macsotay Izak a nearly whole and excellently preserved whale barnacle of the genus Coronula. The single specimen was collected by Macsotay from the basal sand of the Mare Formation at its type locality, which is on the hillside above the west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo, Distrito Federal, Venezuela, approximately 22 kilometers by road north of Caracas. The species is new and is given the name Coronula macsotayt. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my appreciation to the National Science Foundation for its support of my research on the late Cenozoic invertebrates of Venezuela. This contribution is one of a number of books and papers, most of them published by the Paleontological Research Institution, resulting from that support. I wish also to thank Gerrit Mulders of Tallahassee for photographing many of the Venezuelan specimens, including the Coronula described in this article. MARE FORMATION The Mare Formation was first described by Frances de Rivero (1956, p. 120) as a discrete unit within the Cabo Blanco Group. The Mare is highly fossiliferous, and contains not only a host of exceptionally well-preserved marine invertebrates, but also, as point- ed out by Macsotay (1968, pp. 303,304), some equally well-pre- served freshwater and land shells which were washed into the marine accumulation during Mare time. From a preliminary inspec- tion of the fossils, Dr. Rivero tentatively regarded them as “prob- ably Pleistocene although some species [of mollusks] suggest a pos- sible older age, especially the presence of Strombina.” During 1955 and 1956 the writer spent a number of weekends mapping the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, and in 1957 (Weis- bord, pp. 18-20) re-described the Mare Formation as follows: *Research Associate, Paleontological Research Institution. 88 BuLueTIN 265 The Mare formation is a shallow-water marine deposit. It is about 40 feet thick at the type locality but attains a thickness of perhaps 60 feet elsewhere. The lower 10 to 15 feet are made up of incoherent grits and sands containing many well-preserved fossils. This lower member starts as a pebble to granule gravel or “grit” (with occasional stringers of cobbles) and grades upward to a sand of decreasing coarseness. The upper 30 feet or so of the Mare formation consists of tan, homogeneous, and slightly compacted silts of a fine and even texture. These silts conformably overlie the coarser sediments at the base of the Mare formation, but the contact between them is usually rather sharp. Like the grits, the silts of the Mare formation are also highly fossiliferous, albeit more so below than above, and, at the top of the formation, the silts may be barren of fossils. Weisbord was inclined to consider the Mare Formation as Pliocene in age, an opinion that was reinforced after his study of the Mollusca (1962, 1964a, 1964b). That study included the identi- fication and establishing the range of 230 species of Mare mollusks. Of that number, 26 to 41 per cent were found to have survived to Recent time, a ratio that would suggest, applying Lyell’s extinction criterion, an early Pliocene age rather than late Miocene or late Phocene. The spread of 26 to 41 per cent indicates the lowest to highest percentages permissible, and takes into consideration the judgment factor in deciding whether fossil species are the same as, or different than, closely related living ones. It was also thought that certain newly described Mare species would eventually be found living in Venezuelan waters, and such indeed is proving to be the case. It is anticipated that ultimately about a third, or 33 per cent, of the Mare mollusks will be recorded as having survived to Recent time. The stratigraphic succession within the Cabo Blanco Group, and the relationship of the Mare Formation to other divisions of the Group, are shown in the following table. CABO BLANCO GROUP SUBRECENT Bench-forming beach rock, and reworked clays, sands, and gravels. Thick- ness 3 meters max. Disconformity ABISINIA FORMATION (Lower Pleistocene) Clays, silts, sands, and gravels, the latter locally with marine fossils. ‘Thickness 13 meters max. Coronula (CIRRIPEDIA) VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 89 Disconformity MARE FORMATION (Middle-Lower Pliocene) Uniformly coarse friable sandstone at base grading upward to soft silt- stone. Highly fossiliferous. Thickness 19 meters max. Angular unconformity to disconformity PLAYA GRANDE FORMATION (MAIQUETIA MEMBER) —Lower Pliocene Shales, siltstones, calcareous sandstones, and conglomerates. Bioherms and biostromes of calcareous algae. Fossils moderately abundant throughout. Thick- ness 68 meters. Fault PLAYA GRANDE FORMATION (CATIA MEMBER)—Lower Pliocene Calcareous siltstones and sandstones, conglomerates, some shales and im- pure limestones, and rare lentils of barnacle coquinas. Fossils moderately abundant, in places as casts and molds. Thickness 156-233 meters. Angular unconformity LAS PAILAS FORMATION (Middle Tertiary) Unfossiliferous mudstones, siltstones, sandstones, and conglomerates. Thick- ness 375 meters +. Including Coronula macsotayi, n. sp. described in this paper, ten species of fossil Cirripedia are now known from the Cabo Blanco Group of Venezuela (Weisbord, 1965). Six of the ten barnacles occur in the Mare Formation, and of the six, one, and possibly two (17 to 33 per cent) of the Mare barnacles are living today. As the four remaining species are related to known late Neogene species, the early Pliocene age of the Mare Formation as indicated by the Mollusca, is not controverted by the seemingly low survival rate of the Cirripedia. Longevity, or the survival capability of Cenozoic in- vertebrates, differs greatly among the classes of organisms, but once a standard “mortality table” has been established for one bio- logic hierarchy (Lyell, 1833, etablished his epochs of the Tertiary by the per cent of species of Mollusca that survived to Recent time), then the percentage for all other biologic hierarchies also becomes a standard providing a sufficient number of species are available to insure statistical validity. As the concepts enunciated above were nurtured by the writer’s study of the Cabo Blanco Group of Venezuela, there is presented in the following tabulation a roundup, under the hierarchy of Class or Order, all of the fossil species identified in each formation of the 90 BuLieTin 265 Group and the percentage of those species that are also living today. Included in the tabulation are the fossils collected in the Guaiguaza Clay, a formation 115 kilometers west of Cabo Blanco, the strati- graphic position of which is not yet known. The age determinations are based, with modification, on Lyell’s subdivision of the Tertiary period by the per cent of fossil Mollusca that have survived to Recent time. Complementing the Mollusca as age indicators are 1) the percentages in the Recent of other classes of organisms, 2) the local stratigraphy and the succession of beds, and 3) the dating of the Abisinia Formation (the absolute age of which is in excess of 300,000 years) as determined by the Ionium disequilibrium method (see Osmond, in Weisbord, 1965, footnotes pps Tit). PERCENTAGE OF RECENT SPECIES BY CLASS AND FORMATION Abisinia Formation (Lower Pleistocene) Number of Per cent Total number fossil species of species Class or Order of species in Recent in Recent Anthozoa (Scleractinia) 2 2 100 Echinoidea 1 1 100 Gymnolaemata (Cheilostomata) 1 1 100 Polychaetia (Sedentarida) 1 1 100 Cirripedia 1 1 100 Gastropoda’ [ 34 26-31 76-91 4MOLLUSCA Pelecypoda | J 18 15-16 83-90 TOTAL 58 47-53 81-91 MOLLUSCA ONLY 52 41-47 80-90 Guaiguaza Clay (Upper Pliocene) Number of Per cent Total number fossil species of species Class or Order of species in Recent in Recent Anthozoa (Scleractinia) 2 2 100 Scaphopoda_ [{ ) 2 1 50 Gastropoda 4{MOLLUSCA$ 25 9 36 Pelecypoda | | 14 11 79 TOTAL 43 23 53 MOLLUSCA ONLY 41 on 51 Coronula (CIRRIPEDIA) VENEZUELA: WEISBORD oil Mare Formation (Middle-Lower Pliocene) Number of Per cent Total number fossil species of species Class or Order of species in Recent in Recent Foraminiferida’ 72 60 83 Anthozoa_ (Scleractinia) 3 3 100 Echinoidea 1 1 100 Gymnolaemata (Cheilostomata) 10 6 60 Polychaetia (Sedentarida) 2 1 50 Cirripedia 6 1-2 17-33 Scaphopoda_ [ } 8 4-5 50-63 Gastropoda {4MOLLUSCA} 140 23-52 16-37 Pelecypoda_ | J 82 32-58 39-46 TOTAL 324 131-168 40-52 MOLLUSCA ONLY 230 58-95 26-41 Playa Grande Formation Undifferentiated (Lower Pliocene) Number of Per cent Total number fossil species of species Class or Order of species in Recent in Recent Chlorophyceae (Dasycladales) 1 0 0 Foraminiferida’ 140 106 76 Anthozoa (Scleractinia) 5 4 80 Echinoidea 5 5 100 Gymnolaemata (Cheilostomata) 7 4 57 Polychaetia (Sedentarida) 4 0 0 Cirripedia 8 2 25 Scaphopoda_ [ ] 9 3-5 33-55 Gastropoda 4MOLLUSCA} 84 9-20 11-24 Pelecypoda_ | J 72 30-37 42-52 TOTAL 335 163-183 49-54 MOLLUSCA ONLY 165 42-62 25-37 ‘Data obtained from Bermudez (1966), and Bermuidez and Fuenmayor (1966). SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Coronula macsofayi, n. sp. Pl. 20, figs. 1-4 Diagnosis. — A coronoform balanid, formerly attached to a cetacean, characterized by its large elongated orifice and excep- tionally thick radii and sheath, both of which are constructed of numerous fine quadrangular tubules. The radii are horizontally dis- posed from the summit to the base. This differentiates the species from the Pliocene Coronula barbara Darwin of England and Italy, on which the summit of the radii is oblique. Description. — The shell is large, crownlike, longer than high, tumid about the middle, and angularly suboval in outline. The 92 BuLLeETIN 265 height is about five-sevenths the length. The six compartments are similar in appearance, but the carina is slightly attenuated and the carinolateral parietes somewhat wider below than the others. The orifice is large, sharply hexagonal at the summit, its length a little over one half, and the width two-fifths that of the shell. The mem- brane of the basis is missing, but judging from the configuration of the base of the shell, the basis was as long as, and somewhat wider than the orifice, and obtusely hexagonal in outline. The parietes are convex, with prominent convexly arched longi- tudinal ribs. The ribs are crossed by numerous strong transverse folds, generally slightly arcuate and in places flexuous, traversed by sturdy, vertically aligned, closely spaced growth ridges of nearly equal size. The transverse folds become crowded and recumbent at the base, and from the base upward to within 5 mm of the apex on the largest rib, there are 60 folds in a length of 48.5 mm. On this same rib, at the base where it is the widest and fortuitously bifid, there are 34 vertical ridges in a width of 6.5 mm. The vertical ridges are squarish and nodulated, the nodulations more _pro- nounced on the crest and underside of the folds. Where fully de- veloped the ridges are wider than their interspaces. Within and along the crest of the transverse folds there is a row of tiny elliptical pores, the pores representing a cross section of the small intercon- nected longitudinal canals running through the interspaces of the vertical ridges. A strong, erect, longitudinal, laminar plate is pres- ent underneath each of the middle longitudinal ribs of a paries. The plate occurs midway between the sutures of each rib and is the keel on which the transverse folds are developed. Each laminar plate, as well as the wall of the sheath to which it is connected, is scored by numerous fine vertical striae. The space between the laminae is 1 mm at the apex to 5 mm at the base of the ribs. There are four longitudinal ribs on the carina and rostrum, and five on each of the other parietes. On the carina and rostrum only three of the four ribs reach the apex of the paries, and on the sides only four of the five. The shorter fourth rib of the carina and fifth rib of the carinolaterals appear some distance down from the apex and widen to the basis on the margin of the parietes facing the ros- trum; similarly the fourth rib of the rostrum and fifth of the laterals on the other side of the shell is introduced on the margin of the Coronula (CIRRIPEDIA) VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 93 parietes facing the carina. The two or three middle ribs of each paries are the largest, the outermost ones the smallest; the latter are fused with the outer ribs of the neighboring compartment at the base of the shell and diverge rapidly therefrom to form the characteristic wide “V” of the compartments. The ribs are locked together at their sutures in an alternating zigzag array by toothlike projections from the ends of the transverse folds on each longitudinal rib. Several of the ribs are bifid or split toward the base, a character that seems to have arisen from fracturing, as the faint cleft dividing them 1s not sutured by interlocking teeth. The radu are thick, broadly triangular, and horizontally lineated on the outer surface. In section the radius is seen to be made up of a number of plys of thin, closely spaced laminae separated by micro- scopic vertical partitions, producing in effect a system of small cellu- lar tubules, quadrate in form and horizontal in alignment. The margin of the radius facing the carina overrides and merges with the upper surface of the nearest longitudinal rib, whereas the mar- gin of the radius facing the rostrum continues under its nearest rib and interlocks with it below the first parietal suture. The summit of the radii is horizontal or parallel with the base, and this hori- zontality is one of the distinguishing characters of the species. The inner surface of the radii is tightly appressed against but not calcified to the opposed surface of the sheath at the summit of the shell. The sheath 1s thick, and though not visible in its entirety, is inferred to be as long as the internal shell wall. The interior of the sheath proper is constructed of horizontal tubules similar to those of the radu, but the inner surface of the sheath is thickly calci- fied and smooth. The summit of the sheath is thin and essentially horizontal, rising slightly above the summit of the radi. As seen within the body cavity of the shell, the lateral plates of the sheath overstep the rostral plate; the laterals and carinolaterals are joined evenly at the sutures; and the carinolaterals pass smoothly under the narrow carinal plate. The cavity for the body is large and deeply cup-shaped. The opercular valves are not known, and the alae are hidden from view. Dimensions. — Specimen I689a, (not 1689a) PRI 28292 (holo- type) length of shell 71 mm, width 56 mm, height 52 mm; length of orifice 38 mm, width 25 mm; length of base 42 mm, width 32 mm. 94 BULLETIN 265 Type locality. — Basal sand member of Mare Formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo, Dis- trito Federal, Venezuela. Lower Pliocene. Collected and donated by Oliver Macsotay Izak of the Instituto Oceanografico, Cumana, Venezuela. Comparisons. — There are four species of Coronula with which Coronula macsotayi may be compared — the Recent and cosmopoli- tan Coronula diadema (Linnaeus), the Pliocene Coronula barbara Darwin from England and Italy, the Pliocene and Pleistocene Cor- onula bifida Bronn from Italy, and the Pliocene Coronula dormitor Pilsbry and Olsson from Ecuador. The most closely related of the four 1s Coronula bifida Bronn as described and illustrated by Ales- sandr (1894, pp. 302,303, pl. 3, figs. 7a,7b; 1906, pp. 315-317, pk: 18, figs. 8-11). The shell of C. bifida, however, is subcircular and subcylindrical in form and is nearly as high as long; the orifice is only slightly longer than wide and is less than half the length of the shell compared with the relatively longer and larger orifice of C. macsotayt; the carinal plate and paries are much wider than on C. macsotayi, but the compartments of C. bifida are not so widely triangular as on the Venezuelan shell. The principal difference between Coronula barbara Darwin and Coronula macsotayt, n. sp., is that the summit of the radii is defin- itely oblique on C. barbara but horizontal on C. macsotayi, and it is this obliquity, according to Alessandri (1894, pp. 303,304, pl. 3, figs. 8a,8b; 1906, p. 317, pl. 18, figs. 12a,12b), that distinguishes C. bifida Bronn (1831, p. 126) from C. barbara Darwin (1854a, pp. 421-423, pl. 15, fig. 6; 1954b, pp. 38-40, pl. 2, figs. 8-8e). Coronula diadema (Linnaeus) (see Darwin, 1854a, pp. 417-419, pl. 15, figs. 3-3b; pl. 16, figs. 1,2,7; 1854b, pp. 39,40; Pilsbry, 1916, pp. 273, 274, pl. 65, figs. 3,4; and Zullo, 1969, p. 22) is differentiated from C’. bifida Bronn, C. barbara Darwin, and C. macsotayi, n. sp., by, among other characters, its form which is that of a slightly swollen cask whose diameter is less than its height. C. dormitor Pilsbry and Olsson (1951, p. 202, pl. 11, figs. 1-5) differs from C. macsotayi in lacking the interlocking teeth between the external ribs. Comments. — This whale barnacle is named for Oliver Macso- tay, stratigrapher and paleontologist, who is actively engaged in research on the Neogene deposits of eastern Venezuela. Coronula (CIRRIPEDIA) VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 95 The holotype PRI 28292, is in the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, 14850, U.S.A. LITERATURE CITED Alessandri, Giulio de 1894. Contribuzione allo studio dei Cirripedi fossili d’Italia. Soc. Geol. Italiana, Boll., vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 234-314, pls. 3-5, text-figs. 1-3. 1906. Studi monografici sui Cirripedi fossili d’Italia, Palaeontogr. Italica, vol. 12, pp. 207-324, pls. 13-18, text-figs. 1-9. Bermudez, Pedro J. 1966. Consideraciones sobre los sedimentos del Miocene Medio al Re- ciente de las costas central y oriental de Venezuela. Primera parte. Bol. Geol. [Venezuela], vol. 7, No. 14, pp. 333-411, 4 tables, corre- lation chart. Bermudez, Pedro J., and Fuenmayor, Angel N. 1966. Consideraciones sobre los sedimentos del Miocene Medio al Re- cliente de las costas central y oriental de Venezuela. Segunda parte. Los foraminiferos cee Bol. Geol. [Venezuela], vol. 7, No. 14, pp. 412-611, pls. 1-4 Bronn, Heinrich Georg 1831. Italiens Tertidr-Gebilde und deren organische Einschliisse. Pp. a-x11, 1=176, 1 pl. Darwin, Charles Robert 1854a. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species, Ray Society London, Publ., pp. i-viii, 1-684, pls. 1-30, text-figs. 1-11. 1854b. 4 monograph of the fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain. Palaeontogr. Soc. London, Mon., vol. 8, pp. 1-44, pls. 1,2 text-figs. 1-6. Linnaeus, Carl 1766-67. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae. Stockholm, ed. 12, vol. 1, pt. 1, Regnum Animale, pp. 1-532 (1766); pt. 2, pp. 533- 1327 (1767). Lyell, Charles 1833. Principles of Geology. Vol. III, 109 pp. Macsotay, Oliver 1968. Edad y paleocologia de las formaciones Tuy y Siguire a base de su fauna de moluscos foésiles. Bol. Geol. [Venezuela], vol. 9, No. 19, pp. 297-305, pl. 1. Pilsbry, Henry A. 1916. The sessile barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collection of the U.S. National Museum, including a monograph of the American species. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 93, pp. i-xi, 1-366, pls. 1-76, text- figs. 1-99. Pilsbry, Henry A., and Olsson, Axel A. 1951. Tertiary and Cretaceous Cirripedia from northwestern South America. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 103, pp. 197- 210, pls. 8-11. Rivero, Frances de 1956. Cabo Blanco, Grupo. Léxico Estratigrafico de Venezuela. Bol. Geol. [Venezuela], Publ. Especial, vol. 1, pp. 116-121. Weisbord, Norman E. 1957. Notes on the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 165, pp. 1-25, geol. map. 96 BULLETIN 265 1962. Late Cenozoic gastropods from northern Venezuela. Ibid., vol. 42, No. 193, pp. 1-672, pls. 1-48, text-figs. 1,2. 1964a. Late Cenozoic pelecypods from northern Venezuela. Ibid., vol. 45, No. 204, pp. 1-564, pls. 1-59. photo-figs. 1-8. 1964b. Late Cenozoic scaphopods and serpulid polychaetes from northern Venezuela, Ibid., vol. 47, No. 214, pp. 110-203, pls. 16-22. 1965. Some late Cenozoic cirripeds from Venezuela and Florida. Ibid., vol. 50, No. 225, pp. 1-45, pls. 1-12. Zullo, Victor A. 1969. Thoracic Cirripedia of the San Diego Formation, San Diego County, California. Los Angeles County Mus., Contrib. Sci., No. 159, pp. 1-25, figs. 1-77. PLATE BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 20 Figs. 1-4, Coronula macsotayi, n. sp. Holotype (1689a). PRI 28292. Figs. 1-3, X 0.7; fig. 4, X 1.9. Fig. 1, side view, carina right; fig. 2, side view, carina left; fig. 3, orifice, carina facing observer; fig. 4, enlargement of carinolateral paries (see fig. 1 directly above). refer to the plate numbers. INDEX Number 265 Note: Light face figures refer to the page numbers. Bold face figures A Abisinia Formation | 88, 90 Alessandri, Giulio de ............. 94, 95 B barbara, Coronula _. 91, 94 Bermudez, Pedro J... 91, 94 bifida, Coronula ....... 94 Bronn, Heinrich GeORSS cesses 94, 95 (e Cabo Blanco . _ 87, 90 Cabo Blanco Group .. 88, 89 Caracash...:........ 87 Catia Member .......... 89 D Darwin, Charles Robert _....... 94,95 diadema, Coronula _. 94 Distrito Federal 87, 94 dormitor, Coronula 94 FE Fuenmayor, Angel N. ........ 91,95 G Guaiguaza Clay . 90 I Instituto Oceano- grafico, Cumana 94 L Las Pailas Formation 89 Linnaeus, Car] ............ 94, 95 Lyell, Charles 88, 89, 90, 91 M Macsotay, Oliver, Izak .............. macsotayi, Coronula . Mare Formation ... Maiquetia Member .... Mulders, Gerrit National Science Foundation .............. Olsson, Axel A. ..... Osmond, John Kenneth Pilsbry, Henry A. . Q Quebrada Mare Abajo Rivero, Frances de S Strombina Pee WwW Weisbord, Norman E. .... Z Zullo, Victor A. 87, 94, 95 20 87, 89, 91-95 87, 89, 91, 94 89 87 87 94, 95 90 94, 95 87, 94 87, 95 87 87, 88, 90, 95 94, 96 ee ee ? 46¢ pat Plat qestictic vieiretf ot aye 5 ‘ 4 > oJ sé i 4 ri e x oa \ i] & i a t 6 ~ j j 4¥ Ss Fl ; aw 500.5 17 “BISG BWEEE TINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 266 PALYNOLOGY AND THE INDEPENDENCE SHALE OF IOWA By James B. URBAN 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850 U. S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1970 - 71 IE RESID EN ee i eee he ee ee WILLIAM B. HERoY WIIGE=PRESID ENT (Sieseee C e e o e de Pee he k e DANIEL B. Sass SECRETARY ii 25 ous hieme ley RR IRN TA te hoe Cee aL re een REBECCA S. Harris DIRECTOR MD REASURER: ceseyncrte eas sera ee en KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUN SED i ose a UL eae Teer VS cena ey une as Bae ec ARMAND L, ADAMS INEPRESE NIDA DIV Eg ANAS GO UN CID ree eaten a Davw NICOL Trustees Rebecca S. Harris (Life) DonaALD W. FISHER (1967-1973) AXEL A. Otsson (Life) MERRILL W. Haas (1970-1973) KATHERINE V.W. PALMER (Life) PHILIP C. WAKELEY (1970-1973) DANIEL B. Sass (1965-1971) WILLIAM B. HERoy (1968-1974) KENNETH E. CASTER (1966-1972) Vircit D. WINKLER (1969-1975) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Briccs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANs KUGLER A. Myra KEEN JAY GLENN MArKs AXEL A. OLSSON Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. For reprint, Vols. 1-23, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. For reprint, vol. I, Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint Cor- poration, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $18.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Ameri- cana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are de- ductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S.A. BOER UINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 266 PALYNOLOGY AND THE INDEPENDENCE SHALE OF IOWA By James B. UrsBan August 5, 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850 U. S. A. Library of Congress Card Number: 70-135053 Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation CONTENTS SEN) OY ENCE pb cea ee ee aR ee ee ee 103 Imtrodivction:- ese sents Ps le CNG Be oe dh ee Le 103 PNckmO;wiledorne mts ie Sse e nee ah es ae te ea eee seccteted 105 ire thod spy 2:24 ete es toe este rere Sooo kB net eh es Pees dal go AN eee ere 106 SiS tenmatt cies pally Ol 0 geys oeece ce ewes ss eee aes ee nese ee ee 106 NTBTS CUS S10 apy pete n a nee ee a ed Neen Aarons PIN MeL 2 Ry i Jee hae 150 (orn UU St Se co ee eee oe ee ae eee eS ee 2 eee 154 eferences) cited). sss 2 ee ee ee ee eS Ae 156 TESTA Sy Rie ee et nae eee ee Ee PM Se ne ee Paty Ec ae atte AS 161 ) ' ' PALYNOLOGY AND THE INDEPENDENCE SHALE OF IOWA James B. UrBan* ABSTRACT A diverse palynomorph assemblage has been recovered from a shale be- lieved to be identical to the Independence Shale of Iowa. Preservation and stratigraphic age of the fossils suggest two cycles of deposition. The assemblage indicates the Independence Shale was derived from rocks of Upper Devonian age and deposited during Late Mississippian time. Fourteen new species and four new genera are described in this report. INTRODUCTION The Independence Shale of Iowa has been the object of con- siderable study and debate since Calvin (1878) reported dark shale below the Devonian (Cedar Valley) Limestone (Table 1) from a quarry at Independence, Jowa. He reported finding 14 species of brachiopods of which six were common to the Rockford (Lime Creek) Shale. His interpretation suggested a close temporal relation- ship with the Lime Creek Shale with the intervening limestone interruption being due to facies variation. Subsequently, a number of researchers (Savage, 1920), (Stookey, 1932, 1933, 1938, 1939), and (Scobey, 1940) have ex- pressed the opinion that the Independence Shale is Lime Creek Shale deposited in depressions or caves in the Cedar Valley Limestone. However, Stainbrook (1935) reported several sections of shale which he maintained were conformably below the Cedar Valley Formation and equivalent to the type Independence Formation. He also stated that the presence of Hypothyridina and Manttcoceras in some of the shales indicated that they should be placed in the Upper Devonian. It should be noted that neither of these fossils were re- covered from the type section. Again in 1944, Stainbrook reiterated his belief that the Independence Shale was immediately subjacent to the Cedar Valley Limestone. A fauna (principally brachiopod) was listed that was considered to be characteristic of the formation. Primarily as a result of Stainbrook’s work, the Independence Shale has become reasonably well established as a shale interval between the Cedar Valley Formation and Wapsipinicon Formation. Although the origin of the shale has been a subject of much debate, most workers have agreed on an Upper Devonian age assignment. Miiller and Miiller (1957) studied the conodonts from a number of Contribution No. 142, The University of Texas at Dallas. *Geoscience Division, The University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 30365, Dallas, Texas 75230. 104 BULLETIN 266 EnciisH River Fm. Marre Mitt Fo. APLINGTON Fo. SHEFFIELD Fon. YeLLow Sprinc Group OwEN MBR. Lime Creek Fo. § Cerro Gorpo Juniper Hive NorA MBR. SHett Rock Fm. Rock Grove MBR. Mason City msrp. CorRALVILLE MBR. Cevar Vatrtey Fm. RAPID MBR. Solon MBR. = LJ = o) > 0) zi = Za O > Lu Q Z, A Zz (e) > 2 2 i wu =f o o =) Bz ; < Z ize) > W QO Sow i a a . = DAVENPORT MBR. KENWOOD MBR. WaPSIPINICON Fo. Oris mMBR. CoGGEN MBR. BERTRAM MBR. Laporte City FM. Lower DEVONIAN Taste 1. STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION OF THE DEVoNIAN SySTEM oF lowa. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 105 sections that they believed to be the Independence Formation. The conodonts indicated an Early Upper Devonian age. However, none of the type section rock was available for study except as debris thrown out of the original quarry operation. Samples of the debris failed to yield any conodonts or other fossils considered diagnostic of the formation. Dorheim (1967) reported a shale containing an Upper Devon- ian conodont fauna exposed below Middle Devonian rocks of the Wapsipinicon Formation in a quarry at Springville, Iowa. On the basis of the conodont information and the lithologic similarity, he equated the shale with the Independence Formation and was of the opinion that the lower stratigraphic position supported the in- terpretation of the Independence as a stratigraphic leak. Finally, he concluded that the shale was deposited during Upper Devonian time on a karst topography developed in the Middle Devonian rocks. The sample which is the basis for this investigation was an outcrop sample collected from an active limestone quarry (Brooks Quarry) located NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W along the south side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Sixteen samples were collected as segments of a continuous channel of the Solon Member of the Cedar Valley Formation. A shale in- terval 2.5 feet thick, 6 feet wide and completely surrounded by the carbonate rock was collected approximately 15 feet above the base of the Cedar Valley Limestone. There is no visible vertical extension of the shale which exhibited an alteration of light gray-green layers with dark gray, carbonaceous layers. An exceptionally well-preserved and diversified assemblage of palynologic fossils was recovered from the shale. The palynomorphs present suggest an alternative interpretation for the Independence shales. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appreciation is expressed to Garland Hershey, former Direc- tor, Iowa Geologic Survey, and Fred Dorheim, Chief Economic Geologist, Iowa Geologic Survey, for providing the samples used in this investigation. Thanks also to Charles Felix, Sun Oil Co. for making the slides of the Springer study available. Gratitude is due Charles Smith for photographic work and assistance in making plates and to Miss Sheila Moiola and Miss Danielle Heder for draft- 106 BULLETIN 266 ing the text figures. Anton L. Hales and E. A. Pessagno, University of Texas at Dallas, L. R. Wilson, University of Oklahoma and Al Traverse, Bob Sanders and H. T. Ames, Pennsylvania State Uni- versity made constructive and appreciated criticisms of the manu- script. Special thanks are due Mrs. Elaine Padovani for preparation and photography of the fossils with the scanning electron micro- scope. The investigator also acknowledges partial financial support for this study from the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion Grant NGL-44-004-001. METHODS The maceration techniques discussed in Urban and Kline (1970) were used. Fifteen strew mount microscope slides were prepared of the residue using Clearcol for the mounting medium and the method of Wilson (1959b). Individual specimens were prepared for examination with the scanning electron microscope using the pro- cedures outlined in Urban and Padovani (1970). Approximately 3000 scanning electron micrographs were made of palynomorphs in this study. Slides containing the type specimens have been deposited in the palynological repository of the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. The number sequence for type specimens refers to sample number, slide number, and ring number on the slide. SYSLEMATIC PALY NOLOGY Numerous suprageneric classification systems of fossil spores have been proposed. The best known are the combined works of Potonié and Kremp (1954, 1955, 1956a,b) and Potonié (1956, 1958, 1960) who proposed a classification of the Sporae dispersae. Numerous other systems have been proposed as well as many modi- fications of each system. Consequently, the suprageneric classifica- tion is in such a state of flux that the objective becomes poorly de- fined. In addition, the systems proposed to date are so superficial that they hinder an understanding of natural relationships. There- fore, the taxa have been placed in alphabetical order by genus strictly for purposes of retrieval and ease of reference. The increased definition made possible by the scanning electron microscope has provided additional information about the mor- PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 107 phology of Carboniferous spores. The new information has com- monly resulted in considerable difficulty in comparison with pre- viously described taxa. The principal difficulty seems to be due to most taxonomic descriptions being based on gross shape charac- teristics rather than morphologic relationships determining the vari- ous shapes. The term “cingulum” illustrates the difficulty. Potonié and Kremp (1955, p. 15) referred to a cingulum as “a massive ridge present in the equatorial region of spores (Zonales), which often is wedge-like in cross section, and which distinctly enlarges the equatorial diameter and circles the entire equator .. .”. Lyco- spora and Densosporites were given as examples of a wedge-shape cingulum. Couper (1958, p. 102) defined cingulum as “a flange-like extension of the exine around the equatorial region of the spore.” Couper and Grebe (1961, p. 5) defined cingulum as “a surrounding structural feature more or less confined to the equator in which the exine is relatively thicker than any other part of the spore... ”. Staplin and Jansonius (1964, p. 98) used “zona” in reference to the equatorial structure of Densosporites, which they defined as “the outer layer (exoexine) as seen in polar view, appearing as a rela- tively wide rim extending beyond the margin of the inner layer (intexine ), including equatorial centrifugal extensions in excess of the normal exoexinal thickness.” They also stated that the “dark” ap- pearance of the typical densospore structure is not necessarily a function of thickness. Other definitions could be added but similar differences are. present in them also. The only agreement among the definitions appears to be the equatorial position of the structure. Examination of numerous specimens of “densospores” in this investigation as well as other work in progress indicate the “typical” Densosporites cingulum is not defined morphologically by any of the aforemen- tioned. Instead, it appears the “Densosporites cingulum” is a thick- ened inner layer (inner exoexine) which is enveloped by a thin outer layer (outer exoexine). The absolute morphology cannot be determined without an examination of Densosporites covensis Berry. One of the most readily recognized differences between obser- vations with the scanning electron microscope and published de- scriptions is the nature of the proximal surface. Most commonly, 108 BULLETIN 266 the conspicuous proximal sculpture is all that is described, features such as “suture” length and the presence or absence of lips. Yet, examination of spores in this investigation demonstrate that it is tare when there is not a characteristic sculpture on the proximal surface. These preliminary studies also suggest that the proximal sculpture is more consistent in character than the ornament of the distal surface. A common feature of the proximal surface that is included in many descriptions are the so-called “lips.” A number of variations exist that may be referred to as lips: They may be (1) optical sec- tions of the exine due to the proximal surface being preserved in its original pyramidal form, (2) internal or external thickening of the exine adjacent to the trilete suture or (3) ornament on the proximal surface adjacent to the triradiate structure. Although the three are morphologically distinct, they are most commonly grouped together, in simple shape terms, as lips. Perhaps the most striking observation relates to the “trilete” or “monolete” suture. Spores in this investigation plus other fossil as well as modern material examined in this laboratory suggest that all spores are tectate (sensu Potonié, 1934). Approximately 573 descrip- tions were referred to in this work. Only 19 mentioned a tectate condition of the sutures and those were in fossils with conspicuous morphology such as Cirratriradites. A solution of the descriptive problems is not readily available. Nevertheless, it must be realized that thorough morphologic descrip- tions are absolutely necessary if spores and pollen are to attain maximum utility in phylogenetic or stratigraphic studies. Genus ACANTHOTRILETES Naumova, emend Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, A. ciliatus (Knox), Potonié and Kremp, 1964. Acanthotriletes echinatus Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy PI, 22, figs. 1,2 1955. Acanthotriletes echinatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy. Jour. Pale- ont., vol. 29, p. 379, pl. 38, figs. 1,2. Genus AHRENSISPORITES Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Ahrensisporites guerickei (Horst), Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Ahrensisporites beeleyensis Neves, 1961 Pl. 22, figs. 3-7 1961. Ahrensisporites beeleyensis Neves, Palaeontology, vol. 4, p. 262, pl. 32, fig. 10. PaALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 109 Remarks. — Inclusion of this species in the genus Ahrensis- porites represents an extension of the concept of the genus. Neves (1961, p. 263) stated “The presence of a composite kyrtome . . . distinguishes the spores of this species.” The kyrtome as defined by Potonié and Kremp (1954, p. 13) is an exine fold of characteristic shape. The composite kyrtome of A. beeleyensis is actually a thicken- ing over the distal surface, which has an outline form similar to the kyrtome of A. guericket. Considerable morphologic variation occurs within this species in the samples studied. The proximal surface may have only a simple triradiate scar with some scattered cones in the interradial areas or in many instances, the cones in the interradial regions may be aligned essentially parallel to the triradiate mark and give rise to some proximal ridges. A similar situation exists with the distal ornamentation. The cones may be essentially absent and resulting in a simple thickened distal “kyrtomeform” or the cones may be completely free, giving rise to the “dentate kyrtome.” Ahrensisporites halesi, Urban, n. sp. Pl. 22, figs. 8-12 Derivation of name. —In honor of Dr. Anton L. Hales, Chair- man, Division of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas, par- ticularly for his special interest in paleontology. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is tri- angular with straight to markedly concave sides. Triradiate struc- ture is tectate with simple rays extending to a point at the base of the auriculae. Exine appears to be a single layer. The proximal exine is considerably thinner than the distal except along the triradiate scar and results in the interradial areas of the proximal surface commonly sagging below the equator. Exine is uniformly 2-3 microns thick except at the apices where the exine is three or more times thicker forming auriculae, outer margins of the auriculae are curved toward the distal side and are continuous with a thickened, serrated ridge which curves inward toward the distal pole then outward to the adjacent auriculum forming a characteristic kyrtome. The sur- face of the exine is laevigate. Size. — Holotype 40 microns measured from the interradial margin to the tip of the auriculum. Variation in size of spore, 32 to 48 microns; mean 42 microns; 36 specimens measured. 110 BULLETIN 266 Types. — Holotype, 147F 12-1; paratype 147F17-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Towa. Remarks. — The species exhibits several common variations; the distal ridges may be only slightly serrated, but this condition occurs only in smaller forms with strongly concave interradial mar- gins. The auriculae may be slightly partate. Occasionally the distal curving portion of the auriculae is terminated on the distal surface by a prominent cone where each kyrtome ridge would begin. Another frequent variation is a form with typical kyrtome plus one, two, or three cones at the distal pole. Although some variation is present in this species, the auricu- lae always exhibit the pronounced distal arching. A. gwerickei lacks the prominently serrated kyrtome ridges plus it is roundly tri- angular in form. A. beeleyensis has a “composite kyrtome” and does not have the prominent auriculae. Genus ANAPICULATISPORITES Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Anapiculatisporites isselburgensis Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Anapiculatisporites minor Butterworth and Williams, 1958 Pl; 23, figs 2,73 1958. Anapiculatisporites minor Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 365, figs. 32-34. Genus CALAMOSPORA Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Calamospora hartungiana Schopf in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Calamospora hartungiana Schopf, 1944 Pl. 23). figs; 1.74 1944. Calamospora hartungiana Schopf in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 51, text fig. 1. Genus CAMPTOTRILETES Naumova emend Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Camptotriletes corregatus (Ibrahim), Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Camptotriletes cf. C. bacculentus (Loose), Potonié and Kremp, 1955 Pl. 23, figs. 8, 9 1934. Verrucosi-sporites bacculentus Loose, Inst. Palaobot. u Petrog. d. Brenn- steine Arb., vol. 4, No. 3, p. 154, pl. 7, fig. 15. 1944. Punctati-sporites bacculentus (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, II- linois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 30. 1950. Verrucoso-sporites bacculentus (Loose), Knox, Bot. Soc. Edinburgh, rans.. voll 35, psisl7. 1955. Camptotriletes bacculentus (Loose), Potonié and Kremp, Teil I, Palaeon- tographica, Abt. B, Bd. 98, Nos. 1-3, p. 104, pl. 16, figs. 287, 288. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 111 Campfotriletes cristatus Sullivan and Marshall, 1966 Plo 23) tags 50 1966. Camptotriletes cristatus Sullivan and Marshall, Micropaleontology, vol. 125No09.3, 1p: 2/0yipl.. Lak eai25. Remarks. — Specimens referred to C. cristatus compare closely to the description of Sullivan and Marshall except they show some reduction of ornament on the proximal surface. Genus CINCTURASPORITES Hacquebard and Barss, emend. Type species, Cincturasporites altilis Hacquebard and Barss, 1957. Emended description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial out- line subtriangular, rounded at the apices and nearly straight sides. Trilete structure tectate, elevated and often appearing as wide lips; commissure rays extend to the inner margin of the equatorial struc- ture. The equatorial structure is thick, broad (20-40 percent of the diameter) and zoned. The zones consist of an outer light zone and an inner dark zone. The equatorial structure is essentially uniform in thickness throughout and parallel to the central area. Exine laevi- gate to punctate. Remarks.— The emendation proposed above is intended to conform to the diagnosis of the type species. The above description refers to a thick zoned equatorial structure which is believed to be synonymous with the cingulum and overlap of Hacquebard and Barss (1957). However, Bharadwaj and Venkatachala (1962) point- ed out that if the inner zone were an overlap of the central area, it should be a thinner area and probably lighter in color. The equa- torial structure is interpreted as a solid structure and the zones as probably representing different thicknesses with the outer being slightly thinner due to the curvature of the structure. The zoned condition is obvious in the illustration of the holotype. Considerable controversy exists over the status of the genus Cincturasporites. Potonié (1960) reported a similarity between Cincturasporites and Murospora. However, Somers (1952) did not illustrate or describe a zoned cingulum in Murospora. Playford (1962a) believed that Cincturasporites embraced the concepts of several genera (Knowisporites, Stenozonotriletes and Lophoxzonotri- letes) and should not be recognized. Playford’s contention that the generic concepts are too widely circumscribed is certainly a valid 12 BULLETIN 266 statement. Consequently, it is proposed that the genus be con- served in a form more closely restricted to the type species. Bharadwaj and Venkatachala (1962) contended the holotype is an overmacerated specimen and consequently does not represent the morphology of other specimens from the assemblage slide con- taining the holotype. They figured other specimens which they thought showed the morphology better. However, the forms chosen by the latter authors had distal ornament not reported in the holo- type and did not have the zoned (overlapping) cingulum consid- ered by the original authors to be most significant. Forty seven specimens were examined in this study. All exhibited excellent preservation as evidenced by the clear cut exine showing no pits or other degradation. In view of the forementioned facts, the emen- dation of Bharadwaj and Venkatachala is not considered justified. Cincturasporites altilis Hacquebard and Barss, 1957 Pl. 23, figs. 10-12 1957. Cincturasporites altilis Hacquebard and Barss, Geol. Sur. Canada, Bull. 40, p. 25, pl. 3, fig. 8. 1962. Non Cincturasporites altilis (Hacquebard and Barss), Bharadwaj and Venkatachala, The Palaeobotanist, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 36,37, pl. 8, figs. 120, 121. Remarks. — Specimens of excellent preservation herein referred to C. altilis compare favorably with the illustration and description of the holotype. The morphologic feature described as overlap of the cingulum is probably not a true overlap as shown in figure 2 of Hacquebard and Barss (1957) but relates to light transmitting properties of a thick massive cingulum. Genus CIRRATRIRADITES Wilson and Coe, 1940 Type species, Cirratriradites maculatus Wilson and Coe, 1940. Cirratriradites cf. C. saturni (Ibrahim), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Pl. 24, figs. 1-4 1932. Sporonites saturni Ibrahim in Potonié, Ibrahim and Loose, N. Jahrb. f. Min. Geol., Palaont., Beilage-Band, Abt. B. vol. 67, p. 448, pl. 15, fig. 14. 1933. Zonales-sporites saturni (Ibrahim), Ibrahim, Dissertation. Tech. Hoch- schule Berlin, Wirzberg, Triltsch, p. 30, pl. 2, fig. 14. 1944. Cuirratriradites saturni (Ibrahim), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, pp. 43,44. Remarks. — The morphology of those specimens compared to this species suggest they are conspecific. However, some notable differences in morphology can be observed with transmitted light PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 113 as well as the scanning electron microscope. Neither the original description of the species by Ibrahim (1932) or the redescription of Potonié and Kremp (1954) mentioned a differentiation of orna- mentation on the proximal and distal surfaces. The ornamentation is considered to be granular. Specimens encountered in this study are punctate to scabrate on the proximal surface as a result of removal of parts of the outer exoexine on the contact figure. The proximal surface of the flange is laevigate. The distal surface is ornamented with small blunt spines that may join to form rugae. The distal ornamentation is finest on the flange and becomes coarser toward the distal fovea. The ornamentation inside the fovea is much finer with a cluster of spines in the center. Specimens observed in the slides used for the Springer Formation study of Felix and Burbridge (1967) also exhibit these morphologic characteristics. Smith and Butterworth (1967) expressed the opinion that the number of distal fovea was not significant for assignment to this species. Consequently, the specimens in this investigation may represent an undescribed species. However, examination of other species is desirable to establish proper taxonomic criteria. Genus CONVOLUTISPORA Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Type species, Convolutispora florida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955. Convolutispora ampla Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Pl. 24, figs. 5, 6 1955. Convolutispora ampla Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 384, pl. 38, fig. 12. Convolutispora florida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Pl. 24, figs. 7-9 1955. Convolutispora florida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 384, pl. 38, fig. 6. Convolutispora mellita Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Pl? 24. figs. 10) 11 1955. Convolutispora mellita Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 384, pl. 38, fig. 10. Convolutispora tortuosa, Urban, n. sp. Pl 24 fic: 12; Pl. 25, figs. 1-3 Derivation of name. — L. tortuwosa = intricate. Referring to the complex ornament of the convolutions. 114 BULLETIN 266 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular to circular; trilete structure tectate, commissure rays are equal to the radius of the spore body. The rays are partially, or en- tirely obscured by the ornamentation. The entire spore is ornament- ed with a tightly packed convolute ornament. The convolutions are variable in form, appearing as anastomosing, botryoidal clumps. The individual convolutions are coarsely punctate and wrinkled on the surface. Wall + 3 microns thick. Size. — Holotype 38 microns. Variation in size of spore 31 to 50 microns, mean 42 microns; 20 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F20-1; paratype 147F17-2. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor., sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Remarks. — The appearance of the convolutions characterize this species. These spores were commonly found in tetrads. Genus COSTATASCYCLUS Felix and Burbridge, emend. Type species Costatascyclus crenatus Felix and Burbridge, 1967. Emended description. — Spores bilateral, monolete with occa- sional vestigial third ray; monosaccate, may appear bisaccate. Cen- tral body is circular to elliptical in outline. The saccus is closely appressed to the proximal side of the central body. The proximal sur- face exhibits a botryoidal sculpturing which may be aligned in rows. The saccus covers the distal surface and is attached at the central part of the distal surface. Radiating ribs are formed on the distal sur- face, originating in the central part of the distal surface and diverg- ing ouward. Remarks. — Examination of the holotype of C. crenatus verifies that the proximal surface is not free but is covered by the saccus which is closely attached and modified into the botryoidal sculp- turing. In addition, the distal surface is completely covered by the saccus which would suggest that the monolete is functional. Costatascyclus crenatus Felix and Burbridge, emend. Pl. 25, figs. 4-9 1967. Costatascyclus crenatus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, p. 411, pl. 64, fig. 6. Emended description. — Spores bilateral, monolete with oc- casional vestigal third ray; monosaccate, may appear bisaccate due to PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 15 orientation. Central body circular to elliptical and laevigate. Saccus is intrareticulate. The saccus is closely appressed to the proximal side of the central body. The proximal surface exhibits a botryoidal sculpturing which may be oriented in rows paralleling the monolete suture and appear somewhat ribbed. The saccus covers the distal surface and is attached at the central part of the distal surface. Radiating ribs are formed on the distal surface as a result of the expansion of the saccus where it becomes free from the point of attachment causing it to be folded. The folds are numerous, 20 to 30 in number. Remarks. — Comparison of specimens of this study with the holotype description suggest some fundamental differences. The saccus is closely appressed to the proximal side of the spore. The proximal area exhibits a botryoidal sculpturing which may be orient- ed in rows paralleling the monolete suture and appear somewhat ribbed. This latter condition can be readily observed in the holotype of C. crenatus using phase contrast optics. The saccus wall covers the central part of the distal surface. The folds originate from the point of attachment and radiate out- ward, Genus DENSOSPORITES (Berry), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Densosporites covensis Berry, 1937. Remarks. — Numerous emendations of this genus have been proposed since that of Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall (1944). Wilson stated (1959a, p. 48) that “Densosporites as a genus is in need of critical study and monographing.” The emendation of Potonié and Kremp (1954) has been recognized as invalid because it would place the type species D. covensis in an invalid genus, Annulatisporites. The circumscription proposed by Bharadwaj and Venkatachala (1962) does not clarify the generic concepts significantly more than that of Schopf, Wilson and Bentall. While they do recognise the im- portance of the thickened equatorial region, they restrict ornament ’ type to... “smooth or faintly granulose.” Restriction on this basis makes the genus too narrow. The emendation proposed in Staplin and Jansonius (1964, p. 98) is inconsistent and somewhat confusing. These authors define a zona... “In a two-layered spore, the outer layer (exoexine) as 116 BULLETIN 266 seen in polar view, appearing as a relatively wide rim extending beyond the margin of the inner layer (intexine), including equa- torial centrifugal extensions in excess of the normal exoexinal thick- ness... . If the outer layer is dark (not necessarily a function of thickness) it produces the typical ‘densospore’ structure. If it is light, it produces the ‘flanged’ lycospore structure. Inappropriately, many authors apply the terms cingulum and flange, respectively, to these structural configurations.” In checking the use of the term cingulum as applied to spores, no use of the term was found predating the use of Potonié and Kremp (1955) in which they cite examples of Lycospora and Denso- sporites as having the typical cingulum. Therefore, as a matter of definition, cingulum seems quite appropriately used with densospores. Since the holotype of Densosporites has been lost and a neotype has not been designated, it seems that assigning a particular morpho- graphic character defined as specifically as the “zona” might be somewhat misleading. Staplin and Jansonius (1964, p. 99) in considering the original description of Densosporites remarked that “The key words are ‘smooth and even’.” Yet Berry (1937) did not mention ornamen- tation in characterizing the genus but instead obviously considered it as a species character. He did describe D. covensis as .. . “very smooth and even.” In comparison with D. densus, he distinguished D. covensis by “being more oval and with a much smoother sur- face.” The words “smooth and even” are somewhat misleading for an understanding of the genus as it was originally intended. In addition, Staplin and Jansonius (loc. cit., p. 99) stated that they were emending Densosporites Berry “to include spores with the following characteristics . . . : central distal sculpture differentiated from zonal sculpture; zonal portion of outer layer thicker than cen- tral proximal or distal portions.” Without a type, the sculpture differentiation is not substantiated or justified. It is noteworthy that the thickened zonal portion is mentioned. Furthermore, Butterworth, Jansonius, Smith, and Staplin, in Staplin and Jansonius (1964, pp. 101, 102) made no mention in their emendation of the thicker zonal portion. Yet, this thicker zonal portion is fundamental to the generic concepts as indicated by the fact that Berry (1937, p. 157) described the thick outer wall. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN V7 Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall (1944, p. 39) in redescribing the type stated that .. . “The proximal and distal walls are usually mem- branous or at least significantly thinner than the equatorial portion of the coat.” Finally, Wilson (1959, p. 47) reaffirmed Berry’s orig- inal description. As previously stated, a monographic study of Densosporites is needed for maintaining the usefulness of the genus. However, it is also essential to maintain the type concepts as long as they exist. Otherwise, total confusion will exist. Densosporites aculeatus Playford, 1962b Pl. 25, figs. 10-12 1962b. Densosporites aculeatus Playford, Part II. Palaeontology, vol. 4, pt. 4, p: 631; pl. 88, figs, 16, 17. Remarks. — Although this species is described with indistinct laesurae, it seems obvious from the scanning electron micrographs that the proximal exoexine is thin and very susceptible to removal or collapse into the void in the center of the cingulum. Either situa- tion may make the laesurae difficult or impossible to observe. Densosporites hispidus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Pl. 26, figs. 1-5 1967. Densosporites hispidus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, p.. 389 pl. 59, fis. 9: Remarks. — Specimens observed in this study differ from the original description by having spines over the entire distal surface. However, examination of the holotype and other individuals in the type material indicates that they also possess spines over the entire distal surface rather than granules on the spore body. The preferen- tial proximal-distal orientation of the spores plus the small size of the spines generally results in the distal ornament appearing granular. D. hispidus differs from D. spitsbergensis by having much finer spines that are uniform in length and density. Densosporites rarispinosus Playford, 1962b Pl. 26, figs. 6-9 1962. Densosporites rarispinosus Playford, Part II. Palaeontology, vol. 5, pt. 4, p. 630, pl. 89, figs. 18-21. Remarks. — Specimens referred to this species compare in every respect with the type description except the cingulum does taper to the equator. 118 BULLETIN 266 Densosporites cavus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 26, figs. 10-12; Pl 27, figs. 1-5 Derivation of name.—L. cavus = a hollow or cavity; re- ferring to the cavities around the margin on the distal side. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular, Triradiate structure is tectate, commissure rays are simple and extend to or slightly onto the cingulum. Exine is two- layered. Exoexine is thin, less than 1 micron, often appearing vir- tually transparent; proximal exoexine is laevigate or slightly rough- ened; distal exoexine is ornamented with scattered, blunt, coni. In- texine is of variable thickness and forms a cingulum, proximal side of the cingulum is generally continuous. The distal side is excavated resulting in channels about the margin, the channels beginning near the inner margin of the cingulum and becoming broader toward the equatorial margin. The channels occasionally extend through the entire cingulum and are reflected as indentations in the proximal surface. The channels are variable in number, often numerous and coalescing toward the equator with thin ridges between. The distal exoexine is ornamented in the central region, the interchannel area and the equatorial margin. The proximal exoexine is thinned over the cingulum and extends beyond the cingulum as a flange; the un- distorted shape is a steep sided pyramid on the proximal surface and a hemispherical distal surface. Size. — Holotype 41 microns. Variation in size of spore 30 to 48 microns, mean 42 microns; 44 specimens measured, Types. — Holotype, 147F7-1; paratypes 147F2-1, 147F6-1, 147F 28-1, 147F20-2. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Towa. Remarks. — The exoexine of the central region exhibits a num- ber of variations. It commonly collapses into the central region or it may be completely removed. Either situation causes difficulty in resolving the true form. This species exhibits a marked resemblance to Densosporites irregularis Hacquebard and Barss. However, D. irregularis does not have coni or any ornament, the trilete rays ex- tend to or nearly to the equatorial margin and the size is much larger. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 119 D. cavus exhibits variations that encompass two other genera, Cingulizonates and Raduzonates. Some specimens have few distal excavations and appear as the typical Densosporites. However, certain differences that are perhaps ontogenetic as well as preserva- tional phenomena may alter the appearance. The holotype (Plate 26, figures 10, 11) has a few large distal excavations and the equa- torial structure appears bizonate. The specimen illustrated on Plate 27, figure 2 shows the distal excavations and “cuesta” considered characteristic of Cingulizonates. A consideration of ontogenetic de- velopment in the tetrad as well as comparison with figure 1 of Plate 27 indicates that the “cuesta” is a function of preservation. The proximal exine sags into the interspace of the cingulum. If the distal excavations become more numerous (Plate 27, figure 3), the positive areas between have the appearance of radial ribs. Also, the deterioration of the specimen may emphasize such things as the ribs. The specimen shown in Plate 27, figures 4 and 5 has had the outer exoexine of the proximal surface removed. Thus, the specimen takes on the typical Raduzonates appearance. The intergrading of these specimens plus the lack of a type for Densosporites suggests further study is necessary to justify the genera, Cingulizonates and Raduzonates. Genus DICTYOTRILETES Naumova, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Dictyotriletes bircticulatus (Ibrahim) Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Dictyotriletes clatriformis (Artuz), Sullivan, 1964 Pl. 27, figs. 6-9 1957. Reticulatisporites clatriformis Artuz, Istanbul Univ. Fen. Fak. Mecm, Series B, Tome XXII, Fasc. 4, p. 248, pl. 4, fig. 25. 1964. Dictyotriletes cf. clatriformis (Artuz), Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 7, pt. 3, p. 367, pl. 58, fig. 20; pl. 59, figs. 1, 2. Genus DORHEIMISPORITES Urban, n. gen. Type species, Dorhcimisporites inflatus Urban, n. sp. Derwation of name.— Named in honor of Mr. Fred Dorheim, Geologist, Iowa Geologic Survey. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular, circular or scalloped circular. Triradiate structure is complex, tectate; commissure rays extend to the equatorial margin and covered by a thin exine ridge. The commissure is bounded by 120 BULLETIN 266 discontinuous convoluted lips. A hollow (cavate?), equatorial ring is present and frequently becomes greatly expanded (saccate-like A distal ring is present concentric to the equator and exhibiting the same peculiarities as the equatorial ring. The distal and equatorial rings are ornamented with rugae and grana. The spore body is cov- ered with a convolute ornament. Remarks. — No morphologically similar fossils are known. The varients with the greatly expanded equatorial ring may occasionally appear similar to Alatisporites in outline. The more common, non- expanded specimens exhibit gross shape similarities to some species of Knosisporites. However, the cingulum and distal ring of Knowi- Sporites are solid structures whereas the structures on Dorheimi- sporites are hollow. Dorheimisporites inflatus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 28, figs. 1-12 Derivation of name. — L. inflatus = a blowing into. Referring to the tendency of the equatorial and distal structures to become greatly enlarged like a saccus. Description. — Spores, radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular, circular or scalloped circular. Triradiate structure com- plex, tectate; commissure rays extend to the equatorial margin and covered by a thin, stout exine ridge. The triradiate ridges are most commonly bounded by thick, discontinuous convoluted lips. The lips are an enlargement of the proximal ornamentation (1-2 microns wide) adjacent to the commissure and extend to the equator where they fuse with the equatorial structure. The interradial areas of the proximal surface are covered with a convolute ornamentation. Individual convolutions are approximately 1 micron wide, discontinu- ous and apparently randomly dispersed. At the edge of the contact figure the convolutions fuse with the equatorial structure. The equa- torial structure is a hollow (cavate?) ring most commonly of uni- form width, but occasionally becomes greatly inflated and in trans- mitted light appears to have multiple sacci attached at the equator. The equatorial structure is ornamented with minute (less than 1 micron wide) rugae and grana. The distal surface is covered with a convolute ornament that is essentially identical to the proximal interradial areas. A hollow ring concentric to the equator is present on the distal surface. The distal ring is structurally identical to the PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 121 equatorial ring. When the equatorial ring is inflated, the distal is also. The distal ring is ornamented the same as the equatorial ring. Occasionally the distal and equatorial rings are continuous with each other by exine expansions ornamented as the rings. Distal exine is relatively thick (2-3 microns in the holotype). Size. — Holotype 50 microns. Variation in size of spores 41 to 57 microns, mean 51 microns; 27 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F31-1; paratypes, 147F20-3, 147F27A1 -1, 147F27A1-2. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Towa. Remarks. — The spores representative of this species exhibit considerable variation in the morphology of the equatorial and distal ring structure. The expansion of these structures can probably be considered a cavate condition. Genus FLORINITES Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Florinites antiquus Schopf, in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 [syn. F. pellucidus (Wilson and Coe), Wilson, 1958]. Florinites visendus (Ibrahim), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Pl. 29, figs. 1, 2 1933. Reticulata-sporites visendus Ibrahim, Dissertation. Tech. Hochschule Ber- lin, Wiirzberg, Triltsch, p. 39, pl. 8, fig. 66. 1944. Florinites (?) visendus (Ibrahim), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 60. 1956. Florinites visendus (Ibrahim), Potonié and Kremp, Teil II, Palaeonto- graphica, Abt. B., Bd. 99, p. 170, pl. 21, figs. 476, 477. Florinites guttatus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Pl. 29, figs. 3-6 1967. Florinites guttatus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 409, 410, pl. 64, figs. 1-3. Genus FOVEOSPORITES Balme, 1957 Type species, Foveosporites canalis Balme, 1957. Foveosporites insculptus Playford, 1962 Pl. 27, figs. 10-12 1962. Foveosporites insculptus Playford, Part I. Palaeontology, vol. 5, pt. 3, p. 601, pl. 85, figs. 3-5. Genus GORGONISPORA* Urban, n.gen. Types species, Gorgonispora* magna (Felix and Burbridge), Urban, comb. new. *This genus was named Funisporites in the original manuscript. However, Funtsporites was found to be preoccupied after the paper was in press. Although the name has been changed in the text, Tables 2, 3, and 4 had been printed and the name appears as Funisporites magnus. 122 BULLETIN 266 Derivation of name.— L. Gorgonis = daughter of Phorcus. Re- ferring to the tangled convolute ornament of the type species. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline circular to rounded triangular; trilete structure tectate, commonly bordered by large convolutions, contact figure may be ornamented. Equatorial structure present which may be variable in width and is formed by an equatorial extension of an exine fold. Distal side of spore is ornamented with irregular ropelike convolutions that may branch and or short convolution segments that appear as rounded protuber- ances. The distal ornamentation continues onto the equatorial structure. Remarks. — The morphology of the equatorial structure in con- junction with the prominent convolute ornament is considered to be diagnostic of this genus. Simozonotriletes (Naumova) Potonié and Kremp and Murospora Somers are interpreted as having a solid cingulum around a distinct central body. Neither have any extensive ornament developed. Tendosporites Hacquebard and Barss has a solid equatorial extension of the exine which tapers to a mem- branous edge and does not have any prominent ornament. Cinctura- sporites (Hacquebard and Barss) emend Urban (this paper) has a massive, thick bizoned equatorial structure and is unornamented. Orbisporis Bharadwaj and Venkatachala has similar characteristics but does not have the equatorial structure of Gorgonispora. Species previously assigned to Murospora should be examined for assign- ment to this genus. Gorgonispora magna (Felix and Burbridge), Urban, comb. new emend. Pl. 29, figs. 7-12 1967. Cincturasporites magnus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 399,400, pl. 61. 1969. Cincturasporites intestinalis Hibbert and Lacey, Palaeontology, vol. 12, pt. 3, pp. 429,430, pl. 81, figs. 1-13; pl. 82, figs. 1-3. Original description. — Holotype 112x121 m. Cingulum, distinct, laevigate, undulating to give a variable width of 8-12 m. Distal surface with muri 6-12 m. wide, forming irregular convolutions but not reticulate. Rounded protuber- ances averaging 10 m. in diameter scattered about distal surface. No. discern- ible wall ornamentation. Laesurae distinct, 35 m. long extending three-fourths distance to body margin, and with ray muri 7.5-10 m. wide [Felix and Bur- bridge 1967, p. 399.] Emended description. — Spores radial, trilete, equatorial outline is irregularly circular to rounded triangular; trilete structure tec- PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 123 Text-figure 1.— Diagrammetic representation of Gorgonispora magna: A. Inner band is an optical representation of the distal wall; B. Outer band is an optical representation of the convolute ornament on the equatorial margin. tate, consisting of a thin erect ridge over the commissure. Length of commissure + % the spore radius. The triradiate structure is commonly bordered by large convolutions 7.5-10 microns wide. Interradial contact areas are sometimes ornamented but when present the ornament is considerably reduced in comparison with ornament on the distal side. An equatorial structure is present. The equatorial structure may be variable in width and is formed by a centrifugal extension of an exine fold, that is analagous to an arcuate rim. The distal side of the spore is ornamented with irregular con- volutions that occasionally branch. A variable number of short con- volution segments may also be present and appear as rounded pro- tuberances. The distal convolutions continue onto the equatorial structure. The undistorted form is a low pyramidal proximal side and a pronounced hemispherical distal side. Orientation preference is proximal-distal and in compressed specimens the distal side tend to compress eccentrically. Size. — Holotype 112-121 microns. Variation in size 85 to 131 microns; mean size 111 microns; 62 specimens measured. 124 BULLETIN 266 Types. — Holotype. Slide 03V16-10 (B-1), location 50x111 (Ref. 32.5x117.9) Sun Oil Company Palynology Laboratory. Fig- ured specimens; 147F31-2, 147F31-3, 147F32-1. Remarks. — There is no discrete central body in this species. The central area is outlined by a point where the proximal and distal exine come in contact. The inner peripheral band of thicken- ing of the equatorial structure (Hibbert and Lacey, 1969), is an optical representation of the edge of the distal wall (text-fig. 1). The outer band is not always present. Hibbert and Lacey (1969) refer to the equatorial structure as a cingulum. However, the equatorial structure commonly appears dark and infragranular suggesting a separation of the exine layers. The distal convolutions occasionally show a similar condition which suggest they are also formed by folding the exine. Some minor differences exist with the interpretations of Hibbert and Lacey (1969) but comparison with their illustrations suggest C.. intestinalis is a junior synonym of F. magnus. Orbisporis convolutus Butterworth and Spinner, 1967 is very similar. O. convolutus is described as having a thickened band on the proximal side of the equator and lacking any proximal sculpture. There is no mention of any equatorial structure although the authors propose assignment of the spores to the Infraturma Cingu- lati which would presuppose a cingulum. Therefore comparison with the holotype description of O. convolutus leaves no choice but to consider G. magna a separate species. However reexamination of O. convolutus may show that G. magna is a junior synonym. Genus GRANULATISPORITES Ibrahim, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Granulatisporites granulatus brahim, 1933. Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, emend. Potonié and Kremp Pl. 30, figs. 1,2 1933. Granulatisporites granulatus brahim, Dissertation. Tech. Hochschule Berlin, Wizburg, Triltsch, p. 22, pl. 6, fig. 51. 1944. Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illi- nois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 33. 1954. Granulatisporites granulatus Ibrahim, Potonié and Kremp, Geologisches Landestanstalten, Bundesrepublik Deutschlands, Geol. Jahrbuch, vol. 69, p. 58, pl. 12, figs. 157-160. Granulatisporites microgranifer Ibrahim, 1933 Pl. 30, figs. 3-5 1933. Granulatisporites microgranifer Ibrahim, Dissertation. Tech. Hochschule Berlin, Wirzburg, Triltsch, p. 22, pl. 5, fig. 32. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 125 1938. Azonotriletes microgranifer (Ibrahim), Luber in Luber and Waltz, Trans. Cent. Geol. and Prosp. Inst., Fase. 105, pl. 7, fig. 92. 1955. Granulatisporites microgranifer \brahim, Potonié and Kremp, Teil I. Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Bd. 98, pl. 12, figs. 149-151. Granulatisporites tuberculatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Pl. 30, figs. 6, 7 1955. Granulatisporites tuberculatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, No. 3, p. 389, pl. 36, fig. 12. Genus HYMENOSPORA Neves, 1961 Type species, Hymenospora palliolata Neves, 1961. Hymenospora cf. H. caperata Felix and Burbridge, 1967 PI. 30, figs. 8, 9 1967. Hymenospora caperata Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 405,406, pl. 62, fig. 12. Remarks. — Specimens compare favorably to H. caperata except the outer covering is not so thin and membranous as those of the Springer Formation. Genus KNOXISPORITES Potonié and Kremp, emend. Neves and Playford, 1961 Type species, Knoxisporites hageni Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Knoxisporites stephanephorus Love, 1960 Pl. 30, figs. 10-12; Pl. 31, figs. 1-3 1960. Knoxisporites stephanephorus, Love, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Proc. vol. 67., Sect. B, pp. 118,119, pl. 2, fig. 1, text fig. 8. Remarks. — The specimens in the present study compared to the types of this species are quite deceptive in their morphology. The specimens invariably collapse with a proximal-distal orienta- tion. The thickenings between the distal ring and the proximal sur- face result in the spore body wall between the contact figure and the distal ring being folded out rather than inward. Consequently, compressed specimens appear to have an equatorial “extension” that is an exine fold. Love (1960, p. 119) compared this species with K. rotatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy. K. stephanephorus differed in having thicker lips and the distal thickening. Felix and Burbridge (1967, p. 395) reported forms showing considerable variation and combinations of the two species which they interpreted as develop- mental transitions. Forms studied were not completely in agreement with the 126 BULLETIN 266 descriptions of either K. stephanephorus or K. rotatus. The thick- ened lips of K. stephanephorus are not present but the conspicuous distal boss is. Knoxisporites triradiatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 PI, 31, figs. 4-7 1955. Knoxisporites triradiatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 391, pl. 37, fig. 12, text fig. 4B. Knoxisporites sp. Pl. 31, figs. 8, 9 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is cir- cular. Triradiate ridges locate the tetrad juncture. The ridges are thin at the proximal apex and are approximately 1/3 the radius length. The ridges widen toward the equatorial margin and blend with a proximal extension of the cingulum. The triradiate ridges and cingulum protrusions define pronounced contact figures. The cingulum is thick, 6+ microns in the holotype specimen. The distal side is characterized by a thick ring essentially parallel to the equator with five or six struts extending to the equator (most com- conly six). The surface between the struts and inside the distal ring tends to sag inward. The distal ring is only slightly thinner than the cingulum. The entire surface is laevigate. Definite proximal-distal orienta- tion preference. Figured specimen. — 147F28-2. Size. — 55 microns. Variation in size of spore, 41 to 63 microns, mean 58 microns; 18 specimens counted. Remarks. — These specimens compare most closely to K. rotatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy. The major difference being the number of struts connecting the distal ring and the cingulum. K. rotatus was described as having three while the specimens described here have five or six. Genus KOCHISPORITES, Urban, n. gen. Type species, Kochisporites dentatus Urban, n. sp. Derwation of name.— Named in honor of Mr. Donald Koch, Geologist, Iowa Geologic Survey. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline round- ed triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate. Commissure is simple PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 127 and rays extend to the arcuate rim. Exine is variable in thickness with the distal wall approximately twice as thick as the proximal wall. A dentate arcuate rim is present which may be incised form- ing lobes. The arcuate rim is best developed in the interradial areas nearest the commissure rays. Least development of the rim is di- rectly at the end of the rays. Ornamentation is present on proximal and distal surfaces, but is reduced in size and density and is much simpler on the proximal side. Types of ornamentation present are spines, flat-topped baculae and baculae with hook-like protrusions at the top. Remarks. — Neoraistrickia has similar type of sculpture but does not have the prominent dentate arcuate rim. Kochisporites dentatus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 31, figs. 10-12; Pl. 32, figs. 1-5 Derivation of name. — L. dentatus = tocthed. Referring to the toothed arcuate rim around the equator of the spore. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline round- ed triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate. Commissure is simple and rays extend to the arcuate rim. The commissure is bordered by thickened exine that supports the commissure in a rigid, low pyramidal form. Exine is variable in thickness, proximal wall is + 2.5 microns and the distal wall is approximately twice the thick- ness of the proximal. The thinner proximal wall tends to sag in- ward in the interradial areas. A dentate arcuate rim is present. The arcuate rim is of variable width up to + 8 microns, but is always a prominent feature. The edge of the rim is most commonly serrate with teeth 1-2 microns high and 1-2 microns broad at the base but any of the distal ornament types may be present. Occasionally the arcuate rim is deeply incised forming an isolated lobe. The arcuate rim exhibits maximum development in the area between the mid- point of the interradial area and the end of the commissure causing the spores to often appear to have prominent auriculae similar to Tripartites. The rim is least developed across the apex. Orna- mentation is variable in type and density. The proximal surface is ornamented with a few (9-15) narrow (1-2 microns) baculae. The baculae are only slightly irregular on the ends. The distal sur- face is ornamented with spines, baculae with dentate tops or flat tops and baculae that are widest at the base and have hooklike 128 BULLETIN 266 protrusions from the top. Ornamentation elements vary in length from 2-8 microns. The undistorted shape is a low pyramidal proximal side and a hemispherical distal side. Size. — Holotype 60 microns. Variation in size of spore 43 to 67 microns; mean 55 microns; 27 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F20-4; paratypes, 147F31-4; 147F21-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 4, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, lowa. Genus LEIOTRILETES Naumova., emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Leiotriletes sphaerotriangulus (Loose) Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Leiotriletes pyramidatus Sullivan, 1964 Pl. 32, fig. 6 1964. Leiotriletes pyramidatus Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 7, pt. 3, p. 357, pl. Si, AIR. 2 Remarks. — There were no specimens recovered for SEM ex- amination. Leiotriletes subintortus (Waltz), Ischenko, 1952 Pl. 32, figs. 7-9 1941. Azonotriletes subintortus Waltz var. rotundatus Waltz in Luber and Waltz, Trans. Cent. and Prosp. Inst., Fasc. 105, pp. 13,14, pl. 2, fig. 15b. 1952. Letotriletes subintortus (Waltz), Ischenko var. rotundatus Waltz, 1952, Izd. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. S.S.R., Inst. Geol. Nauk., p. 11, pl. 1, fig. 7. Leiotriletes cf. L. tumidus Butterworth and Williams, 1958 Pl. 32, f:gs. 10-12 1958. Leiotriletes tumidus Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, pp. 359,360, pl. 1, figs. 5,6. Leiotriletes angulatus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 33, figs. 1-3 Derwation of name. — L. angulatus = angular. Referring to the definite angular form. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is tri- angular with straight to slightly convex edges. Triradiate structure tectate, commissure simple, rays one-half to two-thirds the radius, frequently appear to be bifurcate toward the equatorial margin, the actual suture is at the base of a triradiate ridge formed by an exine fold. The tetrad contact point of the top of the ridge appears rod- like. The exine layers of the ridge separate into an open fold at the corners. The exine of the proximal interradial areas is consider- PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 129 ably thinner than the remainder of the spore wall and frequently collapses. Remainder of exine is uniformly + 1 micron thick. The proximal interradial areas appear somewhat scabrate, re- mainder of spore body is laevigate. Definite proximal-distal orien- tation preference. Size. — Holotype 46 microns. Variation in size of spore 46 to 67 microns, mean 55 microns; 24 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F3-1; paratype, 147F20-5. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Remarks. — Specimens referred to this species have a character- istic appearance of rigidity and angularity. The most nearly com- parable species is believed to be ZL. twmidus Butterworth and Wil- liams, 1958. L. tumidus typically has a swollen proximal side. L. angulatus occasionally exhibits a similar character but not fre- quently enough to be diagnostic. Most commonly the proximal is collapsed. L. twmidus frequently has prominent ray folds that may not be developed to the same extent of each ray. L. angulatus has a precise development of the triradiate ridges and the broadly folded corners. Leiotriletes labrum Urban, n. sp. Pl. 33, fizs. 4-6 Derivation of name. — L. labrum = lip. Referring to the thick, stout triradiate structure. Description. — Spores radial trilete; equatorial outline is con- sistently triangular with straight sides and smoothly rounded cor- ners. Triradiate structure tectate, commissure simple, rays extend to the equatorial margin, the suture is not apparent at the surface but is obvious in transmitted light. Suture appears to be bordered by prominent, thick lips 4-5 microns wide in transmitted light which is an optical section of the edge of the exine. Contact figure is a rigid triradiate structure which holds the proximal surface into a steep pyramid. Equatorial ends of the triradiate structure blend very smoothly into the equatorial margin. Occasionally the “lips” appear to be thicker at the equatorial margin. Frequently, the spore collapses in the interradial margins parallel to the triradiate struc- ture. Distal exine uniformly 4-5 microns thick. Entire surface is laevigate. 130 BULLETIN 266 Size. — Holotype 60 microns. Variation in size of spore 43 to 67 microns, mean 55 microns; 16 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F2-2; paratype, 147F20-6. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Remarks. — L. labrum appears somewhat similar to L. ornatus Ischenko, but has thicker exine and never has the rounded tri- angular form of the latter. Leiotriletes sp. Pl? 33; Hes eTa8 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline triangu- lar with straight sides and rounded corners. Triradiate structure tectate, commissure simple, rays extend to the equatorial margin. Suture appears to be partially bordered by thin lips which are optical sections of upturned exine which usually folds parallel to the suture. The point of contact of the sutures is marked by a thin welt or roll. The exine along the contact figure is rigid enough to maintain straight triradiate folds elevated above the equatorial mar- gin. The proximal interradial areas exhibit pronounced collapsing. Distal exine uniformly 1-2 microns thick. Ornamentation faintly granular to scabrate and visible with oil immersion. Definite proxi- mal-distal orientation preference. Size. —41 microns. Figured specimen. — 147F 10-1. Remarks. — There were not sufficient specimens to justify erect- ing a new taxon. Genus LOPHOTRILETES Naumova, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Lophotriletes gibbosus (Ibrahim), Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Lophotriletes fatihi Artuz, 1957 Pl. 33, figs. 9-12 1957. Lophotriletes fatihi Artuz, Istanbul Universite. Fen Fakultesi. Mecmuasi. S. B. Jabii Ilimer. vol. 22, p. 244, pl. 2, fig. 14. Lophotriletes labiatus Sullivan, 1964 Pl: 34, figs, 192 1964. Lophotriletes labiatus Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 7, pt. 3, pp. 360,361, pl. 57, fig. 19. Lophotriletes obtusus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Pl. 34, figs. 3, 4 1967. Lophotriletes obtusus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 365,366, pl. 55, figs. 5-7. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 131 Genus LYCOSPORA Schopf, Wilson and Bentall, 1944 Type species, L. micropapillata (Wilson and Coe), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Remarks. — Potonié and Kremp (1954) proposed an emenda- tion of Lycospora. The emendation replaced the Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall (1944) reference to an equatorial ridge with a cingulum. There does not appear to be any fundamental difference in the two as described. Consequently, the emendation is considered un- necessary. Lycospora uber (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Staplin, 1960 Pl. 34, figs. 5-12 1955. Cuirratriradites uber Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, No. 3, p. 383, pl. 36, fig. 24. 1957. Cuirratriradites uber Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Hacquebard and Barss, Geol. Sur. Canada, Bull. 40, p. 39, pl. 5, fig. 11. 1960. Lycospora uber (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Staplin, Palaeonto- graphica Abt. B, Bd. 107, No. 1-3, p. 20, pl. 4, figs. 13, 17, 18, 20. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is round- ly triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate and commissure is simple. Exine is two-layered. Triradiate ridges formed by a folding of the outer exoexine. The folds are prominent over the central region and are reduced onto the “flange.” The ridges are thickened as indicated by their tendency to remain straight and erect. The flange is produced by a thinned fold of outer exoexine and is anal- ogous to an arcuate ridge. A thickened ring of inner exoexine (cin- gulum) is concentric to the equator of the spore. The outer exo- exine is evidently attached to the cingulum as suggested by exine folds not continuing from the central region and onto the “flange.” The cingulum is also responsible for the preferential proximal-distal orientation of the forms when flattened. The ornamentation is sparsely to densely granulose on the central proximal region and becomes smooth on the flange. The distal surface is verrucate to slightly vermiculate. The distal ornamentation is much coarser in the central region and often becomes granular outside the cingulum. Remarks. — Numerous difficulties in taxonomic assignment are inherent in the observed morphology. The ornamentation is dif- ferent on the proximal and distal surfaces. The ornamentation in both instances is predominantly contained within the central region [? spore body, (Staplin, 1960) central body (Hoffmeister, Staplin, 132 BULLETIN 266 and Malloy, 1955)]. The flange is an exine fold that thins toward the equator. A thickened “ring” (cingulum or crassitude) is present inside the central region. The “ring” is responsible for the preferen- tial (proximal-distal) orientation of flattened specimens. It is also reponsible for the arcuate folding parallel to the equator. This fold- ing is due to the exine being attached to the “ring,” therefore, a flattening of the hemispherical distal side will result in “wrinkles” adjacent to the point of attachment. Specimens compared to this species demonstrate the problems of inadequate descriptions that are present in palynologic taxonomy today. The holotype description L. wher Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy (1955, p. 383) is purely morphographic according to stand- ard practice of the times. A flange is reported as being present, but no diagnosis of the morphology of the flange. The same is true for “the central body.” Ornamentation is reported as present on the “central body” and consisting of granules. Staplin (1960, p. 20) redescribed the species and transferred the species to the genus Lycospora. The new description referred to “, . 3 flange variable, smooth to striate, margin tapered to limbate, sometimes faintly zonate, margin entire or unevenly indented; . . .” Mention of a central body is absent and perhaps replaced by refer- ence to spore body. The ornamentation is reported as... . “slightly roughened to granulose to finely verrucose and microvermiculate; ...? The intent of the redescription being to demonstrate variabil- ity within the species. In addition, the author suggested several possible synonyms and also called attention to the fact that most published descriptions and illustrations are inadequate to show the range of variation. Genus MICRORETICULATISPORITES Knox, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Microreticulatisporites lacunosus (Ibrahim), Knox, 1950 Microreticulatisporites concavus Butterworth and Williams, 1958 Pl. 35, figs. 14 1958. Microreticuatisporites concavus Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 367, pl. 1, figs. 55,56. Remarks. — Variation of shape and ornamentation is believed PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 133 to encompass forms assigned to M. concavus Butterworth and Wil- liams and M. densus (Love), Sullivan. Cf. Microreticulatisporites punctatus Knox, 1950 Pl. 35, figs. 5-7 1950. Microreticulatisporites punctatus Knox, Bot. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. vol. $35 pt. 3, ps 321. 1958. Microreticulatisporites punctatus Knox, Butterworth, and Williams, 1958. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, pp. 367,368, (Neotype, pl. 11, figs. 12,13). Genus MONOLETES Ibrahim, emend. Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Monoletes ovatus Schopf, 1936. Monoletes cf. M. ovatus Schopf, 1936 Pl. 35, figs. 8-10 Monoletes ovatus Schopf, 1936, Illinois Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. 28, No. 2, p. 176. Remarks.— The holotype has been described as having two longitudinal grooves. Comparable specimens of this investigation appear (in transmitted light) to have the two longitudinal grooves, but the scanning electron micrograph shows that the two longi- tudinal “grooves” are actually fold edges that border on a single wide groove that extends the entire length of the “spore.” Monoletes winslowi Urban, n. sp. Pl-35, figs, 11) 12° Pi. 36, figs. 13 Derivation of name. — In honor of Mrs. Marcia Winslow, par- ticularly for her contribution to an understanding of this genus. Description. — Bilateral, monolete; outline circular to oval; monolete suture medially deflected, tectate, ray length is one-half the spore-body length. Lips adjacent to the suture two to three microns in width. Spore body enveloped in a cavate membrane that is attached to the proximal and distal surfaces but is free around the equator. The membrane often makes prominent ridges along the suture. The central body wall is + 2.5 microns thick and laevi- gate. The enclosing membrane is thin (less than 1 micren) and in- fragranular. Size. — Holotype 109 microns, central body 65 microns. Varia- tion in size 91 to 124 microns; mean 106 microns; 29 specimens studied. Types. — Holotype, 147F38-1; paratype, 147F36A-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. 134 BULLETIN 266 Remarks. — This species is identical to Monoletes sp. reported from the Springer Formation by Felix and Burbridge, (1967). They agreed with Winslow’s (1959) suggestion that they may be “sports” referable to M. ovatus. However, the prominent extension of the exoexine and the lack of the distal groove is fundamentally quite different from M. ovatus. Genus MOOREISPORITES Neves, 1958 Type species, Mooretsporites fustus Neves, 1958. Mooreisporites fustus Neves, 1958 Pl. 36, figs. 46 1958. Mooreisporites fustus Neves, Geol. Mag. vol. 90, No. 1, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 1,2, text fig. 2. Mooreisporites bicornis Urban, n. sp. Pl. 36, figs. 7-11 Derivation of name. — L. bicornis = two-horned. Referring to the paired baculae on the proximal side below the auriculae. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is tri- angular with markedly concave sides. Triradiate structure is tec- tate, commissure is simple and rays are approximately 14 the length of the spore radius. Exine appears to be a single layer and uni- formly thin (1-2 microns) except at the apices. The exine becomes thickened at the corners forming auriculae which become divided — into baculate processes. Auriculae are six to eight times the thick- ness of the remainder of the exine and are arched distally (open to distal side). Two clavate processes occur on opposite sides of the proximal-equatorial surface approximately 2/3 the distance from the proximal pole to the ends of the auriculae. Frequently an addi- tional clavate process occurs near the center of the interradial- equatorial region. The clavate processes are typically flat-topped and partate. Remainder of exine is laevigate. The shape of the proximal side of the spore is gently pyramidal and the distal side is steeply pyramidal. Size. — Holotype 46 microns measured along the longest arm from the interrradial margin to the tip of the auriculum. Variation in size of spore 42 to 51 microns; mean 47 microns; 28 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F32-2; paratype, 147F25-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 135 sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Towa. Remarks. — The two clavate processes specifically located on the proximal-equatorial margin readily distinguish this species from any previously described. M. fustws may have processes scattered on the surface but characteristically has prominent distal processes. Genus MUROSPORA Somers, 1952 Type species, Murospora kosanket Somers, 1952. Cf. Murospora sp. P36, ti. 12% Pl. 37, figs, 1,2 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is irre- gularly rounded triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate, consisting of a thin elevated ridge above a commissure. The triradiate ridges and commissures are confined to the central body and terminate against rounded protuberances + 5 microns in diameter. The inter- radial areas are ornamented with smaller, less prominent protuber- ances. The central body radius is + 1% the total spore diameter. The outline is definitely triangular with slightly convex sides and pointed apices. The cingulum extends beyond the interradial areas as a flat shelf for + 1% its width and the outer half is irregularly thickened around the periphery. The distal surface is ornamented with rounded protuberances up to 10 microns in diameter. The distal part of the spore is located beneath the central area but the ornament may extend onto the cingulum. Wall is + 5 microns thick. Size. — 62-68 microns. Figured specimens. — 147F22-1; 147F38-2. Remarks. — These fossils compared to Murospora are believed to represent the capsulate condition referred to by Staplin (1960). They appear somewhat like M. aurita (Waltz) Playford but do not have the prominent lips. They also have distal ornament not reported for M. aurita. Genus NEORAISTRICKIA Potonié, 1956 Type species, Neoraistrickia truncatus (Cookson), Poton’é, 1956. Neoraistrickia variornamenta Urban, n. sp. Pl. 37, figs. 3-6 Derwwation of name. — L. varius = diverse; L. ornamentum = ornament. Referring to the variation of ornament type on each specimen. 136 BULLETIN 266 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline tri- angular with rounded corners and concave sides. Triradiate struc- ture is tectate, commissure rays are simple and extend to or almost to the equatorial margin. Ornamentation is varied, consisting of rounded coni, elongate baculae, short, squat baculae and occasional digitate elements. The ornamentation is reduced or absent adjacent to the trilete mark and is reduced on the remainder of the proximal surface but exhibits all the variety of forms. Maximum develop- ment of the ornamentation occurs on the distal surface where the baculae may be + 6 microns high and + 6 microns wide. Exine is uniformly -: 2 microns thick. Size. — Holotype 46 microns exclusive of ornament. Variation in size of spore 41-65 microns; mean 49 microns; 27 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F32-3; paratype, 147F22-2. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Remarks. — Neoraistrickia inconstans Neves, 1961, has a var- iety of ornament similar to this species but the ornament is less dense. N. variornamenta Urban, n. sp. has ornament distribution patterns not present in Neoraistrickia inconstans. Neoraistrickia drybrookensis Sullivan, 1964 has larger ornament that is more widely distributed. Genus POTONIESPORITES, Bharadwaj, 1954 Type species, Potoniesporites novicus Bharadwaj, 1954. Potonieisporites elegans (Wilson and Kosanke), Wilson and Venkatachala, 1964 Pl 37, fies. 7.8 1944. Florinites elegans Wilson and Kosanke, Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 51, p. 330, fig. 3. 1964. Potoniecisporites elegans (Wilson and Kosanke), Wilson and Venkatachala, pp. 67,68, figs. 1,2. Genus PROCORONASPORA (Butterworth and Williams) emend. Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Type species, Procoronaspora ambigua Butterworth and Williams, 1958. Procoronaspora fasciculata Love, 1960 Pl. 37, figs. 9-11 1960. Procoronaspora fasciculata Love, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Proc., vol. 67, Sect. B, pp. 112,113, pl. 1, fig. 2, text fig. 2. 1966. Non Tricidarisporites fasciculatus (Love), Sullivan and Marshall, Micro- paleontology, vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 268,269, pl. 1, fig. 16. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 137 Remarks. — Sullivan and Marshall (1966) transferred P. fasci- culata to the genus Tricidarisporites but gave no reason for the transfer. The original diagnosis of Butterworth and Williams (1958) and the emendation of Smith and Butterworth (1967) will identify this species. Genus PROPRISPORITES Neves, 1958 Type species, Proprisporites rugosus Neves, 1958. Proprisporites cf. P. laevigatus Neves, 1961 Pl. 3%, fis. 12 1961. Proprisporites laevigatus Neves, Palaeontology, vol. 4, pp. 269,270, pl. 33, figs. 9,10. Remarks. — The figured specimen was lost after examination with the SEM and consequently could not be photographed with transmitted light. Genus PUNCTATISPORITES Ibrahim, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Punctatisporites punctatus (Ibrahim), Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Punctatisporites heterofiliferus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 PI. 38, figs. 1-3 1967. Punctatisporites heterofiliferus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 356,357, pl. 53, figs. 10,11. Punctatisporites incomptus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 PIV38i figs. 7.0 1967. Punctatisporites incomptus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, p: 357, pl. 53, figs. 12: Remarks. — The “lips” originally described for this species are actually optical sections of the exine. Collapse of the interradial contact areas results in prominent folds which widen as they ap- proach the equatorial margin. The bifurcating suture is an optical illusion relating to the manner in which the triradiate folds merge into the equatorial margin. Punctatisporites cf. P. obesus (Loose), Potonié and Kremp, 1955 Pl. 38, figs. 4-6 1932. Sporonites obesus Loose, in Potonié, Ibrahim, and Loose, N. Jahrb. f. Min., Geol., Palaont., Beilage-Band, Abt. B, vol. 67, p. 451, pl. 19, fig. 49. 1934. Laevigatisporites obesus Loose, Inst. Palaobot. u. Petrog. d. Brennsteine Arb., vol. 4, No. 3, p. 145. 1944. Calamospora (?) obesus (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations No. 91, p. 52. 1955. Punctatisporites obesus (Loose), Potonié and Kremp, Palaontographica, Abt. B, Bd. 98, No. 1-3, p. 43, pl. 11, fig. 124. 1967. Punctatisporites obesus (Loose), Potonié and Kremp, Smith and Butter- worth, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, pp. 127, 128, pl. 1, fig. 23. 138 BULLETIN 266 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; outline roundly triangu- lar to circular. Triradiate structure tectate, commissure rays are approximately 1% the radius of the spore. The commissure is situated on large folds which extend to the equatorial margin and result in the rays appearing to bifurcate toward the interradial areas near the arcuate rim. The exine of the proximal interradial areas is thinner than the remainder of the spore and sags causing the triradiate folds to appear as thick lips adjacent to the commissure. Distal exine + 5 microns thick, finely punctuate in the contact areas, laevigate on the remainder of the spore. Proximal-distal orientation prefer- ence. Size. — Variation in size of spore, 71 to 96 microns; mean 91 microns; 27 specimens measured. Remarks. — These fossils are consistent in having folds along the triradiate mark and compare very favorably with the specimen figured by Smith and Butterworth (1967) as P. obesus. The type specimen figured by Potonié and Kremp (1955) appears to be more inflated overall and has no orientation preference. Punctatisporites planus Hacquebard, 1957 Pl. 38, figs. 9-10 1957. Punctatisporites planus Hacquebard, Micropaleontology, vol. 3, No. 4, p. 308, pl. 1, fig. 12. Punctatisporites validus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Pl. 38, figs. 11-12 1967. Punctatisporites validus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, p. 359, pl; 34, fig. 2: Remarks. — Felix and Burbridge (1967, p. 359) referred to a difference in length of the “sutural opening and the lips as well as the fact that they do not always overlie each other.” Examination of the type and comparison with specimens (believed to be con- specific) encountered in this study indicate that the “lips” might be more properly thought of as a ridge formed by an exine fold. The exine layers of the ridge are united throughout the length corresponding to the “sutural opening” or the tetrad scar. Beyond the extremities of the tetrad scar the layers become separated but the fold continues to the equator. In flattened specimens the ridge becomes flattened along its entirety, therefore, it is displaced with regard to lower point of contact of the layers which is what ap- pears optically to be a “sutural opening.” PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 139 Genus RAISTRICKIA Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Raistrickia grovensis Schopf in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Raistrickia cf. R. saetosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Pl. 39, figs. 1, 2 1932. Sporonites saetosus Loose in Potonié, Ibrahim, and Loose, N. Jahrb. f. Min., Geol. Palaont., Beilage-Band, Abt. B, vol. 67, p. 452, pl. 19, fig. 56. 1933. Setosi-sporites sactosus (Loose), Ibrahim, Dissertation, Tech. Hochschule Berlin, Wirzberg, Triltsch, p. 26. 1944. Raistricka saetosus (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 56. 1967. Raistrickia saetosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Smith and Butterworth, Special Paper Paleontology, No. 1, pp. 181, 182, pl. 8, figs 2, Raistrickia densa Urban, n. sp. Pl. 39, figs. 3-8 Derwation of name. — L. densa = thick, stout, dense. Referring to the relatively thick wall, and stout ornament of the species. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; roundly triangular to cir- cular. Triradiate structure is tectate. Commissure is simple and ray length is equal to the spore radius. Exine is variable in thick- ness among different specimens and frequently showing some varia- tion in a single specimen. Maximum thickness observed was four microns on the distal side of a specimen. The spores are orna- mented with numerous crested or partate bacula. A variety of forms of bacula are present. Some bacula are widest at the base and nar- row toward the top, some have parallel sides throughout their length, others have approximately equal widths at the base and top with a constriction approximately at mid-length, but the most common form is a baculum expanded toward the top. Some speci- mens show an exceptionally wide baculum that is evidently a re- sult of two or more bacula being joined. All baculae are crested with minute apiculae. The length and width of bacula as well as length/width ratio is extremely variable. Maximum length ob- served was 9.5 microns, maximum width 14.5 microns, length/ width ratios 2.5/1 to 3/5. The bacula are absent or essentially so on the contact area while the maximum development occurs on the distal surface. The undistorted shape was a low pyramidal proximal surface and a hemispherical distal surface. Size. — Holotype 36 microns. Variation in size of spore 30 to 41 140 BULLETIN 266 microns exclusive of processses; mean 34.2 microns; 41 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F27-1; paratypes, 147F29-1, 147F33-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Iowa. Remarks. — The lack of ornamentation of the proximal surface, the marked increase in size of bacula on the distal surface and the tendency for many individuals to be rounded triangular in shape distinguish this species of Raistrickia. Genus REINSCHOSPORA Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species, Reinschospora speciosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall syn. R. bellitas Bentall, 1944. Reinschospora cf. R. speciosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Pl. 39, figs. 9-12; Pl. 40, figs. 10-12 1934. Alati-sporites speciosus Loose, Inst. Palaobot. u. Petrog. d. Brennsteine, Arb. vol. 4, No. 3; p. 151, pl. 7, fig. 1. 1938. Non Zonotriletes speciosus (Loose), Waltz in Luber and Waltz, Trans. Cent. Geol. and Prosp. Inst., Fasc. 105, pl. 4, fig. 48; pl. 5, fig. 9. 1944. Reinschospora bellitas Bentall in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois, Geol. Sur., Report of Investigations, No. 91, p. 53, fig. 2. Remarks. — Specimens compared to R. speciosa appear very similar to the forms previously illustrated by various investigators as representing the species. However, there are some differences that should be considered. Descriptions of the species commonly refer to the corona being composed of setae and attached to the spore body just proximally of the equator. The “corona” or “flange” is actually a continuation of the outer layer (exoexine) which totally encompasses a triangular spore body. In addition, specimens studied have an exine ornament which is different than the holotype description. Ornament is very finely scabrate to granular and may appear punctate in transmitted light. Felix and Burbridge (1967) reported the Springer specimens were minutely punctate. The Springer specimens were examined and they appear to be identical with those in this study. Genus RETICULATISPORITES Ibrahim, emend Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Reticulatisporites reticulatus, Ibrahim, 1933. Remarks. — Neves (1964) proposed an emendation of Reticula- tisporites in which he maintained the holotype, R. reticulatus, is PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 141 cingulate. This emendation was based on an examination of photo- graphs of the holotype. The muri were interpreted as “. . . restrict- ed almost entirely to the distal hemisphere. Occasional reduced muri pass onto the proximal face, but for the large part, terminate by fusion with the equatorially placed cingulum . . .” He also stated, “the persistence of the equatorial extension of the exine is a striking feature of the specimen which cannot be reconciled with «chance» compression of muri of the distal reticulum in the equa- torial plane . . .” Smith and Butterworth (1967) supported this emendation. However, their photomicrograph (pl. 14, fig. 15) illus- trated morphologic features that are similar to those noted in this study and must be considered before this emendation is accepted. Examination of reticulate spores with the SEM demonstrates a tendency for ornamentation to be missing or greatly reduced on the proximal surface. This is consistent with observations of other spore groups as previously discussed in this paper. The SEM ex- amination suggests that the “distal” muri of many reticulate species is morphologically identical to the “equatorial structure.” The pho- tograph of Smith and Butterworth (1967) suggests that is true in R. reticulatus. The above information is interpreted as indicating the “equatorial structure” is muri along the periphery of the contact faces and is simply part of the ornamentation. The concept of what constitutes a cingulum commonly relates to Densosporites in which the cingulum is a discrete equatorial struc- ture. Another concept of cingulum is suggested by Couper (1958, p. 102) and Couper and Grebe (1961, p. 5) that the cingulum is a structure confined to the equator. Consequently, it appears that R. reticulatus does not possess a cingulum or any specific equatorial structure. Reticulatisporites danzei Agrali, Urban, comb. new emend. PI. 40, figs. 1-6 1965. Knoxisporites danzei Agrali in Agrali, Akyol, Konyali, Corsin, and Laveine, Société Géologique du Nord, Annales, Tome LXXV, p. 174, pl. 15, fig. 22. Description. — Spores radial trilete; outline circular to poly- gonal. Triradiate structure tectate; commissure rays are simple and ray length is equal to spore body radius; triradiate ridges are com- monly well developed over the commissure. The ridges when present 142 BULLETIN 266 will be lowest at the center of the tnlete mark and increase in height outward where they fuse with the muri surrounding the contact faces. Occasionally low muri extend onto the proximal face of some individuals while others are devoid of any triradiate ridges or muri. The distal side of the spere is covered with muri enclosing polygonal lumina. The muri are thickest at the top and thinnest between the top and the base. Height of the muri is consistent on an individual (as much as 10 microns observed) but varies among different indi- viduals. The center of the lacunae are most commonly ornamented with grana, pustules, coni, and clavae. The clavate condition is most common with the clavae being variable in height (two microns maximum observed ). The proximal interradial areas are only ornamented if the tri- radiate ridges are developed. Occasionally, some lumina are un- ornamented while in others the ornament may consist of grana only. The undistorted shape ts a low pyramidal proximal side and a hemi- spherical distal side. Remarks.— These specimens compare closely with those of Agrali (1965) except he reported the “equatorial” muri to be higher than those on the distal. He also described the sculpture in the lumina as occurring on the distal side only. This latter condition is most common among individuals of this study but is not the only manner in which the ornament occurs. Neville (1968) described Dictyotriletes equigranulatus from the Visean of Scotland. The fos- sils of this investigation show considerable overlap between the two species and are probably related. Reticulatisporites peltatus Playford, 1962 Pl. 40, figs. 7-9 1962. Rettculatisporites peltatus Playford, Part I. Palaeontology, vol. 5, pt. 3, pp. 599, 600, pl. 84, figs. 1-4. Genus SAVITRISPORITES Bhardwaj, 1955 Type species, Sawvitrisporites triangulus Bhardwaj, 1955. Savitrisporites nux (Butterworth and Williams), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Pl. 41, figs. 1-5 1958. Callisporttes nux Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 377, pl. 3, figs. 24, 25. 1964. Savitrisporites nux (Butterworth and Williams), Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 7, pt. 3 pp. 373, 374, pl. 60, figs. 1-5. 1967. Savitrisporites nux (Butterworth and Williams), Smith and Butterworth, 1967, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, pp. 223, 224 (lectotype, pl. 15, figs. 1,2). PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 143 Remarks. — Sullivan (1964) illustrated several variations of S. nux. He also described the species as having no proximal ornament. Smith and Butterworth (1967) reported the holotype missing and designated a lectotype. They described proximal ornament consisting of a low band of thickening on either side of each commissure. Specimens of this study compare closely to the published de- scriptions and illustrations but exhibit considerable variation in the proximal ornament as well. However, the proximal ornament is al- ways more reduced than that on the distal surface and is difficult to observe with transmitted light. Genus SCHULZOSPORA Kosanke, 1950 Type species, Schulzospora rara Kosanke, 1950. Schulzospora elongata Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Pl. 41, figs. 6, 9 1955. Schulzospora elongata Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Paleont. vol. 29, No. 3, p. 396, pl. 39, fig. 2. Genus SECARISPORITES Neves, 1961 Type species, Secarisporites lobatus Neves, 1961. Secarisporites remotus Neves, 1961 Pl. 41, figs: 7,-8,. 10 1961. Secarisporites remotus Neves, Palaeontology, vol. 4, p. 262, pl. 32, figs. 8,9. Genus SIMOZONOTRILETES Naumova, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and Kremp, 1954. Remarks.— The work of Smith and Butterworth (1967) in retaining the genus Simozonotriletes is accepted. Staplin (1960) re- ferred to a single genus (Murospora) containing patellate and capsulate forms. He also expressed the opinion that the forms orig- inally assigned to Murospora are capsulate. The difference between patellate and capsulate is considered to be significant enough for generic distinction. Consequently, Simozonotriletes is retained until the genus Murospora can be more thoroughly studied. Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and Kremp, 1954 PL 41, figs. 215412: Pl,42, fig. 1 1938. Zonotriletes intortus Waltz, in Luber and Waltz, Tr. All-Union Geol. Sci. Res. Inst. (U.S.E.G.E.I.), vol. 139, p. 22, pl. 2, fig. 24. 1954. Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and Kremp, Geologisches Landesanstalten, Bundesrepublik Deutschlands, Geol., Jahrbuch, vol. 69, perl5g: 144 BULLETIN 266 1962a. Murospora intorta (Waltz), Playford, Part 1. Palaeontology, vol. 5, Dt. 13, tP. 009; pl...86,, ties5 12,013. 1967. Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and Kremp, Smith and Butter- worth, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, pp. 237, 238, pl. 15, figs. 18-23. Remarks. — Staplin (1960) described specimens compared to this species from the Golata Formation of Alberta, Canada, as hav- ing a distal patella or being “acorn like.” He also examined fossils identified as Simozonotriletes intortus by Hacquebard and Barss (1957) and stated that they had a similar structure. Playford (1962a) described a species of Murospora, M. dupla (Ischenko), as having a cingulum with two zones separated by a groove. Playford (1962a) also described M. sublobata (Waltz) as having a cingulum that exhibits thickening around the spore apices. The fossils compared to Simozonotriletes intortus definitely ex- hibit an “acorn like” structure. However, in transmitted light they exhibit an outer and inner zone that are separated by a groove. The inner zone represents an optical section of the inner spore body. The ?cingulum does show some thickening about the apices. Consequently, these spores exhibit morphology that can be re- lated to several described taxa. The variations of these spores are consistent with the findings of Sullivan (1958) and others. Genus STENOZONOTRILETES Naumova, emend. Potonié, 1958 Type species, Stenozonotriletes conformis Naumova, 1953. Stenozonotriletes lycosporoides (Butterworth and Williams), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Pl. 42, figs. 2-6 1958. Anulatisporites lycosporoides Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 378, pl. 3, figs. 28,29. 1967. Stenozonotriletes lycosporoides (Butterworth and Williams), Smith and Butterworth, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, p. 218, pl. 14, figs. 5, 6. Genus TANTILLUS Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Type species, Tantillus triquetrus Felix and Burbridge, 1967. Tantillus triquetrus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 Pl. 42, figs. 7, 8 1967. Tantillus triquetrus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3, p. 383, figs. 4, 5. Genus TRIMONTISPORITES Urban, n. gen. Type species. —Trimontisporites granulatus Urban, n. sp. Derivation of name. — L. tri = three, montis = ridge. Referring PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 145 to the prominent triradiate ridges and proximal exine rolls that terminate the ridges. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular to circular. Triradiate structure is tectate, commissure rays are short and lie beneath prominent exine folds or ridges. The triradiate ridges terminate against exine folds involving all layers. The large folds extend to the equatorial margin and are open to the interior of the spore body. Ornamentation is varied, laevigate, granulate to rugulate. Remarks. — The tectate condition is common among spores, but the condition where the triradiate ridges terminate against the prominent open folds does not appear to be. Since all the diag- nostic characters of the genus are haptotypic, it would appear to be well founded. The separation of species on the basis of orna- mentation may ultimately prove too broad and a later reappraisal may be necessary. [ugisporis Bhardwaj has labra forming rays not reaching the equator and is apiculate. Jugisporis does not have the prominent open folds terminating the triradiate ridges. The fol- lowing species are believed to be more properly assigned to 7r- montis pores : Trimontisporites divaricatus (Felix and Burbridge), Urban comb. new 1967. Punctatisporites divaricatus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt 3p. 355, pl. 55, fig. 8. Trimontisporites flexuosus (Felix and Burbridge), Urban comb. new 1967. Punctatisporites flexuosus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pts 3; ps 356, pl 53; tig. 9. Trimontisporites trifidus (Felix and Burbridge), Urban comb. new 1967. Punctatisporites trifidus Felix and Burbridge, Palaeontology, vol. 10, pt. 3p: 358.pl. 53; ‘fig: 15. Trimontisporites triarcuatus (Staplin), Urban comb. new 1960. Cyclogranisporites triarcuatus Staplin, Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Bd. LOZ. Not 43, ps 105 pl. 1; fig: 30. Trimontisporites granulatus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 42, figs. 9-12; Pl. 43, figs. 14 Derivation of name.—L. granulata = granular. Referring to the granular ornamentation of the exine. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline roundly triangular to circular. Triradiate structure is tectate, consisting of 146 BULLETIN 266 commissure with individual ray length + 1% the radius of the spore. Rays of the commissure beneath thin exoexine folds which form ridges which stand two to four microns high. The thin ridges terminate abruptly against large folds involving all exine layers and open to the interior. The large folds continue to the equatorial margin. In transmitted light, the commissure rays appear to bifur- cate at the point of juncture of the thin ridge and large fold, but the “bifurcation” is an optical illusion due to the folds being open to the interior of the spore. Ornamentation is uniformly and densely granular on the proximal and distal surfaces. Ornament is present on the triradiate ridges. Exine uniformly 4.5 microns thick in the holotype. Thickness varies with size, smaller forms are thinner and larger, thicker. Definite proximal-distal orientation preference. Non- compressed forms tend to be roundly triangular, compressed forms are circular. Size. — Holotype 70 microns. Variation in size of spore 53 to 70 microns, mean 66 microns; 27 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F21-2; paratype, 147F29-2, 147F31-5. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NM cor. sec. 2, TS88N, R9W along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, Towa. Remarks.—T. granulatus is distinguished from T. rugosus by ornamentation differences plus a more abrupt change from the triradiate ridge to the terminal folds. Trimeontisporites contortus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 43, figs. 5-8 Derivation of name. — L. contortus = twist, contort. Referring to the varied configuration of the arcuate rim. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; outline roundly triangular to subcircular. Triradiate structure is tectate, consisting of a com- missure with individual ray lengths of 1/3 to 1/2 the radius of the spore. Rays of the commissure lie beneath relatively thick exoexine folds which form ridges approximately two microns high. The tri- radiate ridges enlarge beyond the apex of the commissure rays into prominent wide folds, -- 10 microns wide, which are open to the interior. In uncompressed specimens, the folds are seen to be con- tinuous with the radial margin of the contact figure. In compressed forms, the folds widen slightly toward the equator. In_ trans- PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 147 mitted light, the commissure rays appear to bifurcate at the point of juncture of the triradiate ridge and the fold. Exine laevigate, occasionally scabrate in the contact areas, + 4 microns thick on the distal side of the spore, the contact areas are thinner and commonly sag. The region of the arcuate rim is somewhat thicker than the distal exine. In proximal-distal compressions, this appears as thicker exine along the equatorial margin. Undistorted shape is a steeply pyramidal proximal surface and a hemispherical distal surface. Size. — Holotype 53 microns. Variation in size of spore 47 to 61 microns, mean 52 microns; 19 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F3-1; paratype, 147F20-7. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, R9W alongside of Highway 20, Buchanan County, lowa. Trimontisporites rugosus Urban, n. sp. Pl. 43, figs. 9-12 Derivation of name. — L. rugosus = wrinkled. Referring to the ornamentation of the exine. Description. — Spores radial, trilete; outline roundly triangu- lar to circular; triradiate structure is tectate, consisting of commis- sure with individual ray length + 1% the radius of the spore. Rays of the commissure lie beneath relatively thick exoexine folds which form ridges approximately 2 microns high. The triradiate ridges grad- ually enlarge beyond the apex of the commissure rays into prominent wide folds that are open to the interior of the spore. The large folds continue to the equatorial margin. In transmitted light the com- missure rays appear to bifurcate at the point of juncture of the thin ridge and large fold, but the bifurcation is an optical illusion. Orna- mentation is uniformly and densely rugulate on the proximal and distal surfaces. The rugae form a regular reticulo-punctate pattern. Exine is uniformly 2.5 microns thick in the holotype. There is a tendency for a proximal-distal orientation preference. Size. — Holotype, 36 microns. Variation in size of spore 34 to 46 microns, mean 41 microns; 21 specimens measured. Types. — Holotype, 147F27-2; paratype, 147F30-1. Type locality. — Brooks Quarry, NE cor. sec. 3 and NW cor. sec. 2, T88N, ROW along side of Highway 20, Buchanan County, lowa. 148 BULLETIN 266 Genus TRIQUITRITES Wilson and Coe, 1940 Type species, Triguitrites arculatus Wilson and Coe, 1940. Triquitrites tribullatus (Ibrahim), Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Pl. 44, figs. 1, 2 1932. Sporonites tribullatus Ibrahim in Potonié, Ibrahim, and Loose, N. Jahrb. f. Min., Geol., Palaont., Beilage-Band, Abt. B, vol. 67, p. 448, pl. 15, fig. 13. 1933. Laevigati-sporites tribullatus (Ibrahim), Ibrahim, Dissertation, Tech. Hochschule Berlin, Wirzberg, Triltsch, pp. 20, 21, pl. 2, fig. 13. 1934. Valvisi-sporites tribullatus (Ibrahim), Loose, Inst. Palaobot. Arb. vol. 4, No. 3, p. 152,- pl. 7, fig. 21. 1944. Triquitrites tribullatus (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, Illinois Geol. Sur. Report of Investigations No. 91, p. 47. Genus VERRUCOSISPORITES Ibrahim, emend. Potonié and Kremp, 1954 Type species, Verrucosisporites verrucosus (Ibrahim), Ibrahim, 1933. Verrucosisporites cerosus (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Butterworth and Williams, 1958 Pl. 44, figs. 4-6 1955. Punctati-sporites? cerosus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Pale- ont., vol. 29, No. 3, p. 392, pl. 36, fig. 6. 1958. Verrucosisporites cerosus (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 361, pl. 1, figs. 42-43. Verrucosisporites morulatus (Knox), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Pl. 45, figs. 1, 2 1950. Verrucoso-sporites morulatus Knox, Bot. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 33, pt. 3, p. 318, pl. 17, fig. 235. 1955. Verrucosisporites morulatus (Knox), Potonié and Kremp, Teil I. Palae- ontographica, Abt. B, Bd. 98, No. 1-3, p. 65. 1967. Verrucosisporites morulatus (Knox), Smith and Butterworth, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, p. 152, (lectotype, pl. 5, fig. 15). Verrucosisporites scoticus Sullivan, 1968 Pl. 44, figs. 7-9 1968. Verrucosisporites scoticus Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 11, pt. 1, p. 121, pl..25, fig. 11. Genus VESTISPORA Wilson and Hoffmeister, emend. Wilson and Venkatachala, 1962 Type species, Vestispora profunda Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956. Vestispora lucida (Butterworth and Williams), Potonié, 1960 Pl. 44, figs. 3, 10-12 1958. Glomospora lucida Butterworth and Williams, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans., vol. 63, p. 385, pl. 4, figs. 4-6. 1960. Vestipora lucida (Butterworth and Williams), Potonié Amt. fiir Boden- forschung, Biehefte Geol. Jahrbuch, Hanover, vol. 39, p. 52. Genus WALTZISPORA Staplin, 1960 Type species, Waltzispora lobophora Waltz, 1938 in Luber and Waltz. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN 149 Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan, 1964 Pl. 45, figs. 3, 5, 6 1964. Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan, Palaeontology, vol. 7, pt. 3, p. 362, pl. 57, figs. 25-30. Remarks. — W. planiangulata Sullivan may be a junior syn- onym of W. sagittata Playford. However, assignment of forms of this study to W. planiangulata is rationalized through strict ad- herance to the published descriptions of the two species. W. sagittata is described as being finely granulate to laevigate while W. plan- angulata is described as variable with some forms laevigate on the proximal and granular on the distal to ornament on both. Fossils studied for this report show a similar variation. Examination of the material studied by Felix and Burbridge (1967) suggests similar characteristics. Waltzispora politus (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Pl. 45, figs. 4, 7 1955. Granulati-sporites politus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, Jour. Pale- ont., vol. 29, No. 3, p. 389, pl. 36, fig. 13. 1960. Non Leiotriletes politus (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Love, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Proc., vol. 67, Sect. B, p. 111, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1967. Waltzispora politus (Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy), Smith and But- terworth, Special Paper Palaeontology, No. 1, pp. 159, 160, pl. 6, fig. 14. Spore Type A Pl. 45, figs. 10-12 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is round- ly triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate. Commissure rays ex- tend to the equatorial margin. Exine thickened adjacent to the commissure resulting in the proximal surface remaining in a steep pyramidal form and appearing as lips + 2 microns wide adjacent to the commissure. Ornamentation is variable; large, squat pila, bacula and apiculae are present. The pila are the largest orna- ment, up to 5 microns high and 5 microns wide. Ornament is con- siderably reduced on the proximal surface to smal] apiculae and bacula less than 1 micron high. Wall 2.5 microns thick. Size. — 41 microns. Figured specimen. — 147F30-2. Remarks. — Although this spore is very distinctive in form, there were not enough specimens observed to warrant describing a new taxon. It does compare reasonably well with Ratstrickia cla- vata Hacquebard (1957). 150 BULLETIN 266 Spore Type B Pl. 45, figs. 8, 9 Description. — Spores radial, trilete; equatorial outline is round- ly triangular. Triradiate structure is tectate. Commissure rays ex- tend to the equatorial margin. Exine thickened adjacent to the commissure resulting in prominent triradiate folds which appear as lips -- 3.5 microns thick on either side of the commissure. The proxi- mal interradial contact areas are very thin and sag below the tri- radiate ridges. The entire exine is scabrate-punctate and the distal is ornamented with very small apiculae (less than 1 micron). Distal wall is + 2.5 microns thick. Size. —46 microns. Figured specimen. — 147¥F32-4. DISCUSSION Examination of the palynomorphs revealed an assemblage con- sisting of a diversity of forms, the most abundant fossil being Tasmanites (Table 2). Large numbers of Tasmanites and Maran- hites characterize the Upper Devonian Juniper Hill Member of the Lime Creek Formation in Iowa. Therefore, the presence of Tasmanites would lend support to the idea of the Independence Shale consisting of solution fillings of Lime Creek Shale. However, several species of Densosporites, Ahrensisporites, Florinites and others were also noted. These latter species are typical Carboniferous forms. Detailed examination of the palynomorphs in the assemblage with transmitted light microscopy suggested two conditions of preser- vation of the fossil material. Some specimens of spores as well as those specimens of Tasmanites and Maranhites exhibited a darken- ing of the inner side of the wall. Specimens figured on Plate 21, figs. 2, 4 illustrate the appearance in bright field microscopy. Phase contrast microscopy of the fossils emphasized the internal deterior- ation of the wall plus frequent external corrosion and pitting (PI. 21, figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12). Finally, the surface deterioration was confirmed by examining specimens with the scanning electron microscope (PI. 21, figs. 7, 9, 11). In addition, the specimens with the preceding characteristics were invariably flattened, also sug- gesting a different preservation environment. The fossils figured on Plates 22 through 45 illustrate the different preservation character- istics. They do not exhibit an exine breakdown and, with the excep- tion of some of the saccate grains, are virtually undistorted. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN ist Contrast between the two types of preservation is further en- hanced by an apparent age difference between the two groups. As previously mentioned, Tasmanites and Maranhites are characteristic of the Lime Creek Shale (Upper Devonian age). Some identifiable specimens of Diaphanospora (PI. 21, figs. 3, 9, 12) with the same preservation characteristics support the Upper Devonian age assign- ment for the poorly preserved fraction of the assemblage. Many other specimens of spores could not be recognized because of the amount of deterioration (PI. 21, figs. 1, 2). The spores exhibiting the better preservation characteristics also have unifying. strati- graphic distribution. The better preserved fossils constitute an assemblage of 81 species of spores. Table 2 illustrates the relative distribution of palynomorphs in the total assemblage. The reworked complex of Tasmamites and Maranhites make up 28 percent of the counts. Reworked spores represent an additional 2.5 percent of the counts. Lycospora uber is the most abundant species in the principal assem- blage (25.4%). Three species of Densosporites, D. cavus (13.5%), D. rarispinosus (7.3%) and D. hispidus (3.4%) provide the next largest abundances. These four species plus the reworked material obscured so much of the assemblage that they were omitted from the counts of an additional 450 individuals. Table 3 shows the re- sults of the additional counting. Eight more species are reflected in the additional counts. A comparison between this assemblage and several published works is illustrated in Table 4. The listed works are believed to give an adequate comparison of the stratigraphic interval ranging from Tournaisian through Westphalian A. It is recognized that other workers have investigated the same strati- graphic interval, but a comparison could not be made in many cases because these workers failed to report the entire assemblage. The assemblage of the Independence Shale is characterized by the great abundance of Lycospora uber and species of Densosporites. Assemblages with similar composition have been reported by Felix and Burbridge, (1967), Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy (1955), Sullivan and Marshall (1966), Sullivan (1964) and Butterworth and Williams (1958). Additional similarities to Late Mississippian assemblages are the presence of species of Convolutispora, Knowi- sporites and Microreticulatisporites. Cincturasporites altilis, Proco- 152 BULLETIN 266 SPECIES %o SPECIES MONOLETES OVATUS M. WINSLOWI MOOREISPORITES FUSTUS M. BICORNIS 0.1|}CF. MUROSPORA ACANTHOTRILETES ECHINATUS AHRENSISPORITES BEELEYENSIS A. HALESI ANAPICULATISPORITES MINOR CALAMOSPORA HARTUNGIANA CAMPTOTRILETES CRISTATUS 0.4| NEORAISTRICKIA VARIORNAMENTA Cc. BACCULENTUS POTONIESPORITES ELEGANS CINCTURASPORITES ALTILIS PROCORONASPORA FASCICULATA CIRRATRIRADITES SATURNI 0.1] PROPRISPORITES LAEVIGATUS CONVOLUTISPORA AMPLA PUNCTATISPORITES HETEROFILIFERUS Cc. FLORIDA 0.7|P. INCOMPTUS C. MELLITA 0.2|P. OBESUS Cc. TORTUOSA 0.4)P. PLANUS COSTATASCYCLUS CRENATUS P. VALIDUS DENSOSPORITES ACULEATUS 0.1 |}RAISTRICKIA SAETOSA D. HISPIDUS 3.4]R. DENSA D. RARISPINOSUS 7.3 |REINSCHOSPORA SPECIOSA D. CAVUS 13.5|RETICULATISPORITES DANZEI DICTYOTRILETES CLATRIFORMIS R. PELTATUS DORHEIMISPORITES INFLATUS SAVITRISPORITES NUX FLORINITES VISENDUS 0.2 | SCHULZOSPORA ELONGATA F., GUTTATUS 0.2| SECARISPORITES REMOTUS FOVEOSPORITES INSCULPTUS 0.1| SIMOZONOTRILETES INTORTUS FUNISPORITES MAGNUS STENOZONOTRILETUS LYCOSPOROIDES GRANULATISPORITES GRANULATUS 0.4) TANTILLUS TRIQUETRUS G. MICROGRANIFER 1.0] TRIMONTISPORITES GRANULATUS 4 0 6|T. CONTORTUS 2 5) G. TUBERCULATUS 0. HYMENOSPORA CAPERATA 0.2)T. RUGOSUS KNOXISPORITES STEPHANEPHORUS 0.5) TRIQUITRITES TRIBULLATUS K. TRIRADIATUS 0.1 | VERRUCOSISPORITES SCOTICUS Kook: 0.1)V. CEROSUS KOCHISPORITES DENTATUS V. MORULATUS LEIOTRILETES PYRAMIDATUS VESTISPORA LUCIDA L. SUBINTORTUS 0.1 |WALTZISPORA PLANIANGULATA L. ANGULATUS 0.5/W. POLITUS L. LABRUM .4|SPORE TYPE A L. TUMIDUS 0.1|SPORE TYPE B je SNF REWORKED TASMANITES — MARANHITES LOPHOTRILETES FATIHI REWORKED SPORES L. LABIATUS L. OBTUSUS LYCOSPORA UBER 25.4 ) MICRORETICULATISPORITES CONCAVUS 0.1 M, PUNCTATUS 0.4 Table 2. Percentage composition of the total assemblage. %o 0.4 0.4 0.4 a 0.5 0.4 0.2 mal 0.5 28.3 2r5! PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN SPECIES ACANTHOTRILETES ECHINATUS AHRENSISPORITES BEELEYENSIS A. HALESI ANAPICULATISPORITES MINOR CALAMOSPORA HARTUNGIANA CAMPTOTRILETES CRISTATUS Cc. BACCULENTUS CINCTURASPORITES ALTILIS CIRRATRIRADITES SATURNI CONVOLUTISPORA AMPLA Cc. FLORIDA Cc. MELLITA Cc. TORTUOSA COSTATASCYCLUS CRENATUS DENSOSPORITES ACULEATUS D. HISPIDUS D. RARISPINOSUS D. CAVUS DICTYOTRILETES CLATRIFORMIS DORHEIMISPORITES INFLATUS FLORINITES VISENDUS F. GUTTATUS FOVEOSPORITES INSCULPTUS FUNISPORITES MAGNUS GRANULATISPORITES GRANULATUS G MICROGRANIFER G TUBERCULATUS HYMENOSPORA CAPERATA KNOXISPORITES STEPHANEPHORUS K. TRIRADIATUS Ko SP: KOCHISPORITES DENTATUS LEIOTRILETES PYRAMIDATUS L. SUBINTORTUS ANGULATUS LABRUM TUMIDUS 1 zh LOPHOTRILETES FATIHI L LABIATUS L. OBTUSUS [Fea Gites om ir 0.3 NC aun wnt unoununn NWN = o ant oanournu on Nw =k) es To LY COSPORA UBER M. PUNCTATUS MONOLETES OVATUS M. WINSLOWI MOOREISPORITES FUSTUS M. BICORNIS CF. MUROSPORA NEORAISTRICKIA VARIORNAMENTA POTONIESPORITES ELEGANS PROCORNASPORA FASCICULATA PROPRISPORITES LAEVIGATUS PUNCTATISPORITES HETEROFILIFERUS P. INCOMPTUS Pe OBESUS P. PLANUS P. VALIDUS RAISTRICKIA DENSA R. SAETOSA REINSCHOSPORA SPECIOSA RETICULATISPORITES DANZEI R. PELTATUS SAVITRISPORITES NUX SCHULZOSPORA ELONGATA SECARISPORITES REMOTUS SIMOZONOTRILETES INTORTUS STENOZONOTRILETES LYCOSPOROIDES TANTILLUS TRIQUETRUS TRIMONTISPORITES GRANULATUS T. CONTORTUS T. RUGOSUS TRIQUITRITES TRIBULLATUS VERRUCOSISPORITES CEROSUS V. MORULATUS Vv. SCOTICUS VESTISPORA LUCIDA WALTIZISPORA PLANIANGULATA W. POLITUS SPORE ahyirPE A SPORE TYPE B SPECIES MICRORETICULATISPORITES CONCAVUS 153 1.0 0. Zee NM wun uw 5 ahs ese seis av yl Table 3. Percentage composition of the assemblage with the reworked fossils and four overrepresented species omitted. 154 BULLETIN 266 ronaspora fasciculata and Reticulatisporites peltatus have been re- ported only from Late Mississippian sections. The absence of species of Laevigatosporites is also believed to be significant. Early Pennsylvanian assemblages of the mid-continent area typically have species of Laevigatosporites in abundance. Therefore, it is the opinion of this investigator that this assemblage is Late Mississippian (Chester) in age. Two interpretations are possible from the stratigraphic dis- tribution of the spores. They are: 1) Deposition during Chester time recycling of the Devonian fossils at that time. 2) Reworking of the entire assemblage subsequent to the stratigraphic age indicated by any of the fossils. The second interpretation is rejected in favor of the first on the basis of a comparison of the preservation. The Upper Devonian fossils have been flattened while the Chester fossils are virtually undistorted, thereby suggesting two cycles of deposition. Lycospora uber and other equally fragile spores show less deterioration of their walls than does Tasmanites. Also, the Devonian forms are predominantly marine palynomorphs and the Carboniferous forms are entirely continental. Reworking subsequent to Chester time is ruled out because the Carboniferous fossils do not show exine destruction. In addition, many of the spore species as Lycospora uber, Densosporites hispidus, D. cavus and D. rarispinosa com- monly found dispersed in the assemblage are also found in tetrads. Almost all species except the saccate grains are found united in tetrads. Reworking would undoubtedly separate the tetrads of spores that obviously disperse readily as indicated by their abundance as individuals. The united tetrads suggest a depositional environ- ment of very low energy. The undistorted condition of the Carboni- ferous forms indicate little, if any, compaction of the sediment after deposition. The blocky nature of the shale suggests a similar situation. CONCLUSIONS The environmental situation suggested is one of extensive development of karst topography during Late Mississippian time. Numerous sinks and caves were developed in the carbonate bedrock NVICOIO SIS SV 8 3dA1 340ds WV 3dA1 34045 sninod VeOdSIZUM VLWINONVINY Id WHOdSIZNUM VION VHOdSILSaA SNDILOOS S3LIYOdSISOONEYSA SNLVINYOW S3LINOdSISOINYYSA SNSON3D S3LIMOdSISODNYY3A SMAVTINSIWL SILIMLINOL SNSOMY S3LMOdSIINOWISL SNIWINNVYS S3LINOdSILNOWINL SMIMOINOD S3LIYOdSILNOWISL SNYLANO WL SATTWLNVL S30/ONOdSOOAT S3LIWYHLONOZONSLS SMIYOLNI SILFTYLONOZONIS SMLOWSY S311NOdSIEVOIS ViIVONOT3 WHOdSOZ INHIS XMN SSLINOdSINLIAVS SNiwvinad SILIMOdSUVINIIL3Y TSZNVO S3LINOdSILVINDIL3Y VSOINIdS VYOdSOHOSNISY VSN3G VINOIMLSIVY VSOL3VS VINDINISIVYE SNGNVA S3LINOdSILVLONNd SNNV 1d S3LINOdSILVLONNd SNS3GO S3ILYOdSILVLONNd SMIdWOON! SaLINOdSILVLONNd SNY3SINSON3L3H S3LINOdSILVLONNd SNLVOIASVT S3LINOdSINdO¥d VLVINDIOSVS VYOdSYNOYOI0Nd SNV9313 SALYOdS3INOLOd VINSWVNXOINVA VINDINLSVYO3N dS VYOdSOUNW 349 SINYOOIG S3L1NOdSIZHOOW SMISNs S3LldOdSIaHOOW IMOSNIM_S31310NOW SNMLVAO_ S313 710NOW SMLVLONNd S3LYOdSILVINIUSYOYSIN SMAVONOD S3LINOdSILVINDILAYOUSIN y3aN vHOdSODAT SASN1GO $313 WHLOHdOT SNivIGV) S3L3TIMLOHdOT IHliv4 S3L3V14LOHdOT dS $313971410197 wnuev7 S3137/¥10137 SNLVINONY S3137I410137 SNOINNL S3137NL0137 SNLYOLNIANS S31314L0IT) SMIVGINVHAd S3137I1NL0I37 SNLVIN3G S31INOdSIHDOW dS S3LINOdSIXONH SMIWIGVHINL SALINOdSIXONy SMYOHASNVHASLS S3L|HOdSIXONH Vivedsdvd VHYOdSONSWAH SNLVINOUIENL SILIYOdSUVINNVES USJINVHSOYOIN SALOdSIAV INVES SMIVINNVHD SILIHOdSILV INNES SNNOWW S31IMOdSINNS SNLAINISNI S3LINOdSOSA0S SMIVLINS S3LININOTS SNONSSIA SALINIEOTS SMIVISNI_S3LIMOdSIWISHYOO _ SINNOSINIVIO SALFTIYLOALIC SNAVI S3LINOdSOSN3G SNSONIdSINVY S3LINOdSOSN30 _ SNOIdSIH S3LINOdSOSN30 _ Siva 7NoV S3L/4OdSOSN30 SMLVNIYD SNTDAISVIVLSOD VSONLHOL VHOdSILNIOANOD VLITTSW VHOdSILNIOANOD VOINO14 WHOdSILNTOANOD WidWV VHOdSILNIOANOD INYNLWS SSLIGVYILVEYID SID SaLld¥OdSvENLONIO SNIVISIHO S3L3WYLOLEWVD _ SNIN3SINOOVE S3L3TLOLAWVS VNVIONN.LYVH VHOdSOWY 1V9 YONIW S3LISOdSILV INIdYNV IS31WH S3LINOdSISNSYHY SISN3A31338 S3LIMOdSISNSSHV @| | SMLVNIHOS S313 TINLOHLNVOV 2)zlZiZle\mizis\el2 Este Fated FS ISISlRIclSlele le | fs) Ele |) 3 )4|x[Z/8/C]c¢ 2/5 ols < im Cl1200. 4. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface, Holotype 147F27-1, 1000. 5. Trans- mitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 4, 1000. 6. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal sur- face. Note the reduction of ornament on the proximal surface, Paratype 147F29-1. 7. Scanning electron micro- graph, edge view 100. 8. Scanning electron micro- graph showing detail of the partate baculae, 3500. 9-12. Reinschospora cf. R. speciosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson and Bentall, 1944 . _ 140 9. Scanning electron micrograph, ‘proximal ‘surface, 600. 10. Scanning electron micrograph showing details of the corona on the specimen in Fig. 9, 1750. 11. Trans- mitted light photomicrograph of the specimen in Fig. 9, «500. 12. Scanning electron micrograph showing de- tails of the trilete of the specimen in Fig. 9, «1750. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 39 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 40 Figure PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 40 1-6. Reticulatisporites danzei Agrali, 1965, comb. new ................ 7-9. Reticulatisporites peltatus Playford, 1962 ............. 7. Scanning electron micrograph. The triradiate structure Scanning electron micrograph showing the proximal sur- face and a part of the distal surface. Note the tectate triradiate ridges, proximal ornament, and distal and equatorial muri. 800. 2. Transmitted light photomicro- graph of the specimen in Fig. 1, 750. 3. Scanning elec- tron micrograph showing details of the triradiate struc- ture and proximal surface ornament. 4. Scanning elec- tron micrograph distal surface. Sparseness of ornament inside the lumina, 850. 5. Transmitted light photo- micrograph of the specimen in Fig. 4. “Zoned” appear- ance of the muri, 500. 6. Scanning electron micro- graph, distal surface, 500. is located just to the right of the small spore (point A), X600. 8. Transmitted light photomicrograph of the specimen in Fig. 7, 600. 9. Scanning electron micro- graph showing detail morphology of the ornament, 2100. 10-12. Reinschospora speciosa (Loose), Schopf, Wilson CUIONPES OTIC UN DOI oo ro os ve ddeedocccnartiecsichaiadiceeapin ie 10. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface. Note the break in the corona and outer exoexine at point A, 750. 11. Scanning electron micrograph showing detail of the distal ornament, 1300. 12. Scanning electron micrograph showing the corona is formed by an exten- sion of the outer exoexine which encompasses the entire spore, 2100. 181 . 142 . 140 Figure 1-5. 6, 9. 456, 20: 11, 12, BULLETIN 266 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 41 Savitrisporites nux (Butterworth and Williams), Smithvand! Butterworth U9G 7) eee seer eee econ 1. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface, 700. 2. Transmitted light photomicrograph of the specimen in Fig. 1, <500. 3. Scanning electron micrograph, showing the tectate triradiate structure and the ornament on the proximal surface, 2050. 4. Scanning electron micro- graph, distal surface. This specimen compares closely to the holotype illustration of Butterworth and Williams (1958), 850. 5. Transmitted light, photomicrograph of the specimen in Fig. 4, «500. Schulzospora elongata Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy USB oc.ccccsct eoupegets css. sheccndedtbecavswcas saaeiere tees trees Coane. eee 6. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface, 500. 9. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 6, 1000. Secarisporites remotus Neves, 1961 7. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 10, 1000. 8. Scanning electron micrograph, distal sur- face, 1100. 10. Scanning electron micrograph of the proximal surface of specimen in Fig. 7, 1250. Simonozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and i Giros00) 0 mee O25 7 ane anne A eR RPE reeem creer ee es 11. Transmitted light photomicrograph, 500. 12. Scanning electron micrograph of the proximal surface of the specimen in Fig. 11, «900. PLATE 41 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 42 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 Figure 2-6. 7,8: 9-12. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 42 Simozonotriletes intortus (Waltz), Potonié and ieSrera ay ey, BY GS: VER SS ee renee See en et Cee eee ee ee oe Scanning electron micrograph showing the nature of the equatorial structure, 950. Stenozonotriletes lycosporoides (Butterworth and Williams), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 0.00.00... 2. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface, 1400. 3h Scanning electron micrograph of the tectate triradiate structure of the specimen in Fig. 6, 4250. 4. Scanning electron micrograph, 1500. 5. Transmitted light photo- micrograph of specimen in Fig. 4. 6. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface, «400. Tantillus triquetrus Felix and Burbridge, 1967 7. Transmitted light photomicrograph, of specimen in Fig. 9, 1500. 8. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal artace. «1600. Trimontisporites granulatus Urban, n. gen., n. sp. ; 9. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Figs. 10-12. Holotype 147F21-2, «500. 10. Scanning electron micrograph showing the nature of the triradiate struc- ture, 600. 11. Scanning electron micrograph of the triradiate structure of Fig. 10, X2250. 12. Scanning elec- tron micrograph, proximal surface, 1200. 183 . 144 145 184 BULLETIN 266 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 43 Figure Page 1-4. Trimontisporites granulatus Urban, n. gen., n. sp. .............. 145 1. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 2. Paratype 147F29-2, 500. 2. Scanning electron micro- graph, proximal surface, 650. 3. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 4. Paratype 147F31-5, 500. 4. Scanning electron micrograph, proxi- mal surface, 500. 5-8. Trimontisporites contortus Urban, n. sp. 0.000. 146 5. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 6. Holotype 147F3-1, 500. 6. Scanning electron micro- graph, proximal surface, 750. 7. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 9. Paratype 147F20-7, <500. 8. Scanning electron micrograph, proxi- mal surface, 850. 9-12. Trimontisporites rugosus Urban, n. sp. 2... 147 9. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 12. Holotype 147F27-2, 1000. 10. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface of specimen in Fig. 11. Para- type 147F30-1, 1050. 11. Transmitted light photo- micrograph, proximal focus, «1000. 12. Scanning elec- tron micrograph proximal surface, 1100. 3 ‘ t PLATE 4 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 44 Figure Teo: 3, 10-12. 4-6. 7-9. PALYNOLOGY AND INDEPENDENCE SHALE: URBAN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 44 Triquitrites tribullatus (Ibrahim), Schopf, WalsonmandeBentall plO44g ee. te eeeee ee eee oe 1. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface, of speci- men in Fig. 2, 900. 2. Transmitted light photomicro- graph, 750. Vestispora lucida (Butterworth and Williams), Scanning electron micrograph showing both proximal and distal surfaces, 600. 11. Transmitted light photo- micrograph of specimen in Fig. 10, «500. 12. Scanning electron micrograph of specimen in Fig. 10, showing the “operculum”, 1100. Verrucosisporites cerosus (Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy), Butterworth and Williams, 1958 ......... 4. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface, 750. 5. Transmitted light photomicrograph of specimen in Fig. 4, <500. 6. Scanning electron micrograph showing detail of ornament on specimen in Fig. 4, 2500. Verrucosisporites scoticus Sullivan, 1968 200.0... : 7. Scanning electron micrograph showing proximal and distal surfaces, 850. 8. Transmitted light photomicro- graph of specimen in Fig. 7, «1000. 9. Scanning elec- tron micrograph, proximal surface, 1200. 185 . 148 148 148 186 Figure 12s 3, 5, 6. 4,7. 8, 9. 10-12. BULLETIN 266 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 45 Verrucosisporites morulatus (Knox), Smith and Butterworth, VOGT 02.2 ecses See de eee eee eee 1. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface, 900. 2. Transmitted light photomicrograph, 750. Waltzispora planiangulata Sullivan, 1964 92.000... 3. Scanning electron micrograph, distal surface of specimen in Fig. 6, X1500. 5. Scanning electron micrograph, proxi- mal surface, 1750. 6. Transmitted light photomicro- graph, 1000. Waltzispora politus (Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy), Smith and Butterworth, 1967 ....................... 4. Transmitted light photomicrograph, 1000. 7. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface of specimen in Fig. 4, 1200. Spore iDype: B: tess. haw yeas tages he ee ae ee 8. Transmitted light photomicrograph, 147F32-4, 500. 9, Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface of speci- men in Fig. 8, X950. Spore: “Type: AS! ..2:8 esc Aisne. 20k ee 10. Scanning electron micrograph, proximal surface of speci- men in Fig. 11. 147F30-2, 1000. 11. Transmitted light photomicrograph, 1000. 12. Scanning electron micro- graph, distal surface of specimen in Fig. 11, 1000. 149 . 149 150 . 149 PLATE 45 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 INDEX Note: Light face figures refer to the page numbers. Bold face figures refer to the plate numbers. A Acanthotriletes .......... 108-110 aculeatus, Denso- SPOEIUES: <2 ).2e 222. 25 117, 166 Ahrensisporites ......... 108-110, 150 altilis, Cinctura- sporites ................ 23 112, 151, 164 ampla, convoluti- SPO tcc esseseisns ee 1135165 Anapiculati- sporites ....... 110 angulatus, Leiotri- letes ...... Pe 33 128, 129, 174 Aplington Formation 104 B bacculentus Campto- triletes ..... Heck 7H 110, 164 beeleyensis, Ahrensi- sporites ....... ...22 108, 109, 163 bicornis, Moorei- sporites ...... SO N34 Wao, Lit Cc Calamospora ............ 110 Camptotriletes 110 caperata, eee spora ........... 30 125; 171 cavus, Denso- sporites ......... 26,27 118, 119, 151, 154, 167, 168 Cedar Valley Limestone ...... 103-105 cerosus, Verrucosi- sporites ........... 44 148, 185 Chester Series ... 154, 155 Cincturasporites 111, 112 Cirratriradites 108, 112 clatriformis, Dictyo- triletes ............... 27 119, 168 concavus, Microreticu- latisporites ...... 35 132, 122, 176 contortus, Trimonti- sporites ............. 43 146, 147, 184 Convolutispora 113) 151. Costatascyclus .... 114 crenatus, Constatas- Cyclus 7.) ...52.<: 25 114, 115,166 cristatus, cangevoub: MCCS! ..oescasecotenes 23 111, 164 D danzei, Reticulati- sporites ........40 141, 142, 181 densa, Raistrickia . 39 139, 140, 180 Densosporites .. LOT, 115, 116; 117, 150 dentatus, Rochi- sporites...... 31,32 ,127,.128, 172, 173 Desmoines Series .. 155 Devonian System of Iowa ........ 104 Diaphanospora 21 162 Dictyotriletes .... 119 divaricatus, Trimon- tisporites ... 145 Dorheim, Fred .... 105 Dorheimisporites 119, 120 E echinatus, Acanthotri- letes are W 108, 163 fasciculata, Pro- coronaspora 37 136, 137, 154, 178 elegans, Potoniei- sporites a 136, 178 elongata, Schulzo- spora ............ 143, 182 English River Formation ....... 104 F fatihi, Lophotri- letes .... a 130, 174 Felix, Charles ......... 105 flexuosus, Trimonti- sporites 22.0... 145 florida convoluti- spora .................. 24 113; 165 HIOVINITES) 3e5.c22- 2. 121; 150 Foveosporites 121 Funisporites 121 fustus, Moorei- sporites ee!) 134, 177 G Gorgonispora 121 Granulati- Sporites) ............- 124 187 INDEX granulatus, Granulatu- SPOMIteS :.c.c-0055.4-.400 124, 171 granulatus, Trimonti- sporites ......... 42, 43 145, 146, 183, 184 guttatus, Florinites 29 L270 H halesi, Ahrensi- sporites 22 109, 110, 163 hartungiana, Calamos- pora ... 23 110, 164 Hershey, Garland 105 heterofiliferus, Punctatis- porites .... 38 137, 179 hispidus, Denso- sporites 26 107, 151: 154. 167 Hymenospora 125 Hypothyridina 103 incomptus, Punctati- sporites ...............38 137, 179 Independence Shale 103, 105 inflatus, Dorheimi- sporites 28 120, 121, 169 insculptus, Foveo- sporites ner 27 121, 168 intortus, Simozono- triletes 41, 42 143, 144, 182, 183 Iowa 103 K Knoxisporites 125 Kochisporites 126, 127 L: labiatus, Lophotri- letes 34 130, 175 labrum, Leiotri- letes 33 129, 130, 174 Laevigato- sporites 154 Laevigatus, Proprisporites 37 137, 178 La Porte City Formation .... 104 Leiotriletes 128 Lime Creek Shale ...... 103, 104, 151, 155 Lophotriletes .......... 130 lucida, Vestispora . 44 148, 185 Lycospora ete ne. 107, 131 Lycosporoides, steno- zonotriletes ....... 42 144, 183 M magna, Gorgoni- spora 29 122.123" 124" 170 Manticoceras 103 Maple Mill For mation 104 Maranhites 21 150, 1515 152: 162 mellita, Convoluti- spora seebtentves 2& 113, 165 microgranifer, Granulatisporites 30 124, 125,171 Microreticulati- sporites ..... 132, 151 minor, Anapiculati- sporites oe es eS 110, 164 Mississippian, Late 154 Mississippian System of Iowa ........ a5 }5) Monoletes ....... 133 Mooreisporites . 134 Morrow Series 155 morulatus, Verrucosi- sporites ee 45 148, 186 Murospora 135 N Neoraistrickia 135 nux, Savitri- sporites ee 41 142, 143, 182 Oo obesus, Punctati- sporites ...... 38 137, 179 obtusus, Lophotri- letes: 4.242 es: 34 130, 175 ovatus, Monoletes 35) 1335176 P peltatus, Reticulati- sporites ..... 40 142, 154, 181 planiangulata, Waltzi- spora 45 149, 186 188 INDEX planus, Punctati- Sporitesy 0-2... 138 politus, Waltzi- SporTran ce 45 149, 186 Potonieisporites ........ 136 Procoronaspora ......... 136 Proprisporites ............ 137 Punctatisporites ........ 137 punctatus, Micro- reticulatisporites 35 133,476 pyramidatus, Leiotri- EtCS eee 32 128,173 R RaiISthiCckian pes ees 139 rarispinosus, Denso- SDOLMIUCS: ie. ee 26 TAT A151, 154: 167 Reinschospora ............ 140 remotus, Secari- SPOLILES te eee. 41 143, 182 Reticulatisporites 140 rugosus, Trimonti - Sporites! 2:2: 43 147, 184 S saetosa, Rais- ELICkian se oe Oo 139,180 saturni, Cirratri- TAGES) feiss ns. 24 112, 113, 165 Savitrisporites ............ 142 Schulzospora iM 143 scoticus, Verrucosi- SPOPitesS’. =45-55..2 148, 185 Secarisporites ........... 143 Sheffield Formation . 104 Shell Rock Forma- tT ON po cee ee 104 Simozonotriletes ........ 143 Solon Member ............ 104, 105 speciosa, Reinscho- SDOTAw eee 39,40 140, 180, 181 sp., Knoxisporites .31 126, 172 sp., Leiotriletes 33 130, 174 sp., Murospora ..36, a7 isda Pes bye bre: 4 Spore Type A ....... 149 Spore Type B ....... 45 150 Stainbrook, M. A. ...... 103 Stenozonotriletes 144 stephanephorus, Knoxi- sporites ........ 30, 31 125, 126, 171, 172 subintortus, Leiotri- LeteSie ee es 32 128, 173 T Tantillus) — =... 144 Rasmanites e222 21:150;.1515 152: 154, 162 tortuosa, Convoluti- SpoOraa tees 24, 25 113,114, 165, 166 Lourmmaisiane 2 ee 151 triarcuatus, Trimonti- SDOPICGS ie ccc ae. 145 tribullatus, Trigui- CTILCS oy ee 44 148, 185 trifidus, Trimonti- SPOLILES 5-8 ee et: 145 Trimontisporites ....... 144, 145 triradiatus, Knoxi- SPOFIteS: 31 126; 172 triquetrus Tantus) .....0...2 42 144, 183 Triquitrites 148 tuberculatus, Granulati- sporites Pees 30 125, C74 tumidus, Leiotri- letes 32 128, 173 ... 04131, 132, 151, 154, 175 uber, Lycospora Vv validus, Punctati- sporites ........ .. 38 138, 139, 179 variornamenta, Neo- raisimickia. 22 37 135, 136, 178 Verrucosi- SPOPItes ses Sete: 148 Vestispora ............... 148 visendus, Florinites 29 121, 170 WwW Waltzispora ............. 148 Wapsipinicon Forma- iON eee 103-105 Westphalian A ...... 151 winslowi, Mono- letes 35, 36 133, 134, 176, alive x Yellow Spring Group 104 189 Stole PaGba ELBA = 1G aa Se Liens 72 ras sie es gi), 3si ts = 4 . ; tt ta; =e 7 \G 7 7 iJ : = «tt » mth on genre: miar sary aetim4 Busnes ceyi' off aN af. LI. LII. LIV. LV. LVI. LVII. LVIII. LIX. LX. Volume I. Il. III. = Pile on I6 Dis 1650 Dish ne a Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods (Tas 205-218). = 419 opps) 70" ipla: 22s ts Large Foraminifera, Texas Cretaceous crustacean, Antarctic Devonian terebratuloid, Osgood and Paleocene Foramini- fera, Recent molluscan types. (Mons 212-217))ce 554 DD. 185. plsi ee Eocene and Devonian Foraminifera, Venezuelan fossil scaphopods and polychaetes, Alaskan Jurassic ammonites, Neogene mollusks. (No218)57 4058) pp So Dis. es a Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the Southern and Eastern United States. (Nos) 219-224) 53.674; pps53 pls. ee — Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- poids, South Dakota palynology, Venezuelan Miocene mol- lusks, Voluta. (Noss 225-230) = SISapD, S24pis. 9 ee ee a Venezuela and Florida cirripeds, Antarctic forams, Lin- naean Olives, Camerina, Ordovician conodonts, Niagaran forams. (Nos: 231-232); 420 pp, 10 pls. 22 Antarctic bivalves, Bivalvia catalogue. (Nos. 233, 236). 387 pp., 43 pls. —...... Pues, oF New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, “Indo- Pacific, Mio- cene-Pliocene California forams. (Nos: 237-238). 488 pp., 45 pls: Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. (Nos--239-245); 510“pp;, 50. pis: Dominican ostracodes, Texan pelecypods, Wisconsin mol- lusks, Siphocypraea, Lepidocyclina, Devonian gastropods, Miocene Pectens Guadaloupe. (Nass 2 10-247) 7657 opps 6) piss, se ee z Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. ee. Se oy ee oe) eee American Foraminifera, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Belanski types, Venezuelan Cenozoic Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods. (Nos: 255-250). 32) pp. 62 ple, 2 Alaskan Jurassic ammonites, Pt. II, Jurassic Ammonitina New Guinea. (Nos. 257-262). 305 pp., 39 pls. —.__-____ Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cretaceous Foraminifera, Pacific Silicoflagellates, North American Cystoidea, Cincinnatian Cyclonema, new species Vasum. (No: 263) 2.515 pp ee Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. (Nos! 264-265) 2 ‘97 pp. 20 pls. Jurassic-Cretaceous Hagiastridae, Venezuela cirriped. se eeeceseceeee eee PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos:.6-12)-* 532 pp,37 piel. 5 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Paleozic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Pale- ozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 13-25). 513 pp., 61 pls. ef Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platystrophia and Venericardia. (Nos: 26-33). 492: pps 72 spleen. Rudist studies Busycon, Dalmanellidae, Byssonychia, De- vonian lycopods, Ordovican eurypterids, Pliocene mollusks. (Nos! 34-37)... 445)-pp.101 pls. Cea: Tertiary Arcacea, Mississippian pelecypods, “Ambonychiidae, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. ER Sy es TS ag | | ee ee ee = Lycopsids and sphenopsids of Freeport Coal, Venericardia, Carboniferous crinoids, Trace fossils. (Now 42-44)-0 153 pp 26.pls. Torreites Sanchezi, Cancellariid Radula, Ontogeny, sexual dimorphism trilobites. wocccccccesccccccsccce 18.00 18.00 18.00 13.00 18.00 18.00 138.00 13.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 4.55 23.00 28.00 15.00 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vols. I-X XIII. See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, XXVI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLII. XLIV. N. Y. 10017, U.S.A. (Nos:'80-87):. -334upp:'27 ‘pls... ee Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos?'88-94B)) 9306) pps 30) ipls.0 eee Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic ehinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos2"95=100) 5.5420) spp.) SSipls) 2 ees a Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos: 2101108), 376) pps036. pls. eee Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos3,109=114).) 412 “pp: 534. pla:t2. 2s ee Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Noss 1152106) 30738 pps5, 52) DUS iyi sccccaececeseseencescceseraneesrreneeesees Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. On enn DIZ) WSIS Foy oe! CHEN oS Sees ee ere se Oat ere Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos: 118-128)\4 458 pps, 27, pls!) See Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Noss-1292133). “294 uipp:,e39 {pl si) cczine cee wee seeee ceca neers Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos: 134-139)> ec 44Sepp., Sil nple.) cocker eens “i Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- graphy paleontology. @Nos: 140-145)).2 400 “pp.;019" pls. ee Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods and conularid bibliography. (Nos. 146-154) 326) Pp. sol. pls,s 2 eee ee eee G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Volutidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos.! 155-160). S42 pp: 550 Ds. eae a ree crencennneeeees Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian Chazyan Antillean Cretaceous rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos::161-164). 1 486° pp: 37 ‘pls 2. Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos:0165-176)2") 447 pp.) 53 iplsh, 2 eee Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Nos. 177-183). GAS VSI MPLSe) atten ee cement en ne a Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary forma- tions and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American- European species, Puerto Rico forams. (No: 184). (996 ppv hi ple. cs eae ca ccceteree Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. (Nos.:185-192) 381% pps 35 (ples 2. Re aaa cen Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. (No.:193).: (67 3sppet Seals: oe ca cesene ence eetocaces Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. (Nos. 194198) Fa pe 9) Sea acerca ceneeneenonee Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Missis- sippian forams, Cuban rudists. (Nios: 19922037 S65) pi OS psec re seeeee rece cee cere Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- clina, Eumalacostraca. 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 S$ E€0/9 15 BqIZE BOE PENS OF AMERICAN PALRONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 267 TREPOSTOMATOUS ECTOPROCTA (BRYOZOA) FROM THE LOWER CHICKAMAUGA GROUP (MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN), WILLS VALLEY, ALABAMA By FRANK KENNETH McKINNEY 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1971 - 72 PRESIDENT: 7c 00s ee BS e re Rea Pace ec bh Aik oie ee lat Se DANIEL B. SAss IMICESPRESIDEINT cco o-oo tes ne anes od 8 Ba ea ee Sc MERRILL W. HAAS SECRETARY. #15! as 0 Se Pee a a2 eee ee ee eee REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR, LREASURERY =e: e oss reson ee LS EAE Bee KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUNSEI: S555 Ps ere ark a AR eee eae ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE “AAAS COUNCII pee eee ee ee ee Davw NICOL Trustees REBECCA S. Harris (Life) DonaLp W. FIsHER (1967-1973) AXEL A. OLsson (Life) MERRILL W. Haas (1970-1973) KATHERINE V.W. PALMER (Life) Puitip C. WAKELEY (1970-1973) DANIEL B. SAss (1971-1974) Ceci, H. KINDLE (1971-1974) KENNETH E. CASTER (1966-1972) Vircit D. WINKLER (1969-1975) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMeErR, Editor Mrs. Fay Briccs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MyRA KEEN Jay GLENN Marks AXEL A. OLSSON Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. For reprint, Vols. 1-23, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. For reprint, vol. I, Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint Cor- poration, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10003 U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $18.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Ameri- cana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are de- ductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PAL EON TOLOG vy (Founded 1895) Vol. 60 No. 267 TREPOSTOMATOUS ECTOPROCTA (BRYOZOA) FROM THE LOWER CHICKAMAUGA GROUP (MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN), WILLS VALLEY, ALABAMA By FRANK KENNETH McKINNEY November 18, 1971 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. Library of Congress Card Number: 70-171462 Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation CONTENTS JN OS GEES OW epee ere re Se re re 195 My G10 LUC GO eat 8a eh se ee RR 5 eS oe ees ce et se RAE a 2 est 195 IAT TOSCO Lae S CU iyo acre oe canoes ae ree cee Pa Le oe ors ochre et eee see 195 Breval OUS INS CULES gees ooo esac Sea coe EM ece ec acest Is cea ec atc ec 196 Repositories —............. oo a at i See a EOS Se DOT, cod SAP hee se ae asa Doe 196 FANCA'S aX OTA Cota F240 1) 0 fe eae et OE eo OE SN PY, ea 197 GCollectingelocallitiest. 2.22225 <6 VEATVS] biomicrudite r B A (7-4. \dolomitized 2 micrite as covered Text-figure 12. — Stratigraphic section XI, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. NW 4, NW %, sec. 9, T. 8 S., R. 8 E., Portersville Quad., Ala., along Interstate Highway 59, 7.7 km south of the intersection with Alabama 35. 206 covered O wn Ooh rm Ol Ono HH sparite 14.3 RaW 14S [10] iv-]V=}9} biosparrudite 5 iM SI 5 5 a | biomicrudite EY AD SO AERA ner Wan eae dolomitized CZ ey Micrite F i ad Dy f ; ale —- Sess ere teed pL micrite 25.6 |] fa A Ga es Oe eee Pes Des ED a Os Se Ga | 2m 287 it covered Text-figure 13. — Stratigraphic section XII, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. SW 4 SE 1%, sec. 12, T. 7 S., R. 8 E., Ft. Payne 714’ Quad., Ala., along the southeastern part of the intersection of Interstate Highway 59 and Alabama 35, BULLETIN 267 | a C3] Bes ae I micrite | em Text-figure 14. — Stratigraphic section XIII, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. SE 4 NE \%, sec. 12, T. 7 S., R. 8 E., Ft. Payne 74’ Quad., Ala., along Interstate Highway 59, 0.5 km north of the intersection with Alabama 35. covered quartzose Rormaeateostracode biosparrudite = sr}calcareous shale i bentonite WIT J biosparrudite f | covered femew Pas eS]R]biomicrudite dolomitized Zazymicrite ey micrite nm 3! Text-figure 15.— Stratigraphic section XIV, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. SE 14 SE, sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. 9 E., Ft. Payne 714’ Quad., Ala., along the northeastern part of the intersection of Interstate Highway 59 and U.S. 11. OrbovicIAN Bryozoa: covered 15 AACN eenaes 13.7 = 16.6 PeEze calcareous = shale i CE gmicrite a Perens cafes covered 32:8 Text-figure 16. — Stratigraphic section XV, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. NE 4 NE 4%, sec. 14, T. 10 S., R. 6 E., Keener Quad., Ala., along Interstate Highway 59, 14.6 km south of the intersection with Alabama 68. McKINNEY 207 covered EEE calcareous =sJ shale biomicrudite pe micrite 15-7 18-9 covered Text-figure 17. — Stratigraphic section XVI, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. SW |4 SE 14, sec. 1, T. 10 S., R. 6 E., Keener Quad., Ala., along Interstate Highway 59, 11.0 km south of the intersection with Alabama 68. f= — 4 isrestesThq calcareous shale co dand biomicrudite [en Text-figure 18.— Stratigraphic section XVII, a portion of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group. NW 14 NW 4, sec. 32, T. 9 S., R. 7 E., Keener Quad., Ala., along Interstate Highway 59, 8.6 km south of the intersection with Alabama 68. covered covered 208 BULLETIN 267 he described as “. . . sticky, green to olive and yellow clay, parts of which are coarse-grained and micaceous.” Firm correlation of the overlying bentonite with the ““T-4” of the Central Basin further sup- ports correlation of the thick bentonite in Wills Valley with the “T-3” of the Central Basin. The thick “T-3” bentonite serves as the upper limit of trepo- stome collections because it is widespread in Wills Valley, is easily recognized and is the best time plane available in the measured sections. Also, ectoprocts are scarce for several meters immediately above the thick clayey bentonite. In Tennessee the “T-3” bentonite occurs in the eastern part of the Central Basin “. .. at the contact between the Upper and Lower members of the Carters.” Limestone, the uppermost member of the Stones River Group (Wilson, 1949, p. 64). Age of the Carters Limestone is apparently lowermost Tren- tonian (Twenhofel et al., 1954, chart 2) or uppermost Wilderness (Cooper, 1956, chart 1) and the lower members of the Stones River Group (Murfreesboro, Pierce, Ridley and Lebanon Limestones) are Wilderness in age with the exception of the Murfreesboro Lime- stone, which is uppermost Porterfieldian in age (Cooper, 1956, chart 1). Allen and Lester (1957, pp. 1, 6, 102) used one of the more prominent bentonites as the boundary between Middle and Upper Ordovician deposits in Georgia which is younger than other workers place the bentonite sequence. W. S. Rogers (196la) formally introduced the designation Chickamauga Group for the unit previously designated Chicka- mauga Limestone, although Cooper (1956, p. 55) had suggested that “... the name really is not that of a formation, but is a group term embracing several distinguishable formations.” Rogers (1961a) also subdivided the newly established group into four units (Units I-IV) in Alabama to correspond with John Rodgers’ units 1-4 in east Tennessee. John Rodgers recognized two bentonites near the top of unit 3. He considered units 1-3 to represent Stones River and other Blackriveran equivalents. (Rodgers, 1953, pp. 87-90). A thin bentonite (which may be any one of several exposed by Interstate Highway 59 cuts in the Chickamauga Group of Wills Valley) occurs at the upper limit of W. S. Rogers’ Unit III (Rogers, 196la, p. 242), which he assigned to the Blackriveran. Rogers 1961a, p. 217) considered Unit I to be Chazyan and Unit II to be OrpbovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 209 Blackriveran. In the present study no attempt was made to follow W. S. Rogers’ terminology for subdivision of the Chickamauga Group, although a rough three-fold division exists below the thick bentonite — a lower local calcareous shale with thin interbeds of biomicrudite, a median lithologic complex of variously fossiliferous biomicrudite, micrite, and biosparrudite and an upper unit typically of more sparsely fossiliferous beds of dolomitized micrite and micrite (Text-figure 19). These three divisions may belong to Rogers’ Units i leand a portion: of Unit IIL Milici and Smith (1969) recognized components of the Middle Ordovician Stones River and Nashville Groups in the Chickamauga at its type section and, therefore, considered the Chickamauga as a Supergroup. In a subsequent paper Milici (1969) further strength- ened inclusion of the Stones River and Nashville Groups in the Chickamauga Supergroup by tracing the various members through the Chickamauga of Sequatchie Valley in Tennessee, which has an intermediate geographical position between the Central Basin of Tennessee (type area of the Stones River and Nashville Groups) and the type section of the Chickamauga in northwestern Georgia. Three major lithologic units exist in the lower Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley. The lowest unit is dominated by calcareous shale. The calcareous shale varies from sparsely to abundantly fos- siliferous. Light gray micrite occurs along the base of the lower unit, and toward the northeastern limit of outcrop of the lower unit, the basal micrite contains numerous gastropods. Biomicrudite beds become increasingly numerous toward the top of the lower unit. The dominant rock type in the median lithologic unit is mi- crite. Biomicrudite that contains ectoprocts, brachiopods, nautil- oids, tabulate corals, and trilobites is also prominent. The two lithologies are frequently interbedded (Text-figure 19). A few beds of algal pisolites occur at various levels in the median unit, especially in the south-western half of the study area. A minor amount of calcareous shale is present. Toward the northeast the upper part of the median unit grades to interbeds of sparite and biosparrudite. The highest unit in the lower Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley is composed of sparsely fossiliferous biomicrudite, micrite, and dolomitized micrite. The sparsely fossiliferous biomicrudite is 210 BULLETIN 267 ea v me LY ae (a) = re) © i ov Ya ie == OW x< [ } VI VIL VILLIX. Vi biomicrudite ae ae Text-figure 19. — Section showing facies relationships in the lower Chickamauga Group from Fort Payne, DeKalb Co., > ‘. oe =f: re sh = = = 4 AG i x AR Ge Ht ones ait >t te lerive dolomitized CY ACGEE’A (ae CZ ed MIC! ip of ay Hee A [ey a Pers ni pe : : TE ‘SREEE SRP KORA ERY PED SEIEW FREY BEEP BEN Cc L262) 02-03 Spey ined Den RY ae EP, Ty a2 PES : oo EE EE “ Segue! = API CEEEAED 1 ee OR AP PP NY oe noe Risto Salve a wAlyelwet le 2) ral OFA a Reel peed o-": aaa Bi Seas as ees roa Gaeta a RVG Alabama, to Bruton Gap, west of Reid City, Etowah Co., Alabama. Upper datum is the T-3 bentonite. Heavy vertical lines, including the ends of the diagram, represent measured sections; roman numerals at the top indicate measured section numbers. Heavy horizontal lines represent approximate boundaries between major lithologic units. : : : ’ : a é ss : = A = soTa Teqedd JO UeTOTAOPIN STPPTH sooutTaAold oTZOLY uUlsySey pue OT}PLeE JO ueTOTAOPIO STPPTW QUOLSOUTT BToquedom (€€) 4, SU0YSOUTT SEIVOOUIAOy aTeug slexony wSeTeys uojuer], JO patyy roddyy wSeTeys uopuer], JO PITY STPPTHw uS9Teyg ITAA TION TT TO WNSTVIA TOMA Amplexopora Batostoma v Batostoma i Nicholsonel Nicholsonel called Pr Letters refer to authors who reported the species: ( Table l. = Astrovs = Sardeson; U = Ulrich; W = Wilson and Mather. UNDIFFEREN TIATED MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN "Lower third of Trenton Shales" Ion Formation "Middle third of Trenton Guttenberg Formation Spechts Ferry Shale Logana or Jessamine Limestone Shales" “Upper third of Trenton "Orthoceras Limestone" (B3) Wegenberg Limestone Middle Ordovician of Baltic and Western Arctic provinces Middle Ordovician of Prebaltics Mifflin Formation Bromide Formation Lebanon Limestone Ottawa Formation Ridley Limestone Decorah Shale Kuckers Shale Galena Shale Lowville beds of © | Pierce Limestone prasopora discula (Coryell, 1921) Homo’ subramosa Ulrich, 1886 Heterotrypa ridleyana (Coryell, 1921) Heterotrypa patera Coryell, 1921 S—_— pridotrypa minor Ulrich, 1893 ——— Eridotrypa abrupta Loeblich, 192 fridotrypa libana (Safford, 1869) Anplexopora winchelli Ulrich, 1886 Batostoma varium Ulrich, 1893 Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry, 1967 Heniphragma irrasum (Ulrich, 1886) Qalopora dumalis (Ulrich, 1893) Qalopora spissata (Coryell, 1921) Nicholsonella parafrondifera, ne sp. Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich, 1993 1 2 called Prasopora fritzae by Loeblich called Nicholsonella frondifera (in part) by Coryell Table 1. Occurrence of previously named trepostomes collected from the lower Chickamauga Group, Wills Valley, Alabama. Letters refer to authors who reported the species: 4 = Astrova; B = avOlls Sey en + a5 Bork and Perry; C Coryell; F = Fritz, G = Brown; H = Bekker; I, = Loeblich; P = Perry; 2 = Bassler; S = Sardeson; U = Ulrich; W = Wilson and Mather. Monticuliporn Prasopora di Prasopora mé. Prasopora ?Prasopora ¢ Homotrypa su Homotrypa vz Mesotrypa s Heterotrypa - Heterotrypa . Eridotrypa n Eridotrypa ¢ Eridotrypa <¢ Eridotrypa 7 Amplexopora . Amp lexopora Amplexopora. Batostoma vz Batostoma in Batostoma s Hemiphragma Calopora du Calopora ovi Calopora sp. Diplotrypa i Nicholsonel, Nicholsonel, Nicholsonel, Nicholsonel. Nicholsonel. Nicholsonel * hI Does not : Table 2. Chickamau indicate Species 13.7-1h.5 © a s ' a rs Dal 20.6-23.9 16.2-20.6 7.0-12.2 15.0-17.0 1h.6-15.0 10.7-1h.6 10.0-13.3 17.9-18.1 17.-26.3 22.1-25.6 14.3-14.5 942-143 16.2-18.2 18.1-27.2 15.7-18.9 16.1-19.2 1.5-16.1 yy Gal mR t ow ra os) 33.5-h1.0 28.7-29.8 a 09° a ne eure z si iS 0-7.0 ' 5.2-8.2 >} 0.3-b.9 P| 1y.5-22.1 Srtioulipora parallela P| 8.2-13.7 HI] 4.9-10.5 =) ty Prasopora discula Prasopora megacystata [Feasnora sD ‘?Prasopora Sp+ IR |r Honotrypa subramosa Honotrypa vacua r Mesotrypa_sparsa. 19] co) Heterotrypa ridleyana Hn Bridot nH Eridotrypa abrupta Tridotrypa arcuata | Fridotrypa libana | Amplexopora winchelli [Amplexopora aff. A. winchelli [Asplexopora_sp+ Batostoma varium 4] Batostoma increbescens Batostoma_Sp+ Heniphragra irrasum Calopora dumalis: Calopora ovata Si Calopora spissata Diplotrypa anchicatenulata Wicholsonella parafrondifera Nicholsonella pulchra Nicholsonella acanthobscura rn Nicholsonella inflecta Micholsonella aff. N. mariae Nicholsonella sp. * ‘ 5 Does not include a measured section--collected along Interstate Highway 59, 1.5 km north of the intersection with U.S. 11 in NV 28, T. 6 S., R. 9 E., Ft. Payne 7's! Quadrangle, Alabama. Table 2. Distribution of trepostomatous ectoprocts within the Wills Valley sections of the Chickamauga Group, with number thin-sectioned from each unit. Numbers at the top of the chart indicate number of meters below the top of the measured section. > OrpvoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 241 the least common of the three lithologies in the highest part of the lower Chickamauga Group and occurs primarily in the lower part of the highest unit, although it is locally prominent in the upper- most parts of the unit. Dolomitized micrite is the dominant rock type. The upper division of the lower Chickamauga Group shown in Text-figure 19 is the lithologic equivalent of the lower Carters Lime- stone, but the lower two units shown in Text-figure 19 cannot be matched lithologically with the Ridley and Lebanon Limestones be- cause of interfingering characteristic Ridley and Lebanon lithologies. Measured sections from which trepostomes were collected appar- ently do not extend below stratigraphic equivalents of the Ridley Limestone (Muilici, personal communication). Since differentiation between some of the members of the Stones River Group appears to break down in northeastern Alabama, the term Chickamauga Group is retained here in preference to Chickamauga Supergroup. Only more detailed lithostratigraphic work can establish presence or absence of distinguishable groups and formations within the Chickamauga in Wills Valley of Alabama. FAUNAL CORRELATION Of the 15 previously named trepostome species collected from the lower Chickamauga (including Nicholsonella parafrondifera, n. sp. which includes two paratypes of N. frondifera Coryell), eight are known exclusively from Wilderness deposits, five are known ex- clusively from Trentonian deposits and two are known from both Wilderness and Trentonian deposits (Table 1). Table 2 is arranged to show the distribution of trepostomes collected from the lower part of the Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley and Table 3 is arranged to show the vertical range of the trepostomes in the area studied. The trepostome fauna reinforces Cooper’s (1956, chart 1) assign- ment of the portion of the Chickamauga Group concerned within this report to the Wilderness stage of the Middle Ordovician. The lower lithologic unit, as seen in Table 3, is characterized by abundant Heterotrypa patera Coryell, Prasopora discula (Coryell), and by the occurrence of Calopora ovata, n. sp. Nicholsonella in- flecta, n.sp., Diplotrypa anchicatenulata, n. sp., Nicholsonella pul- chra Ulrich, Eridotrypa libana (Safford), and Nicholsonella aff. N. 212 BULLETIN 267 mariae Astrova are restricted to the upper part of the lower lithologic unit. As seen in Table 3, the most significant faunal break is between the middle and upper parts of the lower lithologic unit. The break probably results from more diversified environmental conditions as reflected by intertonguing of shale and biomicrudite, which thereby allows greater diversity of fauna. Amplexopora winchell Ulrich, Mesotrypa sparsa, n. sp., Homotrypa vacua, n. sp., Calopora spissata Coryell, and Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich are most common in the median lithologic unit of the lower Chickamauga. Batostoma variwm Ulrich and Eridotrypa arcuata, n. sp., have their greatest abundance in the upper lithologic unit, although Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich is the most abundant species in the upper lithologic unit. Hetero- trypa ridleyana Coryell was found only in the upper lithologic unit of the lower part of the Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley. Erido- trypa minor Ulrich, Nicholsonella acanthobscura, n.sp., Prasopora megacystata, n. sp., and Hemiphragma irraswm Ulrich occur in ap- proximately equal numbers in the lower two units, and Amplexopora winchelli is abundant from the uppermost biomicrudite beds in the lower unit up into dolomitic beds near the “T-3” bentonite. Sparsity of trepostomes just below the “T-3” bentonite probably results from unfavorable environmental conditions since the beds are dolo- mitic, and formation of dolomite requires hypersaline water. Although trepostomes in the lower Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley can be vertically zoned, the zonation is probably in large part determined by the superposition of the three major lithofacies, whose contacts are essentially time-parallel within the area of study. The best developed zone, in the upper third of the lower lithologic unit, probably results from transition from an environment in which shale was predominant to an environment in which deposi- tion of shale alternated with deposition of biomicrudite. PROCEDURES This study is based on the internal characters of 1133 trepo- stome specimens, most of which were examined by means of acetate peels, following the procedure given by Boardman and Utgaard (1964). The acetate peels are useful for taking quantified data, for making species groups, and, in most cases, for making generic assign- lower lithologic unit OrpvoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 213 median lithologic unit upper lithologic unit Heterotrypa patera Eridotrypa minor Prasopora discula Calopora ovata Nicholsonella acanthobscura Prasopora megacystata Batostoma varium Hemiphragma irrasum Nicholsonella inflecta Nicholsonella parafrondifera Eridotrypa abrupta Diplotrypa anchicatenulata Calopora dumalis Mesotrypa sparsa Nicholsonella pulchra Monticulipora parallela Homotrypa subramosa Eridotrypa libana Ample xopora winchelli Nicholsonella aff. N. mariae Calopora macrostoma Batostoma increbescens j}Homotrypa vacua Eridotrypa arcuata Heterotrypa ridleyana Table 3. Vertical distribution of trepostomes within the lower Chickamauga Group, Wills Valley, Alabama. Each 0.2 mm thickness of distribution lines indicates one sectioned specimen of the species. 214 BULLETIN 267 ments. However, details of wall microstructure do not show in ace- tate peels of all species. Thin-sections of several specimens were necessary in some species groups before a generic assignment could be made. Because of their obscure structure, acetate peels are inade- quate for Nicholsonella; therefore, thin-sections of all specimens of Nicholsonella were prepared for study. All photomicrographs are of thin-sections because thin-sections have better contrast which brings out details of microstructure more clearly. Where applicable, standard measurements made in this study include maximum and minimum mature zooecial diameters and maximum and minimum mature zooecial tube diameters, both in monticules or maculae and in intermonticular or intermacular areas, maximum and minimum mesopore tube diameter, wall thickness, acanthopore diameter, diaphragms per mm in the mature zone, acanthopores per l-mm square and mesopores per 2-mm_ square (McKinney, text-fig. 2, Alabama Geol. Survey Bull., in press). Less commonly, counts of cystiphragms per mm in mature zones, dia- phragms per mm in immature zones, diaphragms per mm in meso- pores and diaphragms per mm in proximal zooecial tips were made. Most contemporary students of Trepostomata recognize the im- portance of quantifying data as an aid in species interpretation, and the application of quantified data on trepostomes is being ex- plored especially by T. G. Perry and his students (e.g. Perry, 1962, Utgaard and Perry, 1964, Cuffey, 1967, Bork and Perry, 1967, 1968a, b). Most quantified data compiled from measurements of trepostomes are slightly to moderately skewed. Anstey and Perry (1968, p. 243) noted that distribution of taxonomic characters in Paleozoic ectoprocts commonly approximates a normal curve, and in a later paper (Anstey and Perry, 1969, pp. 249, 250) approached the problems of comparison of data that are not normally distrib- uted. Data that are only slightly skewed, however, may in most cases be treated as normally distributed (Simpson, Roe, and Lewon- tin, 1960, p. 56). Approaches toward biometric studies of Paleozoic ectoprocts were put forward by Anstey and Perry in 1970, in which they recommended that specimens should be coded for two-state charac- ters and recommended that multivariate techniques be used. Cheet- ham (1968, pp. 23-48) in his monographic study of the cheilostome OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 2S ectoproct Metrarabdotos, successfully used multivariate techniques in phenetic comparison and phylogenetic interpretation. An easily computed statistic, the coefficient of variation, gives a measure of relative variability that should help taxonomists decide characters that are most stable (2.e., that have relatively low dis- persion) in ectoproct species. Horowitz (1968, pp. 368, 369) and Anstey and Perry (1970, p. 392) commented on application of the coefficient of variation to Paleozoic ectoprocts. The coefficient of variation, V, is the standard deviation multiplied by a hundred and divided by the mean; it is, therefore, a measure of relative variation about the mean. A lower number for the V corresponds to a lower degree of relative variability, and a higher number cor- responds to a higher degree of relative variability. As indicated by Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin (1960, p. 90), “The comparison of values of V derived from different distributions is almost invariably valid and useful if the variates are homologous. If they are not, experience suggests that the comparison is still generally valid if the variates are analogous and belong to the same category — for instance, if they are all linear dimensions of anatomical elements, the usual case. It is also helpful that the units of measurement have no influence on the comparison as long as they are in one category ... As a rule, however, coefficients of variation for vari- ates of essentially different categories cannot be usefully compared ... unless this is shown to be warranted by logic and by experience.” Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin (1960, p. 91) indicated that the majority of V’s for measured characters in Recent mammals lies between 4 and 10, and higher values indicate an impure sample, possibly including animals of different ages or different minor taxo- nomic divisions. Trepostomes are fossil colonial marine invertebrates in which one would expect individual characters to be more variable than individual characters in mammals. Since there is no control over the age structure of the population and little control over ecology and precise geologic age of trepostomes, a higher value for the V is expected. Ross (1967a, p. 404; 1969, p. 260) suggested that numerical data in paleontology have been inadequately handled and that variability in ectoprocts is so great that she gave no particular im- portance to measurements made on ectoprocts. However, in Ross’ 216 BULLETIN 267 1969 paper the largest number of measurements on any one charac- ter 1s 22, which is lower than the ideal number of measurements for the most meaningful interpretations. Nevertheless even small sample numbers can contribute to valuable interpretation. For ex- ample, taking Ross’ own data for Amplexopora minnesotensis, the species for which she had the maximum data, significance can be demonstrated by an analysis of the coefficients of variation. Table 4 contains calculations of the V for measurements presented by Ross»(1969, p; 263, Table 2). Zooecial and zooecial tube diameters, acanthopore diameters, diaphragms and cystiphragms per mm, and acanthopores per 1-mm square are traditionally considered taxonomically important and re- sult in V values of 30 or less for most species population samples in the lower Chickamauga Group of Wills Valley (Table 7). Taxo- nomic importance of mesopore tube diameters, mesopores per 2-mm square, and zooecial wall thickness is questionable, and these charac- ters result in V values of more than 30 for the most species popula- tion samples in the lower Chickamauga Group of Wills Valley. Measured character Coefficient of variation (V) Diameter of zoarial branch 101.7 Zooecia in a l-sq. mm area 1303 Zooecial opening Length 13.0 Width 18.2 Mesopore Length 57.1 Width 50.0 Mesopores in a l-sq. mm area 100 Table 4. Coefficient of variation for data by Ross (1969, p. 263, Table 2) on Amplexopora minnesotensis Ulrich. Therefore, V values of approximately 30 or lower for characters in population samples of trepostomes are considered indicative of rela- tively constant characters that have a potential use in taxonomy; these V values for population samples generally correspond to values of approximately 20 or lower for characters in single trepostome zoaria (see discussion at the bottom of this page.). As seen in Table 4, V values for zooecia in a I-sq. mm area, length of the zooecial opening, and width of the zooecial opening OrpbovicIan Bryrozoa: McKINNEY DVT are all below 30 for Ross’ measurements on Amplexopora minneso- tensis Ulrich. Characters with V values well over 30 include dia- meter of zoarial branch, length of mesopore opening, width of meso- pore opening and mesopores in a l-sq mm area. Zoarial branch diameter is controlled by genetic capacity for growth, number of overgrowths, stage of astogenetic development, and, especially, en- vironment. A high V value should be expected for zoarial branch diameter, which has been recognized for many years as variable and relatively unimportant taxonomically. Variation in size and abundance of mesopores is less easily explained. If, as tentatively suggested by Boardman (1969, pp. 213, 214 1m Boardman and Cheet- ham) mesopores were not inhabited by individuals but were struc- tural fills secreted by the colony between zooecia, a large degree of variation may result from slight differences in the way zooecia are packed in the zoaria. Tables 6 and 7 list the range, median, mode, mean, and num- ber of values used for coefficients of variation based on data given in Tables 8-53 of this paper. Table 5 lists and explains the abbrevia- Abbreviation Term MxZD Maximum zooecial diameter MnZD Minimum zooecial diameter MxTD Maximum zooecial tube diameter MnTD Minimum zooecial tube diameter MxZDm Maximum zooecial diameter in monticules or maculae MnZDm Minimum zooecial diameter in monticules or maculae MxTDm Maximum zooecial tube diameter in monticules or maculae MnTDm Minimum zooecial tube diameter in monticules or maculae ZWT Zooecial wall thickness DBZT Distance between adjacent zooecial tubes MxMTD Maximum mesopore tube diameter MnMTD Minimum mesopore tube diameter M/2-mmsq Mesopores per 2-mm square AD Acanthopore diameter A/1-mmsq Acanthopores per 1-mm square D/mm Diaphragms per mm C/mm Cystiphragms per mm D/mmI Diaphragms per mm in immature zone D/mmM Diaphragms per mm in mesopores D/mmPT Diaphragms per mm in proximal zooecial tips DBM Distance between monticules or maculae Table 5. Abbreviations used Tables 6-53 and explanations of the abbreviations. All terms refer to the mature zone unless otherwise indicated. 218 BULLETIN 267 tions used in Tables 6-53. Table 6 is based on multiple measure- ments on single zoaria, and Table 7 is based on measurements made on population samples of species. As would be expected, V values SUMMARIZATION OF V VALUES FOR SINGLE SPECIMENS Number of Character Range Median Mode Mean V values used! MxZDm 4-7 — — 6.0 2 MxTDm 3-17 5 5 6.7 12 MnZD 3-9 6 — 6.7 5 MxTD 2-15 6 6 6.9 21 MnZDm 5-8 — — 7.0 2 MnTDm 2-13 6 6 ie 12 MxZD 5-10 7 = thee 5 MnTD 3-18 7 7 deh Zl DBM 7-20 10 10 12.9 7 C/mm 12-18 14 14 15.0 4 AD 3-25 18 14,19 16.6 iL D/mm 7-56 14 8 16.7 17 ZWT 4-34 17 17. 18.6 13 A/1-mmsq 6-80 15 14 21.6 13 MxMTD 11-56 32 23,38 31.5 16 MnMTD 9-54 34 41 32:5 16 M/2-mmsq 6-80 36 55 36.9 9 1Data on single specimens taken from Tables 10, 11, 13, 14, 18-20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 47-50. Table 6. Range, median, mode, and mean of V values calculated for characters of individual zoaria, arranged in order of increased variability as indicated by the mean. based on measurements from single zoaria are lower than correspond- ing V values from population samples. The V values are arranged in Tables 6 and 7 from least variable to most variable characters. It appears that, in general, measurements of diameters of zooecia and zooecial tubes, both in and between monticules or maculae, are most reliable in species distinction; other useful characters are the number of internal zooecial structures in a 1-mm distance and the abundance and size of acanthopores. Fine distinctions in wall thick- ness and abundance and size of mesopores appear generally unjusti- fiable as criteria for species separation. Distance between monti- cules or maculae, although of low variability, is too similar between species to serve as a widespread basis for taxonomic distinction. Orpovician Bryozoa: McKINNeEy 219 SUMMARIZATION OF V VALUES FOR SPECIES POPULATION SAMPLES Number of Character Range Median Mode Mean V values used! MnZDm 9-12 10 9 10.0 ~ MxZD 4-28 11 11 11.4 16 MnTDm 7-16 11 7,13 11.6 8 MnZDm 11-13 11 11 12.0 = MnZD $-20 11 11 12.8 16 MxTDm 10-15 12 12 13.0 8 MxTD 6-26 12 12 43.7 26 DBM 10-18 15 16 14.8 7 MnTD 8-36 14+ 15 15:9 26 C/mm 15-28 25 — 23.2 3 AD 16-+6 2+ 24,27 27.0 14 D/mm 9-52 32 26 329 18 A/1-mmsq 17-84 32 33 36.3 12 MxMTD 21-48 37 37.44 Ep 24 MnMTD 19-54 37 37 40.7 24 ZWT 29-55 45 50 46.0 12 M/2-mmsq 14-146 47 —_ 54.3 13 1Data on population samples taken from Tables 8, 9, 12, 15-17, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36-40, 43-46, 51-53. Table 7. Range, median, mode, and mean of V value calculated for characters of species population samples, arranged in order of increased variability as indicated by the mean. ANALYSIS OF THE FAUNA AND PHYLOGENETIC IMPLICATIONS The Trepostomata from the lower part of the Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley are dominated in number of specimens by robust representatives of Heterotrypa and Amplexopora. Prasopora, Mesotrypa, Calopora, Nicholsonella, and, locally, Eridotrypa, are also abundant. Fewer specimens of Monticulipora, Homoitrypa, Batostoma, Hemiphragma, and Diplotrypa were collected. Some species in the fauna appear close to the transitional stage between two genera, frequently two genera in separate fami- lies. The apparent transitional status of some of the species is in part a probable function of the early evolutionary age of the fauna compared to most other faunas of trepostomes. But, apparent tran- sitions also lead to several unanswered questions: 1) What charac- ters are truly phylogenetic and useful in classification? 2) What characters are ecologically controlled? 3) What characters result from convergent evolution? 4) Are the criteria for genera adequate? 220 BULLETIN 267 and 5) A question asked previously by several workers (e.g. Board- man, 1960a, pp. 26, 27; Ross, 1963a, p. 57; 1963c, p. 857; Bork and Perry, 1967, p. 1367; Cuffey, 1967, p. 40) and being much discussed today, what are adequate bases for natural families in the trepo- stomes? Boardman and Cheetham (1969a, p. 208; 1969b) discussed the problem of separating genetic from extragenetic influences in varia- tion within an ectoproct species. Within a single colony, they rec- ognized four areas of contribution to variation (astogeny of the colony, ontogeny of the individual, polymorphism, and microhabi- tat). All variation in ectoprocts can be assigned to two basic sources: differences in genotype and differences in environment. As Boardman and Cheetham (1969a, p. 208; 1969b) indicated, all in- dividuals within an ectoproct zoarium have the same genotype, with the exception of scattered somatic crossovers (and other chromosomal aberrations) that generally have a negligible effect. If the chromosomal aberration occurs in an early embryonic stage, the effect may be more profound than if it occurs in the adult. Therefore, most variation between zooecia within a zoarium is due to the environmental effect on the individuals’ uniform genetic po- tential of response. Astogeny, ontogeny, and polymorphism vary within a zoarium only because of interaction of genetic capacity to assume certain forms with environmental factors. The phenotype is the resultant expression of structures we observe in a specimen, which through environmental influences cause some particular form from within the genetic capacity to occur. At equal astogenetic and ontogenetic levels within a zoarium, nearly all variation of one kind of polymorph within the zoarium at the specified levels is due to environment. Apparent variation due to astogeny and ontogeny occurs only when comparing different levels of astogenetic or on- togenetic development. When thin-section characters of trepostomes are compared, differences in astogenetic and ontogenetic stages of development and polymorphic differences should be kept in mind, and, as stated by Boardman and Cheetham (1969a, p. 208), “. . . genetic calibration within a population is possible only through comparison of individuals that occupy similar astogenetic, onto- genetic, polymorphic, and, as closely as determinable, microenviron- mental positions in different colonies.” OrbDovICcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 221 After sufficient data and procedures have accumulated, future separation of environmental variation, both within and between colonies, from genetic variation between colonies could be aided by comparisons and interpretations of coefficients of variation of indi- vidual colonies with coefficients of variation of populations within and between carefully delineated environments. Heterotrypa patera Coryell has a distinct zone of cystose diaphragms and cystiphragms at the base of the mature zone which indicates possible origin of Heterotrypa from Homotrypa. Mesotrypa Sparsa, n. sp., has widely spaced cystiphragms and rare mesopores, which are atypical of Mesotrypa, and a zonal development of acan- thopores and wide spacing of internal partitions which are attributes of Stigmatella. Possibly M. sparsa is in, or close to, a phylogenetic line leading from Mesotrypa to Stigmatella. It should be noted that this interpretation gives a polyphyletic origin to the Heterotrypi- dae, with lineages from Homotrypa to Heterotrypa and from Meso- trypa to Stigmatella. Acceptance of the above suggested lineages depends upon the acceptance of criteria used as their bases as true indicators of close phylogenetic relationship and not independent products of convergent evolution or response to environment. The character most often involved in the hypothetical lineages above is cystiphragms. The apparent function of cystiphragms is to re- strict lateral space in zooecial tubes without causing the functional portion of the tube to become shorter, whereas diaphragms com- pletely close zooecial tubes and cause a reduction in length of the tubes available as living chambers. However, there is a complete gradation between diaphragms, cystose diaphragms which are essen- tially tilted, bulbous, complete diaphragms (see Boardman, 1960a, p. 21, pl. 20, fig. 4b), and cystiphragms, which overlap on the next lower cystiphragm or diaphragm without completely closing the zooecial tube. Complete or partial gradation between diaphragms and cystiphragms is observed in many specimens belonging to several different species and genera, which may indicate an ecologic response rather than a genetic one. If a potential to form cystiphragms is widespread in trepostomes and development is ecologically con- trolled, then the hypothetical lineages given above have little or no foundation. Several contemporary workers (Boardman, 1960a, pp. 26, 27; 279 BULLETIN 267 Ross, 1963a, p. 57; 1963c, p. 857; Bork and Perry, 1967, p. 1367; Cuffey, 1967, p. 40) recognized problems with the classification of the Trepostomata at the family level and have, therefore, generally discarded previously erected families, whereas others (Morozova in Astrova, et al., 1960, p. 65; Dunaeva, 1964b; Dunaeva and Moro- zova, 1967) are actively establishing additional names. Basically, the traditional family groups, as presented in the Treatise on Inverte- brate Paleontology (Bassler, 1953) are followed in this report. It appears to me that most traditional families are essentially phylo- genetic groups, although as currently recognized they may at a later time be placed at some other level in the classification scheme. An exception, as noted above, may be found in what may be a poly- phyletic origin of the Heterotrypidae. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Phylum ECTOPROCTA Class GYMNOLAEMATA Order TREPOSTOMATA Family MONTICULIPORIDAE Genus MONTICULIPORA Monticulipora parallela McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 46, figs. 1-5 Diagnosis. — Zoaria are encrusting; zooecial tubes average 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm in diameter, with closely spaced single or opposed rows of cystiphragms that produce an elongate, parallel-sided zoo- ecial void in cross-section; walls locally thickened, especially in monticules; mesopores concentrated in monticules, typically absent in intermonticular areas; acanthopores small, scattered. Description. — Zoaria are encrusting laminate, with single laminae up to 4 mm thick. Zooecia and zooecial tubes are irregularly polygonal in cross- section, most typically five- or six-sided. Zooecial tubes are sub- rounded locally with average diameters of 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm. Internal zooecial structures include strongly curved, overlapping, bulbous cystiphragms of two basic types: one which consists of a OrbDOoVICIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 223 combination of several cystiphragms that extend around approxi- mately 80% of the tube periphery, and another which occurs in pairs. Each of the paired cystiphragms covers about 40% of the tube periphery on opposite sides of the tube, which results in a parallel-sided median zooecial void. Cystiphragms that extend over halfway around the tube periphery result in a zooecial void that touches the periphery on the side of the tube that lacks cysti- phragms. Such zooecial voids are typically elongate perpendicular to the zooecial axis, have slightly convergent, planar sides as seen in the tangential sections and are similar to zooecial voids produced by paired cystiphragms except that they are surrounded on three sides by a single cystiphragm or a composite of cystiphragms. There is an average of 16 cystiphragms in a 1 mm vertical distance. Zoo- ecial voids are crossed by irregularly spaced, thin, planar or slightly concave to cystose diaphragms that average six per 1 mm distance. Local groups of mesopores and enlarged zooecia, presumed to be monticules, are spaced about 3 mm apart. Diameters of zooecial tubes in the enlarged zooecia average 0.36 mm by 0.28 mm. Zooecial walls are for the most part 0.02 mm or less thick, but in local areas they are slightly thickened by irregularly granular and laminar deposits. Wall laminae dip steeply. Where sufficiently thick, walls have a dark median plane due to steeply dipping laminae. The laminae are poorly defined in most places, but locally they are distinct. Walls have numerous granular dark spots where they are thickened. Mesopores are concentrated in monticules and are essentially absent in intermonticular areas of most specimens. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.12 mm by 0.08 mm. Abundance of mesopores in a 2-mm square area varies from one to 54, with modal values of two and three and a mean of 13. Scattered, small acanthopores, most of which occur in zooecial corners, average 0.03 mm in diameter and three per 1-mm square. The acanthopores cause a slight inflection of adjacent zooecial tubes where they are located along zooecial boundaries. Discussion. — Monticulipora parallela most closely resembles M. arborea Ulrich, 1893 (pp. 220, 221, pl. 20, figs. 1-9, 13, 14). M. arborea has less closely spaced cystiphragms in the immature por- tion of the zooecial tubes, more acanthopores, and prominent monti- 224 BULLETIN 267 cules. Also, syntypes of M. arborea are ramose and the holotype and paratypes of M. parallela are encrusting, although the growth forms are probably controlled by the environment. The trivial name, parallela, refers to the parallel- sided zoo- ecial voids as seen in cross-section. Material. — Seven sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sec- tions1, Al,;VieXIk Holotype. —USNM 167765. Paratypes. —USNM 167766, GSATC 201, UNC 4150. Measurements. — Table 8. Genus PRASOPORA Discussion. — Ross (1967a, pp. 409-411) recognized that the most significant evolutionary trend in Prasopora consists of changes in cystiphragms, which early in the Trentonian are strongly over- lapping, crescentic-shaped in longitudinal section, and extend around three-fourths to four-fifths the circumference of the zooecial tube (cystiphragm type 1 of Ross). Later during the Trentonian the cystiphragms gradually became more restricted horizontally and Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.22-0.32 0.24 0.250 0.022 70 7 MnTD 0.16-0.30 0.20 0.204 0.022 70 7 MxTDm 0.29-0.45 0.34 0.361 0.046 41 uh MnTDm 0.24-0.32 0.30 0.281 0.022 41 7 MxMTD 0.03-0.24 0.10 0.116 0.043 43 5 MoMTD 0.03-0.14 0.10 0.116 0.030 43 5 M/2-mmsq 1-54 2 12.6 18.8 24 5 AD 0.02-0.04 0.03 0.028 0.005 10 1 A/1-mmsq 1-3 3 2.4 0.7 9 1 C/mm 10-21 18 16.5 2.6 33 5 D/mm 1-11 8 Des 3.0 15 2 DBM 2.0-3.5 3.0 2.8 0.3 25 6 Table 8. Quantitative data on characters of Monticulipora parallela McKinney, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. more separated vertically, which results in one lineage with com- pletely isolated, bulbous, vesicle-like cystiphragms (cystiphragm type 3 of Ross). P. discula (Coryell) gives the above evolutionary trend an even earlier base, in the Wilderness. P. discula has more closely spaced cystiphragms than Trentonian species. Cystiphragms in P. OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: MCKINNEY 225 discula form doubly overlapping series locally and extend completely around the perimeter of the zooecial tubes in many specimens. P. discula evolved to P. falesi (James, 1884, p. 138, pl. 7, figs. 2-20) apparently by increased vertical separation of cystiphragms which are reduced to extend only part way around the zooecial tubes in P. falest. Prasopora discula (Coryell, 1921) Pl. 46, figs. 6-8; Pl. 47, figs. 1-7 1921. Monticulipora discula Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29, p. 283, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4. 1942. Prasopora fritzae Loeblich, Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, p. 426, pl. 63, figs. 10, 11. Diagnosis. — Zoaria uniformly low discoidal; intermacular zoo- ecial tube diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.21 mm, with about 15 overlapping cystiphragms per mm; diaphragms variable, about nine per mm; average of 15 mesopores per 2-mm square; acanthopores present or absent, and where present average four per mm square. Description. — Zoaria are low discoidal in shape with a ratio of diameter to height about 10:3. Of 70 zoaria of Prasopora discula whose dimensions were measured, the range in ratio of diameter to height is approximately 7:1 to 3:2. Almost all zoaria began growth by encrusting the pedicle valve of Sowerbyella, and this substrate controlled zoarial form until zoaria reached about 10 mm diameter, at which stage they began growing beyond the edges of the shells. The 10:3 ratio is attained where the zoaria are about 10 mm in diameter and is approximately maintained from that point. Where exposed beyond the shell perimeters of Sowerbyella, the zoarial bases are shallow concave with concentric rugae indicating growth stages and radial striations marking the zooecial bases. Maculae cannot be detected on the weathered zoarial surfaces. Zooecial tubes are elongate polygonal in cross-section with an average maximum and minimum tube diameter of 0.25 mm by 0.21 mm between maculae. Diameters of the largest zooecial tubes in maculae average 0.35 mm by 0.28 mm. Almost all cystiphragms lining zooecial tubes extend over halfway around the tubes and may extend all the way around. Cystiphragms restrict the zooecial void to a space whose cross-section is roughly oval or subcircular and which is located either subcentrally or laterally (Ross’ “type 1” cystiphragms, 1967a, pp. 406-408, text-fig. 2A). Cystiphragms 226 BULLETIN 267 strongly overlap and locally form doubly overlapping series. They are closely appressed, an average of 15 in 1 mm. Flat to slightly concave diaphragms are less regularly spaced than cystiphragms and average nine per mm. In isolated places in several specimens, two zooecia are merged laterally to form “twins” with an open figure-eight cross-sectional shape. Zooecial walls are thin, in most places 0.01 mm or less in thickness except at zooecial corners, where they are slightly thick- ened. Small, round, clear spots which may represent tubules are fre- quently found in zooecial corners. Walls appear vaguely laminar with a central band where laminae of adjacent zooecia meet at zooecial boundaries (see Pl. 48, fig. 3). Walls are locally thickened to over 0.04 mm. Mesopore abundance is variable; they average 17 per 2-mm square including maculate areas, with a standard deviation of 11 per 2-mm square. Mesopore diameters average 0.12 mm by 0.08 mm, including mesopores located both in and between maculae. Mesopores in maculae are typically larger than mesopores between maculae. All mesopores are irregularly polygonal; those in maculae have straight sides and those between maculae generally have con- cave sides due to their position between zooecia. Diaphragm spacing in mesopores is equal to cystiphragm spacing in zooecia so that mesopores are difficult to distinguish in vertical sections. Forty percent of the specimens examined in thin-sections and by acetate peels have acanthopores. Specimens with acanthopores have density ranges from three acanthopores in a section of about 16 sq. mm to 12 per l-mm square, with an average of four per l-mm square. Acanthopores are typically 0.03 mm in diameter. They have the usual cone-in-cone structure that appears as con- centric rings in tangential zoarial sections and as outwardly pointing chevrons in vertical sections. The axial area of acanthopores may be either central or eccentric. Discussion. — Measurements made on the holotypes of Monti- culipora discula Coryell and Prasopora fritzae Loeblich are given in Tables 10 and 11. P. fritzae is here considered synonymous with M. discula because characters typical of both are contained in the single population from Wills Valley and visual and data compari- OrpbovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 27 sons of the holotypes indicated no major difference other than more robust zoarial size of P. fritzae. Prasopora discula resembles P. falesi (James, 1884) (p. 138, pl. 7, figs. 2-2d) but differs in that P. falesi has fewer cystiphragms per mm, typically more mesopores in intermaculate areas, and maculae are spaced farther apart. Specimens of the discoidal species of Prasopora from Wills Val- ley that possess acanthopores fit well into P. discula (Coryell). Al- Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.19-0.31 0.25 0.251 0.023 510 51 MnTD 0.15-0.30 0.20 O12 0.022 510 5 MxTDm 0.29-0.50 0.35 0.351 0.035 96 35) MnTDm 0.23-0.33 0.28 0.287 0.021 96 35 MxMTD 0.04-0.41 0.15 0.125 0.057 342 35 MnMTD 0.02-0.25 0.05 0.085 0.040 354 36 M/2-mmsq 0-54 9 17.4 10.6 134 34 AD 0.02-0.03 0.03 0.025 0.004 7 4 A/1-mmsq! 1-12 1 3.8 3.2 26 6 C/mm 3-28 17 15.4 329 391 46 D/mm 4-13 10 87 2.4 79 9 D/mmM 14-26 WL 18.7 3.3 15 2 DBM 2.0-3.5 2:5 2.58 0.33 122 23 1Includes only counts that include acanthopores per 1-mm_ square, thereby excluding the majority of specimens, since most specimens lack acanthopores. Table 9. Quantitative data on characters of Prasopora discula (Coryell) from the lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.24-0.29 0.28 0.265 0.016 10 1 MnTD 0.20-0.24 O22 0.220 0.011 10 1 MxTDm 0.33-0.40 0.35 0.355 0.017 10 1 MaTDm 0.26-0.32 0.27 0.283 0.018 10 1 MxMTD 0.08-0.20 0.13 0.146 0.036 10 1 MnMTD 0.04-0.15 0.12 0.100 0.035 10 1 0.15 M/2-mmsq 5-7 = 6.0 1.0 2 1 C/mm 13-23 7: ili Ee | 6 1 D/mm 14-18 15 15.4 1.3 8 1 DBM 2.0-2.5 2.5 23 0.24 3 1 Table 10. Quantitative data on characters of Monticulipora discula Coryell, 1921. Holotype, USNM 92162. bo bo 8 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.26-0.29 0.26 0.274 0.012 10 1 0.29 MnTD 0.20-0.25 0.24 0.227 0.017 10 1 MxTDm 0.34-0.40 0.37 0.367 0.021 10 1 MnTDm U0.27-0.33 0.30 0.307 0.018 10 0.33 MxMTD 0.04-0.20 0.13 0.129 0.042 10 1 MrnMTD 0.03-0.16 0.09 0.090 0.037 10 1 M/2-mmsq 1-3 1 1:7 0.94 3 i AD 0.02-0.04 0.03 0.027 0.005 10 1 A/i-mmsq 4-11 9 8.0 1.84 10 1 C/mm 13-23 18 18.6 2.73 10 il 21 D/mm 5-14 9 9.6 2.50 10 1 12 DBM 3 3 3 —_— 1 1 Table 11. Quantitative data on characters of Prasopora fritzae Loeblich, 1942. Holotype, USNM 114625. though over half the Prasopora zoaria sectioned lack acanthopores, they are also assigned to P. discula because, in the population and even at a single locality, all gradations exist between absent and common acanthopores (as at stratigraphic sections II and XVII). Specimens both with and without acanthopores were collected along- side one another in the same bed and in identical matrices. Since there is no evidence that environment contributed to absence or presence of acanthopores, it is concluded that the presence or ab- sence of acanthopores in P. discula is due most likely to the geno- type of individual clones within the species and should not be re- lied upon in this case as a species characteristic. Material. — Fifty-eight sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sections: 1, TE IV. V¥,.Vi, AVI AVI: Hypotypes. —USNM 167767-167769, 167839. Measurements. — Table 9. Prascpora megacystata McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 48, figs. 1-3 Diagnosis. — Zoarial form variable; maculae present; zooecial diameters 0.24 mm by 0.20 mm; large, bulbous cystiphragms 12 per mm and diaphragms nine per mm; about 20 mesopores per 2-mm square. Description. —Zoaria are encrusting and free laminate to OrpbovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 229 massive and ramose. Greatest observed zoarial thickness is 12 mm, and greatest laminate width is 34 mm. Maculae are from 1.5 to 3 mm apart, most typically 2.5 mm to 3 mm apart, measured from center to center. Zooecia are irregularly polygonal in cross-section. Intermacular zooecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.20 mm, but there are local groups of smaller zooecia in one specimen. Mean zooecial tube diameters are 0.36 mm by 0.29 mm in maculae. There is an average of nine diaphragms per mm and 12 cystiphragms per mm in zooecia. Diaphragms are thin and most are slightly concave or slightly convex; few are planar. Cystiphragms are thin also; they overlap and are bulbous-appearing in vertical sections. In tangential sections they can be seen to extend a half to three-fourths, infre- quently all the way, around zooecial peripheries, surrounding a cen- tral to subcentrally placed void. Cystiphragms in macular zooecia extend all or almost all the way around the periphery, surrounding a void with a highly elliptical cross-section. Long axes of the ellip- tical voids extend from the center to the periphery of the zooecial tube in most places. Walls are thin, 0.01 mm or less in thickness, Walls are finely laminated, as seen under magnifications of 100 or greater. Mesopores are abundant and average 20 per 2-mm square. The mesopores appear to originate at various levels within zoaria but are most abundant near the zoarial margin. Mesopore cross-sections are angular, most typically four-sided, but in some places three-, five-, or six-sided. Size is variable; mesopore tube diameters aver- age 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm. Diaphragms are spaced two to three times closer in mesopores than in zooecia. Some mesopores swell slightly between diaphragms, which results in a vaguely beaded appearance. Where proximal mesopore tips are cut in tangential sections, mesopores have an acanthopore-like appearance because of the small size of mesopore tubes. No true acanthopores were observed. Discussion. — Prasopora megacystata most closely resembles Prasopora compacta (Coryell, 1921, p. 283, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6) but has more widely spaced, bulbous cystiphragms and lacks abundant, prominent acanthopores. The specimens identified by Astrova (1965, p. 197, pl. 34, fig. la, b) as Monticulipora compacta Coryell lack 230 BuLLeETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.21-0.28 0.24 0.244 0.015 40 + MnTD 0.16-0.24 0.20 0.201 0.018 40 a MxTDm 0.30-0.43 0.38 0.363 0.040 17 a MxMTD 0.20-0.35 0.28 0.290 0.039 17 + 0.32 MaMTD 0.03-0.31 0.10 0.109 0.051 +0 o O14 M/2-mmsq___0.03-0.15 0.10 0.074 0.030 +0 12 7-38 15 19.9 o4 17 29 C/mm 5-20 12 11.8 34 40 - D/mm 6-16 ll 9.0 2.4 30 3 DBM 1.5-3.0 2.5 2.50 O45 18 + Table 12. Quantitative data on characters of Prasopora megacystata, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. abundant, prominent acanthopores and have more widely spaced, bulbous cystiphragms than the holotype of WM. compacta (USNM 92163). Astrova’s specimens more closely resemble P. megacystata than P. compacta (Coryell). The four specimens that form the basis for Prasopora mega- eystata differ distinetly from specimens of P. dtsewla (Coryell, 1921, p. 283, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4), the dominant Prasopora species in the Chickamauga fauna, primarily in nature of cystiphragms. Cysti- phragms in P. megacystata are more bulbous, more widely spaced, and occupy a much greater portion of the zooecial diameter than do cystiphragms of P. discula. The trivial name, megacystata, refers to the large, bulbous cystiphragms characteristic of the species. Material.— Four sectioned zoaria from stratigraphic sections I and XV. Holotype. —USNM 167770. Paratypes. — USNM 167771, GSATC 202, UNC 4152. Measurements.— Table 12. Prasopora sp. Pl. 48, figs. 46 Description. — The zoarium is low discoidal, 17 mm in diameter and 5.5 mm high. The zoarium is composed of two to four laminae and is 4 mm in maximum thickness; it was originally thicker, but the base has been dissolved and has a stylolitic contact with under- OrpvoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 231 lying micrite. Small maculae are 2.5 mm apart, measured from center to center, Zooecia are irregularly polygonal in cross-section. Most are five- or six-sided. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm. Most cystiphragms extend three-fourths to entirely around the periphery of zooecia, surrounding a subcircular peripheral or sub- peripheral void. Cystiphragms strongly overlap, appear bulbous in vertical section and average 16 per mm. Diaphragm spacing is ap- proximately equal to or slightly less than the cystiphragm spacing. Most diaphragms are essentially planar, but some are strongly tilted. Both cystiphragms and diaphragms are thin. Zooecial tube diameters in maculae average 0.37 mm by 0.31 mm. Walls are 0.01 mm to 0.02 mm thick. They are composed of laminae that are so steeply dipping that they are essentially parallel to the zooecial border, in both vertical and tangential sections. Con- tact between two adjacent zooecia is marked by a thin dark line. Mesopores are present but are moderately sparse. An average of four mesopores occurs in a 2-mm square. Most mesopores are four-sided in cross-section, with mean maximum and minimum tube diameters 0.14 mm by 0.10 mm. Diaphragm spacing in meso- pores 1s approximately equal to cystiphragm spacing in zooecia. Acanthopores are abundant and average 15 per l-mm square. There is an acanthopore at most zooecial corners. Acanthopores originate at or near the base of zoarial Jaminae. They have a large axial area and range from 0.02 mm to 0.07 mm in diameter; most are about 0.04 mm in diameter. Discussion. — The specimen described above cannot be readily placed in any previously recognized species, but the single speci- men collected does not give sufficient information, due to the small amount of material available for sectioning, to erect a new species. Material. — One thin-sectioned colony from stratigraphic sec- tion I. Hypotype. — USNM 167772. Measurements. — Table 13. ?Prasopora sp. Pl. 48, figs. 7, 8; Pl. 49, figs. 1-3 Description. — Zoarial form varies from encrusting to irregu- larly ramose. Maximum thin-section diameter is 21 mm, 232 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.23-0.33 0.23 0.262 0.034 10 1 MnTD 0.19-0.23 0.20 0.209 0.014 10 1 MxTDm 0.32-0.49 0.36 0.373 0.062 10 it. MnTDm 0.27-0.42 0.30 0.309 0.042 10 1 MxMTD 0.03-0.23 0.23 0.143 0.068 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.15 0.12 0.097 0.037 10 1 M/2-mmsq 1-8 ee 32 4 1 A/1-mmsq 13-21 15 16.0 2.6 10 1 C/mm 14-21 15 15.6 2.0 10 1 DBM 2.0-3.0 PRE Pago} 0.5 5 1 Table 13. Quantitative data on characters of Prasopora sp. from the lower Chickamauga Group. In immature regions, large, bulbous cystiphragms are spaced about one-half to one tube diameter apart. Due to the crowded na- ture of zoarial growth in an interlobate area, local groups of im- mature zooecia are restricted to about half the mature zooecial di- ameters. Zooecia in the mature region are irregularly polygonal, most typically five- or six-sided. Most zooecial tubes are also polygonal but some are subrounded where walls are thickened in mature areas. Mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.22 mm. Where zooecia pass into the mature region, cystiphragms become smaller, more closely spaced and more strongly overlapping, and thin, essen- tially planar diaphragms in the zooecial void become more numerous. In the mature zone there are averages of 27 cystiphragms and 15 diaphragms per mm. Cystiphragms in the mature zone are locally thickened and typically extend around approximately 30-40% of the zooecial periphery. Several cystiphragms per zooecium are cut in the plane of shallow tangential sections so that there is a small, rounded zooecial void located in most cases on one side of the zoo- ecial periphery. Deeper tangential sections that cut the larger cysti- phragms in the immature zone show individual cystiphragms that extend around approximately 90% of the zooecial periphery and leave a small, rounded zooecial void similar to those in shallower section. Mesopores and enlarged zooecia are locally grouped into monti- cules that are spaced 2 mm to 3 mm apart, measured from center to center. Zooecial tube diameters in monticules average 0.42 mm by 0.31 mm. OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 233 Zooecial walls are thin and planar in the immature region but are abnormally and abruptly thickened by curved, steeply dipping laminae in the mature zone. Laminae from adjacent zooecia meet along a distinct plane that appears as a dark, finely serrate line in longitudinal sections and as a well- to moderately defined dark line in tangential sections. In the area where they are thickest, mature walls average 0.04 mm. Mesopores are concentrated in monticules and are apparently absent in intermonticular areas. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.14 mm by 0.09 mm and are surrounded by walls that are similar to zooecial walls. Slightly thickened, closely spaced, planar di- aphragms are present in mesopores. Including monticules, mesopores average six per 2-mm square. Short acanthopores that originate in the mature and outer 1m- mature zones are located mostly in zooecial corners, with a few located along zooecial borders. The acanthopores average 0.03 mm in diameter and two per l-mm square. Discussion. — The single specimen on which the above descrip- tion is based is tentatively assigned to the genus Prasopora. It re- sembles Monticulipora in growth form and differentiation into dis- tinct mature and immature zones, which is closely related to trepo- stome growth form since discoidal or encrusting zoaria usually have the immature region restricted to a thin basal zone, and massive, frondose and ramose zoaria typically have well-developed immature zones. [The specimen is not placed in Monticulipora because it lacks the granular-laminar structure that is a fundamental character of Monticultpora. The laminar wall structure in the specimen is like that in Prasopora, and because other characters except growth form are similar to characteristic features of Prasopora, the specimen is placed in that genus. Material. — One thin-sectioned specimen from stratigraphic sec- tion XVII. Hypotype. —USNM 167773. Measurements. — Table 14. 234 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character ‘ Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.24-0.28 —_— 0.261 0.014 10 1 MnTD 0.19-0.24 0.20 0.215 0.017 10 1 0.23 MxTDm 0.38-0.45 0.43 0.418 0.018 5 1 MnTDm 0.27-0.32 — 0.312 0.022 5 1 MxMTD' 0.06-0.32 0.06 0.138 0.078 10 1 0.14 MnMTD 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.086 0.047 10 1 M/2-mmsq 1-11 7 6.4 3.6 5 1 AD 0.02-0.04 0.03 0.031 0.006 10 1 A/1-mmsq 1-4 1 2.0 1.6 10 1 C/mm 21-33 23 26.6 3.9 10 1 29 D/mm 12-20 14 15.3 Perey 10 1 DBM 2.0-3.0 2.5 2.4 0.39 10 1 Table 14. Quantitative data on characters of ?Prasopora sp. from the lower Chickamauga Group. Genus HOMOTRYPA Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich, 1886 Pl. 49, figs. 48; Pl. 50, fig. 1 1886. Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich, Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., 14th Ann. Rept., p. 81. 1886. Homotrypa insignis Ulrich, Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., 14th Ann. Rept., p. 82. 1893. Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich, Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, pp. 239, 240, pl. 19, figs. 21-28. 1893. Homotrypa subramosa var. insignis Ulrich, Ulrich, extract from Minne- sota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 240. 1911. Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich, Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, p. 187, text-figs. 99a-e. 1968b. Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich, Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont., vol. 42, pp. 1053-1055, pl. 136, figs. 1-3. Diagnosis. — Zoarial form variable; mature zooecial diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm, diaphragms typically absent to sparse in immature zone but intergrade with cystiphragms in mature zone and average 11 per mm; wall thickness variable; monticules prom- inent in thin-section; mesopores 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm in mean di- ameter and eight per 2-mm square, mostly in monticules; acantho- pores average 15 per l-mm square. Description. — Zoaria are encrusting, multilaminar massive or ramose. The greatest observed diameter of a fragmented massive zoarium is 25 mm and the greatest observed branch diameter is 12 mm. OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 235 Zooecia are variable. In ramose forms they bend continuously out from the axial region and enter the mature zone with a distinct bend or with no increase in curvature. Cross-sections of mature zoo- ecia are polygonal, typically five- or six-sided. Mature zooecial di- ameters are 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm and corresponding zooecial tube diameters are 0.22 mm by 0.18 mm on the average. Thin, essentially planar diaphragms are absent to most typically sparse in the im- mature zone. There is an apparent gradation in the mature zone from well-defined, slightly domal diaphragms near the base to cystose diaphragms to small, tightly overlapping bulbous or slightly curved cystiphragms higher within the mature zone. Thin, essen- tially planar diaphragms are distributed throughout the mature zone along with progressively changing cystiphragms. There is an aver- age of 11 internal zooecial structures in a 1 mm line in the mature zone. Some cystiphragms and diaphragms are slightly thickened. Monticules composed of enlarged zooecia and mesopores are distributed at approximately 2.5 mm intervals measured from cen- ter to center. Zooecia in monticules have average mature diameters of 0.35 mm by 0.27 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.32 mm by 0.25 mm. Mesopores in monticules are also slightly larger than mesopores between monticules. Zooecial walls in immature zones are thin and smooth, Mature zooecial walls are variable, with an overall mean thickness of 0.05 mm; the average within each zoarium varies from 0.02 mm to 0.08 mm. Even where mature walls are thin, there is a distinct plane of contact between walls of adjacent zooecia. Along the zooecial cavity, wall laminae are subparallel to the zooecial axis. They bend imperceptably toward the zooecial boundary until they have an angle of about 15° with the boundary. As the laminae approach the boundary, they curve abruptly to meet it at an approximate 45° angle. Mesopores are irregularly polygonal in cross-section. Mesopore tubes are subangular where walls are thin to rounded oval in cross- section where walls are thicker; tube diameters average 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm. There is an average of eight mesopores, most of which are located in monticules, per 2-mm square. About 10 mesopore diaphragms occur in 1 mm. Acanthopores average 15 per 1-mm square and are 0.04 mm 236 BULLETIN 267 in diameter. They are located in zooecial corners and typically inflect adjacent zooecial tubes to a small degree. At least some acantho- pores originate at the base of the mature zone, although some may originate higher within the mature zone. Discussion. — Because cystiphragms are locally difficult to dif- ferentiate from diaphragms, the number of all internal zooecial structures crossing a 1 mm straight line was counted rather than cystiphragms per mm and diaphragms per mm. Ulrich’s original description (1886, p. 81) of Homotrypa subramosa included a sub- ramose growth form, moderately thin walls, well-developed acantho- pores (“spiniform tubuli’”), occurrence of diaphragms in parallel convex lines at unequal intervals in the immature zone, and more or less closely spaced cystiphragms in the mature zone. Ulrich sub- sequently gave illustrations and a modified description (1893, pp. 239, 240, pl. 19, figs. 21-28), in which he noted that acanthopores are variable in both number and size. The Chickamauga Group speci- mens here assigned to H. subramosa agree in all aspects with the early descriptions except that diaphragms in the immature region are more sparse and growth form is more variable. The specimen illus- trated in Plate 50, figure 5 has an abnormal number of diaphragms in the immature area and is not typical of the Chickamauga repre- sentatives of H. suwbramosa. Plate 50, figure 4, depicts a more nearly typical area in the same zoarium. Measurements and counts of mean maximal zooecial tube diameter, zooecia in a 2 mm line, mean maxi- mum zooecial tube diameter in monticules, mesopores per unit area, acanthopore size and acanthopores per 1-mm square are within one standard deviation range in the Chickamauga specimens and the specimen that Bork and Perry (1968b, pp. 1053-1055, pl. 136, figs. 1-3, table 9) assigned to H. swbramosa. Bassler (1911, pp. 187-189, text-fig. 100), Troedsson (1929, p. 98, pl...53, figs. J,2), Sardesson, 1935c,.p. 353),. and’ Astrova (1965, pp. 201, 202, pl. 36, fig. la, b) reported Homotrypa sub- ramosa but their specimens were not reexamined in this study and their descriptions do not allow a firm decision that their specimens belong to H. subramosa. Homotrypa subramosa is similar to H. dickeyvillensis Perry, 1962 (pp. 13, 14, pl. 2, figs. 5-9) and H. minnesotensis Ulrich, 1886 (pp. 79, 80), both from the Middle Ordovician. The Chickamauga OrpboviciaAn Bryozoa: McKINNEY 2 ow» SJ Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean _ Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.22-0.34 0.26 0.264 0.026 47 5 MnZD 0.17-0.28 0.20 0.214 0.025 47 5 MxTD 0.13-0.30 0.25 0.223 0.036 117 12 MnTD 0.10-0.25 0.20 0.182 0.036 117 12 MxZDm 0.27-0.44 0.32 0.350 0.040 27 4 MnZDm 0.19-0.34 0.27 0.269 0.027 27 + MxTDm 0.22-0.44 0.35 0.317 0.050 85 aE MnTDm 0.13-0.33 0.25 0.250 0.040 85 11 ZWT 0.02-0.10 0.02 0.047 0.026 90 9 MxMTD 0.05-0.23 0.10 0.113 0.041 100 10 MnMTD 0.03-0.15 0.05 0.073 0.026 100 10 0.08 M/2-mmsq 1-15 11 8.0 4.2 41 10 AD 0.02-0.05 0.03 0.035 0.007 70 if A/1-mmsq 7-33 12 15:2 532 68 9 C&D/mm 7-27 8 a Ue | 4.1 67 7 DBM 2.0-3.5 2.0 2.37 0.37 70 8 25 Table 15. Quantitative data on characters of Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich from the lower Chickamauga Group. specimens of H. swbramosa differ from H. dickeyvillensis in having smaller zooecia, generally more sparse diaphragms in the immature region, more abundant acanthopores, and apparent mesopores. Perry (1962, p. 13) indicated a probable lack of mesopores in H. dickey- villensis, and in subsequent work, Bork and Perry (1968b, p. 1045) indicated a mean maximum zooecial tube diameter of 0.30 mm and recognized mesopore-like apertures which they interpreted as par- tially developed zooecia. Ulrich (1886, pp. 79, 80; 1893, pp. 235, 236) indicated a lack of diaphragms in the immature region, oblique zooecial apertures, and near the surface, zooecia that “ are flattened and _ their size considerably reduced” in Homotrypa minnesotensis. Chicka- mauga specimens of H. subramosa differ from H. minnesotensis in that some specimens have sparse diaphragms in the immature zone, the mature walls in most zooecia are thicker, zooecial apertures are at a higher angle to the zoarial surface and the zooecia do not nar- row in the submature zone. Material. — Twelve sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sec- tions I, IT, V, VIII, XVII. Hypotypes. —USNM 167774, 167775. Measurements. — Table 15. 238 BULLETIN 267 Homotrypa vacua McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 50, figs. 2-7 Diagnosis. —Zoaria ramose; branches typically 1.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter; zooecia constricted in submature zone, with di- aphragms only in submature and mature zones and cystiphragms only in mature zone, mean mature zooecial diameters 0.23 mm by 0.15 mm; mesopores common, 0.08 mm by 0.05 mm mean diameter; small acanthopores average 23 per 1-mm square. Description. — Zoaria are ramose, typically with branches 1.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter but some approximately 5 mm in diameter. Zooecia are long, essentially parallel with the branch axis in the immature zone. They gradually diverge from the axial region to an angle of about 15° in the submature zone, where zooecial di- ameters are noticeably constricted. Passage into the mature zone is marked by a slight increase in angle of divergence, appearance of cystiphragms, and thickened wall deposits. Mature zooecial di- ameters are small and average 0.23 mm by 0.15 mm, with corre- sponding average zooecial tube diameters of 0.16 mm by 0.09 mm. Mature zooecial cross-sections are irregularly polygonal, and mature zooecial tube cross-sections are subrounded oval. Diaphragms are lacking in the immature zone but are present in the submature and mature zones. Diaphragms are typically thin, essentially planar and are oriented at right angles to zooecial axes. Strongly bulbous cystiphragms, present in the mature zone, are typically thickened and overlap each other. The thickest portion of the cystiphragms is distal with respect to zooecial tubes, where they merge with zooecial walls. Cystiphragm spacing averages six per mm. Small monticules are composed of larger than normal zooecia. In them, zooecial diameters average 0.32 mm by 0.24 mm and cor- responding zooecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.18 mm. Distances between monticules could not be determined because of the small size of tangential sections and the fact that all speci- mens are buried in matrix. Immature zooecial walls are thin and, in some specimens, slightly crinkled. Mature walls are thick, average 0.05 mm in thick- ness, and are composed of laminae which dip about 45° to zooecial borders. The plane of contact between adjacent zooecia is distinct. Laminae in mature walls pass frequently into cystiphragms within zooecial tubes. OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKInNNEY 239 Mesopores are small and common. Mesopore tubes average 0.08 mm by 0.05 mm in diameter. Due to the small area of tan- gential sections, only one count of mesopore abundance was ob- tained, which is 18 per 2-mm square. Mesopores originate in the submature zone and are confined to zooecial corners. They have thin diaphragms spaced less than a tenth of a mm apart. Mesopore walls may be thin or may be thickened similar to zooecial walls. Acanthopores are small, 0.03 mm in mean diameter, and most are confined to zooecial corners, They originate at the base of the mature zone and average 23 per l-mm square. Discussion. — Homotrypa vacua resembles H. exilis Ulrich, 1886 (p. 80) in small branch diameter, wall thickness, lack of di- aphragms in the axial region, and constriction of zooecia in the sub- mature zone. (See Ulrich, 1893, pl. 19, fig. 12; Perry, 1962, pl. 1, fig. 1.) However, H. vacua differs in possessing abundant, prominent acanthopores, distinctly smaller zooecial tubes (based on my meas- urements of Ulrich’s 1893 pl. 19, fig. 14), and more arcuate cysti- phragms. In two different studies of population samples of H. exilis, Perry (1962, p. 6, text-fig. 1) measured zooecial tube diameters av- eraging 0.21 mm in the Middle Ordovician Spechts Ferry Shale specimens and Bork and Perry (1968b, p. 1046, table 4) found an average of 0.22 mm for the same character of specimens from the Middle Ordovician Quimbys Mill and Guttenberg Formations. The longitudinal sections figured by Perry (1962, pl. 1, figs. 1,6) and by Bork and Perry (1968b, pl. 133, fig. 10) appear to have more abun- dant diaphragms in both submature and mature zones than does the longitudinal section first figured by Ulrich (1893, pl. 19, fig. 12). Homotrypa vacua differs from the type description of H. low- villensis Fritz, 1957 (p. 22) in possessing distinct acanthopores and abundant, prominent cystiphragms. All species of Homotrypa orig- inally described by Loeblich in 1942 (H. callitoecha, pp. 420, 421, pl. 62, figs. 18-20; H. multitabulata, p. 421, pl. 63, figs. 1-3; H. sagit- tata, pp. 421, 422, pl. 63, figs. 7-9; H. ulrichi, p. 422, pl. 63, figs. 4-6) differ from H. vacua because they possess abundant diaphragms in the immature zone and do not have zooecia constricted in the submature zone. One associated taxon that is superficially similar to Homotrypa vacua is Eridotrypa minor Ulrich, 1893 (p. 266, pl. 26, figs. 20, 21, 240 BULLETIN 267 29, 30). Zoarial fragments of E. minor have branch diameters of 2 mm to 4mm and a lack of diaphragms in the axial zone. A few cysti- phragms or cystose diaphragms occur in the mature zone, zooecial constrictions occur in the submature zone, and zooecial tube diameters average 0.18 mm by 0.11 mm in the mature zone of the Chickamauga specimens of E£. minor. However, H. vacua has more numerous, prominent cystiphragms, smaller zooecia, and more prominent, abundant acanthopores. The granular, zigzag zooecial boundaries in the mature zone of FE. minor, a diagnostic generic character of Eridotrypa, further differentiates the two taxa. Constricted zooecia in the submature zone, a characteristic of both Homotrypa exilis and H. vacua, is a family characteristic of Aisenvergiidae Dunaeva, 1964 (1964b, p. 39). However, as with Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.14-0.29 0.25 0.232 0.038 98 10 MnZD 0.10-0.23 0.15 0.154 0.030 98 10 MxTD 0.09-0.28 0.13 0.159 0.036 129 13 MnTD 0.05-0.15 0.08 0.089 0.028 128 13 MxZDm 0.28-0.38 — 0.318 0.037 8 3 MnZDm 0.19-0.28 —_ 0.238 0.023 8 3 MxTDm 0.20-0.30 0.25 0.238 0.023 8 3 MnTDm 0.14-0.20 0.17 0.177 0.019 8 s} 0.19 ZWT 0.02-0.12 0.04 0.049 0.016 130 13 MxMTD 0.04-0.17 0.05 0.078 0.027 55 9 0.08 MnMTD 0.02-0.10 0.04 0.049 0.016 55 9 AD 0.02-0.05 0.03 0.032 0.006 69 7 A/1-mmsq 12-34 — 22.8 TES 15 6 D/mm 2-14 5 5.8 25) 18 6 Table 16. Quantitative data on characters of Homotrypa vacua, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. Eridotrypa the constriction is not as severe as in Devonian and Carboniferous genera originally placed in the Aisenvergiidae and probably does not indicate a close phylogenetic relationship. The possibility of a close relationship between Homotrypa and Erido- trypa has been discussed further. The trivial name, vacua, refers to the characteristic lack of di- aphragms and cystiphragms in the immature region. OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 241 Material.— Thirty sectioned zoarial fragments from. strati- graphic sections III, VI, VIII, IX, XIV, XVIII. Holotype. —USNM 167776. Paratypes. —USNM 167777, 167778, GSATC 203, UNC 4154. Measurements. — Table 16. Genus MESOTRYPA Mesotrypa sparsa McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 50, fig. 8; Pl. 51, figs. 1-7 Diagnosis. —Zoarial form variable; mature zooecial tube di- ameters average 0.23 mm by 0.19 mm, diaphragms sparse in im- mature zones, diaphragms and cystiphragms are variably developed in mature zones and average nine per mm; mature walls typically thin; mesopores sparse, concentrated in monticules; acanthopores in longitudinal bands, 15 per 1-mm square on the average where present in tangential sections. Description — Zoaria are encrusting, free laminate, ramose, or most typically low to high domal with a moderately concave base. Most specimens are 10 mm to 20 mm in diameter and 3 mm to 10 mm high. In ramose specimens, zooecia curve gently out from the axial region to a more pronounced bend at the base of the mature zone, beyond which they extend with little curvature and at a high angle to the zoarial surface. Where walls are thin, mature zooecia are irregularly polygonal in cross-section, most typically five- or six- sided. Maximum and minimum mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.23 mm by 0.19 mm. Thin, planar diaphragms are present in the immature zone. In the mature zone, development of zooecial tube partitions is variable. In most zooecia of some colonies, there is an intergradation between planar to slightly domal diaphragms, cystose diaphragms, and large cystiphragms which occupy over half the tube diameter. In these colonies the cystiphragms may be lo- cated either at the base or well up into the mature zone. In most specimens, however, the majority of the zooecia have cystiphragms distributed more or less continuously throughout the mature zone. In specimens which have zooecial tubes partially closed by cysti- phragms, diaphragms may or may not close off the remainder of each such zooecial tube. Locally within mature zooecia, diaphragms extend all the way across the zooecial tubes and cystiphragms are 242 BULLETIN 267 absent, but this appearance may be due to lateral cuts through large cystiphragms so that downward curvature of the large cystiphragms is not exhibited in the sections. Most cystiphragms are large and overlapping and a large majority are closely spaced. Locally the cypstiphragms may occupy less than half the zooecial tube diameter, but most extend well over half the diameter across the zooecial tubes. Combined cystiphragm and diaphragm spacing in the mature zone of most zoaria averages from six to eight per mm. In three zoaria the spacing averages from 14 to 18 per mm. The overall mean cystiphragm spacing in the mature zone is nine per mm. All cystiphragms and diaphragms are thin. Monticules composed of enlarged zooecia and few mesopores are spaced 1.5 mm to 3 mm apart, measured from center to center. Most are about 3 mm apart. Zooecial tube diameters in monticules average 0.34 mm by 0.27 mm. Walls are thin in the immature zone and, for the most part, equally thin in the mature zone. Most are under 0.01 mm thick. Small, local areas of wall thickening are present in some zoaria, where their thickness is 0.03 mm or less, frequently 0.02 mm or less. Thick walls have an amalgamate appearance, with curved laminae that appear superficially to pass continuously, through the walls of adjacent zooecia. Mesopores are few and are concentrated in monticules. They are polygonal and angular in cross-section, being most commonly three- or four-sided. Mesopores are restricted to the mature zone and their tube diameters average 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm. They are infrequently cut in longitudinal section, but where cut they may be recognized by diaphragm spacing which is close relative to spacing in adjacent zooecia. Including monticules, there is an average of seven mesopores per 2-mm square. Acanthopores are restricted to the mature zone, where they are developed in more or less definite zones parallel to the zoarial sur- face, as is well illustrated in longitudinal sections (PI. 52, fig. 4). Where tangential sections pass through the acanthopore zones, acan- thopore density may be as high as 24 per 1-mm square, but where tangential sections miss such zones acanthopores may be lacking completely, Where acanthopores are present they average 15 per l-mm square. Although acanthopores are rod-shaped through most OrbDovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 243 of their length, diminished diameters in deeper portions of tangential sections indicate that they taper at their proximal ends. Some speci- mens tend to have slightly larger acanthopores than other speci- mens. Combination of the two characters just mentioned causes a greater than usual variation in acanthopore diameters in tangential sections. The largest and smallest acanthopore diameters are 0.10 mm and 0.03 mm; the mean in 0.05 mm. Acanthopores are restricted to zooecial corners and cause adjacent zooecial tubes to be inflected. Discussion. — Mesotrypa sparsa is not a typical species of Mesotrypa in that it lacks abundant mesopores. The most similar species is M. augularis Ulrich and Bassler, 1904 (p. 23, pl. 7, figs. 7-9). M. sparsa has smaller zooecial diameters and better developed cystiphragms than M. anguwlaris. Also, mesopores in M. angularts are “... comparatively numerous in the immature region, but pinch out as growth continues .. .” (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, p. 23). The few mesopores in M. sparsa occur in the mature zone. Mesotrypa sparsa has smaller zooecia in monticules, better de- veloped cystiphragms, and lacks the numerous mesopores character- istic of M. infida (Diplotrypa infida Ulrich, 1886, pp. 88-90). Also, the mesopores are not “. . . more conspicuous in the lower half of the section than in the upper. . .” (Ulrich, 1886, p. 89) as in M. infida. Mesotrypa sparsa can be as closely compared with species of Stigmatella as with species of Mesotrypa, with the primary differ- ence that cystiphragms are not typical of Stigmatella but are well developed in M. sparsa. The zonal development of acanthopores, which is observed in M. sparsa, was considered by Ulrich and Bass- ler (1904, pp. 33, 34) to be a generic character of Stigmatella and is not a characteristic of Mesotrypa. Stigmatella typically has crenu- late immature walls and a sparsity of diaphragms, although some atypical species assigned to Stigmatella have abundant diaphragms and straight immature walls, such as S. multispinosa Brown, 1965 (pp. 996, 997, pl. 115, figs. 9-11). Assignment of the above described new species to Mesotrypa is based on presence of well-developed cystiphragms and, although sparse, mesopores. Such an assignment is arbitrary inasmuch as equal or greater phylogenetic consideration should be given possibly to the zonal development of acanthopore, which would place the species 244 BULLETIN 267 in Stigmatella. The three characters listed above, cystiphragms, mesopores, and zonation of acanthopores, are probably good phylo- genetic indicators. The presence of these indicators in a single species suggests a direct link between Mesotrypa and Stigmatella, and, by extension, a direct link between the families Monticuli- poridae and Heterotrypidae. The typically thin walls and variable zoarial shape, although displayed by members of both families, is taken to be an environmental adaptation that has little or no phylo- genetic significance at the family level. The trivial name, sparsa, refers to the sparsity of mesopores. Material. — Fifty sectioned zoaria from stratigraphic sections 1, viva, VIL TV; Xx X11, XIV, XV XVI Holotype. —USNM 167779. Paratypes. —USNM 167780-167782, GSATC 204, UNC 4155. Measurements. — Table 17. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.16-0.29 0.24 0.232 0.024 170 17 MnTD 0.15-0.27 0.20 0.187 0.022 170 17 MxTDm 0.20-0.46 0.33 0.339 0.044 118 15 MnTDm 0.16-0.35 0.25 0.270 0.030 118 15 ZWT 0.01-0.05 0.02 0.018 0.008 120 12 MxMTD 0.05-0.24 0.10 0.108 0.046 158 16 MnMTD 0.02-0.15 0.05 0.071 0.030 158 16 M/2-mmsq 1-29 4 6.8 4.7 67 16 6 AD 0.03-0.10 0.05 0.050 0.013 150 15 A/1-mmsq 6-24 11 iBSyil 4.6 149 17 14 C&D/mm 4-25 74 91 3.8 138 15 DBM 1.5-3.0 3.0 2.65 0.36 68 14 Table 17. Quantitative data on characters of Mesotrypa sparsa, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. Family HETEROTRYPIDAE Genus HETEROTRYPA Heterotrypa ridleyana (Coryell, 1921) Pl, Sl-tig: 8: Pl.-52. tips: ioe 1921. Dekayella ridleyana Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29, pp. 286, 287, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4. Diagnosis. —Zoaria massive to subramose; zooecia have di- aphragms in immature zone and diaphragms, large bulbous cysti- OrbDovICIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 245 phragms, and some cystose diaphragms in mature zone; mature zooecial tubes average 0.22 mm by 0.18 mm in diameter; meso- pores common, small; acanthopores average 25 per l-mm square, confined to zooecial corners. Description. — Zoaria are massive to subramose with an en- crusting basal expansion. Greatest observed dimensions are 24 mm diameter for the basal expansion, 12 mm for subramose branch diameter and 23 mm for colony height. Zooecia diverge gradually in the axial portions of the immature zone with curvature becoming stronger in the distal submature zone. Curvature continues strong in the base of the mature zone, with zooecia oriented perpendicular to the zoarial surface through the remainder of the mature zone. Both specimens show resumed growth similar to the immature zone after development of a well-defined mature zone. Rejuvenation apparently involved all zooecia since there is no basal lamina between the base of the reformed immature portion and the mature zooecia below. Mature zooecia below the plans of rejuvenation are in direct communication with the same immature zooecia above. Mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.22 mm by 0.18 mm. Mature zooecial cross-sections are irregularly polygonal with zooecial tube cross-sections subangular to subrounded polygonal to oval. Thin, planar to moderately convex or concave diaphragms, some of which are tilted, are spaced about two to three zooecial diameters apart in the immature zone. Typically diaphragms in the immature portion of the rejuvenated zone are spaced farther apart than in the mature zone and are more inclined to be tilted. Internal zooecial structures in the mature zone include diaphragms, cystose diaphragms, and cystiphragms, with an average of eight such structures in a 1 mm distance. Cystiphragms are bulbous, moderately overlapping, and extend one-half to two-thirds across the zooecial tube diameter. Monticules of mesopores and enlarged zooecia are present. Zooecial tube diameters in monticules average 0.28 mm by 0.24 mm. Zooecial walls are thin and straight in the immature zone. In the mature zone walls are locally integrate in appearance with lam- inae steeply inclined so that they appear almost parallel to the zooecial border. In other places walls are obscurely integrate or amalgamate. Mature walls average 0.02 mm thick. 246 BULLETIN 267 Mesopores are common but the sections are insufficient to allow a count per unit area. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.09 mm by 0.06 mm. Mesopores are three- to four-sided with flat walls but tubes are subrounded and are frequently oval in cross- section. Diaphragm spacing in mesopores is similar to diaphragm spacing in mature zooecia. Acanthopores average 25 per 1l-mm square and 0.03 mm in diameter. They originate at the base of the mature zone and appear to terminate anywhere within the mature zone. Discussion. — The mature zone is not so well developed in Chickamauga Group specimens of Heterotrypa ridleyana as it is 1n the holotype (IU 9245-6 and 9245-10). Consequently the hetero- trypid walls are not as prominent in the Chickamauga specimens, although they can be seen locally. Integrate-appearing walls, which are more common in the Chickamauga specimens, are developed along the base of the mature zone of the holotype of H. ridleyana and at the same position in other Heterotrypa species (Boardman and Utgaard, 1966, p. 1105). Boardman and Utgaard (1966, pp. 1087, 1090-1092) discussed the history of the role of acanthopores in distinguishing Dekayia, Dekayella, and Heterotrypa, followed by emended definitions and descriptions of Dekayia and Heterotrypa (ibid., pp. 1103, 1105) which includes revised bases for the determination of the two genera. They agreed with Cumings and Galloway (1913, pp. 413, 414) in discarding the generic term Dekayella. As first recognized by Cumings (1902, p. 206), the appearance of two sizes of acantho- pores results from cutting them at different levels of development. Therefore, the basis for Dekayella has no taxonomic significance. Based on an extensive study of specimens in the U.S. National Museum, Boardman and Utgaard (1966, p. 1103) gave, among oth- ers, the following characteristics of Dekayia: 1) zooecial walls un- dulatory to crenulated throughout their length, 2) zooecial linings never well developed, 3) diaphragms commonly absent in immature region (endozone) and distant or lacking in mature zone (exozone) and 4) mesopores rare in intermonticular areas. Contrasting characteristics of Heterotrypa are (ibid., p. 1105) 1) zooecial linings common in thick-walled specimens, 2) di- aphragms convex or cystose, few to abundant in the immature OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKInNEy 247 region and in many places closely spaced to locally more separated in the mature zone, and 3) intermonticular mesopores abundant to essentially absent. Since Coryell’s species Dekayella ridleyana Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.20-0.25 0.21 0.215 0.012 10 1 MnTD 0.16-0.19 0.18 0.177 0.007 10 1 MxTDm 0.26-0.31 —_— 0.282 0.017 5 1 MnTDm 0.22-0.25 0.23 0.235 0.012 5 1 0.25 ZWT 0.01-0.03 0.02 0.020 0.005 10 1 MxMTD 0.08-0.11 0.10 0.094 0.011 6 1 MnMTD 0.05-0.07 0.06 0.061 0.006 6 1 AD 0.02-0.04 0.03 0.029 0.006 10 1 A/1-mmsq 15-31 — 25.0 55 5 1 D/mm 7-10 8 8.3 0.9 10 af Table 18. Quantitative data on characters of Heterotrypa ridleyana (Coryell) from the lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.18-0.22 0.20 0.197 0.011 10 1 MnTD 0.13-0.17 0.16 0.156 0.012 10 1 MxTDm 0.25-0.30 0.30 0.280 0.021 10 1 MnTDm 0.21-0.25 0.23 0.236 0.013 10 1 ZWT 0.03-0.05 0.03 0.035 0.006 10 1 MxMTD 0.03-0.19 0.05 0.092 0.047 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.12 0.04 0.066 0.032 10 1 M/2-mmsq 2-6 2 3.4 1.3) 10 1 AD 0.04-0.06 0.05 0.047 0.007 10 1 A/1-mmsq 12-19 13 14.6 2.0 10 1 D/mm 8-11 10 9.8 1.0 10 1 DBM 2.0-3.0 2:5 255'5 0.27 10 1 Table 19. Quantitative data on characters of Dekayella ridleyana Coryell. Holotype slides, IU 9245-6. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.21-0.26 0.24 0.239 0.015 10 1 MnTD 0.18-0.21 0.21 0.202 0.008 10 1 ZWT 0.02-0.03 0.02 0.023 0.004 10 1 AD 0.03-0.05 0.05 0.040 0.008 10 1 A/1-mmsq 16-21 18 18.2 1.4 10 1 D/mm 10-14 12 | 1.0 10 1 Table 20. Quantitative data on characters of Dekayella ridleyana Coryell. Holotype slides, IU 9245-10. 248 BULLETIN 267 has smooth walls, a few zooecial linings in the holotype, diaphragms in the immature region, closely spaced diaphragms (some of which are cystose) in the mature zone, and common mesopores in inter- monticular areas, it is here assigned to Heterotrypa. Material.— Two thin-sectioned specimens from stratigraphic section I. Hypotypes. —USNM 167783, 167784. Measurements. — Table 18 (see also Tables 19 and 20). Heterotrypa patera Coryell, 1921 Pl. 52, figs. 3-9; Pl. 53, figs. 1-4 1921. Heterotrypa patera Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc., vol. 29, pp. 287, 288, pl. 6, figs. 5, 6. 1921. Heterotrypa stonensis Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc., vol. 29, p. 288, pl. 7; figs: 1,:2: Diagnosis. —Zoaria ramose to subpalmate; zooecia with or without pronounced bend at the base of mature zone; mature zoo- ecial tube diameters average 0.21 mm by 0.17 mm, cystiphragms at the base of the mature zone, diaphragms in the mature zone average 13 per mm; monticules of mesopores and enlarged zooecia spaced 2.5 mm apart; walls average 0.05 mm thick; mesopores rare in inter- monticular areas; acanthopores small, originate near the base of mature zone, average 14 1-mm square, located in zooecial corners. Description. — Zoaria are ramose to subpalmate, with cylin- drical to flattened branches typically about 8 mm to 12 mm in di- ameter, but varying to over 20 mm in diameter. Zooecia bend out gradually from the axial region to a generally, though not universally, pronounced angle at the base of the mature zone, beyond which they extend at a right angle to the zoarial surface. Immature zooecia are irregularly polygonal in cross-section, but mature zooecia are more regularly polygonal, typically five- or six-sided. Zooecial tubes are rounded suboval to subrounded in cross-section. On the average mature zooecial diameters are 0.27 mm by 0.22 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters are 0.21 mm by 0.17 mm. Thin, planar to slightly concave and convex diaphragms are widely spaced to sparse in the immature zone. Diaphragms in the mature zone average 13 per mm, where they may be locally thickened by superimposed laminae. Mature zone diaphragms vary from planar or slightly concave to moderately convex. Because of crowding of diaphragms, many convex di- OrbDovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 249 aphragms are cystose. In addition, there are true cystiphragms present, most of which are restricted to the base of the mature zone. Many zooecia apparently lack cystiphragms and where developed there are typically only a few per zooecium. Low monticules are present, regularly spaced from 2 mm to 3 mm apart, most typically about 2.5 mm apart measured from center to center. Mature zooecial diameters in monticules average 0.37 mm to 0.30 mm, and corresponding average zooecial tube di- ameters are 0.31 mm by 0.25 mm. Due to the large size of zooecia, monticules are prominent in tangential sections. Most monticules have one or more mesopores associated with them, but some monti- cules apparently lack mesopores. Immature zooecial walls are thin and appear linear to locally crinkled in longitudinal section. Walls thicken abruptly at the base of the mature zone. Walls in the mature zone average 0.05 mm thick and vary from integrate-appearing to amalgamate-appearing. Wall laminae are broadly curved and meet the zooecial borders at a high angle. Where the zooecial border has a granular, irregular appear- ance walls have an integrate aspect. In other places laminae meet with no conspicuous contact between adjacent zooecia, producing an amalgamate appearance. Laminae curve proximally along zoo- ecial tubes to produce a locally prominent lining. Mesopore walls are similar to zooecial walls although fre- quently less thick. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.09 mm by 0.07 mm. They are sparse, located mostly in monticules and are more rare in intermonticular areas. Including monticules there is an average of five mesopores per 2-mm square. Mesopores were not recognized in longitudinal sections, indicating that either no meso- pores were cut or diaphragm spacing in mesopores is similar to diaphragm spacing in zooecia. Acanthopores are restricted to zooecial corners and a few are offset toward zooecial axes. Acanthopores originate in the subma- ture zone near the base of the mature zone. They originate at about the level that cystiphragms are first formed. Acanthopores average 0.04 mm in diameter and 14 per 1-mm square. Discussion. — Holotypes of Heterotrypa patera Coryell, 1921 (pp. 287, 288, pl. 6, figs. 5, 6) and H. stonensis Coryell, 1921 (p. 288, pl. 7, figs. 1,2) are both from the same locality and formation, 250 BULLETIN 267 the Pierce Limestone two miles northwest of Murfreesboro, Tennes- see. Coryell’s original distinction between the two species (1921, p. 288) was based on, “The scarcity of diaphragms in the axial region, the thinner cingulum and inconspicuousness and zooecial composition of the maculae of Heterotrypa stonensis . . .” in re- lation to H. patera. Measured characteristics of the holotypes of the two species are given in Tables 22 and 23. The population sample of 207 specimens studied for this report includes variations of di- aphragm spacing in the immature region, composition of monticules and measured characters listed in Table 21 that encompass charac- ters originally used to differentiate between H. patera and H. stonensis as well as differences in measured parameters given in Tables 22 and 23. Because of variations noted in the current popu- lation study and because holotypes of H. patera and H. stonensis were collected from the same locality and probably belonged to a single population, the two species are here considered synonymous. Heterotrypa patera is the senior synonym by page priority. Since the generic characters of Heterotrypa are well developed in H. patera, the few cystiphragms at the base of the mature zone are regarded as unimportant in generic assignment. However, the basal cystiphragms may be important in relating the heterotrypids to the monticuliporoids by indication of close phylogenetic relation- ship between Heterotrypa and Homotrypa. If such a relation is real, and if the principle of ontogenetic recapitulation holds in this case, then Heterotrypa may be a descendent of Homotrypa, or they may both be descended from a common ancestor. Heterotrypa patera is one of the most common species in the lower Chickamauga Group. Material.— Two hundred seven sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sections I, II, IV, V, X, XII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. Hypotypes. —USNM 167785-167790. Measurements. — Table 21. Family AMPLEXOPORIDAE Genus AMPLEXOPORA Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, 1886 Pl. 54, figs. 1-8; Pl. 55, figs: 1-3 1886. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., 14th Ann. Rept., p. 91. 1893. 1893. 1911. 1942. 1962. 1965. 1967. 1967. 1969. OrDovICIAN Bryozoa: McKIiNNEY 251 Batostoma winchelli (Ulrich), Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, pp. 295, 296, pl. 26, figs. 33-37, pl. 27, figs. 1-6. Batostoma winchelli var. nodosa Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Fina] Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 295, pl. 26, fig. 35. Batostoma winchelli (Ulrich), Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, pp. 278, 279, text-figs. 166a-g. Batostoma winchelli (Ulrich), Loeblich, Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, pp. 432, 433, pl. 64, figs. 8-10. Batostoma winchelli (Ulrich), Perry, Illinois Geol. Sur., Cire. 326, pp. 26-28, pl. 6, figs. 4-11. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, Brown, Jour. Paleont., vol. 39, pp. 1002, 1003, pl. 118, figs. 8-10. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont., vol. 41, pp. 1374, 1375, pl. 173, figs. 1, 2, 7-9. Amplexopora winchelli spinulosum (Ulrich), Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont,. vol. 41, pp. 1374-1377, pl. 173, figs. 3-6, pl. 174, fig. 1. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich, Ross, Jour. Paleont., vol. 43, p. 265, pl. 37, figs. 2-4. Diagnosis. — Zoaria typically ramose; mature zooecial tube di- ameters average 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm; diaphragms average two per mm in immature zone and eight per mm in mature zone but tend to develop in zones of more closely spaced diaphragms in large specimens; low monticules present; walls average 0.06 mm thick; mesopores sparse, with an average of four per 2-mm square; acan- thopores about 0.04 mm in diameter, with a mean of 13 per 1l-mm square. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.24-0.34 0.27 0.272 0.021 163 17 MnZD 0.15-0.28 0.23 0.223 0.021 163 17 MxTD 0.15-0.28 0.20 0.209 0.026 217 22 MnTD 0.12-0.25 0.15 0173 0.026 217 22 MxZDm 0.31-0.50 0.35 0.372 0.041 125 17 MnZDm 0.25-0.44 0.30 0.299 0.029 125 17 MxTDm 0.22-0.44 0.30 0.312 0.041 192 22 MnTDm 0.17-0.33 0.25 0.251 0.031 184 22 ZWT 0.01-0.15 0.04 0.050 0.025 211 22 MxMTD 0.02-0.20 0.05 0.094 0.046 217 22 MnMTD 0.01-0.15 0.03 0.066 0.035 217 22 M/2-mmsq 1-26 2 4.7 4.3 153 21 f 0.02-0.11 0.04 0.040 0.010 211 22 A/1-mmsq 3-35 13 1325 5:9 200 20 D/mm 5-25 11 1:32 4.0 196 20 DBM 1.0-4.0 2:5 2.44 0.41 182 20 Table 21. Quantitative data on characters of Heterotrypa patera Coryell from the lower Chickamauga Group. 252 BuLLeTIN 267 Number of Standard Number of — Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.17-0.20 0.18 0.179 0.008 10 1 MnTD 0.13-0.17 0.15 0.152 0.011 10 1 MxTDm 0.22-0.25 — 0.233 0.012 3 1 MnTDm 0.18-0.19 0.18 0.183 0.004 3 1 ZWT 0.07-0.12 0.10 0.094 0.014 10 1 MxMTD 0.08-0.16 0.13 0.126 0.021 10 1 MnMTD 0.06-0.13 — 0.101 0.019 10 1 M/2-mmsq 3-8 — 6.0 22 3 1 AD 0.04-0.05 0.05 0.048 0.003 5 1 A/1-mmsq 8-17 14 ie) ei 10 1 D/mm 10-12 11 11.0 0.8 10 1 Table 22. Quantitative data on characters of Heterotrypa patera Coryell Holotype, IU 9242-4. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.18-0.20 0.19 0.188 0.005 10 1 MnTD 0.16-0.18 0.16 0.168 0.008 10 1 MxTDm 0.24-0.31 0.27 0.276 0.018 10 1 MnTDm 0.20-0.27 0.24 0.232 0.017 10 1 ZWT 0.04-0.07 0.06 0.052 0.010 10 1 MxMTD 0.06-0.16 0.10 0.111 0.029 10 1 0.12 MnMTD 0.04-0.15 0.10 0.091 0.032 10 i AD 0.04-0.06 0.05 0.047 0.007 10 1 A/1-mmsq 9-18 10 13.6 3.5 10 1 D/mm 7-15 1 DLE? 2.4 10 1 14 DBM 2.0-3.0 2.5 2.4 0.30 10 1 Table 23. Quantitative data on characters of Heterotrypa stonensis Coryell. Holotype, IU 9242-5. Description. — Zoaria are ramose to encrusting, most typically ramose with branches about 5 mm in diameter. Largest ramose specimen has a maximum branch diameter of 19 mm and is 26 mm long. Zooecia in the immature zone bend out gently from the axial zone to a stronger curve at the base of the mature zone, beyond which zooecia extend directly at right angles to the zoarial surface where the mature zone is thick. Zooecia are slightly less than per- pendicular where the mature zone is thin, Mature zooecia are sharply polygonal in cross-section, typically five- or six-sided. Zooecial tubes are rounded oval to subrounded polygonal in cross-section. Mature OrpDovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 253 zooecial diameters average 0.33 mm by 0.26 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm. Diaphragm spacing in the immature zone is variable, as close as one tube di- ameter apart or locally absent, but most typically they are two to four diameters apart with an average of two diaphragms per mm. Diaphragms in the immature zone are thin, planar, or slightly con- cave or convex and are oriented at right angles to the zooecial axis. Diaphragms in the mature zone average eight per mm, and although most are oriented essentially perpendicular to the zooecial axis, many are inclined, some greater than 45°. Most mature diaphragms are planar or slightly concave, but some, particularly those that are steeply inclined, are convex. Cystose diaphragms are present. Diaphragm spacing within the mature zone of some large zoaria is zoned, with zones of crowded diaphragms and zones of sparse, frequently inclined and cystose, diaphragms. Thickening of di- aphragms also occurs in bands. Most diaphragms in mature zones are thin, but some are thickened by addition of laminae continuous with wall laminae. Small groups of slightly enlarged zooecia and a few mesopores represent low monticules. Distance between monticules averages 3 mm. Mature zooecial diameters in monticules average 0.42 mm by 0.34 mm, with corresponding zooecial tube diameters of 0.36 mm by 0.29 mm. Mature zooecial walls have a mean thickness of 0.06 mm. They are composed of steeply dipping planar laminae that typically form thin linings along the zooecial tube. The linings extend into the diaphragms and are reformed below each diaphragm. In at least one specimen (USNM 167791), the zooecial lining does not extend all the way around the perimeter of zooecial tubes, but occurs as restricted spots in adjacent zooecia, forming bulbous structures su- perficially resembling acanthopores at low magnifications. Plane of contact between adjacent zooecia is seen in thin-section as a dark, locally crenulate line in longitudinal] section. Mesopores are sparse and are concentrated in monticules. In- cluding monticules, mesopores average four per 2-mm square. They are polygonal, typically three- or four-sided in cross-section with walls as thick as those in zooecia. Mesopore tubes are rounded suboval in cross-section and average 0.12 mm by 0.09 mm. Di- 254 BULLETIN 267 aphragm spacing in mesopores is unknown. They apparently orig- inate near the base of the mature zone. Acanthopores most typically occur in zooecial corners, but some are offset along zooecial borders. They have an average diameter of 0.04 mm. Acanthopores occur throughout the mature zone and average 13 per l-mm square. Discussion. — Diaphragm spacing, diaphragm thickness, and wall thickness in the mature zone are related to growth rate, which is environmentally controlled. Zonation of the three above-men- tioned characters in specimens of Amplexopora winchelli in Wills Valley indicates variation in the environmental influence which af- fects growth rate. Since there is a strong external control on these characters through variation in growth rate, then caution should be used in giving taxonomic significance to them. The respective descriptions of “Batostoma winchellr” given by Bassler (1911, pp. 278, 279) for Baltic specimens, by Wilson and Mather (1916, pp. 49, 55), and by Sardeson (1936c, pp. 104-108 ) are insufficient for recognition of the species. Fritz (1957, pp. 12, 13, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2) reported “Batostoma winchelli spinulosum Ul- rich” from the Blackriveran of Ontario, but the specimen figured by her has too many mesopores that locally almost surround en- tire zooecia to fit the concept of Amplexopora winchelli or Amplexo- pora winchelli spinulosa. Of the specimens described and figured as A. winchelli spinulosa or B. winchelli spinulosa since Ulrich’s orig- inal description and figures (1893, p. 296, pl. 27, figs. 7, 8), only the description and figures given by Perry (1962, pp. 25, 26, pl. 5, figs. 4-6) closely match Ulrich’s. Text-figure 20 is a histogram of acanthopores per 1-mm square based on averages from 59 specimens. The distribution is slightly leptokurtic normal with a kurtosis value (Ks) of +0.21 and seems to represent a single population (see Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin, 1960, pp. 146, 147). Ulrich (1893, p. 296) originally based Batostoma winchelli spinulosa on the presence of “, . . stronger and more abun- dant acanthopores” than in Amflexopora winchellt. Bork and Perry (1967, p. 1374) reported a range of zero to 15 acanthopores per l-mm square for Amplexopora winchelli and a range of 12 to 21 acanthopores per 1-mm square, with a mean of 17.5 (zbid., p. 1375), for Amplexopora winchelli spinulosa. Since the ranges of acantho- OrpboviIcIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 255 pore abundance used by Bork and Perry to distinguish A. win- chellii spinulosa from A. winchelli are encompassed by the single population from the lower Chickamauga Group, the specimens re- ported as Amplexopora winchelli spinulosa by Bork and Perry should be included in A. winchelli. Amplexopora winchelli is the most abundant trepostome species in the lower Chickamauga Group in Wills Valley. Material. — Four hundred fifty sectioned specimens from strati- graphic sections I, II, III, [V, VI, VIII, XII, XIV, XVIII. Hypotypes. —USNM 167791-167793. Measurements. — Table 24. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.21-0.45 0.32 0.333 0.038 309 32 MnZD 0.18-0.35 0.25 0.255 0.031 309 32 MxTD 0.15-0.35 0.26 0.262 0.035 690 69 MnTD 0.13-0.30 0.20 0.207 0.031 690 69 MxZDm 0.35-0.60 0.45 0.421 0.058 80 15 MnZDm 0.21-0.46 0.35 0.336 0.043 80 15 MxTDm 0.17-0.53 0.35 0.362 0.053 368 50 MnTDm 0.15-0.38 0.30 0.286 0.039 368 50 ZWT 0.02-0.18 0.05 0.056 0.024 700 70 MxMTD 0.03-0.25 OZ 0.125 0.046 560 66 0.14 MnMTD 0.03-0.18 0.09 0.086 0.033 560 66 M/2-mmsq 0-24 3 4.1 3.8 302 61 AD 0.02-0.11 0.04 0.043 0.012 587 62 A /1-mmsq 0-27 12 12.6 4.4 451 59 D/mm 5-18 9 8.5 4.4 532 64 DBM 2.0-4.0 3.0 3.00 0.48 157 31 Table 24+. Quantitative data on characters of Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich from the lower Chickamauga Group. Amplexopora aff. A. winchelli spinulosa (Ulrich, 1893) Pl. 55, figs. +8 1893. Batostoma winchelli var. spinulosum Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geo]. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 296, pl. 27, figs. 7, 8. 1911. Batostoma winchelli spinulosum Ulrich, Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, pp. 279, 280, text-figs. 168a, b. Description. — The zoarium is ramose with an abraded branch diameter of 8 mm and a fragmented length of 16 mm. Zooecia in the immature zone bend away from the branch axis, with a gentle increase in curvature to the base of the mature zone, 256 BuLLETIN 267 number of specimens s) 10 TS 20 25 mean acanthopores per 1-mm square Text-figure 20.—Histogram of mean acanthopores per 1-mm_ square in Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich based on counts made on 59 zoarial fragments from the lower Chickamauga Group of Wills Valley, Alabama. at which point the curvature locally becomes noticeably greater. New zooecia are intercalated throughout the entire immature zone. Mature zooecia are irregularly subrounded polygonal in cross-section, Mature zooecial diameters average 0.33 mm by 0.27 mm, and cor- responding zooecial tube diameters are 0.24 mm by 0.19 mm. Di- aphragms are crowded at proximal zooecial tips, where they average nine per mm, which is slightly greater than the mature diaphragm spacing. Where immature zooecia have reached their full diameter, diaphragms are spaced one or more, in most places two to four, tube diameters apart. Diaphragms in the immature zone are thin, typically planar, and oriented perpendicular to the zooecial axis, but a few are slightly domal and tilted or tilted up to 45° with respect to the zooecial axis. Diaphragms in the mature zone average six per mm. Mature zone diaphragms are slightly thickened and repre- sent an extension of a group of wall laminae. Diaphragms in the mature zone are mostly planar and normal to the zooecial axis, although a few are slightly domal or concave and some are slightly tilted. Walls thicken gradually at the base of the mature zone. Mature wall thickness averages 0.09 mm. Thin immature walls appear to be continuous with a thin, dark divisional line in the mature zone OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 257 that represents the plane of contact between wall laminae of ad- jacent zooecia. Wall laminae diverge from the zooecial borders at an approximate 30° angle, continue as a lining along the zooecial tube, and extend into thickened diaphragms. Mesopores originate in the submature zone just below the zone of increase in wall thickness and resemble proximal zooecial tips in diaphragm spacing. They do not have a strong increase in diameter like the zooecia, but are of small diameter throughout their length. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.13 mm by 0.08 mm. Most meso- pore tubes are subrounded polygonal or oval. Mesopore walls are thick and are similar to zooecial walls. Diaphragms are slightly thickened and represent an extension of groups of wall laminae in many mesopores, There is an average of 31 mesopores per 2-mm square. Acanthopores originate at the base of the mature zone where increase in wall thickness occurs. Acanthopores average 0.04 mm in diameter with a mean of 27 per l-mm square. They are frequently offset from the median plane between zooecia and occur both in corners and along zooecial walls. Acanthopores that are most highly offset strongly inflect zooecial tubes and stand out well in longi- tudinal section (see especially Pl. 55, fig. 5). Discussion. — The specimen described above resembles Am- plexopora winchelli Ulrich, 1886 (p. 91) but has much more abun- dant acanthopores, many of which are offset along zooecial borders. In nature of acanthopores, the specimen resembles A. winchelli spinulosa (Ulrich, 1893, p. 296, pl. 27, figs. 7, 8). The tangential thin-section of the Chickamauga specimen is too thick and too poorly oriented for accurate comparison with the figured type speci- men of A. winchelli spinulosa. Material.— One thin-sectioned specimen from. stratigraphic section IT, Hypotype. —USNM 167794. Measurements. — Table 25. 258 BuLLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.31-0.35 0.33 0.330 0.011 10 1 MnZD 0.25-0.30 0.25 0.267 0.015 10 1 MxTD 0.21-0.26 0.25 0.240 0.015 10 1 MnTD 0.16-0.23 0.19 0.192 0.019 10 1 ZWT 0.05-0.13 — 0.090 0.022 10 1 MxMTD 0.10-0.20 0.10 0.130 0.030 10 1 MnMTD 0.07-0.13 0.08 0.084 0.018 10 il M/2-mmsq 13-43 — 30.6 9.6 7 1 AD 0.03-0.06 0.04 0.041 0.008 10 1 A/1-mmsq 25-30 28 27.4 1.7 5 1 D/mm 4-7 5 525 0.8 10 1 D/mmM 8-11 9 9.2 9.9 10 1 Table 25. Quantitative data on characters of Amplexopora aff. A. winchelli spinulosa (Ulrich) from the lower Chickamauga Group. Amplexopora sp. Pl. 56, figs. 1-4 Description. — Zoaria are encrusting to ramose, with branch diameters 2 mm to 6 mm. Zooecia extend with little curvature through the immature zone and bend outward more strongly in the mature zone to meet the zoarial surface at an oblique to right angle. Mature zooecia are polygonal, five- or six-sided or rounded with average diameters of 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm. Mature zooecial tubes are oval, with mean diameters of 0.19 mm by 0.16 mm. Diaphragms in the immature zone are spaced approximately two or more diameters apart. Based on 0.5 mm segments, counts of 11 and 13 diaphragms per mm in the mature zone were made. Diaphragms in the mature zone are frequently composed of a basal dark lamina overlain by several light-colored laminae that extend in from the wall. The basal dark portion apparently represents the basic part of the diaphragm as it is similar in appearance to unthickened diaphragms. Two local groups of enlarged zooecia may represent monticules. The enlarged zooecia average 0.26 mm by 0.21 mm in diameter. Immature walls are thin. Mature walls are thick, composed of laminae that dip away from zooecial boundaries at a 30° to 45° angle and gradually become less inclined along the interior of the zooecial tube. As noted above, many wall laminae are continu- ous with laminae of thickened diaphragms. Boundaries between adjacent zooecia appear as distinct, dark lines in both longitudinal and tangential sections. OrpboviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 259 Mesopores originate at the base of the mature zone, are abun- dant, but the tangential section is too small to obtain a count per 2-mm square. Mesopores are polygonal with concave sides, and mesopore tubes are suboval in cross-section. Mesopore walls are Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.21-0.30 — 0.252 0.030 10 1 MnZD 0.18-0.21 0.20 0.199 0.007 10 1 MxTD 0.16-0.22 0.19 0.189 0.019 10 1 MnTD 0.13-0.19 0.17 0.158 0.016 10 1 MxZDm 0.27-0.34 os 0.311 0.024 5 1 MnZDm 0.22-0.26 0.26 0.245 0.014 5 1 MxTDm 0.24-0.29 0.27 0.265 0.016 5 1 MnTDm 0.20-0.23 0.21 0213 0.010 5 1 ZWT 0.03-0.05 0.04 0.040 0.009 10 1 D/mm 11-13 —_— 12.0 1.0 Z 1 Table 26. Quantitative data on characters of Amfplexopora sp. from the lower Chickamauga Group. similar to zooecial walls. Mesopore tube diameters are about one- third zooecial tube diameters. Diaphragm spacing in mesopores is unknown. Small acanthopores, 0.02 mm in diameter, are present in some zooecial corners. Acanthopores originate at the base of the mature zone. Because of the small size of the tangential sections and the small size of the few specimens collected, acanthopore abundance could not be determined. Material. — Three thin-sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sections II and XIV. Hypotype.— USNM. 167795. Measurements. — Table 26. Family TREMATOPORIDAE Genus ERIDOTRYPA Discussion. — Ross (1967b, p. 635) placed the genus FEridotrypa in the Aisenvergiidae Dunaeva, 1964, on the basis of restriction of the zooecial tubes in the submature region. Eridotrypa is here re- tained in the Trematoporidae which is the current practice followed by Russian ectoproctologists (e.g. Astrova, 1965). Relative to Aisen- vergia, Volnovachia, and Polycylindricus, the genera comprising the original concept of Aisenvergiidae (Dunaeva, 1964b, p. 39), the 260 BULLETIN 267 characteristic submature constriction of zooecia in Eridotrypa is slight. Ross (1967b, p. 635) believed that increased restriction of zooecia is an evolutionary trend of the Aisenvergiidae from Ordo- vician to Carboniferous. I prefer to believe restriction of zooecia in Eridotrypa (as well as in Homotrypa similis and H. vacua) 1s convergent with the much more severe restriction characteristic of the Aisenvergiidae. Eridotrypa minor Ulrich, 1893 Pl. 56, figs. 5-8 1893. Eridotrypa mutabilis var. minor Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 266, pl. 26, figs. 20, 21, 29, 30. 1911. Eridotrypa aedilis minor Ulrich, Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, p. 245, text-figs. 139a-f. 1965. Eridotrypa aedilis minor Ulrich, Brown, Jour. Paleont., vol. 39, pp. 998, 999, pl. 117, figs. 1, 2. Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, with thin branches; mature zone thin, with zooecia at a low angle to the zoarial surface; diaphragms average seven per mm in mature and submature zones but are absent throughout most of immature zone; zooecial tube diameters in mature zone average 0.18 mm by 0.11 mm. Description. —Zoaria are ramose, with most branches about 2 mm in diameter, but some up to 4 mm in diameter. Zooecia have long immature portions that essentially parallel the branch axis in the proximal portions, after which they diverge only slightly. The mature zone is thin and is marked by slight out- ward curvature of zooecia and thickened zooecial walls. Diaphragms are absent in the immature zone except in the portion immediately adjacent to the mature zone. Diaphragms occur in the mature and submature zones and average seven per mm. Most diaphragms are thin, but some are laminar and thickened. Scattered thickened cysti- phragm-like diaphragms and cystiphragms are present. In the ma- ture zone, zooecia are circular or oval to irregularly polygonal in cross-section; rounded zooecia determine the presence of mesopores in zooecial corners. Zooecial diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.18 mm in the mature zone, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.18 mm by 0.11 mm. Mesopores are common, but tangential sections are insufficient for a count. Mesopores are short, sharply polygonal in cross-section, mostly four-sided, and they originate at or just above the base of OrbovicIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 261 the mature zone. As seen in cross-section, some mesopores have planar sides but most have slightly to strongly concave sides due to their association with rounded zooecia. Mesopore tubes are mostly circular or oval. A few mesopores are partially filled by wall de- posits. Mesopores average 0.12 mm by 0.08 mm in diameter, and 0.06 mm by 0.04 mm in tube diameter. Closely spaced diaphragms are present in the mesopores and may or may not be thickened. Walls are thin and apparently granular in the immature region and thicken gradually at the base of the mature region. Both mesopore and zooecial walls are thickened in the mature region, averaging 0.09 mm thick. In the mature zones, wall laminae lining zooecial tubes are essentially parallel to the zooecial axis, but they gradually turn toward the zooecial boundary, becoming more and more inclined until they meet the zooecial boundary at close to a 90° angle. Laminae therefore appear narrowly U-shaped in longi- tudinal section, especially in the thickest, most distal part of the wall. Zooecial boundaries appear granular and have a finely zigzag pattern in longitudinal section. Small acanthopores, 0.01 mm to 0.02 mm in diameter, are present in zooecial corners in some specimens. They range from absent to common. Discussion. — Specimens of Eridotrypa minor from the lower Chickamauga Group were compared with Ulrich’s holotype (USNM 43537), and no essential differences were discovered. Zooecia in the holotype average slightly greater in minimum diameter and zooecial tubes are slightly less in minimum diameter. Therefore, zoo- ecial walls are thicker in the holotype than in the specimens here described. Eridotrypa minor differs from Eridotrypa mutabilis Ulrich, 1893 (pp. 265, 266, pl. 26, figs. 22-28, 31, 32) in the lack of di- aphragms in the immature region and has smaller zooecia. Bassler (1911, p. 245) transferred Eridotrypa mutabilis minor to E. aedilis minor when he placed Ulrich’s species &. mutabilis in synonymy with E. aedilis (Eichwald, 1855). However, as indicated by Ross (1967b, p. 638) Bassler did not figure or describe the Baltic material that he assigned to F£. aedilis, and its taxonomic position is not clear. Also, the early descriptions and figures of E. aedilis are not suffi- cient to distinguish it from several other described species of 262 BULLETIN 267 Eridotrypa. Therefore, until type specimens of E. aedilis are re- studied or until topotypes are made available, F. aedilis must not be considered synonymous with EF. mutabilis. Kopaevich (1968, p. 21), in his study of the genus Eridotrypa, retained E. aedilis as the senior synonym of £. mutabilts, although he gave no indication of restudy of type specimens or examination of topotypes. Specimens assigned to Eridotrypa aedilis minor by Wilson and Mather (1916, p. 55) are not portrayed in sufficient detail to allow exact determination of the species. Eridotrypa minor is here treated as a species rather than as a subspecies of F. mutabilis because the two may be readily distin- guished by presence or absence of diaphragms in the axial region. Taxonomic value of diaphragms in the axial region in this case cannot be precisely determined. Since F. minor and FE. mutabilis are not always found together, and there is a distinctive morphologic difference the two are regarded here as autonomous species. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.18-0.43 0.24 0.261 0.073 36 a 0.30 MnZD 0.14-0.25 0.18 0.184 0.037 36 4 MxTD 0.10-0.26 0.15 0.181 0.047 36 4 MnTD 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.114 0.041 36 4 ZWT 0.03-0.16 0.07 0.091 0.039 40 4 MxMTD 0.02-0.10 — 0.060 0.029 6 1 MnMTD 0.02-0.05 0.03 0.035 0.010 6 1 D/mm1 2-10 8 6.9 2.4 29 3 1Most based on 0.5 mm measurements. Table 27. Quantitative data on characters of Eridotrypa minor Ulrich from the lower Chickamauga Group. Material. — Six sectioned zoarial fragments from stratigraphic sections IJ, III, VI, VIII, XVI. Hypotype. —USNM 167796. Measurements. — Table 27. Eridotrypa abrupta Loeblich, 1942 Pl. 57, figs..1-6 1942. Eridotrypa abrupta Loeblich, Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, pp. 429, 430, pl. 63, figs. 20, 21. Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, branches about 2.5 mm diameter; OrbovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 263 zooecia near zoarial axis diverge gradually, each making a sharp angle at the base of the mature zone so that mature zooecia are perpendicular to the zoarial surface; average tube diameters aver- age 0.18 mm by 0.15 mm; zooecia subcircular to oval in cross-sec- tion. Description. —Zoaria are ramose with thin branches about 2.5 mm in diameter. Zooecia are long, some originate near the zooarial axis, and others are intercalated nearer the branch periphery. Zooecia near the zoarial axis are large and diverge gently, becoming slightly more divergent and smaller nearer to the mature zone. They make a sharp angular bend at the base of the mature zone so that mature por- tions are normal or almost normal to the zoarial surface. Mature zones are narrow, about 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm thick in most speci- mens. Mature zooecia are oval to subcircular in cross-section. In the mature zone, zooecial diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm, with corresponding zooecial tube diameters of 0.18 mm by 0.15 mm. Distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages 0.05 mm. Thin diaphragms, planar or slightly concave to slightly convex, are common to sparse in the immature zone. They are more closely spaced in the mature zone and in the submature zone, averaging six per mm. In the mature zone, some diaphragms are thickened and cystiphragms are infrequent in the mature zone. Mesopores are abundant, but the areas of the tangential sec- tions are insufficient to count the mesopores in a 2-mm square. One mesopore occurs in almost every corner caused by the junction of three or more zooecia in the mature zone. As a consequence, most mesopores are three- or four-sided, although some are five- or six- sided. Due to smooth oval to subcircular zooecial cross-sections, meso- pore sides are concave. Mesopores originate at the base of the ma- ture zone. They contain closely spaced diaphragms, and some meso- pores are closed by calcareous deposits. Many mesopore diaphragms are thickened and laminar. Most mesopore tubes are transversely angular, though a few tubes have rounded cross-sections. Meso- pore diameters average 0.10 mm by 0.07 mm. Mesopore tube di- ameters were not measured because their boundaries are not sharp in tangential sections due to the presence of closely spaced di- aphragms and calcareous deposits. 264 BULLETIN 267 Zooecial walls are about 0.04 mm to 0.05 mm thick in the mature zone, where they are composed of laminae that are gently inclined upward toward the zooecial boundary. Laminae from ad- jacent zooecia form walls that appear V-shaped in longitudinal sections and concentrically laminated in zoarial tangential sections. The line of contact between: adjacent zooecial walls is slightly crenulated in longitudinal section and appears granular. Mesopore walls are similar to zooecial walls but are typically thinner. Discussion. — Lower Chickamauga Group specimens of Frido- trypa abrupta are similar to Loeblich’s holotype (USNM 114580). Observed differences are that mature zooecia in the holotype are not as evenly oval or subcircular is cross-section as are zooecia in lower Chickamauga specimens, possibly resulting from the tangen- tial section of the holotype passing near the base of the mature zone. In the holotype there are larger average zooecial diameters, larger average zooecial tube diameters and greater average wall thickness (Table 29). The greater average size of these features is interpreted as individual differences of a specimen, the holotype, that belongs to the same species as the suite from the lower Chicka- mauga Group. The differences could be caused by different environ- mental conditions or within-species genetic differences. A third alternative, which I consider less likely, is that specimens from the lower Chickamauga Group belong to a species other than £., abrupta. The diagnostic character that relates the Chickamauga specimens of EF. abrupta with the holotype is the distinct, abrupt bend at the base of the mature zone that causes the mature zooecia to be perpendicular to the zoarial surface. Such an abrupt bend 1s found in no other known species of Eridotrypa; all others are charac- terized by oblique mature zooecia. Material. — Five sectioned zoarial fragments from stratigraphic sections I, III, VIII, XVI. Hypotypes. —USNM 167797, 167798. Measurements. — Table 28 (see also Table 29). Eridotrypa arcuata McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 57, figs. 7, 8; Pl. 58, figs. 1-5 Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, branches 2 mm to 3 mm diameter; zooecia curve smoothly from immature zone into mature zone, with sparse diaphragms in immature zone and about two to three di- OrpovicIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 265 aphragms per 0.5 mm in mature and submature zones; mature zoo- ecial tube diameters average 0.21 mm by 0.13 mm; mature zone thin; mesopores few. Descriptions. — Zoaria are ramose, with branches ranging from 2 mm to 3 mm in diameter. Zooecia originate at a slight angle to the branch axis, then bend smoothly out into the mature zone, rarely with a strong in- crease in curvature at the base of the mature zone. Walls in imma- ture parts of the zooecia vary from smooth, to broadly crinkled, to irregularly crinkled. Zooecia meet the zoarial surface at an angle from about 30° to 60°, but in most places the angle is about 45°. The mature walls begin to thicken gradually at the base of the ma- ture zone, which in conjunction with the even curvature of zooecia, makes the border between the immature and the thin mature zone gradational. Mature zooecial cross-sections are five- and six-sided, subrounded to angular. Mature zooecial diameters average 0.31 mm by 0.21 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.21 mm by 0.13 mm. Diaphragms are rare in the immature zone, but most zooecia have up to four diaphragms in the mature and submature zones, two to three contained within a 0.5 mm distance. Infrequent cystiphragms are also present. One specimen has ana- stomozing branches. On the inside of the rejoined branches, zooecia are sharply reflected, the mature zone is locally thickened, and sev- eral zooecia contain up to 12 thin to slightly thickened planar di- aphraems:( Pl.57,; fig: 7): Mature walls average 0.08 mm in thickness and are composed of extended laminae that curve gently outward at a low angle toward the zooecial border. The walls appear vaguely concentric in tangential sections and have a slightly bowed, outwardly pointing V-shape in longitudinal sections. Zooecial borders are irregular in the mature zone, appearing granular in both longitudinal and tan- gential sections. At least part of the granular appearance is due to tiny, short tubules along the zooecial borders (PI. 58, fig. 3). Mesopores are scarce, mostly four-sided in cross-section, small and filled by wall deposits. They originate at the base of the mature zone and have closely spaced diaphragms. Discussion. —Eridotrypa arcuata may be distinguished from E. crownensis Ross, 1967c (pp. 638, 639, pl. 69, figs. 8, 10; pl. 70, 266 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.20-0.29 0.25 0.251 0.018 40 3 MnZD 0.15-0.24 0.20 0.204 0.023 40 3 MxTD 0.14-0.24 0.16 0.182 0.029 40 3 MnTD 0.10-0.21 0.14 0.146 0.022 40 3 ZWT 0.02-0.13 0.02 0.054 0.028 30 3 0.04 MxMD 0.07-0.14 0.08 0.098 0.021 14 zZ 0.10 MnMD 0.05-0.10 0.07 0.071 0.014 14 2 D/mm}1 3-10 4 5.8 1.9 23 3 1Based on 0.5 mm measurements. Table 28. Quantitative data on characters of Eridotrypa abrupta Loeblich from the lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.26-0.35 0.29 0.306 0.027 10 1 MnZD 0.20-0.28 0.25 0.246 0.020 10 1 MxTD 0.20-0.26 0.20 0.222 0.021 10 1 MnTD 0.12-0.20 — 0.168 0.022 10 i ZWT 0.07-0.08 0.07 0.074 0.004 5 1 MxMTD 0.06-0.25 0.17 0.150 0.052 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.14 0.08 0.078 0.032 10 1 M/2-mmsq if 7 ih — 2 1 D/mm 3-5 5 4.5 0.7 10 1 Table 29. Quantitative data on characters of Eridotrypa abrupta Loeblich. Holotype, USNM 114580. figs. 1-10) by the more gentle curvature of zooecia from the im- mature to the mature zone, less oblique approach of zooecia to the mature zone, less distinct boundary between immature and mature zones, more widely spaced diaphragms in the mature zone and fewer cystiphragms, The trivial name, arcuata, refers to the arcuate nature of zoo- ecia where they pass from the immature zone to the mature zone. Material. — Ten thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections III and XV. Holotype. —USNM 167799. Paratypes. —USNM 167800-167802, GSATC 205, UNC 4161. Measurements. — Table 30. Orpovictan Bryozoa: McKINNEY 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.24-0.40 0.30 0.310 0.035 63 7 MnZD 0.13-0.29 0.21 0.214 0.034 63 7 MxTD 0.12-0.30 0.20 0.206 0.043 63 7 MnTD 0.06-0.21 0.15 0.128 0.036 63 a ZWT 0.03-0.13 0.08 0.077 0.023 67 ff Table 30. Quantitative data on characters of Eridotrypa arcuata, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. Eridotrypa libana (Safford, 1869) Pl. 58, figs. 6-9 1869. Stenopora Libana Safford, Geol. Tennessee, p. 285. 1921. Batostoma libana (Safford), Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29. p. 293, pl. 8, figs. 5-7. Diagnosis. — Zoarium ramose, branches about 8 mm thick; zooecia with about four diaphragms per mm in mature zone, mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.48 mm by 0.35 mm; mature wall thickness averages 0.07 mm. Description. — The zoarium is ramose. The eroded branch di- ameter is 7.7 mm. Zooecia diverge from the branch axis at about 10° to 15° and extend linearly to the base of the mature zone, where there is a distinct bend where the mature zooecia extend at about a 60° angle through the short mature zone to the zoarial surface. In the immature zone some zooecia are locally constricted in the longi- tudinal section, which may be due to slight zooecial meandering which causes the zooecia to pass in and out of the section. All zoo- ecia are constricted in the submature portion or at the base of the mature zone. The latter type of constriction is inherent and of taxonomic significance. Zooecia originate throughout the immature zone, some at the periphery of the immature zone. Mature zoo- ecial diameters average 0.57 mm by 0.44 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.48 mm by 0.35 mm. Zooecial cross- sections in the mature zone are polygonal, in most cases five- or six-sided. Diaphragms are scarce in the immature zone and average four per mm in the submature and mature zones. Diaphragms are slightly thickened. A few are indistinctly laminate, but the majority appear granular. Diaphragms are variously planar, slightly concave or slightly convex. 268 BuLLETIN 267 Mature walls average 0.07 mm thick and are indistinctly, lam- inate. As seen in longitudinal section the laminae are steep, forming a slight angle with the zooecial border. Laminae are concentric in tangential sections. Zooecial borders are obscure in longitudinal section but vary from well-defined, thin, dark lines to broad, clear zones in tangential section. Immature walls are thin, mostly straight, but locally flexuous. Mesopores and acanthopores are absent. Discussion. — Safford (1869, p. 285) described “Stenopora Lib- ana” from the Glade Limestone (now the Lebanon Limestone, part of the Stones River Group) of central Tennessee as “Like fibrosa but with cell-tubes much larger.” Coryell (1921, p. 293) designated a “holotype” of Batostoma libana (Safford) and gave adequate de- scription and figures. However, the specimen designated by Coryell cannot be a holotype because it was not designated at the time the species was described; nor is there evidence that Coryell’s specimen came from the specimens or from the same locality as the speci- mens on which Safford based his initial description. Therefore, Coryell’s specimen ought to be considered a neotype. The only specimen of Eridotrypa lbana (Safford) collected for this study from the lower Chickamauga Group was compared with Coryell’s neotype specimen. Coryell’s description is accurate except that he interpreted dark, acanthopore-like areas where zoo- ecia meet in the zooecial corners as true acanthopores. The acantho- pore-like areas lack the cone-in-cone structure typical of acantho- Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.52-0.64 0.52 0.572 0.039 10 1 0.55 MnZD 0.40-0.48 —- 0.436 0.025 10 1 MxTD 0.40-0.51 0.51 0.477 0.036 10 1 MnTD 0.31-0.43 0.35 0.351 0.036 10 1 ZWT 0.04-0.09 0.08 0.074 0.013 10 1 D/mm 3-6 4 4.1 0.8 10 1 Table 31. Quantitative data on characters of Eridotrypa libana (Safford) from the lower Chickamauga Group. OrpbovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 269 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.40-0.48 0.45 0.443 0.025 10 1 MnTD 0.32-0.40 — 0.362 0.027 10 1 ZWT 0.04-0.08 0.05 0.054 0.013 10 1 MxMTD 0.05-0.21 0.11 0.122 0.047 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.15 0.09 0.074 0.032 10 1 0.07 M/2-mmsq 4-5 —— 4.5 0.5 2 1 D/mm 3-4 4 Ses 0.5 10 1 Table 32. Quantitative data on characters of Batostoma libana (Safford). Coryell’s neotype, USNM 44693. pores, but are clear structures that are irregular in cross-section. There is an apparent misprint (Coryell, 1921, p. 293) in which “7 to 8 maculae are present in one sq. mm, . . .” should probably read “... 7 to 8 maculae are present in one sq. cm... .” Coryell did not mention constriction of zooecia at the base of the mature zone. Be- cause he failed to take into account zooecial constrictions and in- terpreted the dark areas as acanthopores, Coryell considered that the species fitted the concept of Batostoma as the genus was then known. The species is here transferred to Eridotrypa because of zooccial constrictions at the base of the mature zone and abundance of diaphragms in the mature area. Measurements made on Coryell’s type (USNM 44693) are given in Table 32. Material.— One thin-sectioned specimen from. stratigraphic section IT. Hypotype. — USNM 167803. Measurements. — Table 31 (see also Table 32). Genus BATOSTOMA Batostoma varium Ulrich, 1893 Pl. 59, figs. 1-8; Pl. 60, figs. 1-4 1893. Batostoma varium Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, pp. 292, 293, pl. 25, figs. 16-25. 1967. Batostoma varium Ulrich, Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont., vol. 41, pp. 1388-1390, pl. 177, figs. 6-9. Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose; zooecia without diaphragms in im- mature zone, diaphragms present in mature and submature zones, zooecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.18 mm; mesopores abundant, most with calcareous deposits; acanthopores small to typically large, averaging 12 per l-mm square. 270 BULLETIN 267 Description. — Zoaria are ramose, with most branch diameters about 5 mm to 6 mm. Branch division is irregular and a few branches anastomose. Some overgrowths are present. The zooecia bend out gradually from the axial region to an abrupt bend at the base of the mature zone, beyond which they extend almost at a right angle to the zoarial surface. Zooecial cross- sections are polygonal in the immature zone and are rounded oval in the mature zone. Mature zooecial diameters, including the ring- like wall, average 0.31 mm by 0.24 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.18 mm. The distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages 0.10 mm. Diaphragms are absent to rare in the immature region except for the peripheral submature zone, where thin diaphragms are present. Diaphragms are abundant in the mature zone, averaging six per mm. Most diaphragms in the zooecia are thin and planar to slightly concave or convex. A few are thickened by laminar deposits extending out from the walls. Zooecial walls begin to thicken abruptly at the base of the ma- ture zone, producing a ringlike or girdle-like band around mature zooecia. The mature walls average 0.07 mm thick. Mature walls are laminated. Laminae appear as fine concentric rings in tangential sections and are inclined from about 20° to 45° to the zooecial border in longitudinal sections. The line of contact between adjacent zooecia in longitudinal sections is thin, dark, and smooth to finely crenulate or granular-appearing. Polygonal mesopores with concave walls originate at the base of the mature zone and expand rapidly to average tube diameters of 0.17 mm by 0.09 mm. They occupy spaces between zooecia and arise from an abrupt bend of zooecia at the base of the mature zone. Mesopores have thin walls in contrast with thickened zooecial walls. Mesopore diaphragms are moderately thickened and are abundant. Only two measurements of diaphragm spacing, yielding 14 and 15 diaphragms per mm, were possible in the mesopores. Most mesopores are partially to entirely filled by vaguely laminated calcareous deposits, and the number per 2-mm square was not counted because calcareous filling causes borders between adjacent mesopores to be obscured. Acanthopores also originate at the base of the mature zone and may be located anywhere around the periphery of the girdle-like Orpovictan Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 271 zooecial walls. The size of acanthopores varies from specimen to specimen, but the average diameter is 0.06 mm. The maximum ob- served acanthopore diameter is 0.14 mm. Most acanthopores extend in the same direction as adjacent mature zooecia, but some are directed at a slight angle to the zooecia. Acanthopores have inverted, cone-shaped laminae surrounding a large clear axial area. The aver- age acanthopore density is 12 per 1-mm square. Discussion. — The syntypes of Batostoma varium Ulrich (USNM 43510) contain more variation than included in the speci- mens from the lower Chickamauga Group. With the possible ex- ception of one of the specimens illustrated by Ulrich (1893, pl. 25, fig. 22), the syntypes form a cohesive group. The specimen illus- trated by Ulrich (1893, pl. 25, fig. 23) is here designated the lecto- type. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.25-0.38 0.30 0.307 0.035 70 8 MnZD 0.19-0.31 0.23 0.233 0.019 70 8 MxTD 0.15-0.36 0.25 0.238 0.038 136 13 MnTD 0.10-0.28 0.17 0.179 0.034 136 13 ZWT 0.02-0.21 0.10 0.104 0.041 130 13 MxMTD 0.04-0.40 0.15 0.168 0.073 68 7 MnMTD 0.02-0.27 0.10 0.093 0.044 68 q AD 0.01-0.14 0.03 0.064 0.030 1 12 A/1-mmsa 3-24 14 I) 4.3 54 12 D/mm 3-8 5 5.6 eS) 10 Z Table 33. Quantitative data on characters of Batostoma varium Ulrich from the lower Chickamauga Group. Calcareous deposits that partially or completely fill most meso- pores are probably extreme examples of thickened diaphragms. Where calcareous deposits occur, vague laminae extend across the mesopores and turn outward slightly toward the zoarial surface just before reaching the mesopore border. Possibly the vague horizontal laminae in the filled mesopores are analogous with diaphragms and upturned edges represent mesopore walls. Material. — Eighteen thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from stratigraphic sections I, III, VI, X, XV, XVI. Hypotypes. —USNM 167804-167808, 167799. Measurements. — Table 33. 272 BULLETIN 267 Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry, 1967 Pl. 60, figs. 5-8; Pl. 161); fisssa2 1967. Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont., vol. 41, pp. 1386-1388, pl. 177, figs. 1-5. Diagnosis. — Zoaria encrusting to ramose; zooecial tubes with diaphragms throughout, average diameter 0.18 mm by 0.14 mm; a ringlike band is present around zooecia where walls are thickened; mesopores average 80 per 2-mm square, similar to zooecia in longi- tudinal sections; acanthopores average 29 per 1-mm square, highly variable in length. Description. — The zoaria are ramose to encrusting, with branch diameters about 3 mm, and encrusting portions up to 4 mm thick. The zooecia are small, with average diameters of 0.21 mm by 0.18 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.18 mm by 0.14 mm. The distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages 0.08 mm. Zooecial cross-sections are subrounded polygonal in the proximal portions and change to rounded oval or subcircular in the distal portions. Ramose forms have well-defined immature and mature zones with a gentle increase in curvature at the base of the mature zone. In encrusting portions, however, zooecia ex- tend vertically to the surface through most of their length. In- creases in wall thickness are confined to a narrow zone along the zoarial surface and below positions of former zoarial surfaces. Zoo- ecial diaphragms are abundant in the entire tube in encrusting specimens, but are more abundant within the mature periphery in ramose specimens. Diaphragms average 10 per mm in mature zooecia. Diaphragms in both zooecia and mesopores vary from thin to slightly thickened and laminar. The walls are thin throughout most of the zooecial length. Where thickened, they form a girdle-like band around each zoo- ecium. The bands average about 0.03 mm in thickness. They appear concentrically laminated in tangential sections, and in longitudinal sections they have laminae that vary from steeply and uniformly inclined, making an angle of about 15° with the zooecial border, to laminae that are less steeply inclined and that curve toward the zooecial boundary. The zooecial boundary is a thin, granular-ap- pearing line in thin-section. Mesopores are abundant; they average 80 per 2-mm square. OrDovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 215 In tangential sections, mesopores are irregularly polygonal with concave sides due to the curvature of zooecia. Mesopore walls vary from thin to a thickness and appearance similar to zooecial walls. Diameters of mesopore tubes average 0.16 mm by 0.10 mm. Due to similarity in size, diaphragm spacing, wall structure, and wall thick- ness, and because the mesopores originate near the base of en- crusting portions and within the axial zone of ramose forms, they are difficult to differentiate from zooecia in longitudinal sections. Acanthopores are also abundant and average 29 per 1l-mm square. They are located along the outer periphery of the girdle-like bands surrounding the zooecia. Acanthopores average 0.04 mm in diameter and frequently cause small inflections into zooecial tubes and greater inflections into adjacent mesopore tubes. They are lo- cated from the base to the surface of encrusting portions of the zoaria and are variable in length. Some acanthopores extend through the entire thickness of the crust but others are less than a tenth of a mm long and may be located anywhere within the encrusting zoarium except along the basal lamina where zooecia are inclined. They are restricted to the mature and submature portions of ramose zoatria. Discussion. — Specimens here included in Batostoma increbes- cens have been compared with Bork’s and Perry’s holotype and para- type (IGS 12P700 and 12P701). The greatest difference noted is that the Chickamauga Group specimens have an average of 29 acanthopores per l-mm square. The range of acanthopores per 1-mm square in the Chickamauga specimens overlaps that of the types. This difference in acanthopore abundance is the only major dis- crepancy between the two sets of specimens, which is not consid- ered to be sufficiently great to warrant the distinction of a new species. The number of mesopores per 2-mm square also differs between type specimens of Batostoma increbescens and the lower Chicka- mauga Group specimens, but the mean number in the type speci- mens (59 per 2-mm square) is included within the range (59 to 90) of mesopores per 2-mm square in the Chickamauga specimens. Meso- pore size and abundance is highly variable, and the variation ob- served here is not considered taxonomically important. Also, the slight difference in average number of diaphragms per mm in the 274 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.19-0.25 0.20 0.208 0.018 10 1 MnZD 0.15-0.21 0.18 0.180 0.020 10 1 MxTD 0.14-0.25 0.15 0.180 0.027 30 3 0.20 MnTD 0.12-0.17 0.14 0.139 0.013 30 K) ZWT 0.03-0.12 0.08 0.075 0.026 30 3 MxMTD 0.05-0.26 — 0.160 0.055 30 3 MnMTD 0.04-0.19 0.10 0.096 0.038 30 3 M/2-mmsq 59-90 87 80.4 12.2 a Z AD 0.02-0.07 0.03 0.037 0.011 30 3 A/1-mmsq 17-36 30 28.8 6.1 20 4 D/mm 9-11 9 9.8 0.9 11 2 D/mmI 4-7 6 Dye} 1.0 10 1 Table 34. Quantitative data on characters of Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry from the lower Chickamauga Group. mature zone (14 per mm in the type specimens and 10 per mm in the Chickamauga specimens) may be attributed to different growth rates. All other characters compared — maximum and minimum zoo- ecial diameter, maximum and minimum zooecial tube diameter, distance between adjacent zooecial tubes, zooecial wall thickness, acanthopore diameters, inflected acanthopores and their placement, and maximum and minimum mesopore tube diameter — are essen- tially identical. Material. — Four thin-sectioned specimens from stratigraphic section V, VI, and XII. Hypotypes. —USNM 167809, 167810. Measurements. — Table 34. Batostoma sp. Pl. 61, figs. 3-6 Description. — The zoaria are encrusting to ramose and meas- ure 4 mm in maximum thickness. Most zooecia in encrusting specimens extend to the zoarial surface at a 60° angle. In a few places in the encrusting specimens, such as the thickest part of the zoarium, and in ramose forms, zoo- ecia meet the zoarial surface at about 90°. Zooecial cross-sections vary from polygonal and angular to, in most cases, smoothly oval or subcircular. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.18 mm by 0.16 mm. Adjacent zooecial tubes are separated by an average distance OrDoVICIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 215 of 0.06 mm. Sparse, thin planar to concave and tilted diaphragms occur in some zooecial tubes but are completely lacking in others. There is an average of two diaphragms per mm in the zooecia. The zooecial walls are thin but are locally thickened slightly (less than 0.02 mm) into a narrow, ringlike band surrounding zoo- ecia. Mesopores are abundant; about two or three times more meso- pores than zooecia occur in a given area. No counts of mesopore abundance were made due to the small size of the only tangential section. Mesopores are thin-walled, tube diameters average 0.09 mm by 0.05 mm. In cross-section they are polygonal, three- to six- sided, and have concave walls where adjacent to the zooecia. Meso- pore diaphragms are abundant, with an average of seven per mm, thin, and in most cases planar. Mesopores typically swell between diaphragms, to produce a beaded appearance in vertical sections. Acanthopores are also abundant, but thickness and insufficient size of the tangential section prevented counts. Acanthopores are about 0.02 mm in diameter. They occur along zooecial borders but are large enough to cause some of the adjacent zooecial tubes to be inflected. Discussion. — Sections of the specimens described above do not give sufficient information to warrant erection of a new species, although the specimens do not appear to match any previously de- scribed Batostoma species. The specimens here assigned to Batostoma sp. have many char- acters, especially the encrusting nature and thin walls, originally though to be diagnostic of Stromatotrypa. As shown by Boardman (1960b, pp. 6, 7), Stromatotrypa is actually the encrusting, thin- walled form of Batostoma. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.15-0.20 0.18 0.183 0.016 10 1 MnTD 0.15-0.17 0.15 0.159 0.10 10 1 DBZT 0.02-0.08 0.02 0.056 0.026 10 1 MxMTD 0.03-0.15 0.07 0.088 0.034 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.08 0.05 0.051 0.015 10 1 D/mm 0-4 3 233 des 10 1 D/mmM 6-10 7 hee? 0.5 10 aL Table 35. Quantitative data on characters of Batostoma sp. from the lower Chickamauga Group. 276 BULLETIN 267 Locally, as shown in figure 3 of Plate 62, rapid growth caused diaphragms to be widely spaced in the mesopores. Where this rapid growth occurs, mesopores appear to grade upward into zooecia and apparent zooecia grade upward into mesopores. Therefore, some apparent mesopores in the area of rapid growth may be zooecia, or mesopores may be occupied by polymorphic individuals that possess the ability to build typical zooecia under certain environ- mental conditions. Material. — Three thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections II, XV, XVI. Hypotype. —USNM 167811. Measurements. — Table 35. Genus HEMIPHRAGMA Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich, 1886) Pl. 61, figs. 7, 8; Pl. 62, figs. 1-6 1886. Batostoma irrasa Ulrich, Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Ann. Rept. 14, pp. 94, 95. 1893. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich), Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, pp. 299, 300, pl. 24, figs. 5-19. 1911. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich), Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, pp. 284-286, text-figs. 172a-f. 1919. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich), Bassler, Maryland Geol. Sur., Cambrian and Ordovician, pp. 218, 219, pl. 44, figs. 1-5. 1942. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich), Loeblich, Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, pp. 433, 434, pl. 63, fig. 19. 1968a. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich), Bork and Perry, Jour. Paleont., vol. 42, pp. 342, 343, pl. 44, figs. 1-3, 5. Diagnosis. — Zoaria irregularly ramose and encrusting; zooecial diameters in mature zone, including cingulum, average 0.36 mm by 0.29 mm; zooecial tube diameters are 0.26 mm by 0.20 mm in the mature zone; acanthopores average 13 per 1-mm square; mesopores average about 18 per 2-mm square. Description. — The zoaria are irregularly ramose with branches up to 6 mm in diameter, less frequently encrusting. Branch bifurca- tion is frequent. The zooecia have sparse, thin diaphragms in the thin-walled axial region. As the zooecial walls thicken outward in the mature zone, hemiphragms, which are restricted to the mature region, be- come progressively thicker. Most hemiphragms are spaced so that four occur in one mm, but vary from three to rarely six. Maximum OrpovIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY QT zooecial diameters, including cingulum, average 0.36 mm and mini- mum zooecial diameters average 0.29 mm; corresponding zooecial tube diameters are 0.26 mm by 0.20 mm. Distances between adjacent zooecial tubes average 0.14 mm. Both zooecia and zooecial tubes are smoothly oval to subcircular in cross-section in the mature zone. Mesopores originate at the base of the mature zone and widen within a short distance to their maximum diameter. Their average tube diameters are 0.19 mm by 0.10 mm. Mesopores are angular to subangular. In tangential sections their sides have the shape of one or more concave curves where they are adjacent to zooecia; less frequently, where mesopores contact one another, the common side is straight. Mesopore walls remain thin for a short distance distal to the zone at which the zooecial walls begin to thicken, beyond which they too thicken. Near the surface of the zoarium mesopores are frequently filled by a dense deposit of calcareous material so that, in the most extreme case, mesopore boundaries are not discernible in tangential section. Mesopores contain diaphragms spaced two or three times more closely than hemiphragms in the mature zones of the zooecia. There are 15 to 26 mesopores per 2-mm square in tan- gential sections, with an average of about 18 per 2-mm square. Acanthopores average 13 per 1-mm square in tangential sec- tions and range from 6 to 19 per 1-mm square. They are typically 0.03 mm to 0.04 mm in diameter, but in one specimen in which mesopores are completely obscured by calcareous deposits, acantho- pores are 0.05 mm by 0.09 mm in diameter. Acanthopore axial areas are atypically large relative to other trepostomes. Acantho- pores originate at or near the base of the mature zone and are located most typically at zooecial-mesopore corners. They fre- quently inflect the cingulum but rarely cause the zooecial tube to be inflected. Some acanthopores appear to be within the mesopores where the mesopores are filled by calcarous laminae, have vague borders, and are difficult to discern from one another, but careful observation indicates that such acanthopores are actually located along mesopore borders. Discussion. — In the one specimen on which comparative meas- urements between the mature and submature zooecia can be made, average mature zooecial tube diameters are 0.24 mm by 0.19 mm, and zooecial tube diameters immediately below the thick-walled 278 BuLLetTIn 267 mature zone average 0.39 mm by 0.28 mm. Comparison of the two sets of averages strongly indicates that zooecal tubes are restricted in the mature zone. Restriction appears to result possibly from two factors: intercalation of rapidly widening mesopores between zooecia and thickening of zooecial walls to develop a cingulum around each zooecial tube. Since the zooecial diameters, including the cingulum, in the mature zone are approximately equal to zooecial tube di- ameters just below the thick-walled mature zone, it appears that development of a cingulum is the major cause of restriction of zoo- ecial tubes. Appearance of mesopores is probably more intimately related to increased outward divergence of zooecia in the mature region than to a decrease in zooecial tube diameter. The specimens identified and figured by Bassler (1911, p. 284, text-fig. 173a-d) as Hemiphragma irraswm from Estonia, differ from Ulrich’s type description and figures, which Bassler reproduced (op. cit., pp. 284-286, text-fig. 172a-f). Bassler’s Estonian specimens have less pronounced curvature of the zooecia at the base of the mature zone, more widely spaced hemiphragms, smaller acanthopores, and abundant diaphragms in the immature region. Bassler’s Estonian specimens probably do not belong to H. irrasum. The specimen of Hemiphragma irrasum described and illustrated by Bork and Perry, 1968a, pp. 342, 343, pl. 44, figs. 1-3, 5) from the Guttenberg Formation of Iowa, appears most similar to Chicka- mauga representatives of H. irraswm. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.29-0.45 0.33 0.357 0.039 40 4 0.35 MnZD 0.20-0.33 0.30 0.289 0.027 40 4 MxTD 0.17-0.36 0.28 0.257 0.047 60 6 DBZT 0.03-0.26 —_ 0.137 0.054 50 5 MxMTD 0.06-0.34 0.20 0.189 0.071 50 5 0.25 MnMTD 0.04-0.17 0.10 0.100 0.037 50 5 M/2-mmsq 11-26 — 17.8 4.9 9 3 AD 0.03-0.09 0.03 0.047 0.018 40 4 A/1-mmsq 6-19 15 13.1 3.3 37, 4 Table 36. Quantitative data on characters of Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich) from the lower Chickamauga Group. OrpDovICIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 279 Material. — Eight sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sec- tions IJ, V, XII, XV. Hypotypes. —USNM 167812, 167813. Measurements. — Table 36. Family CALOPORIDAE Genus CALOPORA* Calopora dumalis (Ulrich, 1893) Pl. 62, figs. 7, 8: Pl. 63, figs. 1, 2 1893. Callopora dumalis Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 282, pl. 23, figs. 1-8. 1911. Hallopora dumalis (Ulrich), Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 77, pp. 331, 332, text-figs. 207a-h. Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, branches about 2 mm in diameter; zooecia curve gently outward to zoarial surface, with diaphragms sparse to questionably common in full-sized zooecia and abundant in proximal zooecial tips; mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.18 mm; mesopores are numerous, with closely spaced diaphragms; mature zooecial walls slightly thickened. Description. — The zoaria are ramose with branches about 2 mm in diameter. All specimens collected have one bifurcation each, with the longest specimen 11 mm long. In the axial region zooecia are slightly curved to sinuous. Zooecia bend smoothly into the mature zone, in which they are more strongly curved. At their proximal tips zooecia have closely spaced thin, planar diaphragms averaging eight per mm. Where zooecia have reached their full diameter, both in the immature and mature zones, diaphragm spacing is variable, with diaphragms closely spaced in one zoarium (Plate 63, fig. 8) and rare in others. There is an average of five diaphragms per mm in full-sized zooecia in the speci- men figured in Plate 63, figure 8. Zooecia have subrounded cross- sections in the immature region because of intercalated zooecial tips and mesopores in corners. In the mature zone zooecia are sub- circular to oval in cross-section with almost all zooecial corners oc- cupied by a mesopore. Mature zooecial diameters average 0.27 mm by 0.22 mm, and the corresponding zooecial tube diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.18 mm. Mesopores are moderately short and originate in the outer im- *For discussion of Calopora and Callopora see Ross, J. P., 1969, pp. 270, 271. 280 BULLETIN 267 mature zone and in the basal portion of the mature zone. Most are quadrangular in cross-section and a few are triangular or pentagonal in cross-section. The sides of mesopores are essentially flat, but some are slightly concave or convex as seen in zoarial tangential sections. Diaphragms within mesopores are thin and closely spaced, with an average of 13 per mm based on segmented measurements in one specimen. Diaphragms vary from planar to less commonly strongly curved and where combined with the mesopore wall undulation, especially in the proximal ends, give a few mesopores a slightly beaded appearance. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.11 mm by 0.06 mm. There are about 50 to 80 mesopores in a 2-mm square area. The zooecial wall thickness averages 0.03 mm. Where the walls are slightly thickened, a dark median line separates adjacent zoo- ecia. The dark line between zooecia varies from smooth to slightly irregular in longitudinal sections. Wall laminae appear concentric in zoarial tangential sections. In longitudinal sections most wall laminae form an approximate 15° angle with the zooecial border, which re- sults in a narrow, outwardly directed “V” with laminae from the adjacent zooecia. Laminae curve distally into zooecial borders, re- sulting in a U-shaped appearance in a few zooecia. Discussion. — Ulrich’s original description and drawings of Calopora dumalis (1893, p. 282, pl. 23, figs. 1-8) give a misleading impression of internal characters due to Ulrich’s interpretation of some crystal boundaries as zooecial diaphragms. I have examined the thin section (USNM 44501) originally figured by Ulrich: the sec- tion is thick and the zooecia are filled by coarse calcite spar. Some of the flat, inclined crystal faces that extend across zooecial tubes at low magnifications resemble diaphragms and were so _inter- preted by Ulrich. Bassler (1911, pp. 331, 332, text-fig. 207a-h) re- produced Ulrich’s original figures with no comment on internal structures, and subsequent authors have interpreted Calopora du- malis as characterized by numerous diaphragms in the zooecia. Al- though this interpretation by subsequent authors does not agree with the sparsity of diaphragms in the lectotype (USNM 43517, here designated) and originally figured section (USNM 44501), moderately abundant diaphragms is accepted here as characteristic of a variation found in some specimens. Two specimens of C. duwmalis OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 281 collected from the lower Chickamauga Group are similar to the lectotype. A third specimen, USNM 167814, agrees with the lecto- Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.25-0.29 0.28 0.272 0.012 10 1 MnZD 0.18-0.24 — 0.215 0.021 10 1 MxTD 0.23-0.28 0.23 0.249 0.019 20 Z MnTD 0.15-0.20 0.17 0.175 0.016 20 2 ZW AL. 0.02-0.04 0.03 0.020 0.009 20 2 MxMTD 0.05-0.21 0.06 0.110 0.043 20 2 0.08 MnMTD 0.04-0.11 0.05 0.063 0.020 20 2 D/mm 4-6 5 4.9 0.7 8 2 D/mmPT 6-11 8 8.4 1.8 18 2 D/mmM 11-17 11 1322 2.3 10 1 13 Table 37. Quantitative data on characters of Calopora dumalis (Ulrich) from lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.24-0.37 0.30 0.314 0.031 12 2 MnZD 0.17-0.26 0.19 0.194 0.034 14 2 MxTD 0.21-0.30 0.25 0.246 0.025 1Z 2 MnTD 0.10-0.20 0.13 0.133 0.028 14 2 DBZT 0.03-0.09 0.06 0.063 0.016 16 2 MxMTD 0.05-0.30 0.06 0.102 0.071 10 1 MnMTD 0.03-0.08 0.05 0.045 0.013 10 1 D/mmPT 6-8 6 6.3 0.7 7 1 D/mmM 9-19 12 1333 27 12 2 Table 38. Quantitative data on characters of Callopora dumalis Ulrich. Type suite, USNM 43517. type in all aspects except that within the specimen there are abun- dant diaphragms in the zooecia, even more than in Ulrich’s misin- terpreted figure of specimen USNM 44501. Further studies on larger numbers of specimens may prove that specimens with abundant diaphragms that have been assigned to C. dwmalis by Bekker (1921, pp. 42, 43, pl. 6, figs. 9-13), Kiepura (1962, pp. 386, 387, pl. 4, fig. 1), Astrova (1965, pp. 177, 178, pl. 24, fig. la-d), and Ross (1969, pp. 273, 274, pl. 44, figs. 2-4, 7-9, pl. 45, fig. 4), and USNM 167816 assigned here, belong to a different species. On the other hand, further studies may show a complete intergradation of forms with from few to common diaphragms. Most probably, since no inter- 282 BULLETIN 267 mediate forms have yet been found, specimens with more abundant diaphragms belong to a different species. Material. — Three thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections III, XV, XVI. Hypotypes. —USNM 167816, 167817. Measurements. —‘Table 37 (see also Table 38). Calopora ovata McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 63, figs. 3-8 Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, branches about 3 mm in diameter; zooecia are smoothly oval in tangential sections and are directed gradually outward from the axial zone with a smooth bend; about eight diaphragms per mm in proximal zooecial tips, but diaphragms are rare in full-diameter zooecia; mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.17 mm; walls are thickened in mature zone; mesopores are abundant with about 15 diaphragms per mm. Description. — The zoaria are ramose, with branch bifurcations at close intervals. Branches are 2.5 mm to 4 mm in diameter, and most are 3 mm in diameter. Most zooecia originate in the axial zone, although some orig- inate in more peripheral parts of the immature zone. Beyond their point of origin zooecia gradually increase in diameter. They bend slightly outward with smooth curvature that gradually increases into the mature zone. Depending partially on the growth stage, mature zooecia meet the zoarial surface at 45° to 90° angle, typically about 60°. Zooecia in the immature zone have polygonal cross- sections, but in the mature zone zooecia have oval cross-sections with mesopores partially surrounding them. Mature zooecial di- ameters average 0.30 mm by 0.22 mm, and the corresponding zoo- ecial tube diameters average 0.24 mm by 0.17 mm. Diaphragms are rare except in proximal zooecial tips where thin, planar to shallow concave diaphragms average eight per mm. The distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages 0.07 mm; most measurements in- clude a mesopore between zooecia. The mature zooecial walls are about 0.04 mm to 0.06 mm thick. Wall laminae begin subparallel to the zooecial axis then diverge outward at a maximum angle of about 35° from the zooecial bor- der. Distal to the point at which laminae bend toward the zooecial border, most laminae appear linear in longitudinal sections, but OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKinney 283 some have a distal bend so that they meet the zooecial border at a higher angle. Zooecial borders appear as a thin dark line defining zooecia in both tangential and longitudinal sections. Near the base of the mature zone slightly thickened zooecial walls appear as girdle- like bands around the zooecial tubes. Mesopore walls are thin. Groups of laminae in the mesopores extend down the wall only a short distance before extending directly across the mesopore as a thickened diaphragm. Mesopores are abundant and average 66 per 2-mm_ square. They originate in the outer part of the immature zone and are poly- gonal in cross-section. As seen in cross-sections (zoarial tangential Number of Standard Number of | Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.26-0.34 0.30 0.302 0.023 30 3 MnZD 0.18-0.26 0.21 0.220 0.019 30 3 MxTD 0.16-0.37 0.24 0.242 0.045 100 10 MnTD 0.13-0.25 0.18 0.172 0.026 90 9 DBZT 0.02-0.16 0.04 0.070 0.036 83 9 MxMTD 0.03-0.20 0.13 0.097 0.042 76 8 MnMTD 0.02-0.11 0.05 0.058 0.022 76 8 M/2-mmsq 48-85 — 65.6 5 4 D/mmPT 5-6 8 7.6 1.8 46 6 D/mmM 9-22 12 14.7 3.6 47 7 Table 39. Quantitative data on characters of Calopora ovata, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. sections) most borders between mesopores and zooecia are slightly concave into mesopores, to follow the more dominant curvature of zooecia. Borders between adjacent mesopores appear planar. Meso- pore tube diameters average 0.10 mm by 0.06 mm. There is an average of 15 diaphragms per mm in the mesopores, Almost al] mesopore diaphragms are thickened by laminar deposits. Discussion. — Calopora ovata differs from C. dwmalis in having thicker mature zooecial walls, more oval mature zooecial cross- sections, and more abundant mesopores. C. ovata differs from C. incontroversa (Ulrich, 1886, pp. 96, 97; see also Ulrich, 1893, pp. 278, 279, pl. 22, figs. 33-36) because C. ovata has smaller zooecia, fewer diaphragms in the mature zooecia and more abundant meso- pores, based on my measurements of the paratypes of C. incontro- versa in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History. 284 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.35-0.55 0.45 0.454 0.052 42 5 MnZD 0.29-0.46 0.34 0.351 0.042 46 5 MxTD 0.29-0.44 oo 0.355 0.045 53 6 MnTD 0.20-0.36 0.25 0.275 0.038 59 6 ZWT 0.02-0.18 0.05 0.079 0.040 70 7 MxMTD 0.02-0.23 0.09 0.116 0.048 43 6 MnMTD 0.02-0.18 0.05 0.073 0.034 43 6 M/2-mmsq 3-32 or | 17.6 12 3 D/mmPT 2-11 6 6.4 1.9 40 4 D/mmM 10-22 13 14.2 27. 47 5 16 Table 40. Quantitative data on characters of Calopora spissata (Coryell) from the lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.41-0.48 — 0.457 0.023 10 1 MnZD 0.34-0.41 0.34 0.364 0.024 10 1 MxTD 0.25-0.31 —_— 0.278 0.018 10 1 MnTD 0.20-0.26 0.23 0.227 0.018 10 1 MxZDm 0.51-0.60 0.57 0.562 0.025 10 1 MnZDm 0.40-0.50 0.40 0.438 0.038 10 1 MxTDm 0.30-0.40 0.35 0.354 0.025 10 1 MnTDm 0.23-0.30 0.30 0.280 0.034 10 1 ZWT 0.15-0.21 0.15 0.171 0.024 10 1 MxMTD 0.08-0.11 — 0.095 0.015 2 1 MnMTD 0.18-0.09 — 0.085 0.004 2 1 M/2-mmsq 1 1 1 — 2 1 D/mmPT 8-14 — 11:0 2:2 10 1 D/mmM 16-18 17 16.8 0.7 5 1 DBM 2.0-3.0 2.0 2:33 0.37 6 1 Table 41. Quantitative data on characters of Hallopora spissata Coryell. Holotype, USNM 44519. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxZD 0.45-0.57 0.55 0.511 0.040 10 1 MnZD 0.35-0.49 0.38 0.389 0.037 10 1 MxTD 0.27-0.45 — 0.334 0.052 10 1 MnTD 0.20-0.38 0.25 0.258 0.048 10 1 ZWT 0.07-0.19 0.08 0.120 0.041 10 1 MxMTD 0.10-0.29 oo 0.172 0.061 10 1 MnMTD 0.08-0.18 0.10 0.100 0.033 10 1 M/2-mmsq 24 24 24 —_— 1 1 D/mmPT 7-10 10 8.8 1.1 10 1 D/mmM 15-19 15 16.0 1.5 5 1 Table 42. Quantitative data on characters of Hallopora macrostoma Loeblich. Holotype, USNM 114603. OrpbovicIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 285 The trivial name, ovata, refers to the pronounced predominant oval nature of the zooecial tubes in zoarial tangential sections. Material. — Ten thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections XII, XV, XVI, XVIII. Holotype. —USNM 167816. Paratypes. —USNM 167817-167819, GSATC 206, UNC 4166. Measurements. — Table 39. Calopora spissata (Coryell, 1921) Pl. 64, figs. 1-6 1921. Hallopora spissata Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29, pp. 291-292, ple 8) figs. 1: 2: Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose, branches about 5 mm in diameter; zooecia curve gently outward from axial region; diaphragms are abundant in mesopores and proximal zooecial tips, absent to scarce in full-sized zooecia; mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.36 mm by 0.28 mm with relatively thin walls; mesopores are com- mon, most prevalent at base of mature zone and are pinched out or filled by calcareous tissue higher in the mature zone. Description. — The zoaria are ramose, bifurcate, with branches 3 mm to 6 mm in diameter, most about 4 mm to 5 mm in diameter. Within the immature zone, zooecia bend gently outward toward the zoarial surface and pass into the mature zone with no abrupt change in curvature. The mature zone is marked by a gradual thickening of zooecial walls. Diaphragms are closely spaced in proxi- mal zooecial tips, where they average six per mm. As zooecia in- crease in diameter, diaphragms become more widely spaced and are absent to rare in full-sized zooecia. Some zoaria with thick mature zones have closely spaced diaphragms in the most distal portion of a few zooecia. Zooecia have subrounded cross-sections in the axial region and the lower mature zone, becoming polygonal or sub- rounded polygonal in cross-section in the distal-most mature zone, where zooecia are four- to six-sided. Zooecial diameters are 0.45 mm by 0.35 mm, and corresponding zooecial tube diameters aver- age 0.36 mm by 0.28 mm. Zooecial tube cross-sections in the mature zone are rounded and oval to subcircular. Most mesopores originate in the outer immature zone and are frequently closed by calcareous deposits in the outer mature region. Other mesopores become reduced in cross-sectional diameter and are pinched out before they reach the outer mature zone. Most meso- 286 BuLLeETIN 267 pores are four-sided in cross-section although some have rounded cross-sectional outlines. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.12 mm by 0.07 mm. Mesopore walls are thin to slightly thickened. Di- aphragms are closely spaced in the mesopores and average 14 per mm. Where mesopore walls are thin, mesopore diaphragms are also thin; but where mesopore walls are slightly thickened, mesopore di- aphragms are laminar, slightly thickened, and bend sharply upward to pass into mesopore walls from the diaphragm periphery. There is an average of 18 mesopores per 2-mm square in tangential sec- tions. Zooecial wall thickness averages 0.08 mm. Wall laminae in the mature zone bend toward the zooecial border at an angle that varies from close to 0° along the periphery of the zooecial tubes to about 15° to 30° near the zooecial boundary. Laminae from adjacent zoo- ecla meet along a well defined, irregularly crenulated boundary to form outwardly-directed V-shaped structures in longitudinal section. In the zoarial tangential sections, walls have a concentric appearance around zooecia to form a well-defined ring about the zooecial tubes and a well-defined line of contact between adjacent zooecia. Near the base of the mature zone, the concentric nature of moderately thickened zooecial walls and thin-walled mesopores cause zooecial walls to have the appearance of a girdle-like band in tangential sec- tions. Discussion. — Specimens of Calopora spissata from the lower Chickamauga Group are similar to the holotype of C. spissata (Coryell, 1921, p. 291, pl. 8, figs. 1, 2) but differ in that most meso- pores in the holotype are closed by zooecial wall deposits throughout most of the mature zone, zooecial walls are significantly thicker (Table 41) than the average in Chickamauga specimens, and there is a distinct angle at the base of the mature zone so that mature zooecia are directed more perpendicularly toward the zoarial sur- face in the holotype. Differences in wall thickness and relative length of mesopores is probably due to different stages of maturity be- tween the Chickamauga specimens of C. spissata and the holotype, and the difference in degree of curvature at the base of the mature zone may be due to individual variation. The holotype of Calopora macrostoma (Loeblich, 1942, pp. 430, 431, pl. 62, figs. 12-14) has much more abundant diaphragms in OrpboviciIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 287 full-sized zooecia in the axial region, slightly larger zooecia, and slightly thicker mature zooecial walls (Table 42) than do lower Chickamauga specimens of C. spissata. The same degree of differ- ence exists between the holotypes of C. spissata and C. macrostoma, which may be sufficiently minor to consider C. macrostoma to be a junior synonym of C. spissata. Conventionally, differences in abun- dance or presence or absence of diaphragms have been interpreted to be of at least specific significance and, therefore, the two species are here kept separate. Material. — Fight thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections I, IV, V, XVII. Hypotypes. —USNM 167820, 167821. Measurements. — Table 40 (see also Tables 41 and 42). Family DIPLOTRYPIDAE Discussion. — Nicholson established Diplotrypa in 1879 and, in 1881 (pp. 101, 102, 155, 156) included it as a subgenus of Monticuli- pora. Ulrich (1882, p. 153) retained Diplotrypa in the family Monti- culiporidae, but in 1890 (p. 378) he erected the Diplotrypidae for the reception of Diplotrya, Basostoma, and Monotrypa. Ulrich orig- inally characterized the Diplotrypidae as, “Zoaria hemispheric, mass- ive or ramose. Zooecia forming comparatively large tubes of which the walls are more or less flexous and mostly very thin. Meso- pores and acanthopores present or wanting. Diaphragms very thin, developed at rather irregular intervals. No cystiphragms.” The Dip- lotrypidae was retained by Ulrich in 1893 (p. 285) with the addi- tion of Hemiphragma and Stromatotrypa. By 1900, however, Nickles and Bassler (pp. 16, 35, 36) placed the genera that composed the Diplotrypidae into the Trematoporidae. Subsequently, Vinassa de Regny (1920, p. 217) reintroduced Diplotrypidae as a junior hom- onym, and he included Diplotrypa, Diplotrypella, Hallopora, D1- azipora, Constellaria, and Stellipora in the family. The family Diplotrypidae is revived in this report as a mono- generic family containing only Diplotrypa. As defined here, the Diplotrypidae are characterized by originally tripartite walls that consist of a finely granular median plane that represents the zoo- ecial border, surrounded on either side by vaguely fibrous-appearing walls with the fibers directed at right angles to the median plane. The fibers may represent vague, planar laminae. 288 BULLETIN 267 Genus DIPLOTRYPA Diplotrypa anchicatenulata McKinney, n. sp. PI. 64, figs. 7-9; Pl. 65, fig. 1 Diagnosis. — Zoaria massive to hemispherical; zooecia large, irregularly polygonal and angular to suboval in cross-section with average tube diameters 0.44 mm by 0.37 mm; mesopores common, beaded, variable in length; walls appear structureless to fibrous, with a dark median line locally developed near zoarial surfaces. Description. — The zoaria are massive; some tend toward a hemispherical shape. The greatest observed diameter of fragments is 12 mm. All zoaria are fragmentary and none retain the base; therefore whether the colony has a basically radial growth pattern with new zooecia intercalated between older zooecia or whether the base spread as new zooecia were added laterally cannot be deter- mined. Zooecia are essentially parallel in some zoaria and divergent in others, The zooecia are large, with average zooecial tube diameters of 0.44 mm by 0.37 mm. Zooecial cross-sections are irregularly poly- gonal and angular to suboval, depending on zooecial packing, meso- pore abundance, and wall thickness. Zooecial angularity is increased by more irregular zooecial packing, decrease in mesopore abundance, and thinner walls. Zooecia locally have smooth walls in longitudinal sections, but in most places the wall is crinkled or is indented by mesopores. Diaphragms are thin, planar to slightly curved. They are spaced from one to slightly more than one zooecial diameter apart and average two per mm. Zooecial space beyond the most distally placed diaphragm is, in most cases, one and a half or two times greater than the space between adjacent diaphragms. Where zooecial walls are in contact with micrite matrix along the zoarial surface, walls are about 0.04 mm thick, composed of a central, apparently structureless dark line with a clear band of finely crystalline, vaguely fibrous calcite on either side (see PI. 66, fig. 1). Except for areas of recrystallization and the zone of variable thickness just below the zoarial surface, zooecial walls ap- pear thin (less than 0.01 mm thick) and apparently structureless in nonpolarized light (Pl. 65, fig. 8). In polarized light, a finely crystalline zone 0.03 mm by 0.04 mm thick surrounds the thin, structureless wall visible in nonpolarized light. The finely crystal- line material apparently represents the same part of the wall as OrpoviciIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 289 does the light-colored, vaguely fibrous wall material near the zoarial surface. Beyond the zone of fine crystals, zooecial tubes are filled by coarse calcite spar. Contact between the finely crystalline wall and the coarse spar is slightly diffuse but is discernible in polarized light. Mesopores are strongly moniliform; in some places mesopores are so strongly constricted that they are completely closed, only to reappear again immediately above. Diaphragms are present where constrictions are not complete. In longitud nal sections mesopores are variable in length, but are in all cases short. A mean value of 27 was obtained for mesopores in a 2-mm square. In tangential sections mesopores are three- or four-sided and have an average maximum tube diameter of 0.14 mm and an average minimum tube diameter of 0.08 mm. Mesopores occur in zooecial corners. Discussion. — Diplotrypa anchicatenulata appears to be closely related to D. catenulata Coryell (1921, p. 296, pl. 10, figs. 6, 7). Comparison with the holotype of D. catenulata (USNM 44658) in- dicates that D. anchicatenulata differs primarily in having more abundant and more regularly spaced zooecial diaphragms, more numerous mesopores, and smaller average zooecial tube diameters. Average maximum zooecial tube diameter equals 0.44 mm for D. anchicatenulata and 0.56 mm for D. catenulata (based on measure- ments of D. catenulata by Bork and Perry, 1968a, p. 341). D. an- chicatenulata and D. catenulata are most similar in extreme catenu- lation or moniliform nature of mesopores. D. moniliformis Bassler Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.34-0.54 0.45 0.443 0.052 30 3 MnTD 0.28-0.45 0.40 0.371 0.047 40 + ZWT 0.03-0.10 0.03 0.040 0.015 39 +4 MxMTD 0.05-0.24 0.10 0.142 0.050 31 4 0.18 MnMTD 0.03-0.17 0.04 0.077 0.036 31 4 M/2-mmsq 19-32 26 26.6 4.7 8 3 32 D/mm 1-3 2 2.0 0.7 40 4 Table 43. Quantitative data on characters of Diplotrypa anchicatenulata, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. (1911, pp. 321, 322, text-fig. 199a-d) is also similar to D. anchicaten- ulata but differs in having more abundant mesopores, mesopores 290 BULLETIN 267 that change into typical zooecia, and less moniliform mesopores. D. anchicatenulata has more abundant, more regularly spaced, and more horizontally planar diaphragms than D. moniliformis argutus Astrova (1948, pp. 21-23, pl. 3, fig. 4; pl. 4, figs. 1, 2, text-figs. 9, 10a-e), and strongly moniliform mesopores do not develop into typical zooecia as in the subspecies described by Astrova. The trivial name, anchicatenulata, is derived from the Greek word anchi, meaning near, and catenula, the Greek diminuitive of chain, referring to beaded mesopores. The trivial name refers to nearness of this species to Diplotrypa catenulata Coryell. Material.— Four thin-sectioned colonies from stratigraphic section XVI. Holotype. —USNM 167822. Paratypes. —USNM 167823. Measurements.— Table 43. INCERTAE SEDIS Genus NICHOLSONELLA Discussion. — Nicholsonella is included in Incertae Sedis be- cause the genus has a recrystallized wall structure that does not allow its inclusion in previously recognized families, and not enough is yet known about its original wall structure to allow erection of a new, well-defined family. The apparently ubiquitous recrystallization of Nicholsonella suggests an original composition of aragonite, which is less stable than calcite and frequently recrystallizes to calcite. Nicholsonella Ulrich (1890, p. 374), was assigned by him to the family Trematoporidae (0p. cit., p. 373), which he erected for the reception of Trematopora, Nicholsonella, Constellaria, Stellipora, and Idiotrypa. Ulrich (op. cit., p. 421) commented on the apparent affinities of Nicholsonella to Constellaria, and noted that an absence of stellate maculae distinguishes Nicholsonella, Trematopora, the type genus of the Trematoporidae, has laminate walls with well- defined zooecial boundaries caused by convergent laminae that form a narrow V-shaped pattern, whereas walls between zooecia and mesopores are formed by more broadly curved laminae that result in a U-shaped pattern (Boardman, 1959, pp. 5, 6). With current emphasis on wall microstructure as a family-group phylogenetic indicator, the poorly defined, typically altered and recrystallized Orpovician Bryozoa: McKINNEY 291 walls of Nicholsonella remove it from close relationship with Trema- topora. Concerning Nicholsonella, Ulrich noted in 1893 (p. 313) that, “This a Lower Silurian genus with rather uncertain affinities. So far as our knowledge goes the position of the genus in classification seems to be in a measure intermediate between Constellaria and Leioclema.” and it “. .. appears to occupy a rather isolated position with respect to contemporaneous types of structure.” In 1900 Ulrich (p. 276) erected the family Constellariidae to include Constellaria, Stellipora, Nicholsonella, Idiotrypa, and questionably Dittopora. (The date of authorship of Constellariidae is widely cited as 1890, but even as late as 1893 Ulrich included Constellaria in the Trema- toporidae.) Nicholsonella remained in the Constellariidae from 1900 to 1960, when it was included by Astrova (et al., 1960, p. 69) in the Heterotrypidae. Removal of Nicholsonella from the Constellariidae was further strengthened when Astrova (1964) included the Constellariidae in her new order Cystoporata. Nicholsonella does not share the granular-fibrous calcitic walls and inter-zooecial vesicles characteristic of the Cystoporata. I feel that assignment of Nicholsonella to the Heterotrypidae as was done by Astrova (et al., 1960, p. 69) is also in error, because Nicholsonella is recrystallized in all known occurrences, which suggests aragonitic walls. The heterotrypid wall structure consists of broadly U-shaped, calcitic laminae and common zooecial tube linings. Vinassa de Regny (1920, p. 224) erected the new family Nicholsonellidae for the reception of Nicholsonella, Idiotrya, and Stromatotrypa. However, Idiotrypa belongs to the Constellariidae, and Stromatotrypa is a junior synonym of Batostoma (see Board- man, 1960b, pp. 2, 6, 7), a member of the family Trematoporidae. As stated previously (p. 100), not enough is yet known about the original wall structure of Nicholsonella for it to stand at present as the basis for a family. Therefore, Vinassa de Regny’s Nicholsonellidae is not used in this report, although a modified understanding of the family may well be considered valid at some time in the future. Where zooecia are partially filled by micrite matrix, the walls of Nicholsonella appear thinner and are more sharply delineated. However, where sparry calcite infills zooecia, walls have more ob- scure borders and appear somewhat thicker than where bounded by 292 BULLETIN 267 micrite. Walls are recrystallized in both situations, but where mi- crite is present more accurate measurements of wall thickness can be made because the presence of micrite prevented spread and diffu- sion of zooecial walls during recrystallization. Since measurements of wall thickness in most Nicholsonella species are made where sparry calcite infillings exist, reported average wall thickness is probably biased upward. Nicholsonella acanthobscura McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 65, figs. 2-8 Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose or laminate; zooecial tube diameters average 0.21 mm by 0.16 mm, diaphragms sparse to abundant in immature zone, three per mm in mature zone; mesopores are abundant, some filled by calcareous deposits; acanthopores are ob- scured in most zoaria and are vague in other zoaria. Description. — The zoaria are ramose, encrusting, or free lam- inate. Maximum diameter of the ramose branches is 17 mm, in- cluding conspecific overgrowths, but most branches are about 5 mm to 6 mm in diameter. Encrusting and free laminate forms are up to at least 15 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick. The zooecia curve smoothly out from the axial region in ramose forms. The degree of curvature increases slightly in the mature zone in some specimens, and in others there is a distinct bend at the base of the mature zone, from which zooecia extend at a right angle to the zoarial surface. Mature zooecial tube diameters average 0.21 mm by 0.16 mm. Distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages 0.10 mm and in most specimens includes a mesopore. In some speci- mens the mesopores are filled by calcareous deposits, in other specimens either filled or open mesopore tubes occur locally. Zooecia in the mature zone have rounded to subrounded circular to oval cross-sections. In sections that cut along the base of the mature zone, zooecia have increased diameters and have polygonal rather than oval cross-sections. Diaphragms vary from rare to common in in the immature zone. There is an average of three diaphragms per mm in the mature zooecia. Zooecial diaphragms are most typically planar and have a granular appearance. Some specimens have di- aphragms in the mature zone that are thickened by deposits under- lain by a dark granular line that represents the original diaphragm. The dark line is missing in some thickened diaphragms. Some zooecia have a mature part occupied by continuous calcareous deposits. wW OrpvoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 29 Mesopores originate at the base of the mature zone. They are abundant and average 70 per 2-mm square. Mesopore tube di- ameters average 0.14 mm by 0.09 mm near the base of the mature zone. Mesopores are polygonal in cross-section, three- to five-sided, with flat to concave sides. Higher in the mature zone, walls common to mesopores and zooecia are convex toward the mesopores, re- sulting in concave sides for the mesopores. Entire mesopores in some areas are filled with dense calcareous deposits, but in most areas deposits are either lacking or are restricted to distal portions of mesopores. Where obscuring deposits are not present, mesopores contain closely spaced diaphragms. Mesopore diaphragms average eight per mm. A few of the mesopores swell slightly between di- aphragms, resulting in a vaguely beaded aspect. Original structure of the walls has been obscured. Mature walls are only slightly thickened. Acanthopores are present but can be seen only after critical examination and only in a few sections. Within most zoaria, infilled materials and alteration have totally obscured acanthopore struc- ture. In sections where acanthopores can be observed, they average 0.06 mm in diameter. There were no areas suitable for making counts of acanthopores per 1-mm square. Acanthopores show up best where thin-sections pass through matrix just above the zoarial surface. Discussion. — Depending on depth of sections and local nature of zoaria, tangential sections may have four different appearances: 1) polygonal zooecia surrounded by slightly smaller polygonal meso- pores; 2) oval zooecia surrounded by polygonal mesopores with concave sides; 3) oval zooecia surrounded by calcareous deposits, and 4) sheetlike calcareous deposits with zooecia filled in and ob- scured, Local irregularities in cross-sectional shape of zooecial tubes, most typically caused by acanthopore inflections, results in a super- ficial appearance of lunaria. However, the typical structure of inset Junaria is missing and the structures are isolated, variable, and asym- metrical. Nicholsonella acanthobscura is most similar to N. trregularis Loeblich (1942, p. 428, pl. 64, figs. 5-7) but may be distinguished by the presence or greater abundance of diaphragms in the im- mature zone, lack of beaded appearance in proximal portions of mesopores, and by more abundant mesopores. N. acanthobscura 294 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.15-0.31 0.20 0.210 0.031 197 22 MnTD 0.10-0.25 0.15 0.163 0.027 197 22 DBZT 0.01-0.23 0.15 0.105 0.044 187 20 MxMTD 0.05-0.26 0.15 0.139 0.046 116 12 MnMTD 0.03-0.17 0.10 0.087 0.033 116 12 M/2-mmsq 58-91 64 69.5 99 10 6 AD 0.03-0.14 0.05 0.065 0.026 40 4 D/mm 0-5 2 2.6 1.0 142 16 D/mmM 5-10 8 7:5 13) 81 12 Table 44. Quantitative data on characters of Nicholsonella acanthobscura, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. differs from N. parafrondifera McKinney in having smaller zooecia and slightly larger and less numerous acanthopores. The trivial name, acanthobscura, refers to the generally obscure nature of acanthopores. Material. — Twenty-five thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from stratigraphic sections I, II, IV, V, XII, XV, XVI, XVII. Holotype. — USNM 167824. Paratypes. —USNM 167825-167828, GSATC 207, UNC 4168. Measurements. — Table 44. Nicholsonella parafrondifera McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 66, figs. 1-7 1921. Nicholsonella frondifera (part) Coryel!, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29, p. 290 (1U 9244-4 and IU 9244-5, not pl. 7, figs. 6, 7). Diagnosis. —Zoaria laminar to ramose; mature zooecia are subcircular to suboval; zooecial tube diameters average 0.23 mm by 0.20 mm, diaphragms average three per mm in mature zone; mesopores abundant, small; acanthopores average 30 per 1-mm square, locally inflect zooecial tubes. Description. — The zoaria are free and encrusting, laminar to ramose. The greatest diameter of laminar zoaria is 25 mm and the greatest thickness is 5 mm. Ramose forms have branches up to 5 mm in diameter. The zooecia are subcircular to oval in cross-section and in some zoaria there are areas in which zooecial tubes are strongly indented by adjacent acanthopores. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.23 mm by 0.20 mm. The distance between adjacent zooecial tubes averages OrpbovicIAN Bryozoa: MCKINNEY 295 0.11 mm and typically includes a mesopore. Zooecial diaphragms are planar or slightly convex and are either at right angles or are slightly inclined to the zooecial axis. Mature walls are thin or slightly thickened, 0.03 mm or less. Original structure has been destroyed by recrystallization. Some walls retain a dark median line. Mesopores occupy spaces between zooecia. They are polygonal, typically three- or four-sided. In laminar forms, mesopores originate near the base of the zoarium. Slight constrictions occur at di- aphragms causing the mesopores to appear beaded. An average of eight mesopore diaphragms occur in 1 mm. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.15 mm by 0.09 mm. Although mesopores are abundant, wall alteration and infilling obscures so many boundaries that an accurate count per 2-mm square was not possible. Acanthopores are numerous; they average 30 per 1-mm square and 0.06 mm in diameter. Acanthopores are located along zooecial peripheries, inflect mesopores, and, where mesopores are small or absent, they cause inflections into adjacent zooecial tubes. Discussion. — Nicholsonella parafrondifera is distinguished from the holotype of NV. frondtfera Coryell (1921, p. 290, pl. 7, figs. 6, 7) by larger zooecia and larger and slightly less numerous acantho- pores. Examination of Coryell’s type specimens indicates that two paratypes of N. frondifera (IU 9244-4 and 9244-5) differ distinctly from the holotype (USNM 54043) and another paratype (IU 9244-3), and are indistinguishable from the lower Chickamauga Group specimens that form the type suite of N. parafrondifera. Therefore specimens IU 9244-4 and 9244-5 are assigned to the here named new species NV. parafrondifera. Measurements made on IU 9244-4 and 9244-5 are given in Tables 49 and 50. The holotype USNM 54043 and paratype IU 9244-3 of N. frondifera Coryell, 1921, form a junior synonym of N. pulchra Ulrich, 1893. The trivial name, parafrondifera, refers to the similarity of the new species to the species intended by Coryell (1921, p. 290) in his description of NV. frondifera, which he described as, “. . . similar to Nicholsonella pulchra with the exception that diaphragms are more numerous in the mesopores of the mature region and the longitudinal tubuli are larger, fewer, and more clearly defined in N. frondtfera.” 296 BULLETIN 267 Material. — Six thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from. strati- graphic sections I, II, VI. Holotype. —USNM 167829. Paratypes. —USNM 167830, 167831, GSATC 208, UNC 4169. Measurements. — Table 45 (see also Tables 49 and 50). Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.16-0.30 0.23 0.234 0.029 60 6 MnTD 0.12-0.26 0.18 0.195 0.031 60 6 DBZE 0.02-0.20 0.10 0.108 0.043 60 6 MxMTD 0.05-0.28 0.14 0.154 0.056 28 3 MnMTD 0.03-0.19 — 0.090 0.038 28 3 AD 0.02-0.10 0.06 0.057 0.014 60 6 A/i-mmsq 12-52 305 123 26 5 D/mm 1-4 3 29 0.9 25 3 M/mmM 5-11 7 7.8 1.9 8 2 Table 45. Quantitative data on characters of Nicholsonella parafrondifera, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich, 1893 Pl. 67, figs. 1-4 1893. Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich, extract from Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., Paleont., vol. 3, p. 314, pl. 21, figs. 8-12. 1921. Nicholsonella frondifera (part) Coryell, Indiana Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 29, p. 290, pl. 7, figs. 6,7 (not paratypes IU 9244-4 and 9244-5). 1937. Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich, Shrock and Raasch, American Midland Nat., vol. 18, pp. 543, 544, pl. 3, fig. 8. Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose to encrusting; most zooecia are oval in cross-section, zooecial tube diameters average 0.19 mm by 0.15 mm, with diaphragms abundant; mesopores abundant, small, beaded, with eight diaphragms per mm, some with dense deposits; acan- thopores average 38 per l-mm square. Description. —The zoaria are ramose to encrusting. Maximum branch diameter is 8.5 mm. In ramose forms, zooecia bend out gently from the axial region to a slightly greater curvature at the base of the mature zone, be- yond which zooecia tend to straighten out. Mature zooecial cross- sections are subrounded to rounded oval. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.19 mm by 0.15 mm. The distance between adjacent zoo- ecial tubes averages 0.12 mm. Diaphragms are present in both ma- ture and submature zones, but are most abundant in the mature zone, where they average three per mm. Most diaphragms are planar OrpbovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 297 but some are slightly concave, slightly convex or tilted with respect to the zooecial axis. Some zooecial tubes are slightly indented by adjacent acanthopores. The walls are thin to slightly thickened, not over 0.02 mm thick. Original wall, diaphragm, and acanthopore structure has been destroyed by recrystallization. Abundant mesopores have polygonal cross-sections, with con- cave sides where they are adjacent to zooecia, and average tube diameters of 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm. Mesopores originate in the outer immature zone and along the base of the mature zone. Proximal portions of mesopores are beaded, resulting from constrictions in mesopores at diaphragms. Distally the constrictions become less obvious and in many places disappear. Planar mesopore diaphragms average eight per mm. Mesopores in one specimen are obscured locally by infilled calcareous deposits. Alteration is too advanced to allow counts of mesopores per 2-mm square. Acanthopores are abundant, averaging 38 per I-mm square. Average diameter of acanthopores is 0.05 mm. Most zooecial and zooecial-mesopore corners are occupied by an acanthopore. Discussion. — Coryell (1921, p. 290) distinguished the new species Nicholsonella frondifera from N. pulchra on the basis of growth form, more closely spaced diaphragms in mesopores, and “larger, fewer, and more clearly defined . . .” acanthopores than in N. pulchra. However, growth form is environmentally controlled in Nicholsonella and numerous other trepostome genera, and small variations in diaphragm spacing may be due to rapidity of growth. A recent comparison of Ulrich’s tangential section of N. pulchra (1893, pl. 21, fig. 10) and Coryell’s tangential section of the holo- type of N. frondifera (1921, pl. 7, fig. 7) indicates similarity in all characters, including equal size and abundance of acanthopores. Moreover, types of both species were collected from the Pierce Lime- stone of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Nicholsonella frondtfera is here considered a junior synonym of N. pulchra. Measurements made on the four sectioned specimens which form the type suite of “Nicholsonella frondifera’” Coryell indicate two distinct pairs within the suite (Tables 47-50). One pair con- tains the holotype (USNM 54043) and one paratype (IU 9244-3) (here considered to form a junior synonym of N. pulchra Ulrich), 298 BULLETIN 267 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.15-0.24 0.18 0.188 0.023 30 3 MnTD 0.13-0.19 0.15 0.148 0.013 30 3 DBZT 0.06-0.18 0.12 0.119 0.030 30 3 MxMTD 0.05-0.20 0.09 0.113 0.052 10 1 MnMTD ).04-0.14 0.04 0.074 0.039 10 1 AD 0.03-0.08 0.05 0.048 0.013 20 2 A/1-mmsq 32-42 -— Sed 4.8 3 2 D/mm 2-4 3 See 0.6 10 1 D/mmM 6-10 8 7.8 133 10 1 Table 46. Quantitative data on characters of Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich from the lower Chickamauga Group. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.16-0.19 0.19 OM? 0.011 10 1 MnTD 0.13-0.17 0.15 0.146 0.010 10 1 DBZE 0.08-0.19 0.12 0127 0.032 10 1 MxMTD 0.10-0.22 Ost 0.145 0.040 10 1 MnoMTD 0.06-0.14 0.08 0.092 0.024 10 1 AD 0.03-0.05 0.05 0.040 0.006 10 1 A/1-mmsq 47-76 69 64.2 9.3 10 1 D/mm 7-10 i, 8.2 133 6 1 Table 47. Quantitative data on the holotype of Coryell’s “Nicholsonella frondifera” (= N. pulchra Ulrich). USNM 54043. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.18-0.23 0.20 0.204 0.013 10 1 MnTD 0.15-0.19 0.15 0.161 0.014 10 1 DBZE 0.07-0.16 0.15 0.124 0.033 10 1 AD 0.05-0.06 0.05 0.051 0.002 10 1 A/1-mmsq 31-47 31 39.0 6.0 10 1 47 D/mm 3-4 3 3.4 0.5 10 1 D/mmM 7-9 7 7.8 0.7 5 1 Table 48. Quantitative data on characters of a paratype of Coryell’s “Nichol- sonella frondifera”. Paratype, IU 9244-3. (= N. pulchra Ulrich) OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 299 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.23-0.29 0.25 0.259 0.017 10 1 MnTD 0.20-0.25 0.24 0.233 0.016 10 1 MxTDm 0.29-0.32 0.29 0.301 0.010 6 1 MnTDm 0.23-0.29 0:27 0.266 0.018 6 1 DBZT 0.04-0.13 0.09 0.082 0.027 10 1 MxMTD 0.09-0.14 0.13 0.122 0.019 10 1 MnMTD 0.06-0.10 0.10 0.084 0.015 10 1 M/2-mmsq 44-50 — 47.0 3.0 2 1 AD 0.03-0.07 0.05 0.048 0.012 10 1 A/1-mmsq 17-25 — 20.9 3.1 10 1 Table 49. Quantitative data on characters of a paratype of Coryell’s “Nichol- sonella frondifera”. Paratype, IU 9244-4. (= N. parafrondifera, n. sp.) Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.25-0.29 0.25 0.266 0.013 10 1 MnTD 0.19-0.23 0.23 0.220 0.012 10 1 DBZL 0.06-0.17 0.10 0.107 0.032 10 1 MxMTD 0.10-0.21 0.16 0.154 0.036 6 1 MnMTD 0.07-0.15 — 0.106 0.027 6 1 AD 0.05-0.08 0.07 0.069 0.008 10 1 A/1-mmsq 12-20 15 15.6 Papp 10 1 D/mm 3-5 5 4.3 0.7 6 1 D/mmM 7-8 8 7.7 0.5 7 1 Table 50. Quantitative data on characters of a paratype of Coryell’s “Nichol- sonella frondifera”. Paratype, IU 9244-5 (= N. parafrondifera, n. sp.) and the other group contains paratypes IU 9244-4 and 9244-5 (here assigned to N. parafrondifera McKinney). Before examination of the type specimens, separation of specimens of Nicholsonella from the lower Chickamauga Group into apparent species groups yielded, among others, one group that later proved to be N. pulchra and another group that forms the type suite of N. parafrondifera. Material. — Three thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections II and XVI. Hypotype. —USNM 167832. Measurements. — Table 46 (see also Tables 47 and 48), Nicholsonella inflecta McKinney, n. sp. Pl. 67, figs. 5-8; Pl. 68, figs. 1, 2 Diagnosis. — Zoaria ramose to laminar; zooecia polygonal in cross-section, tube diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm, di- 300 BULLETIN 267 aphragms common; mesopores average 22 per 2-mm square, with closely spaced diaphragms; zooecial walls about 0.04 mm_ thick; acanthopores average 21 per 1-mm square, producing numerous in- flections into zooecial walls. Description. — Zoaria are ramose to free laminate. Greatest branch diameter in ramose fragments is 7 mm. Zooecia are angular to subrounded polygonal in cross-section. In ramose forms they bend smoothly out from the axial region to a slightly more pronounced bend at the base of the mature zone, be- yond which curvature is diminished. In some zoaria, proximal por- tions of zooecia are elongate moniliform. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.25 mm by 0.20 mm. Distance between adjacent zooecial tubes (most commonly including only wall deposits) averages 0.06 mm. Diaphragms are common but widely spaced in the immature region; in the mature region zooecial diaphragms average three per mm. Diaphragms are planar, slightly concave or slightly convex, and are oriented at a right angle or are slightly tilted with respect to the zooecial axis. Walls, diaphragms, and acanthopores are altered and now con- tain fine-grained calcite. However, a dark median line can be seen locally in walls and diaphragms in longitudinal section. Original character of altered walls is obscured in many places but in other places a dark median line and remnants of sharply defined zooecial tube boundaries indicate an original integrate character of zooecial walls. Modal thickness of walls is 0.04 mm. Mesopores average 22 per 2-mm square in tangential sections. They are polygonal, three- or most frequently four-sided. Mesopore tube diameters average 0.14 mm by 0.08 mm. Origin of mesopores is in the outer immature region, where they begin as a series of elongate, thin beadlike structures. Where they enter the mature zone the beadlike nature becomes less pronounced and in most cases dis- appears completely. Mesopore diaphragms are planar and average eight per mm. Acanthopores originate near the base of the mature zone. They average 0.05 mm in diameter, with an average of 21 per l-mm square. In most places they cause a conspicuous inflection of ad- jacent zooecial tubes. Discussion. — Nicholsonella inflecta most closely resembles NV. OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 301 Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.20-0.30 0.24 0.248 0.029 60 6 MnTD 0.15-0.26 0.20 0.204 0.025 60 6 DBZT 0.02-0.15 0.04 0.060 0.027 60 6 MxMTD 0.03-0.25 0.10 0.141 0.053 40 4 MnMTD 0.03-0.15 0.07 0.083 0.031 40 4 M/2-mmsq 12-48 -— 22.5 10.2 13 4 AD 0.03-0.08 0.05 0.052 0.012 60 6 A/1-mmsq 11-30 27 PAG 5.6 24 5 D/mm 2-5 3 3.0 0.8 27 3 D/mmM 6-12 6 8.1 2.0 12 3 Table 51. Quantitative data on characters of Nicholsonella inflecta, n. sp. Type suite from the lower Chickamauga Group. irregularis Loeblich (1942, p. 428, pl. 64, figs. 5-7) but differs pri- marily in having slightly larger zooecia, more abundant diaphragms in the axial region, and the mesopores are not filled distally by cal- careous deposits and are less strongly beaded. The trivial name, inflecta, is given because of the numerous moderate inflections made into zooecial tubes by acanthopores. Material. — Six thin-sectioned specimens from stratigraphic sec- tions II and IV. Holotype. —USNM 167833. Paratypes. —USNM 167834, 167835, GSATC 209, UNC 4171. Measurements. — Table 51. Nicholsonella aff. N. mariae Astrova, 1965 Pl. 68, figs. 3-5 1965. Nicholsonella mariae Astrova, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Paleont. Inst. Trudy, vol. 106, p. 214, pl. 44, fig. 2a-d. Description. — Zoaria are ramose, with branch diameters up to at least 6 mm. Zooecia are irregularly polygonal in cross-section and have four to six sides. They curve smoothly out from the axial region with no obvious increase in curvature at the base of the mature zone. Zoo- ecial tube diameters average 0.27 mm by 0.21 mm. In most places, zooecia are separated only by walls, with mesopores confined to zoo- ecial corners. Diaphragms in zooecia are planar to slightly concave and are oriented at right angles or are slightly tilted with respect to the zooecial axis. Diaphragms average three per mm. 302 BULLETIN 267 Recrystallization has obscured the original structure of walls and diaphragms, which now contain fine-grained calcite. Many di- aphragms retain a thin, clear median line in longitudinal section. Walls average 0.03 mm in thickness. Mesopores originate in the outer immature zone. They have abundant diaphragms and are somewhat constricted at the di- aphragms, resulting in a vaguely moniliform appearance. There is an average of 17 mesopores per 2-mm square. Mesopore tube di- ameters average 0.11 mm by 0.07 mm. Acanthopores are sparse, and in at least some areas have been obscured by alteration. Where observable, acanthopores average 0.05 mm in diameter and three per 1-mm square. Discussion. — Two specimens from the lower Chickamauga Group have affinities with Nicholsonella mariae Astrova, 1965 (p. 214, pl. 44, fig. 2a-d). They resemble N. mariae in zooecial size, curvature of zooecia, and in abundance and shape of diaphragms. The main differnece is that acanthopores in the holotype and para- type of N. mariae are smaller and much more abundant. Material. —Two thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic section II. Hypotype. — USNM 167836. Measurements. — Table 52. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Mea-urements Measured MxTD 0.24-0.34 0.28 0.273 0.024 20 2 MnTD 0.17-0.25 0.21 0.208 0.023 20 Dy ZWT 0.01-0.08 0.03 0.030 0.016 20 2 MxMTD 0.05-0.18 0.08 0.113 0.043 18 2 MnMTD 0.02-0.11 0.08 0.068 0.028 18 2 M/2-mmsq 16-19 16 Wee 163 5 1 AD 0.03-0.06 0.05 0.046 0.011 10 1 D/mm 1-3 3 27 0.7 10 1 Table 52. Quantitative data on characters of Nicholsonella aff. N. mariae Astrova from the lower Chickamauga Group. ?Nicholsonella sp. Pl. 68, figs. 6-8 Description. — Zoaria are massive to free laminar. Greatest diameter of massive zoaria 1s 24 mm. Greatest thickness of the laminar zoarium 1s 6 mm. OrvovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY 303 Zooecia are subrounded to angular in cross-section. Most poly- gonal zooecia are six-sided. Zooecial tube diameters average 0.26 mm by 0.20 mm. Distance between zooecial tubes averages 0.12 mm and is in most places occupied by a mesopore. Most zooecial dia- phragms are planar and horizontal. A few diaphragms are steeply inclined, slightly concave, or slightly convex. There is an average of three diaphragms per mm. Walls are about 0.01 mm thick. Original structure has been destroyed by recrystallization. Mesopores are polygonal, with planar to slightly concave sides as seen in tangential sections. They vary from three- to five- sided, with average tube diameters of 0.16 mm by 0.10 mm. Essen- tially planar diaphragms average four per mm. Mesopores are slightly to severely constricted at diaphragms, resulting in a moder- ate to pronounced beaded appearance. There is an average of 59 mesopores per 2-mm square. Acanthopores are evident in only one specimen (USNM 167838), which is questionably assigned to this group. Acanthopore diameters average 0.04 mm, and there is an average of 20 per 1-mm square. Discussion. — These specimens are questionably assigned to Nicholsonella because two of the specimens apparently lack acan- thopores, and the mesopores lack the obscuring calcareous deposits thought to be a characteristic of Nicholsonella. The criteria that indicate the specimens may belong to Nicholsonella are the abund- ant, slightly beaded mesopores, and the altered walls. Number of Standard Number of Specimens Character Range Mode Mean Deviation Measurements Measured MxTD 0.20-0.32 0.25 0.260 0.026 30 3 MnTD 0.17-0.25 0.23 0.202 0.029 30 3 DBZT 001-0.28 — 0.117 0.065 30 3 MxMTD 0.06-0.24 0.18 0.157 0.051 30 3 MnMTD 0.03-0.19 0.10 0.099 0.039 30 3 M/2-mmsq 39-82 —— 5952 14.3 20 3 AD 0.03-0.05 0.05 0.040 0.008 10 1 A/1-mmsq 16-27 19 20.3 3.6 10 1 D/mm 1-5 4 3.0 1.0 30 3 D/mmM 2-8 5 4.4 1-2 29 3 Table 53. Quantitative data on characters of ?Nicholsonella sp. from the lower Chickamauga Group. 304 BULLETIN 267 Material. — Three thin-sectioned zoarial fragments from strati- graphic sections I and IV Hypotypes. — USNM 167837, 167838. Measurements. — Table 53. REFERENCES CITED Allen, A. T., and Lester, J. G. 1954. Contributions to the paleontology of northwest Georgia. Georgia Geol. Sur., Bull. 62, vi + 166 pp., 42 pls. 1957. Zonation of the Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in north- western Georgia. Georgia Geol. 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Paleont., vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 413-436, pls. 61-64. Milici, R. C. 1969. Middle Ordovician stratigraphy in central Sequatchie Valley, Ten- nessee. Southeastern Geol., vol. 11, pp. 111-127, 4 text-figs. Milici, R. C., and Smith, J. W. 1969. Stratigraphy of the Chickamauga supergroup in its type area in Milici, R. C., et al., Precambrian-Paleozoic Appalachian problems. Georgia Geol. Sur., Bull. 80, pp. 1-35, 4 text-figs. Nicholson, H. A. 1881. On the structure and affinities of the genus Monticulipora and its sub-genera, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London. xvi + 240 pp., 6 pls., 50 text-figs. Nickles, J. M., and Bassler, R. S. 1900. A synopsis of American fossil Bryozoa including bibliography and synonymy. U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 173, pp. 1-663. Owen, D. E. 1965. Silurian Polyzoa from Benthall Edge, Shropshire. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bull., Geol., vol. 10, pp. 93-117, 6 pls. Perry, T. G. 1962. Spechts Ferry (Middle Ordovician) bryozoan fauna from Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa, Illinois Geol. Sur., Circ. 326, 36 pp., 7 pls., 4 tex-figs. OrpbovicIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY 307 Perry, T. G., and Horowitz, A. S. . 1963. Bryozoans from the Glen Dean Limestone (Middle Chester) of southern Indiana and Kentucky. Indiana Geol. Sur., Bull. 26, pp. 1-51, 9 pls., 1 text-fig. Rodgers, John 1953: Rogers, W. 196la. 1961b. Ross, J. P. 1961. 1963a. 1963b. 1963c. 1967a. 1967b. 1969. 1970. Geologic map of East Tennessee with explanatory text. Tennessee Div. Geol., Bull. 58, pt. 2, vi + 168 pp., 7 text-figs. 7) Middle Ordovician stratigraphy of the Red Mountain area, Alabama. Southeastern Geol., vol. 2, pp. 217-249, 4 text-figs. The stratigraphic paleontology of the Chickamauga Group of the Red Mountain area, Birmingham, Southeastern Geol., vol. 3, pp. 21-35, 5 text-figs. Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Bryozoa of Australia. Aus- tralia Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geophys., Bull. 50, 172 pp., 28 pls., 13 text-figs. New Ordovician species of Chazyan trepostome and cryptostome Bryozoa. Jour. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 57-63, pls. 7, 8, 2 text- figs. Chazyan (Ordovician) Ileptotrypellid and atactotoechid Bryozoa. Palaeont., vol. 5, pp. 727-739, pls. 105-108, 6 text-figs. The bryozoan trepostome Batostoma in Chazyan (Ordovician) strata. Jour. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 857-866, pls. 106-109, 6 text-figs. Evolution of ectoproct genus Prasopora in Trentonian time (Middle Ordovician) in northern and central United States. Jour. Paleont., vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 403-416, pls. 46-50, 3 text-figs. Champlainian Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), New York State. Jour. Paleont., vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 632-648, pls. 67-74, 4 text-figs. Champlanian (Ordovician) Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), New York State, Part II, Jour. Paleont., vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 257-284, pls. 35-49, 1 text-fig. Distribution, paleoecology and correlation of Champlainian Ecto- procta (Bryozoa), New York State, Part III. Jour. Paleont., vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 346-382, pls. 67-74, 8 text-figs. Safford, J. M. 1869. Geology of Tennessee. S. C. Mercer, Publisher, Nashville. xi + 550 pp., illus. Sardeson, F. W. 1935a. 1935b. 1935c: 1936a. 1936b. Behavior of the bryozoan Prasopora simulatrix. Pan-Amer. Geolo- gist, vol. 63, pp. 173-188, pl. 21. Behavior of Monticulipora, Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 64, pp. 43- 54, pl. 10. Behavior of Homotrypa of Decorah shales. Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 64, pp. 343-354, pl. 16. Behavior of Dekayella of Decorah shales. Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 65, pp. 19-30, pl. 1. Bryozoan Hallopora behavior. Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 65, pp. 97-112, pl. 6. 1936c. Early Batostoma behavior and Hemiphragma, Pan-Amer. Geolo- 1936d. 1936e. gist, vol. 66, pp. 95-111, pl. 10. Early bryozoans: Monotrypa to Eridotrypa, Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 66, pp. 179-190, pl. 15. Fossil bryozoans: Leptotrypa to Fistulipora, Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 66, pp. 251-263, pl. 23. 1936f. Early bryozoans; Batostoma to Fenestella, Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 66, pp. 329-346, pl. 30. 308 BuLLETIN 267 Shrock, R. R., and Raasch, G. O. 1937. Paleontology of the disturbed Ordovician rocks near Kentland, Indiana, American Midland Nat., vol. 18, pp. 532-607, 11 pls. Simpson, G. G., Roe, Anne, and Lewontin, R. C. 1960. Quantitative Zoology. Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York. vii + 440 pp., 64 text-figs. Sparling, D. R. 1964. Prasopora in a core from the Northville area, Michigan. Jour. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1072-1981, pls. 161, 162, 3 text-figs. Troedsson, G. T. 1929. On the Middle and Upper Ordovician faunas of Northern Green- land. Part II. Medd. on Gr¢gnland, vol. 72, 197 pp., 56 pls., 12 text- figs. Twenhofel, W. H., et al. 1954. Correlation of the Ordovician formations of North America. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., vol. 65. pp. 247-298. Ulrich, E. O. 1882. American Paleozoic Bryozoa. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, pp. 121-175, pls. 6-8. 1886. Report on the Lower Silurian Bryozoa with preliminary descrip- tions of some of the new species. Minnesota Geol. Nat. Hist. Sur., Ann. Rept. 14, pp. 57-103. 1890. Paleozoic Bryozoa. Illinois Geol. Sur., vol. 8, pp. 283-688, pls. 29-78. 1893. The Bryozoa of the Lower Silurian in Minnesota. Minnesota Geol. Nat. Hist. Sur., Final Rept., vol. 3, pp. 96-332, 28 pls., text-figs. 8-20. 1900. Bryozoa in Zittel, K. A., Text-book of Palacontology, vol. 1. Macmillan and Co., London, and New York. pp. 257-291, text- figs. 411-488. Ulrich, E. O., and Bassler, R. S. 1904. A revision of the Paleozoic Bryozoa. Part II—On genera and species of Trepostomata. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 47, pp. 15-55, pls. 6-14. Utgaard, John, and Perry, T G. 1964. Trepostomatous bryozoan fauna of the upper part of the White- water Formation (Cincinnatian) of eastern Indiana and western Ohio. Indiana Geol. Sur., Bull. 33, pp. 1-111, 23 pls., 1 text-fig. Vinassa de Regny, P. E. 1920. Sulla classificazione dei treptostomide Italiana Soc. Sci. Nat. Atti, vol. 59, pp. 212-231. Wilson, A. E., and Mather, K. F. 1916. Synopsis of the common fossils of the Kingston area. Ontario Bur. Mines, Ann. Rept., vol. 25, pt. 3, pp. 45-66, 3 pls. Wilson, C. W. 1949. Pre-Chattanooga stratigraphy in central Tennessee. Tennessee Div. Geol., Bull. 56, xviii + 407 pp., 28 pls., 89 text-figs. PLATES a a le 4 ¢ >)? ie eqige ¢ ab ee Pe i ~ 0 lenest eo 1 > j ihe _ - (eae ah Shh, The j oa - 7 A & tel Aree 0-8 ed a 3 S Ayipere ~ - : ~ a . Barts ee a i hs - PLATE 46 | BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 Figure 1-5. Monticulipora parallela McKinney, n. sp. 0.0000 ile OrpDoviIcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 46 Longitudinal section, * 20, which shows overlapped cysti- phragms, irregularly spaced diaphragms, and mesopores. Holotype, USNM 167765. Locality II, 3.2-13.7 m. 2. Tangential section, < 20, which shows cystiphragms on three sides of subparallel-sided zooecial voids. Holotype, USNM_ 167765. Locality II, 3.2-13.7 m. 3. Tangenital section, * 80, which illustrates granular-laminar walls and cross-cutting relation between cystiphragms that overlap. Holotype, USNM 167765. Locality II, 3.2-13.7 m. 4. Tangential section 20, which shows paired cystiphragms that form elongate parallel-sided zooecial voids. Paratype, USNM 167766. Locality XII, 14.5-22.1 m. 5. Tangential section, * 80, which shows detail from figure 4 above. Paratype, USNM 167766. Locality XII, 14.5-22.1 m. 6-8. Prasopora discula (Coryell) 6. Vertical section, X* 20, of specimen with fewer than typical cystiphragms and irregularly spaced diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167767. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 7. Tangential section, xX 20, of same specimen as in figure 6 above, which exhibits local variation in density of cystiphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167767. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 8. Tangential section, >< 80, which illustrates acanthopores in zooecial corners and irregular zooecial voids due to variable density and place- ment of cystiphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167767. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 311 Page 222 225 32 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 47 1-7:. [Prasopora: discula ‘(Coryell 200s u.ite. tec pcse-vscaeesthecseocettetenaasteta ten il Vertical section, X 20, which shows strongly overlapped, narrow cystiphragms and irregularly spaced diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167768. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 2. Vertical section, X 20, which shows cystiphragms that overlap and that increase in size towards base of the colony. Hypotype, USNM 167769. Locality II, 3.2-13.7 m. 3. Vertical section, x 80, which shows obscurely laminar walls with median dark line, cystiphragms continuous with wall deposits, and diaphragms that terminate against cystiphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167839. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 4. Tangential section, x 20, which shows central to subcentral, oval zooecial voids and monticules of enlarged zooecia and mesopores in bottom center and top left of photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167769. Locality II, 3.2-13.7 m. 5. Tangential section, 80, which illustrates central, oval zooecial voids caused by complete and nearly complete cystiphgrams. Hypotype, USNM 167769. Locality II, 3-2.13.7 m. 6. Tangential section 20, which shows central, oval zooecial voids and monticule of mesopores and enlarged zooecia in bottom center of photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167768. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 7. Tangential section, x 80, which exhibits central, oval zooecial voids caused by several incomplete cystiphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167768. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. As seen in figure 8 of Plate 46 and in figures 5 and 7 of this plate, the differences in aspect of tangential sections of Prasopora discula are due to the number and com- pleteness of cystiphragms cut by the section. PLATE 47 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 a ty Sie? & b BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 48 SEN ae A? ea ae Figure OrpovicIAN Bryrozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 48 Page 1-3. Prasopora megacystata McKinney, Nn. Sp. oo........ ec 228 aK Vertical section, 20, which shows large, bulbous cysti- phragms. Holotype, USNM 167770. Locality I, 53.2-53.7 m. 2. Tangential section, < 20, which shows peripheral zooecial void, common mesopores, and monticules of mesopores and en- larged zooecia in both upper left and upper right corners of photograph. Holotype, USNM 167770. Locality I, 53.2-53.7 m. 3. Tangential section, X 80, which shows mesopores, proximal tips of mesopores, and large, almost 360° cystiphragms that result in a peripheral zooecial void. Holotype, USNM 167770. Locality I, 53.2-53.7 m. AG mrASODONALSI eer eiae se ese esate gee ea ics nic So cvuntseonsasivnaastsogetiensds 4. Vertical section, X 20, which shows generally wide cysti- phragms and closely spaced diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167772. Locality I, 33.5-41.0 m. 5. Tangential section, 20, which shows acanthopores in lower left corner especially and peripheral to subcentral zooecial voids. Hypotype, USNM 167772. Locality 33.5-41.0 m. 6. Tangential section, X 80, which shows laminar zooecial walls, cystiphragms that extend entirely or almost entirely around zooecial periphery, peripheral to subcentral zooecial voids and most acanthopores situated in zooecial corners. Hypotype, USNM_ 167772. Locality I, 33.5-41.0 m. PLO EEMASOPONALS Detector ee tere eee coon eanesgduyosapavinénsainestesnegsstuansecceaeerens 231 7. Longitudinal section, 20, which illustrates large cysti- phragms in definite immature zone and smaller, more closely cystiphragms in mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167773. Local- ity XVII, 0-4.0 m. 8. Longitudinal section, * 80, which illus- trates thickened, laminar mature walls with median dark line zooecial borders, and thickened cystiphragms continuous with wall laminae especially clear in the right hand wall. Hypotype, USNM 167773. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 314 BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 49 Figure Page leas: 2PrasOpOrarSP s,s... ee. ae ret eeeeeee cot erneeeeees UEP NSE RO 231 1. Tangential section, x 20, which shows thickened zooecial walls, peripheral oval zooecial voids, and monticules of en- larged zooecia in bottom left, right center, and top center of photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167773. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 2. Tangential section, < 80, which shows slightly thickened walls, acanthopores in zooecial corners and along zooecial borders, and cystiphragms which extend around 30% to over 50% of the zooecial periphery and form peripheral zooecial voids. Hypotype, USNM 167773. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 3. Tangential section, X 80, which illustrates thickened walls with definite median line and vague laminae. Hypotype, USNM 167773. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 4-8.” Homotrypa-“subramosa Ulrich 22:..22:..2...008 oo. ee 4. Longitudinal section, < 20, which shows diaphragm spacing in immature zone, large bulbous cystiphragms in mature zone, and slightly thickened mature walls. Hypotype, USNM 167774. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 5. Longitudinal section, x 20, of the same specimen as figure 4 above, which shows less distinction between mature and immature zones, with diaphragms more numerous in immature zone than is typical. Hypotype, USNM 167774. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 6. Tangential section, x 20, which illustrates monticule in center of photograph and a pre- ferred orientation of peripheral zooecial voids. Hypotype, USNM 167775. Locality I, 45.2-46.2 m. 7. Tangential section, x 80, which illustrates cystiphragms with small peripheral zooecial voids, acanthopores in zooecial corners, and slightly thickened zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167775. Locality I, 45.2-46.2 m. 8. Longitudinal section, « 20, showing multi- laminar zoarial form which encrusts a pelecypod shell, cysti- phragms, cystose and regular diaphragms, and a mesopore with closely spaced diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167774. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 ea e\e ‘ sis Cayce) Key 4 aN 1 ae opt Mee a 5 ip” ae 4 3 Re Borys a ae Meiers bn Sad PLATE 49 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 50 Figure OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 50 i Homotrypa subramosa Ulrich™. -.5.225...0i2.. ee erro ee Longitudinal section, X 80, which shows thickened cystiphragms that pass into V-shaped laminae of the zooecial wall and median dark lines which represent zooecial boundaries. Hypotype, USNM 167774. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 315 eH OMOtnyPpanVacUa WCKANNE Ys, ol: SP ore. cgsccecetsneeoaeee. sunseseecececcerte= eens 238 2. Longitudinal section, < 20, which shows sparse diaphragms in immature zone concentrated in the submature zone, numerous small cystiphragms in the mature zone (best seen in right half of photograph), and thickened mature zooecial walls. Holotype, USNM 167776. Locality XVI, 0-1.7 m. 3. Longitudinal section, X 80, which shows overlapped, locally thickened diaphragms which pass into V-shaped laminae of thickened zooecial walls and median dark line which represents zooecial boundaries. Holotype, USNM 167776. Locality XVI, 0-1.7 m. 4. Longitudinal section, < 20, of branch bifurcation, which illustrates same characters as figure 2 above. Paratype, USNM 167777. Locality VIII, 10.0-13.3 m. 5. Longitudinal section, X 80, which shows same characters as figure 3 above and a prominent diaphragm. Paratype, USNM 167777. Locality VIII, 10.0-13.3 m. 6. Tangential section, x 20, which shows zooecial tubes almost closed by abnormal calcareous deposits. Holotype, USNM 167776. Locality XVI, 0-1.7 m. 7. Tangential section, X 80, which illustrates laminar nature of calcareous deposits that close zooecial tubes and prominent acanthopores both in zooecial corners and along boundaries. Holotype, USNM 167776. Locality XVI, 0-1.7 m. 8. Mesotrypa sparsa McKinney, n. sp. eee. ache Longitudinal section, < 20, which shows closely spaced dia- phragms, cystose diaphragms, and cystiphragms in mature zone, more widely spaced diaphragms in immature zone, and zonal development of short acanthopores. Paratype, USNM 167780. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 241 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 51 Page 1-7. Mesotrypa sparsa McKinney, . SP. ............:0..cceseccseeeteescoentneete ees 241 1. Tangential section, < 20, which passes through zone of abun- dant acanthopores and contains a monticule of enlarged zooecia in upper right center. Paratype, USNM 167780. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 2. Tangential section, X 20, which passes through zone with few acanthopores and contains a monticule in upper left corner. Paratype, USNM 167781. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 3. Longitudinal section, X20, which shows numerous curved and cystose diaphragms in immature zone. Paratype, USNM 167781. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 4. Longitudinal section, xX 20, which illustrates a more typical reduced definition between mature and immature zones and a zonal development of short acanthopores at the base of the mature zone. Holotype, USNM 167779. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 5. Longitudinal section, & 80, which exhibits cone-in-cone structure of short acanthopores. Holotype, USNM 167779. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 6. Tan- gential section, X 20, which shows good development of large acanthopores at zooecial corners and typically thin zooecial walls. Holotype, USNM 167779. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 7. Tangential section, 80, which illustrates locally thickened, obscurely laminate zooecial walls with a dark median line shown in lower left corner, variability of zooecial cross-sections, and large, strongly laminate acanthopores with large axial zones in zooecial corners. Holotype, USNM 167779. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 8. Heterotrypa ridleyana (Coryell) 200000000... Tangential section, X 20, which cuts through mature zone only in a narrow band just below the center of the photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167783. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. . 244 PLATE 51 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 % —) X- t yy A \ wr PLATE 52 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 AIE. we Figure OrpDovICcIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 52 <2. Heterotrypa ridleyana (Coryell) 0..:.0.2.....25. 08 han nihanee.. 1. Tangential section, * 80, which illustrates mesopores, sparse, small acanthopores located both in zooecial corners and along borders, and thickened zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167783. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 2. Longitudinal section, « 20, which shows mature zone in right bottom corner, some cysti- phragms in lower portion of mature zone where diaphragms are closely spaced, and more widely spaced diaphragms in the outermost part of the mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167784. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 3-9. Heterotrypa patera Coryell 20.0000. 3. Longitudinal section, * 20, which exhibits diaphragm spacing in immature zone, gentle to pronounced bend at base of mature zone, and cystiphragms at base of mature zone. Hypo- type, USNM 167785. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 4. Longitudinal section, X< 80, which illustrates diaphragms, cystose dia- phragms, and cystiphragms that continue into wall laminae, and lower integrate type wall structure which passes out- ward into typical two-part heterotrypid walls. Hypotype, USNM_ 167785. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 5. Longitudinal section, * 20, which shows same characters as figure 3 above, but with distinct bend at base of thicker mature zone and more obvious restriction of cystiphragms to the base of the mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167786. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 6. Longitudinal section, 80, which shows typical heterotrypid wall structure. Hypotype, USNM 167787. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 7. Tangential section, X 20, with abnormal, irregularly crenulated deposits in monticules. Hypotype, USNM_ 167788. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 8. Tangential section, 80, which illustrates amalgamate walls due to curved wall laminae, thin zooecial linings, and acanthopores that slightly inflect the zooecial tubes located in zooecial corners. Hypotype, USNM 167788. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 9. Tangential section, xX 80, of zooecium in a monticule lined by irregularly crenulated wall deposits. Hypotype, USNM 167788. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. Page . 244 248 318 BuL1eETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 53 Figure 1-4. Heterotrypa patera Coryell .).)o.er ees eee 1. Reconstructed specimen, X 2/3, with frondose, parallel, inter- grown branches. Hypotype, USNM 167789. Locality II, 16.1- 19.2 m. 2. Tangential section, * 20, which exhibits typical tangential aspect of well developed mature zone, with monti- cules in upper left and lower right corners. Hypotype, USNM 167790. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 3. Tangential section, x 80, which illustrates amalgamate wall structure, thick zooecial lining, and local absence of acanthopores. Hypotype, USNM 167790. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 4. Tangential section x 80, which shows same features as figure 3 above, but with acantho- pores in most zooecial corners. Hypotype, USNM 167787. Lo- cality II, 14.5-16.1 m. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 53 PLATE 54 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 Figure OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 54 1-8. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich ............0.0.0000.0ccccccccecccccecctetteees 1. Longitudinal section, X 20, which illustrates gentle curvature of zooecia into mature zone and moderately spaced diaphragms in mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167792. Locality XIV, 16.2- 18.2 m. 2. Longitudinal section, < 80, which shows two slightly thickened diaphragms near the top of the photograph, with basal dark layer and overlying lighter laminae continuous with wall laminae, and absence of zooecial lining. Hypotype, USNM 167792. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 3. Tangential sec- tion, X 20, which shows monticule in lower left corner, sparse mesopores, and integrate walls. Hypotype, USNM_ 167792. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 4. Tangential section, « 80, which illustrates acanthopores at zooecial corners, dark line which represents zooecial boundaries, and slightly thickened mature zooecial walls with no internal lining. Hypotype, USNM 167792. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 5. Tangential section, x 20, of specimen with well-developed zooecial lining. Hypo- type, USNM 167793. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 6. Tangential section, < 80, which shows dark line between adjacent zooecia, acanthopores and mesopores in some zooecial corners, and thick zooecial linings. Hypotype, USNM 167793. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 7. Longitudinal section, < 20, of locally thin-walled mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167793. Locality XIV, 16.2- 18.2 m. 8. Longitudinal section, < 80, which illustrates thickened diaphragm and cystose diaphragm continuous with wall laminae. Hypotype, USNM 167793. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 319 320 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 55 1-3. Amplexopora winchelli Ulrich occ. il 4-8. Amplexopora aff. A. winchelli Ulrich ._. Longitudinal] section, * 80, which illustrates slightly thickened diaphragms continuous with laminae of well developed zooecial linings. Hypotype, USNM 167793. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 2. Longitudinal section, « 80, of zooecium with large acanthopore to left. Hypotype, USNM 167791. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 3. Tangential section, * 80, which shows same characters as figure 6 of Plate 54, with zooecial lining developed only as local bulbous thickenings. Hypotype, USNM 167791. Locality XIV, 16.2-18.2 m. 4. Tangential section, x 20, which exhibits abundant acantho- pores both in zooecial corners and along zooecial borders. Hypotype, USNM 167794. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 5. Longi- tudinal section, > 80, which shows short acanthopores de- veloped along zooecial borders. Hypotype, USNM_ 167794. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 6. Longitudinal section, x 20, which illustrates transition from immature to mature zone and closely spaced diaphragms in proximal tips of short zooecia. Hypotype, USNM 167794. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 7. Longi- tudinal section, < 80, which shows change from immature to mature portions of a short zooecium. Hypotype, USNM 167794. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 8. Tangential section, 80, which illustrates acanthopores both in zooecial corners and along zooecial boundaries that inflect zooecial tubes. Hypotype, USNM 167794. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 255 PLATE 55 60 PALEONT., VOL. BULL. AMER i BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 56 | gf’ ae Oe. STG hae . Petes Figure OrpoviciIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 56 eae PAM DIOXOPONas SPs 82s d. oes ee wh ere ations a anes 1. Tangential section, X 20, which exhibits small zooecia, abundant mesopores, and a questionable monticule in the upper right corner of the photograph. Hypotype, USNM_ 167795. Locality II, 16.1-19.2 m. 2. Tangential section, x 80, which shows abundant small acanthopores in mesopore and zooecial corners and laminar zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167795. Locality II, 16.1-19.2 m. 3. Vertical section, 20, which illus- trates thickened mature walls and prominent crenulate dark line between adjacent zooecia. Hypotype, USNM_ 167795. Locality II, 16.1-19.2 m. 4. Longitudinal section, « 80, which illustrates a crenulate dark line of contact between adjacent mature zooecia, V-shaped laminae in zooecial walls, and slightly thickened diaphragms continuous with zooecial linings. Hypotype, USNM 167795. Locality II, 16.1-19.2 m. 5-8. Eridotrypa minor Ulrich . AUR Ae eee ete Rd ED Or 5: Longitudinal section, x 40, which illustrates relationship of mature, submature, and immature zones. Hypotype, USNM 167796. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 6. Longitudinal section, & 20, which shows a thin mature zone and absence or sparsity of dia- phragms in the immature zone except in the submature region and in a plane of rejuvenation. Hypotype, USNM 167796. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 7. Longitudinal section, 80, which illustrates mature and submature diaphragms continuous with wall laminae and dark line that represents plane of contact between adjacent zooecia. Hypotype, USNM 167796. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 8. Tangential section, « 40, which illustrates slightly thickened walls in thin mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167796. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 321 522 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 57 1-6. Eridotrypa abrupta Loeéblich .............6....0.000:..ccccccccceecceteccgecenese overs 1. 7,8. Eridotrypa arcuata McKinney, n. sp. ........... Tangential section, < 40, which illustrates rounded to sub- rounded, typically oval or polygonal mature zooecial cross- sections. Hypotype, USNM 167797. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 2. Tangential section, xX 80, which illustrates dark line in walls between adjacent zooecia, ]aminar walls, and mesopores at zooecial corners. Hypotype, USNM 167797. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 3. Longitudinal section, 20, which exhibits un- usual lack of diaphragms in immature zone except in plane of rejuvenation just above lower edge of photograph and in submature zone and abrupt bend at base of thin mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167797. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 4. Longi- tudinal section, & 80, which shows submature diaphragms con- tinuous with wall laminae (best seen in lower right corner) and dark line which represents zooecial borders. Hypotype, USNM 167797. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 5. Tangential section, >< 20, which illustrates subcircular mature zooecial cross- sections and abundant mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167798. Locality I, 33.5-41.0 m. 6. Longitudinal section, « 20, which shows scattered diaphragms in immature zone and abrupt bend at base of mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167798. Locality I, 33.5-41.0 m. 7. Longitudinal section, < 20, of two anastomosed branches that result in a locally thickened and reflexed mature zone. Paratype, USNM 167800. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 8. Longi- tudinal section, * 40, which exhibits gentle curvature into mature zone, faintly suggested V-shaped laminae in mature walls, planar diaphragms in mature zone, and dark line which represents plane of contact between adjacent zooecia. Holotype, USNM 167799. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. PLATE 57 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 58 anes, «cS nn a ee ee I Figure OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 58 Los) bo oS) 1-5. Eridotrypa arcuata McKinney, n. sp... Ree ee: 264 1. Tangential section, * 20, which cuts from mature zone near top of photograph into immature zone in bottom center of photograph. Holotype, USNM 167799. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 2. Tangential section, & 80, which illustrates thickened mature walls, “granular” contact between zooecia, and elongate oval zooecial tubes. Holotype, USNM 167799. Locality III, 19.1- 22.0 m. 3. Tangential section, < 200, which illustrates minute tubules that cause “granular” appearance of zooecial borders at lower magnifications. Holotype, USNM 167799. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 4. Tangential section, x 20, of branch bifur- cation. Paratype, USNM 167801. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 5. Longitudinal section, < 20, which shows lack of diaphragms in immature zone and gentle curvature into mature zone. Para- type, USNM 1677800. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. GCORPENIGOtY pa MibAMa WSALLOLG) | o....c8.ssssd0oececusinensvoasienreaacaeseancelestsbexs 6. Longitudinal section, x 20, which shows zooecia that diverge steeply in immature zone, lack of diaphragms in immature zone, and presence of diaphragms in submature and thin mature zones. Hypotype, USNM 167803. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 7. Longitudinal section, x 80, which shows slightly thickened diaphragms continuous with vague laminae of walls. Hypo- type, USNM 167803. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 8. Tangential sec- tion, < 20, which illustrates irregularly polygonal cross-sec- tional shape of mature zooecia. Hypotype, USNM 167803. Lo- cality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 9. Tangential section, * 80, which ex- hibits laminae of indistinctly integrate walls. Hypotype, USNM 167803. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 267 324 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 59 1-8. Batostoma varium Ulrich ...........00000.000...0... a Pi dacteeene: il; Longitudinal section, X 20, which illustrates lack of dia- phragms in immature zone except in outer immature zone and gradual curvature of zooecia into thin mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167804. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 2. Tangential section, > 20, which illlustrates oval mature zooecial cross-sections, large acanthopores in a band that extends from the center top to center bottom of the photograph, and vague mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167805. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 3. Tangential section, X 80, which exhibits well-developed zooecial lining, large acanthopores with large axial outside of zooecial linings, and mesopores masked by calcareous deposits. Hypotype, USNM 167805. Locality I, 12.8-25.3 m. 4. Longitudinal section, > 80, which cuts large axial area of two notched acantho- pores, thin diaphragms in zooecial tube, and thickened dia- phragms which partially to completely fill mesopores. Hypo- type, USNM 167806. Locality VI, 0.3-4.9 m. 5. Longitudinal section, < 80, which illustrates thickened wall deposits, acan- thopores with moderately large axial areas, and mesopore with slightly thickened diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167807. Lo- cality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 6. Tangential section, < 80, which shows well-developed zooecial linings, relatively smal] acan- thopores with large axial areas, and mesopores partly ob- scured by calcareous deposits. Hypotype, USNM_ 167807. Locality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 7. Tangential section, X 20, of specimen with large acanthopores that can best be seen just below the center of the photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167799. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 8. Tangential section, x 80, which illustrates variable size of axial areas in large acanthopores, vague wall laminae, zooecial linings in upper left of photo- graph, and obscure mesopores. Hypotype, USNM_ 167799. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. PLATE 59 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 gsagr 0 ‘ Ay - , , PNM RT eee A ee he, ay ae ne ae SSS fy PLATE 60 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 ™ wie A. a? 4 & ¢ i + uP " 4 y ye A ee eo er 5 LTE Figure OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKInNEy Explanation of Plate 60 Hed atoSstomal Var Ui sWLi Cl rss ceee crete ac ee ec okepea E ee 1. Longitudinal section, x 20, of thin-walled specimen with large zooecia. Hypotype, USNM 167808. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 2. Longitudinal section, & 80, which shows a slightly moni- liform mesopore with thin diaphragms. Hypotype, USNM 167808. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 3. Tangential section, x 20, which exhibits a monticule in the upper right corner. Hypotype, USNM 167808. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 4. Tangential section, < 80, which illustrates thin zooecial linings relative to other specimens of B. varium, small acanthopores in the zooecial- mesopore corners, and well-defined mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167808. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 5-8. Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry ...00000000.0...00oocceecceeese 5. Longitudinal section, & 20, which illustrates abundant dia- phragms and moderately thin walls. Hypotype, USNM 167809. Locality XII, 22.1-25.6 m. 6. Longitudinal section, & 80, which shows long acanthopores in zooecial corners and short acantho- pores along zooecial borders. Hypotype, USNM 167809. Lo- cality XII, 22.1-25.6 m. 7. Longitudinal section, x 20, of area penetrated by boring organism. Distortion of zooecia to the right of the bore hole may indicate an adjustment of the ecto- proct colony while or after it was invaded by the boring organism. Hypotype, USNM 167809. Locality XII, 22.1-25.6 m. 8. Tangential section, < 20, which exhibits subcircular zooecia and abundant mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167809. Locality XII, 22.1-25.6 m. 325 326 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 61 1,2. Batostoma increbescens Bork and Perry .............0..ccccccccceeeeeeeeeeees if Tangential section, 80, which illustrates well-developed zooecial linings indented by numerous small acanthopores. Most mesopores are filled by calcareous deposits. Hypotype, USNM 167809. Locality XII, 22.1-25.6 m. 2. Tangential section, xX 20, which cuts both mature and immature zones. Hypo- type, USNM 167810. Locality VI, 0.3-4.9 m. 3-6. Batostoma sp. ....................0... vieindhorta tac vos renee REDaa ae eSe EE 3: 7,8. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich) ................... Longitudinal section, X 20, of an area with relatively widely spaced diaphragms in mesopores and zooecial walls that are thinner than typical. Hypotype, USNM 167811. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 4. Longitudinal section, x 20, of a more generally typical area of the same specimen shown in figure 3 above. Hypotype, USNM 167811. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 5. Longi- tudinal section, X< 80, illustrating curved diaphragms in zooecia, abundant diaphragms in somewhat moniliform meso- pores and an acanthopore. Holotype, USNM 167811. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 6. Deep tangential section, & 20, cutting subcircular zooecia, abundant mesopores and abundant acanthopores. Hypotype, USNM 167811. Locality II, 14.5-16.1 m. 7. Vertical section, 20, of encrusting specimen on brachiopod shell, which shows decreased diameter of zooecia in the mature zone and hemiphragms that project into zooecial tubes from one side of the zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 8. Vertical section, x 20, which shows thick-walled mature zone and numerous hemiphragms. Hypo- type, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 274 276 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 61 PLATE 62 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 Figure OrbovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 62 1-6. Hemiphragma irrasum (Ulrich) ............00.0.00..00...... 1. Longitudinal section, < 20, with hemiphragms in submature zone and jin thick-walled mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167813. Locality V, 23.8-28.4 m. 2. Longitudinal section, * 80, which cuts small mesopore, prominent inclined wal] laminae that meet along dark median plane of contact, and hemi- phragms continuous with wall laminae. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 3. Tangential section, x 20, which illustrates well-developed girdle-like bands around zooecia, mesopores in lower part of photograph filled by cal- careous deposits, and a monticule in center of photograph. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 4. Tangential section, < 20, which shows prominent acanthopores, most of which are located along the peripheries of girdle-like bands around zooecia, and local areas with mesopores filled by cal- careous deposits. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 5. Tangential section, x 80, which illustrates thick girdle- like bands around zooecia indented by small acanthopores and thin-walled, polygonal mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 6. Tangential section, x 80, which cuts area of calcareous deposits in mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167812. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 7,8. Calopora dumalis (Ulrich) ........... 7. Longitudinal section, x 20, of a specimen with atypically abundant diaphragms in zooecia that have reached full dia- meter. Hypotype, USNM 167814. Locality III, 19-1-22.0 m. 8. Longitudinal section, X 20, which shows abundant diaphragms in proximal portions of zooecia, sparse diaphragms in zooecia that have reached full diameter, and oblique zooecia at the zoarial surface. Hypotype, USNM 177815. Locality, XV, 1.5-4.3 m. Page . 276 279 328 Figure BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 63 2. Calopora dumalis. (Ulrich): .....2:....2 2022s RAS a taba nih Tangential section, < 20, which shows subround to suboval zooecia and polygonal mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167814. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 2. Tangential section, < 80, which illustrates thin walls with median dark line. Hypotype, USNM 167814. Locality III, 19.1-22.0 m. 3-8. Calopora ovata, McKinney, 1. SP. o..........c.5.e.ssroaserponectontanenensededeenee 282 3. Longitudinal section, X 20, which illustrates the common occurrence of diaphragms in proximal portions of zooecia and the abundant occurrence of diaphragms throughout most mesopores, and widely spaced diaphragms in zooecia that have reached their full diameter. Paratype, USNM 167818. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 4. Longitudinal section, xX 20, which shows smooth curvature of zooecia into thick-walled mature zone. Holotype, USNM 167816. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 5. Longi- tudinal section, X 80, which exhibits V-shaped wall laminae, dark median line between adjacent zooecia, and close dia- phragm spacing in mesopore. Holotype, USNM 167816. Lo- cality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 6. Tangential section, < 20, which shows thick-walled, oval zooecia and abundant mesopores. Holotype, USNM 167816. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 7. Tan- gential section, < 20, which illustrates well-developed, thick walls of mature zooecia, thin walls of immature zooecia in lower right of photograph, and abundant mesopores. Para- type, USNM 167817. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. 8. Tangential section, > 80, which illustrates thick laminar walls, oval zooecial tubes, and irregularly polygonal mesopores. Paratype, USNM 167817. Locality XV, 13.7-16.6 m. PLATE 63 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 a —_—. ‘ “ Ne A AS PLATE 64 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 Figure OrpoviciAN Bryozoa: McKINNEyY Explanation of Plate 6+ leGeucalonora spisSatan, COLyell nicks acces oes eee tees Pn ee al Longitudinal section, < 20, which illustrates closely spaced diaphragms in proximal portions of zooecia, lack of diaphragms in immature zooecia that have reached full diameter, rare diaphragms in mature zooecia, mesopores that are restricted to basal part of mature zone, and thick mature zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167820. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 2. Longi- tudinal section, * 80, which shows diaphragms in mesopore that is closed distally by wall deposits, wal! laminae which dip steeply, and dark lines which represent zooecial borders. Hypotype, USNM 167820. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 3. Longi- tudinal section, X 80, which illustrates a mesophore that pinches out distally. Hypotype, USNM 167820. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 4. Longitudinal section, < 20, similar to figure 1 above but with slightly thinner mature walls. Hypotype, USNM 167821. Locality IV, 7.0-12.2 m. 5. Tangential section, xX 20, which shows large size of zooecia that are oval in cross-section and abundant mesopores in zooecial corners. Hypotype, USNM 167821. Locality IV, 7.0-12.2 m. 6. Tangential section, x 80, which illustrates thick, laminar zooecial walls and mesopores that lack walls or have thin walls between zooecia. Hypotype, USNM 167821. Locality IV, 7.0-12.2 m. 7-9. Diplotrypa anchicatenulata McKinney, n. sp. 7. Tangential section, < 20, which illustrates suboval to poly- gonal zooecial cross-sections and mesopores at most zooecial corners. Holotype, USNM 167822. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 8. Longitudinal section, X 80, which shows moniliform meso- pore and thin zooecial walls where zooecial tubes are filled by sparry calcite. Holotype, USNM 167822. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 9. Longitudinal section, x 20, which shows uni- form diaphragm spacing in zooecia and moniliform meso- pores, some of which consist of isolated vesicles. Holotype, USNM 167822. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. So bdo \O 288 330 BULLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 65 Figure Page 1. Diplotrypa anchicatenulata McKinney, n. sp... 00... 288 Longitudinal section, < 80, which exhibits three-part nature of walls where protected by micrite matrix, with thin, median dark band surrounded by fibers oriented perpendicular to sur- face of walls. Holotype, USNM 167822. Locality XVI, 15.7-18.9 m. 2-8. Nicholsonella acanthobscura McKinney, n. sp. ......... 292 2. Longitudinal section, x 80, which illustrates mesopores with recrystallized, vague laminae and infilled zooecial tubes. Holo- type, USNM 187824. Locality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 3. Longi- tudinal section, x 20, with widely spaced diaphragms in zooecia and mesopores in thin mature zone with closely spaced diaphragms. Holotype, USNM 167824. Locality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 4. Tangential section, x 20, of specimen which has larger zooecia and fewer mesopores than typical. Paratype, USNM 167825. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 5. Tangential section, x 20, which shows typical state of small, suboval zooecial tubes separated by abundant mesopores, some of which are infilled. Holotype, USNM 167824. Locality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 6. Tan- gential section, X 80, which exhibits small zooecial tubes and altered walls that obscure zooecial and mesopore boundaries; vague, large acanthopores may be distinguished with diffi- culty, especially in the lower part of the figure and around the upper of the two median zooecia. Holotype, USNM 167824. Locality XVI, 1.7-15.7 m. 7. Longitudinal section, x 20, of ramose specimen with moderately spaced diaphragms in zooecia and closely spaced diaphrams in mesopores. Paratype, USNM 167826. Locality V, 23.8-28.4 m. 8. Vertical section, x 20, of multilaminar specimen with same internal features as in figure 7 above. Paratype, USNM 167827. Locality V, 23.8-28.4 m. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 65 PLATE 66 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY SS Explanation of Plate 66 Figure Page 1-7. Nicholsonella parafrondifera McKinney, n. sp. ..................000cc.. 294 1. Longitudinal section, * 20, which illustrates laminate growth form, recrystallized walls, and abundant mesopores with closely spaced diaphragms. Holotype, USNM 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 2. Longitudinal section, 80, which shows zooecial tubes infilled by matrix and almost obscured walls and diaphragms in both zooecia and mesopores. Holotype, USNM 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 3. Tangential section, >< 20, which illustrates thin-walled region in center of photo- graph, with open polygonal mesopores and few acanthopores. Holotype, USNM 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 4. Tangential section, 20, which illustrates suboval zooecia, abundant mesopores, and large, abundant acanthopores, especially in the lower right corner of the figure. Holotype. USNM 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 5. Tangential section, 80, of thin- walled region with distinct walls bounded by a diffuse, re- crystallized zone. Holotype, USNM _ 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 6. Tangential section, « 80, of more thick-walled area than in figure 5 above which contains common acantho- pores. Holotype, USNM 167829. Locality II, 3.7-8.2 m. 7. Longitudinal section, * 20, which shows moderately spaced diaphragms in zooecia, gentle curvature of zooecia into mature zone, and mesopores in mature zone. Paratype, USNM 167830. Locality VI, 4.9-10.5 m. Ww Ww bdo Figure BuLLETIN 267 Explanation of Plate 67 1-4. Nicholsonella pulchra Ulrich 2.22008). eee MA es ile 5-8. Nicholsonella inflecta McKinney, n. sp. .................. 5. Longitudinal section, x 20, which shows gentle curvature of zooecia into mature zone, characterized by abundant dia- phragms and mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167832. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 2. Tangential section, 20, which exhibits sub- oval zooecia, abundant mesopores and acanthopores, and altered zooecial walls. Hypotype, USNM 167832. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 3. Tangential section, x 20, which shows same characters as in figure 2 above but with slightly larger zooecia and some mesopores cut below the zone of infilled material. Wall thickness and clearly defined mesopores and acanthopores in zooecial and mesopore corners are best illus- trated in the lower portion of the figure. Hypotype, USNM 167832. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 4. Tangential section, x 80, of same specimen as in figures 2 and 3 above, which shows details of suboval zooecia, mesopores, some of which are in- filled, acanthopores which slightly inflect zooecial tubes in a few places, and altered walls. Hypotype, USNM_ 167832. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. Number is missing on fig. 5 of pl. 67. Tangential section, x 20, which illustrates irregularly sub- circular zooecia and swollen areas in altered walls which in- flect zooecial tubes and which represent acanthopores (number missing on. plate). Holotype, USNM 167833. Locality IV, 20.6- 23.9 m. 6. Tangential section, < 80, which suggests vaguely concentric swollen areas in zooecial walls that represent acanthopores. Holotype, USNM 167833. Locality IV, 20.6-23.9 m. 7. Longitudinal section, x 20, which shows diaphragms in zooecia, gentle curvature of zooecia into mature zone, and mesopores in mature zone. Holotype, USNM 167833. Locality IV, 20.6-23.9 m. 8. Longitudinal section, x 20, which shows thicker mature zone than in figure 7 above and elongate monili- form nature of proximal portions of some zooecia. Paratype, USNM 167834. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. . 299 PLATE 67 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 x ny mh, BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 60 PLATE 68 Figure OrpovicIAN Bryozoa: McKINNEY Explanation of Plate 68 339 Page 1,2. Nicholsonella inflecta McKinney, n. Sp. ......00..0.. cc 299 1. Tangential section, < 20, which shows more distinct acantho- pores than in figure 5 of Plate 67. Paratype, USNM 167834. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 2. Tangential section, x 80, which shows acanthopores and locally preserved distinct contact between altered zooecial walls and zooecial tubes. A diffuse median dark line is present in the wall on the upper left of the center zooecium. Paratype, USNM 167834. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 3-5. Nicholsonella aff. N. mariae Astrova 2.000000... 32 Tangential section, 20, which illustrates polygonal zooecia and sparse mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167836. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 4. Tangential section, * 80, which exhibits thin, altered zooecial walls with edges of walls fairly well pre- served. Hypotype, USNM 167836. Locality II, 8.2-13.7 m. 5. Longitudinal section, 20, which exhibits uniform spacing of diaphragms and gentle curvature of zooecia into mature zone. Hypotype, USNM 167836. Locality II, 8.2-13-7 m. 6-8. ?Nicholsonella sp. 000000000000... Mos aes vind ee 6. Longitudinal section, & 20, which shows diaphragms in zoo- ecia and slightly moniliform mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167837. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 7. Tangential section, « 20, which illustrates thin-walled, polygonal zooecia, and abundant mesopores. Hypotype, USNM 167837. Locality XVII, 0-4.0 m. 8. Tangential section, < 20, of specimen with acanthopores and more mesopores and smaller zooecia than in figure 7 above. Hypotype, USNM 167838. Locality IV, 7.0-12.2 m. . 301 302 INDEX Note: Light face type refers to page numbers. Bold face type refers to plate numbers. A abruptas rid Otny Davnscsisscc oo eee ees eee _......57, 262-264, 266 acanthobscura, Nicholsonella ................ aeons alae Ne? 65, 212, 292-294 aedtlis, Hridotcypae yl Se PE seo eee Ree ae ee 261, 262 INISCNVELOIA Ne NR oak ni Meer hee pen Soe ctaabéionc: 259 Allen; A. T..& Lester, J; G....- eh ae estat tts Ok 28 a cts 196, 208 AmplOxOpOLalens :cctccetee eee be eee brome kites het 196, 219, 250 AmplexOpOta SPs g.tro..c-ccecccraet tee Tae Fase eo Bee ascacseury 56, 258, 259 anchicatenulata, Diplotrypa ......... ste ree 64, 65r one 288-290 angularis, Mesotrypa .................... aes Re RR scat ta. hs 243 Anstey, Rok. & Perry, 2G, .....-.:. Pe eee eee 214, 215 ALDOPEA; NUOM ECU DOL) scsoidc cn eascscils tts 1 osoveondsok concen des vemmtaaee Denon enone 223, 224 AL CU Abas LIC OULY Pane cate larey toads irs -aon ca aeesnerenadseneesercestansmute 57, 58, 212, 264-267 TACT) Ba OA CS a a nent ree ene ar 229) 230, 236, 281; ’290, 291 B 1 Bd | eee mn A ee ee en ee Rm Nm ore re oRane eee orn ena 254, 261 IBASSIER ORs Se crdvud accu hak etieneeier sation, ea 196, 222, 236, 254, 261, 278 Batostonia teh lot Geek oe ben esl PNG oc EY Stee 219, 269, 287, 291 BatOStOMarSPy esse teres Nee ue ee eee eee 61, 274-276 IBGKKen SOE, Bette tere recat cna eis bok nate ee, eer Big Ridge, Wills Valley, Alabama: 2.0.2...0.2:.cccsuteksccaetseasanesueenenee eee 197 Blackriveramec eee csr ee eres er ceaene eee es . ..208, 209, 254 18: SBA Ob 0 a,2) 1 ER] SS i aie Seen geet - e e e Ue 217, 220, “921, 275, 290, 291 Boardman, R. S. & Cheetham As, Fe 55.2. stachencoce teedeteucea ena cee ees 220 Boardman, R. S. & Utgaard, MON ee oss casssese ce ee 212, 246 Bork, K. B. & Perry, T. G. 196, 214, 220, 222, 236, 237, 239, 254, 273, 278, 289 BLOW Gre Ds ce oot ece tes os tases saseis cee ont Maney eeeteateete tec ceca dacolatien Se acoptae en 196 Buttse Charles cee ecco heer cee sont dekh este shnall ee OD S9G (se Callito@cha, LOMO EEN a) asc. ce coe see secs Rte women shames See cal addstibcatteisen das ..239 OE 0) 010) 0: ee eer De reer CCnreP eter ores er pene eee tere ete 219, 279 Garters WiMeStONe oc. ossecccces ese sas seees soca orton ct ssaeenaeoasen ae eae eeae sesvstene 2G, QL Gatentilata, Dip lOtRy OA) tessiscces.cssnrsvecaesestd8s Mosean ise <-caundee naecsssteenimmen setae 289, 290 Central Basin; SREnNMeSSCO: 2 ecsuesce eevee nce eee tetaee cesses eee ese eae 199, 209, 268 (O1EV AYE 0 Mere eN ere en nes Sees Ean eater enmrDeSy pene rere Tyna eae ee secre ae 208 Geeta, Ade se 56 be Si otecsck costs as bssisvapcs etek ocosece ant teases nseakomeee nee caudaetneee soa eae 214 Chickamauga Group ....195, 196, 199, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, ae 264 compacta, PrasOpOra’ asc-cccccseitee ners Re ere ere rer a eee 229, 230 GOnSt eM ARIA ices scccscdsco tase cieesnedivwesess siebe kaneesacchu swadedseuansccene someesmeensanse 287, 290, 291 COOP Or Ge A ca cakaicsnateeeiosceconsaatee aoe ite st acl, a aneeiude sees erceseeneee meer: 195, 208, 211 Coryell, H. ING MS eters neucalenie rnc e 196, 268, 269, 295, 297 CEOWNENSIS, EOViGOUCY DA «cs cdvsesesececasesce cues ) i) in macrostoma, Hallopora mariae, Nicholsonella Jee aes aff. mariae, Nicholsonella megacystata, Prasopora . Mesotrypa ......... Mesotrypa sp. Metrarabdotos Mihicie RoC. =... Milici, R. C. & Smith, J. W. minnesotensis, Amplexopora minnesotensis, Homotrypa minor, Eridotrypa ... moniliformis, Diplotrypa ................. moniliformis argutus, Diniowypa rr Monotrypa Monticulipora .. Morozova, I. P. eae eee multispinosa, Stigmatella on multitabulata, Homotrypa .... Murfreesboro Limestone ...... Murfreesboro, Tennessee mutabilis, Eridotrypa .... Nashville Group Newfoundland New York Nicholson, H. A. Nicholsonella — ?Nicholsonella sp. .... Nickles, J. M. & Bassler, R. ‘Ss. North Carolina, University of Ontario, 2 Ordovician ................ Ottawa ovata, Calopora parafrondifera, Nicholsonella . parallela, Monticulipora patera, Heterotrypa Perry, T. G Pierce Limestone Polycylindricus Porterfieldian Prasopora Prasopora sp. ... ?Prasopora sp. pulchra, Nicholsonella Quebec Quimbys Mill Formation 284, 286, 287 302 68, 211, 301, 302 48, 212, 228-230 219, 291, 241 196 215 197, 209, 211 mete 411!) 216 236, 237 ..56, 212, 239, 240, 260-262 ius chissene Widener 289 290 287 ...219, 222, 233, 287 “A7Gopp., SG pls =e ee Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 109-114), 412 epps) 34 pls) eee Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos US s00G) eo) (738) Pps roa LS ote ee neers a Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Omtfrs WA are SEY) fo aea, (SCH) CR eae eae en eee Jackson Eocene mollusks. (INosivl 18-128) 2) 458 pp.50 27 | psa cerns Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Noss 129-133)2)\ 294 pp. 39 ops. eee = Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos. 134-139) 448) pp, 50) DUS) coarse Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- graphy paleontology. (Nos. 140-145). - 400 pp., 19 pls. 2. Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods and conularid bibliography. (Nos. 146-154) 386 ippy3lt pls: 4 eee eee G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Volutidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos: 155-160)" 412) pp. SS pls. ee see eee ene Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian Chazyan Antillean Cretaceous rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos: 165-176)... 447 pp.;. 53. pls; 2 ee ee Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Noas*177-183). 448 pp, 36 pls... ee Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary forma- tions and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American- European species, Puerto Rico forams. (No: 5884) (996-pps, pis i ee eee Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. (Nos? 185-192)" 381 opps, 35) plas: see eee rene cee snceeene see ewece Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. CINOs0193)5) 673) peg 4 Siy PIS. cece eter care eenerees cesatneeeeremeaarerweaes Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. (Noss 1942198) 427. pps SO Ss eer ene cece een eeenaneceeen Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Missis- sippian forams, Cuban rudists. (INoss21992203). 365 ‘pps 68) pls cee eee Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- clina, Eumalacostraca. plsy) hoe ee eee tes Canal Zone Foraminifera, 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 ; nN cS » ve ee ny , i iH, i 4 i | ideo, i ny i y co 1 nt ae ; iY Me iy awe i . it if 1 > iv } y ts Hoe * } an , ic i bf i ‘i | j an bi Ve i i 1 , ry i 1 \ if et j Ait i} Oey 1 an % } a} nal a me) yn —* -_— hy i’ ig J a Rays 5 Ray) Se wy) <« S47 S% aA op) 3 op) KuSONTS uu ; wo SEED) WJ nH uJ AASV E> V —_ ied = 4 _ at O) s ve J Yy mp, ra 4 coat 5 ay NY YT. wWweywe Ly —_— fz Z\ aes ~ fg t St | Ovid “Saw Ge \e OF Se le =] @w Ay ae gE ZA a \"' py a A mo AI Ry) A 7” RI] og XS SAY © Ss ae Wash oO an 0 say = FiINgsAd eS = ¥] z J - ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYEIT_LIE INSTITUTION INSTITUTION NOILE saiuvugit INSTITUTION satuvugit JLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYSIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NO 4 y NVINOSHLINS S31u¥Wvyal) SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN SMITHSONIAN Pa ,? * NVINOSHLIWS * ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLIWS Saluvygiq LI! 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TM Pe NEL OUAIEN vl Wa i Lie: 7 \ wenee De eel Vallt mys i {He accspatiteis Rta pais Ge H Were ne Sy se4 By i yeaah HX “nek FF TA Wns wid it ¥; HN atc ori On ya , DAUR! yn Mi Wee \ My TT Tao: en gs tN BAN Reith a Rint i CMe Oa! Ke Hales GU SAR, ict att Cae Pancretrmnt Nim Up ahAN 8 werk Erinn ‘y tei nate si i ‘ tear ‘ th Nita ¥ hy * 4 ys 0 WA eet heh on { LON, Law Aly si W, wn a J betes uae TUN iene ry & i NEO FR At Tea Odich UN Ut ery SMITHSONIAN I tl i 8 4982 a) wht \ * id , t \ it a4 cra! ‘ i t H rudy i ( Cy ayy PURER | A ul i Le we phgh ark ya oy moa bo Wek Ue wt i F t Ga ON iit it | i